Fifty-fifth Legislature                          Military Affairs & Public Safety

First Regular Session                                                   H.B. 2764




(Reference to printed bill)




Page 4, line 44, after "IF" insert ", within three business days after the permit is revoked,"

Line 45, after "safety" strike remainder of line

Page 5, line 1, strike "the permit is revoked" insert "or submit an affidavit to the department of public safety declaring either that the permit was already surrendered or, if the permit cannot be located, that the permit is lost"; after "shall" insert "notify the local law enforcement agency in the jurisdiction in which the person resides that the person possesses a revoked permit.  The local law enforcement agency shall"

Line 2, after the period insert "The local law enforcement agency shall transfer a seized permit to the department of public safety, and"; strike the third "the" insert "A"

Line 3, strike "or seized"

Line 23, after the period insert "If, within three days after the permit is revoked, the person does not voluntarily either surrender the permit or, if the permit cannot be located, submit an affidavit declaring that the permit is lost to the department of public safety, the department of public safety shall notify the local law enforcement agency in the jurisdiction in which the person resides that the person possesses a revoked permit.  The local law enforcement agency shall locate the defendant and seize the permit.  The local law enforcement agency shall transfer a seized permit to the department of public safety."

Page 12, line 24, after "if" insert ", Within three business days after being served with the order of protection,"

Line 25, after "permit" insert "or submit an affidavit declaring either that the permit was already surrendered or, if the permit cannot be located, that the permit is lost"

Line 26, after "shall" insert "notify the local law enforcement agency in the jurisdiction in which the person resides that the person possesses a revoked permit.  The local law enforcement agency shall"

Line 27, after the period insert "The local law enforcement agency shall transfer a seized permit to the department of public safety."

Amend title to conform








11:14 AM