House Engrossed


assisted living; distance requirements; prohibition





State of Arizona

House of Representatives

Fifty-fifth Legislature

Second Regular Session








An Act


amending title 9, chapter 4, article 6.1, Arizona Revised Statutes, by adding section 9-462.09; amending title 11, chapter 6, article 2, Arizona Revised Statutes, by adding section 11-820.02; relating to local planning.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1. Title 9, chapter 4, article 6.1, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by adding section 9-462.09, to read:

START_STATUTE9-462.09. Assisted living; distance requirements; administrative procedure; notice; definition

a. If a municipality has a zoning ordinance that restricts the distance between assisted living homes, the municipality shall establish an administrative procedure in which a deviation from the separation requirement may be granted as a reasonable accommodation under the fair housing act (P.L. 90-281; 82 Stat. 81; 42 united states code section 3604).

b. On registration as an assisted living home or when a land use application for an assisted living home is filed, the municipality shall provide written notice of the administrative procedure to request a reasonable accommodation as prescribed in subsection a of this section.

c. If a municipality has a zoning ordinance that restricts the distance between assisted living homes, the distance shall be measured on a linear foot basis from lot line to lot line.

D. for the purposes of this section, "Assisted living home" has the same meaning prescribed in section 36-401.  END_STATUTE

Sec. 2. Title 11, chapter 6, article 2, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by adding section 11-820.02, to read:

START_STATUTE11-820.02. Assisted living; distance requirements; administrative procedure; notice; definition

a. If a county has a zoning regulation that restricts the distance between assisted living homes, the county shall establish an administrative procedure in which a deviation from the separation requirement may be granted as a reasonable accommodation under the fair housing act (P.L. 90-281; 82 Stat. 81; 42 united states code section 3604).

b. On registration as an assisted living home or when a land use application for an assisted living home is filed, the county shall provide written notice of the administrative procedure to request a reasonable accommodation as prescribed in subsection a of this section.

c. If a county has a zoning regulation that restricts the distance between assisted living homes, the distance shall be measured on a linear foot basis from lot line to lot line.

D. for the purposes of this section, "Assisted living home" has the same meaning prescribed in section 36-401.  END_STATUTE