House Engrossed


on-call health services; appropriations





State of Arizona

House of Representatives

Fifty-sixth Legislature

First Regular Session









An Act


appropriating monies to the Arizona health care cost containment system administration.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1. Appropriations; Arizona health care cost containment system administration; on-call obstetrics and gynecological services; recommendations; exemption

A. The sum of $7,500,000 is appropriated from the state general fund in each of fiscal years 2023-2024, 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 to the Arizona health care cost containment system administration for on-call obstetrics and gynecological services to maintain service availability in low-volume obstetric delivery areas and rural communities with populations of less than three hundred fifty thousand persons.

B. The administration shall distribute up to $2,500,000 each year to each qualifying community health center and rural hospital for the unreimbursed cost necessary to maintain the availability of on-call obstetrics and gynecological services in low-volume obstetric delivery areas and rural communities.

C. A qualifying community health center or rural hospital that receives monies pursuant to subsection B of this section shall submit in each year that monies are received a report regarding the use of the monies, including the number of deliveries and emergency procedures provided by the on-call health care providers for which the monies were spent.

D. The Arizona health care cost containment system administration shall convene stakeholders and staff to develop recommendations to maintain that obstetrics and gynecological services are provided in low-volume, high risk and rural communities in this state.

E. The appropriation made in subsection A of this section is exempt from the provisions of section 35-190, Arizona Revised Statutes, relating to lapsing of appropriations.