Fifty-fifth Legislature                                                Government

Second Regular Session                                                  H.B. 2710




(Reference to House engrossed bill)




Page 3, strike lines 26 through 31, insert "purposes prescribed by this section, except that the month and day of birth date, the social security number or any portion thereof, the driver license number or nonoperating identification license number, the Indian census number, the father's name or mother's maiden name, the state or country of birth and the records containing a voter's signature and a voter's e-mail email address shall not be accessible, publicly posted or reproduced by any person"

Line 40, after the period strike remainder of line

Line 41, strike "released for any purpose." insert "Notwithstanding any other law, a voter's e-mail email address may not be released for any purpose."

Page 11, line 7, strike the second comma insert "or"

Line 8, after "occurs" strike remainder of line

Strike line 9

Line 10, strike "materials, including ballot envelopes,"

Page 19, after line 38, insert:

"Sec. 7. Title 16, chapter 4, article 10, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by adding section 16-621.01, to read:

START_STATUTE16-621.01. Affidavit envelope processing centers; observers

The county chairman of each party, by written appointment addressed to the county officer in charge of elections, may designate a party representative to observe the proceedings at a third-party vendor that processes returned affidavit envelopes on behalf of a county.  The county officer in charge of elections shall forward that information to the vendor.  If more than one county contracts with the same vendor or if the county party chairman does not appoint a party representative, the state party chairman may make the designation."END_STATUTE

Amend title to conform









02:29 PM