Assigned to COM                                                                                                                    FOR COMMITTEE






Fifty-Fifth Legislature, Second Regular Session


FACT SHEET FOR s.b. 1410


auto glass; repair; penalties


Outlines requirements for an automotive glass company or repair facility that conducts glass repair, replacement or recalibration on a vehicle that is equipped with an advanced driver assistance system.


Statute deems it unlawful for a person who sells or repairs auto glass to knowingly:
1) submit a false claim to an insurer for auto glass repair or replacement or for related services;
2) advise a policyholder to falsify the date of damage to the auto glass that results in a change of insurance coverage for the repair or replacement of the auto glass; 3) falsely sign on behalf of a policyholder, or another person, on a work order, insurance assignment form or other related form in order to submit a claim to an insurer for an auto glass repair or replacement or for related services; 4) misrepresent to a policyholder or other person the price of the proposed repairs or replacement being billed to the policyholder's insurance or that the insurer has approved the repairs or replacement; 5) add to, or encourage a policyholder to add to, the damage of auto glass before repair to increase the scope of repair or replacement; and 6) perform work clearly and substantially beyond the level of work necessary to repair or replace the auto glass to put the vehicle back into a safe, pre-damaged condition in accordance with accepted or approved reasonable and customary glass repair or replacement techniques.

            It is also unlawful for a person who repairs auto glass to misrepresent the relationship of the glass repair facility to the policyholder's insurer (A.R.S. § 20-463.01). A person who commits fraud relating to auto glass repair with the intent to injure, defraud or deceive an insurer is guilty of a class 6 felony (A.R.S. § 20-466.01)

There is no anticipated fiscal impact to the state General Fund associated with this legislation.


1.   Requires an automotive glass company or repair facility that conducts glass repair, replacement or recalibration on a vehicle that is equipped with an advanced driver assistance system to:

a)   inform the customer if a recalibration of that system is required and will be performed before performing a vehicle glass repair or replacement; and

b)   meet or exceed the vehicle manufacturer's specifications, if performing a recalibration.

2.   Requires an automotive glass company or repair facility to provide the customer with:

a)   an itemized description of the work being done to the vehicle; and

b)   the total amount the insurer agrees to pay for the work, if an insurer is paying for all or part of the repair.

3.   Prohibits an automotive glass company or repair facility from representing to a customer that the cost of a repair, replacement or recalibration will be paid for entirely by the customer's insurer and at no cost to the customer unless the cost of the repair, replacement or recalibration is fully covered and approved by the insurer.

4.   Requires an automotive glass company or repair facility, if a recalibration was not performed or not completed successfully, to inform the customer electronically or in writing that:

a)   the recalibration was not successful or was not performed; and

b)   that the vehicle should be taken to a vehicle manufacturer's certified dealership, a qualified automotive glass company or repair facility capable of performing the recalibration of an advanced driver assistance system that meets or exceeds the vehicle manufacturer's specifications.

5.   Specifies that an automotive glass company or repair facility that conducts a scan or recalibration for vehicle glass repair or replacement services on a vehicle equipped with an advanced driver assistance system is not limited to vehicle glass, tooling, equipment or repair procedures dictated or recommended by the vehicle manufacturer.

6.   Requires the automotive glass company or repair facility to recalibrate the advanced driver assistance system to meet or exceed the manufacturer's specifications.

7.   Prohibits an automotive glass company or repair facility from billing or charging for vehicle glass repair, replacement or recalibration services that are not performed in accordance with the vehicle manufacturer's specifications.

8.   Subjects a person to a civil penalty of $500 for a violation of the prescribed automotive glass repair requirements.

9.   Defines advanced driver assistance system.

10.  Becomes effective on the general effective date.

Prepared by Senate Research

February 7, 2022
