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TO:                  MEMBERS OF THE SENATE

                        APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE

DATE:            June 20, 2022

SUBJECT:      Strike everything amendment to H.B. 2284, relating to search; rescue; human remains; canines



Allows an anatomical gift to be made to a search and rescue unit established or recognized by any federal, state, county or local governmental entity to train search and rescue canines. Outlines requirements for the use of human remains by county search and rescue units.


An anatomical gift is a donation of all or part of a human body that takes effect after a donor's death for the purpose of transplantation, therapy, research or education. An anatomical gift may be made during the life of a donor by the donor, an agent of the donor, a parent of a donor that is an unemancipated minor or the donor's guardian (A.R.S. § 36-843). A donor may make an anatomical gift: 1) by registering to be a donor on the donor registry; 2) in a will; 3) during a terminal illness or injury of the donor by any form of communication addressed by at least two adults; or 4) by donor card or other record (A.R.S. § 36-844). An anatomical gift may be made to the following entities named in a document of gift: 1) an organ procurement organization; 2) a hospital, accredited medical school, dental school, college, university, procurement organization or other appropriate person for research or education; 3) an individual designated by the person making the gift, if the individual is the recipient of the part; or 4) an eye bank or tissue bank
(A.R.S. § 36-850). A document of gift includes a donor card or other record used to make an anatomical gift (A.R.S. § 36-841).

A county sheriff must conduct or coordinate search and rescue operations involving the life or health of any person within the county and may assist in search and rescue operations in another county at the request of another county sheriff (A.R.S. § 11-441).

There is no anticipated fiscal impact to the state General Fund associated with this legislation.


1.   Allows an anatomical gift to be made to a search and rescue unit established or recognized by any federal, state, county or local governmental entity to train search and rescue canines.

2.   Allows a county search and rescue unit to possess human remains for the purpose of training canines used for search and rescue work.

3.   Requires a county sheriff or the sheriff's designee to keep an inventory of all human remains that are kept for the training of search and rescue canines and requires the inventory to be updated when the search and rescue unit:

a)   receives human remains; or

b)   disposes of human remains that are no longer useful to the unit.

4.   Requires each county search and rescue unit that possesses human remains to establish policies and standard operating procedures for access to, the inventory of and the possession and disposal of human remains.

5.   Stipulates that if an anatomical gift is made in a document of gift that does not name a specific person, but that identifies the gift as being for the purpose of search and rescue operations, the gift passes to the coroner or sheriff of the county in which the gift was made.

6.   Allows a coroner or sheriff of the county in which the gift was made to transfer the gift to a canine search and rescue unit established or recognized by any federal, state, county or local governmental entity.

7.   Allows an anatomical gift, if there is more than one purpose of an anatomical gift stated in a document of gift, but the purposes are not stated in any priority and the gift cannot be used for transplantation or therapy, to be used for training search and rescue canines.

8.   Makes technical and conforming changes.

9.   Becomes effective on the general effective date.