Fifty-fifth Legislature

First Regular Session

Senate: TAT DPA 9-0-0-0 | 3rd Read 29-0-1-0

SB 1096: commercial driver licenses; third parties

S/E supplemental appropriations; AHCCCS administration

Sponsor: Senator Pace, LD  25

Committee on Health & Human Services

Summary of the Strike-Everything Amendment to SB 1096


Appropriates $3,011,164,500 in expenditure authority and $27,177,400 from the Children's Health Insurance Program Fund (CHIP) to the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) administration for adjustments in funding formula requirements and implementation of the assessment on hospital revenues (Laws 2020, Chapter 46).


Established by the Legislature in 1981, AHCCCS is Arizona's Medicaid program, a federal health care program jointly funded by the federal and state governments for individuals and families who qualify based on income level.

AHCCCS is required to administer CHIP monies to pay administrative and program costs associated with the operation of the CHIP program. Monies in CHIP, aside from state-appropriated monies, do not lapse. (A.R.S. § 36-2995). According to the FY 2022 Baseline, CHIP revenue includes Medicaid matching monies for Arizona's program, called KidsCare. General Fund monies are used to leverage federal monies for KidsCare. The purpose of the CHIP program is to provide health insurance for low-income children. The eligibility limit for the KidsCare program has been set at 200% of the federal poverty level, which is approximately $52,400 for a family of four.

Laws 2020, Chapter 46 established the Health Care Investment Fund (Fund) and requires the Director of AHCCCS to establish, administer and collect an assessment on hospital revenues for inpatient or outpatient services or both for purposes of the Fund.


1.   ☐ Prop 105 (45 votes)	     ☐ Prop 108 (40 votes)      ☐ Emergency (40 votes)	☐ Fiscal NoteAppropriates $3,011,164,500 in expenditure authority in FY 2021 to the AHCCCS administration for adjustments in funding formula requirements and implementation of Laws 2020, Chapter 46.

2.   Appropriates $27,177,400 from CHIP in FY 2021 to the AHCCCS administration for adjustments in funding formula requirements and implementation of Laws 2020, Chapter 46.



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6.                     SB 1096

7.   Initials EB/IR         Page 0 Health & Human Services


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