Fifty-fifth Legislature                                   Health & Human Services

First Regular Session                                                   H.B. 2454




(Reference to printed bill)



Page 1, line 6, strike "on or after"

Line 7, strike "January 1,"; strike "2021" insert "in this state"

Line 19, strike "or research, recommends not" insert ", practice guidelines, regulations, applicable research or relevant claims data, indicates that the services are not appropriate to"

Line 22, after "services" insert "as identified by the diagnostic and procedure codes,"

Line 23, after "care" insert ", unless the telehealth encounter is provided through a platform sponsored or provided by the corporation"; after the period insert "to qualify for the same level of payment, the health care provider must at least offer telehealth services through the interactive use of audio, video or other electronic media.  The health care provider shall have access at the time of the visit to relevant medical records and shall inform the subscriber before the visit if there is a charge for the telehealth encounter."

Line 25, after "documentation" insert ", fraud prevention, identity verification"

Line 26, strike "more"

Strike lines 27 and 28, insert "discriminatory."

Page 2, line 1, strike "necessary due to lack of clear guidance" insert "not addressed"

Line 14, strike "and" insert "who has an existing relationship with"; after "if" insert "both of the following apply:


Page 2, between lines 18 and 19, insert:

"(b) The telehealth encounter is initiated at the request of the subscriber or authorized by the subscriber before the telehealth encounter."

Line 19, strike "sole" insert "sole"

Line 20, strike "that are not"

Strike line 21

Line 22, strike "1996"

Line 28, strike "on or after January 1,"; strike "2021" insert "in this state"

Line 41, strike "or"

Line 42, strike "research, recommends not" insert ", practice guidelines, regulations, applicable research or relevant claims data indicates that the services are not appropriate to"

Line 44, after "services" insert "as identified by the diagnostic and procedure codes,"

Line 45, after "care" insert ", unless the telehealth encounter is provided through a platform sponsored or provided by the health care services organization"; after the period insert "to qualify for the same level of payment, the health care provider must at least offer telehealth services through the interactive use of audio, video or other electronic media.  The health care provider shall have access at the time of the visit to relevant medical records and shall inform the enrollee before the visit if there is a charge for the telehealth encounter."

Page 3, line 3, after "documentation" insert ", fraud prevention, identity verification"

Line 4, after "be" strike remainder of line

Strike line 5, insert "discriminatory."

Line 24, strike "necessary due to lack of clear guidance" insert "not addressed"

Line 37, strike "and" insert "who has an existing relationship with"; after "if" insert "both of the following apply:


Page 3, between lines 41 and 42, insert:

"(b) The telehealth encounter is initiated at the request of the enrollee or authorized by the enrollee before the telehealth encounter."

Line 42, strike "sole" insert "sole"

Line 43, strike "that are not"

Strike line 44

Line 45, strike "1996"

Page 4, line 6, strike "on or after January 1,"; strike "2021" insert "in this state"

Line 18, strike "or research,"

Line 19, strike "recommends not" insert ", practice guidelines, regulations, applicable research or relevant claims data indicates that the services are not appropriate to"

Line 21, after "services" insert "as identified by the diagnostic and procedure codes,"

Line 22, after "care" insert ", unless the telehealth encounter is provided through a platform sponsored or provided by the disability insurer"; after the period insert "to qualify for the same level of payment, the health care provider must at least offer telehealth services through the interactive use of audio, video or other electronic media.  The health care provider shall have access at the time of the visit to relevant medical records and shall inform the insured before the visit if there is a charge for the telehealth encounter."

Line 24, after "documentation" insert ", fraud prevention, identity verification"

Line 25, strike "more"

Strike lines 26 and 27, insert "discriminatory."

Line 45, strike "necessary due to lack of clear guidance" insert "not addressed"

Page 5, line 13, strike "and" insert "who has an existing relationship with"; after "if" insert "both of the following apply:


Page 5, between lines 16 and 17, insert:

"(b) The telehealth encounter is initiated at the request of the insured or authorized by the insured before the telehealth encounter."

Line 17, strike "sole" insert "sole"

Line 18, strike "that are not"

Strike line 19

Line 20, strike "1996"

Line 26, strike "on or after January 1,"; strike "2021" insert "in this state"

Line 39, strike "or"

Line 40, strike "research, recommends not" insert ", practice guidelines, regulations, applicable research or relevant claims data indicates that the services are not appropriate to"

Line 42, after "services" insert "as identified by the diagnostic and procedure codes,"

Line 43, after "care" insert ", unless the telehealth encounter is provided through a platform sponsored or provided by the group or blanket disability insurer"; after the period insert "to qualify for the same level of payment, the health care provider must at least offer telehealth services through the interactive use of audio, video or other electronic media.  The health care provider shall have access at the time of the visit to relevant medical records and shall inform the insured before the visit if there is a charge for the telehealth encounter."

Page 6, line 3, after "documentation" insert ", fraud prevention, identity verification"

Line 4, after "be" strike remainder of line

Strike line 5, insert "discriminatory."

Line 23, strike "necessary due to lack of clear guidance" insert "not addressed"

Line 36, strike "and" insert "who has an existing relationship with"; after "if" insert "both of the following apply:


Page 6, between lines 39 and 40, insert:

"(b) The telehealth encounter is initiated at the request of the insured or authorized by the insured before the telehealth encounter."

Line 40, strike "sole" insert "sole"

Line 41, strike "that are not"

Strike line 42

Line 43, strike "1996"

Page 39, line 32, strike "real-time"

Page 41, between lines 44 and 45, insert:

"15. One physician assistant who is licensed pursuant to title 32, chapter 25.

16. One representative of an organization representing persons who are deaf and hard of hearing.

17. Two representatives of health care insurers."

Renumber to conform

Page 47, strike lines 9 and 10

Renumber to conform

Amend title to conform








5:12 PM

C: mh