Fifty-fifth Legislature

First Regular Session

House: GE DPA 13-0-0-0 | APPROP 13-0-0-0

HB 2026: nuclear emergency management; appropriations; assessments

Sponsor:  Representative Kavanagh, LD 23

Caucus & COW


Outlines specific appropriations and assessments from the Nuclear Emergency Management Fund (Fund) in Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 and FY 2023.


In current statute, the Division of Emergency Management (Division) is established within the Department of Emergency and Military Affairs (Department).  The Division is administered under the authority of the adjutant general of the Department and subject to powers vested in the Governor as provided by law.  The Division is tasked with preparing for and coordinating emergency management activities that may be required to reduce the impact of disaster on people or property (A.R.S. § 26-305).

The Division is designated as the lead agency to have the primary and overall responsibility for developing a state plan for off-site response to an emergency caused by an accident at a commercial nuclear generating station (A.R.S. § 26-305.01).  The Legislature is tasked with levying an assessment to provide for the development and maintenance of the state plan for off-site response to an emergency caused by an accident at a commercial nuclear generating station.  These assessments are to provide for the personnel, facilities, equipment, training and testing necessary to comply with criteria for preparation and evaluation of radiological emergency response plans (A.R.S. § 26-306.01).

The Fund is established in statute and consists of monies appropriated in accordance with current law.  The Division must use the Fund for administering and enforcing the state plan.  The monies that are deposited in the Fund are exempt from statutes relating to lapsing of appropriations, except that any monies that remain unexpended and unencumbered at the end of each fiscal year from the distributions made from the Fund to the Division, the Arizona Department of Agriculture and the Department of Health Services and to agencies of Maricopa County revert to the Fund and are used to reduce the assessment and appropriation to the Fund for the following fiscal year (A.R.S. § 26-306.02).


1.    Removes the Arizona Department of Health Services from the distributions made from the Fund. (Sec. 1)

2.    Appropriates the following amounts from the Fund:

a)    $2,131,855 in FY 2022; and

b)    $2,194,391 in FY 2023. (Sec. 2)

3.    Allocates, for use by the Division of Emergency Management of the Department of Emergency and Military Affairs, the following amounts:

a)    The sum of $1,167,392 and 8.5 FTE positions in FY 2022; and

b)    The sum of $1,202,414 and 8.5 FTE positions in FY 2023. (Sec. 2)

4.    Appropriates the following for use by the Radiation Regulatory Agency for programs relating to off-site nuclear emergency response plans:

a)    $201,468 and 2.88 FTE positions in FY 2022; and

b)    $206,968 and 2.88 FTE positions in FY 2023. (Sec. 2)

5.    Provides, for disbursement by the Division of Emergency Management of the Department of Emergency and Military Affairs to departments and agencies of Maricopa County that are assigned responsibilities under the off-site nuclear emergency response plan, the following sums:

a)    $690,925 in FY 2022; and

b)    $710,709 in FY 2023. (Sec. 2)

6.    Allots the following amounts for disbursement by the Division of Emergency Management of the Department of Emergency and Military Affairs to agencies and departments of the town of Buckeye that are assigned responsibilities under the off-site nuclear emergency response plan:

a)    In FY 2022, $72,100; and

b)    In FY 2023, $74,300. (Sec. 2)

7.    Provides for assessments, plus any applicable interest, against each consortium of municipal and public service corporations engaged in operating or constructing a commercial nuclear generating station in Arizona.

a)    Assesses the sum of $2,131,855 in FY 2022.

b)    Assesses the sum of $2,194,391 in FY 2023. (Sec. 3)

8.    Makes technical changes. (Sec. 1)

9.    ☐ Prop 105 (45 votes)	     ☐ Prop 108 (40 votes)      ☒ Emergency (40 votes)	☐ Fiscal NoteContains an emergency clause. (Sec. 4)


Committee on Government & Elections

1.    Modifies the appropriations from the Fund to the following amounts:

a)    In FY 2022, $2,210,929; and

b)    In FY 2023, $2,267,935.

2.    Allocates the following modified amounts to the Arizona Department of Agriculture, rather than the Radiation Regulatory Agency:

a)    $280,512 in FY 2022; and

b)    $280,512 in FY 2023.

3.    Increases the assessments to the following amounts:

a)    $2,210,929 in FY 2022; and

b)    $2,267,935 in FY 2023.


Committee on Appropriations

1.    Modifies the appropriations from the Fund to the following amounts:

a)    In FY 2022, $2,210,929; and

b)    In FY 2023, $2,267,935.

2.    Allocates the following modified amounts to the Arizona Department of Agriculture, rather than the Radiation Regulatory Agency:

a)    $280,512 in FY 2022; and

b)    $280,512 in FY 2023.

3.    Increases the assessments to the following amounts:

a)    $2,210,929 in FY 2022; and

b)    $2,267,935 in FY 2023.







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                        HB 2026

Initials SJ        Page 0 Caucus & COW


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