Assigned to GOV                                                                                                                    FOR COMMITTEE






Fifty-Fifth Legislature, First Regular Session




elections; state authority; infringement; opposition


            Asserts that members of the Legislature oppose any attempt by the federal government to interfere with the state legislative authority over elections. Urges Congress to oppose House Resolution 1 (H.R. 1).


            H.R. 1 was introduced during the 117th U.S. Congress and proposes a number of changes to federal campaign finance, ethics and election laws, including requirements relating to election equipment, election security, mail voting, redistricting and voter registration (H.R. 1).

            The U.S. Constitution requires the times, places and manner of holding elections for U.S. Senators and U.S. Representatives to be prescribed by each state legislature and allows Congress to make or alter such regulations at any time, except for the places of choosing U.S. Senators (U.S. Const. art. 1 § 4).

There is no anticipated fiscal impact to the state General Fund associated with this legislation.


1.   Asserts that members of the Legislature oppose:

a)   any attempt by the federal government to usurp, or otherwise interfere with, the state legislative sovereign authority over the management, control and administration of elections; and

b)   H.R. 1 and any subsequent enactment of the terms of the proposal.

2.   Urges Congress to oppose H.R. 1 and any subsequent enactment of the terms of the proposal.

3.   Directs the Secretary of State to transmit copies of the resolution to the President of the U.S. Senate, the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, each member of Congress from Arizona and the President of the Senate of each state legislature.

House Action

GE                   2/18/21      DP       7-6-9-0

3rd Read          3/4/21                    31-29-0

Prepared by Senate Research

March 11, 2021
