Fifty-fifth Legislature

First Regular Session

House: GE DP 7-5-0-1

HCR 2020: lieutenant governor; joint candidacy

Sponsor:  Representative Nutt, LD 14

House Engrossed


Establishes the office of Lieutenant Governor who will run on a joint ticket with the Governor.


The Executive Department of Arizona includes the Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer, Attorney General and Superintendent of Public Instruction (AZ. Const. Art. V § 1).

If the Governor dies, resigns, is removed from office or becomes permanently disabled, the Secretary of State succeeds the office of Governor until a successor is elected in a regular election. If the Secretary of State fails to qualify as Governor, the Attorney General, State Treasurer or Superintendent of Public Instruction succeeds the office of the Governor in the order named (AZ. Const. Art. V § 6).


1.   ☐ Prop 105 (45 votes)	     ☐ Prop 108 (40 votes)      ☐ Emergency (40 votes)	☐ Fiscal NoteAdds the Lieutenant Governor to the Arizona Executive Department.

2.   Instructs nominees for Governor to name a Lieutenant Governor no later than 100 days before an election, then run on a joint ticket with said Lieutenant Governor candidate.

3.   Mandates the name of the nominee for Lieutenant Governor to appear on the ballot with or below the name of the joint nominee for Governor in a manner that indicates they are running on a joint ticket.

4.   States that a vote for a Governor nominee constitutes a vote for the Lieutenant Governor nominee.

5.   Stipulates that for any winning candidate for Governor at the general election, that winning candidate's joint candidate for Lieutenant Governor is the winning candidate for Lieutenant Governor.

6.   States that in the event the Governor dies, resigns, is removed or is permanently incapacitated, the Lieutenant Governor succeeds the office of Governor until the Governor's successor is elected, unless both the Governor and Lieutenant Governor die, resign, are removed from office or are permanently incapacitated within seven days of one another.

7.   Specifies that if the Secretary of State is holding their office by election, they will succeed to office of Governor if the Governor and Lieutenant Governor die, resign, are removed or are permanently incapacitated.

8.   Requires the former Lieutenant Governor, now Governor, to appoint a new Lieutenant Governor to the vacancy of the Lieutenant Governor, subject to a majority vote of the Senate.

9.   Stipulates that the powers and duties of the Lieutenant Governor will be to:

a)   Supervise and direct the Arizona Department of Administration or its successor agency or those duties as directed by the Governor; and

b)   Supervise the powers and duties of the Secretary of State, State Treasurer, Attorney General and the Superintendent of Public Instruction.

10.  Instructs the Secretary of State to submit this proposition to the voters at the next general election.

11.  Declares that this proposition applies beginning with elections for the term of office that starts in 2027.

12.  Makes technical and conforming changes.



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16.                    HCR 2020

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