Assigned to HHS                                                                                                                     FOR COMMITTEE






Fifty-Fifth Legislature, First Regular Session




acupuncture board; members; auricular acupuncture


            Modifies the Acupuncture Board of Examiners (Board) membership. Allows the Board to issue an acupuncture detoxification specialist certificate, rather than an auricular acupuncture certificate.


            Current statute requires the Board to consist of the following members appointed by the Governor: 1) four members who are licensed to practice acupuncture and who have practiced acupuncture in Arizona for at least three years; 2) three consumers who meet the specified requirements; and 3) two members who meet the specified licensure criteria. The Board's responsibilities include: 1) initiating investigations and taking disciplinary actions; 2) evaluating the qualifications of applicants and issuing licenses to qualified applicants; 3) adopting and using a seal to authenticate official Board documents; 4) establishing fees; and 5) adopting rules for clinical training (A.R.S. §§ 32-3902 and 32-3903). 

            According to the National Cancer Institute, auricular acupuncture is a type of acupuncture where thin needles are inserted at specific points on the outer ear to control pain and other symptoms (NCI). An applicant in Arizona for an auricular acupuncture certificate must have: 
1) successfully completed a Board-approved training program in acupuncture for the treatment of alcoholism, substance abuse or chemical dependency; 2) successfully completed a clean needle technique course approved by the Board; 3) completed the Arizona Statement of Citizenship and Alien State for State Public Benefits Form; 4) submitted the required application; 5) submitted a photograph taken within the past year; 6) a full set of fingerprints for submission; and 7) paid the application fee and certificate fee (Board).

            There is no anticipated fiscal impact to the state General Fund associated with this legislation.


1.   Modifies Board membership requirements as follows:

a)   through January 16, 2022, four members who are licensed to practice acupuncture and who have practiced in Arizona or any other state for at least one year, rather than for at least three years;

b)   through January 17, 2022, three members who are consumers that meet specified criteria and two members who meet prescribed licensure criteria;

c)   beginning January 18, 2022, two members who meets specified licensure criteria;

d)   beginning January 17, 2022, one member who is certified or licensed to practice auricular acupuncture; and

e)   beginning January 20, 2022, three members who are licensed to practice acupuncture and have practiced acupuncture in Arizona or any other state for at least one year.

2.   Requires that Board members are residents of Arizona for at least one year immediately preceding their appointment, rather than three years.

3.   Requires the Board to meet in January of each year to elect a Vice Chairperson, rather than a Secretary.

4.   Allows the Board to issue an acupuncture detoxification specialist certificate, rather than an auricular acupuncture certificate.

5.   Permits the Board to issue an acupuncture detoxification specialist certificate to a person who practices auricular acupuncture for the purpose of treating trauma.

6.   Permits a certified acupuncture detoxification specialist to practice under the supervision of a licensed health care professional and removes references to specified programs.

7.   Requires an auricular acupuncturist to obtain a Board-approved signed informed consent form from a patient before treatment.

8.   Requires a licensee to submit documentation satisfactory to the Board that the licensee has completed at least 15 hours of Board-approved continuing education courses each year on request rather than with a renewal application.

9.   Modifies the definition of acupuncture and defines trauma.

10.  Makes technical and conforming changes.

11.  Becomes effective on the general effective date.

Prepared by Senate Research

February 8, 2021
