Fifty-fifth Legislature                                            Appropriations

First Regular Session                                                   S.B. 1293




(Reference to Senate engrossed bill)




Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert:

"Section 1. Section 5-1301, Arizona Revised Statutes, as added by House Bill 2772, section 4, fifty-fifth legislature, first regular session, as transmitted to the governor, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE5-1301. Definitions

In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:

1. "Adjusted gross event wagering receipts" means an event wagering operator's gross wagering receipts, excluding voided bets, minus winnings paid to authorized participants and any federal excise tax. A deduction from adjusted gross event wagering receipts equal to the value of free bets or promotional credits redeemed by authorized participants may be taken as provided in this paragraph.  The deduction under this paragraph for free bets or promotional credits is limited to the first five years following the effective date of this section as follows:

(a) For years one and two, a deduction not to exceed twenty percent of an event wagering operator's gross wagering receipts.

(b) For year three, a deduction not to exceed fifteen percent of an event wagering operator's gross wagering receipts.

(c) For years four and five, a deduction not to exceed ten percent of an event wagering operator's gross wagering receipts.

(d) For year six and each year thereafter, a deduction of free bets is not allowed. January 1 following the year in which the event wagering operator begins event wagering operations is considered the first year of event wagering for the purposes of this paragraph. An event wagering operator may deduct up to twenty percent of an event wagering operator's gross wagering receipts during any period that the operator conducts event wagering before January 1 of the first year of event wagering operations.

2. "Department" means the department of gaming.

3. "E-sport" means an organized, multiplayer video game competition, particularly between professional players, individually or as teams.

4. "Event wagering":

(a) Means accepting wagers on sports events or other events, portions of sports events or other events, the individual performance statistics of athletes in a sports event or combination of sports events or the individual performance of individuals in other events or a combination of other events by any system or method of wagering, including in person or over the internet through websites and on mobile devices.

(b) Does not include a fantasy sports contest as defined in section 5-1201.

5. "Event wagering employee" means an employee of an event wagering operator, sports facility, management services provider or limited event wagering operator who is directly involved in the management or control of the conduct of event wagering under this chapter in this state.

6. "Event wagering facility" means a facility at which event wagering is conducted under this chapter.

7. "Event wagering operator" means either:

(a) An owner or operator of an Arizona professional sports team or franchise, an operator of a sports facility in this state that hosts an annual tournament on the pga tour or a promoter of a national association for stock car auto racing national touring race in this state, or the  designee of such an owner, operator or promoter, who is licensed to offer event wagering under this chapter.  If an owner, operator or promoter that qualified for an event wagering operator license appoints a designee, the designee will be considered the event wagering operator and the licensee with respect to the applicable license for the purposes of this chapter.

(b) An Arizona Indian tribe or an entity fully owned by an Arizona Indian tribe, or its designee, licensed to operate only mobile event wagering outside the boundaries of its Indian lands and throughout this state if it has signed the most recent tribal-state gaming compact and any applicable appendices or amendments.  If an Indian tribe that qualified for an event wagering operator license appoints a designee, the designee will be considered the event wagering operator and the licensee with respect to the applicable license for the purposes of this chapter.

8. "Limited event wagering operator" means a racetrack enclosure or additional wagering facility that holds a permit issued by the division of racing to offer wagers on horseracing and that is licensed under this chapter.

9. "Official league data" means statistics, results, outcomes and other data related to a sports event or other event obtained pursuant to an agreement with the relevant sports governing body or an entity expressly authorized by the sports governing body to provide such information to licensees that authorizes the use of such data for determining the outcome of sports wagers on sports events or other events.

10. "Licensee" means a person that holds an event wagering operator license, limited event wagering license, supplier license or management services provider license.

11. "Management services provider" means a person that operates, manages or controls event wagering authorized by this chapter on behalf of an event wagering operator or limited event wagering operator, including developing or operating event wagering platforms and providing odds, lines and global risk management, and may provide services to more than one licensed event wagering operator or licensed limited event wagering operator.

12. "Motorsports event" means a national touring racing event that is conducted under the national association of stock car racing tour or a collector car auction event that is held annually in this state and that lists more than ninety percent of vehicles with no reserve, with an average attendance of more than one hundred fifty attendees per year for the event.

12. 13. "Other event" means a competition of relative skill or an event authorized by the Department under this chapter.

13. 14. "Person" means an individual, partnership, committee, association, corporation, Indian tribe or an entity fully owned by an Indian tribe, or any other organization or group of persons.

14. 15. "Professional sport" means a sport conducted at the highest level league or organizational play for its respective sport and includes baseball, basketball, football, golf, hockey, soccer and motorsports.

15. 16. "Prohibited conduct" includes any statement, action or other communication intended to unlawfully influence, manipulate or control a betting outcome of a sports event or other event of any individual occurrence or performance in a sports event or other event in exchange for financial gain or to avoid financial or physical harm.

16. 17. "Prohibited participant" means:

(a) Any individual whose participation may undermine the integrity of the wagering, the sports event or the other event.

(b) Any individual who is prohibited from placing a wager as an agent, proxy or because of self-exclusion.

(c) Any individual who is an athlete, coach, referee, player, trainer or personnel of a sports organization in any sports event or other event overseen by that individual's sports organization who, based on information that is not publicly available, has the ability to determine or to unlawfully influence the outcome of a wager.

(d) An individual who holds a position of authority or influence sufficient to exert influence over the participants in a sporting contest, including coaches, managers, handlers and athletic trainers, such that their actions can affect the outcome of a wager.

(e) An individual with access to exclusive information on any sports event or other event overseen by that individual's sports governing body that is not publicly available information or any individual identified by any lists provided by the sports governing body to the department.

17. 18. "Sports event" means a professional sport or athletic event, a collegiate sport or athletic event, a motor race motorsports event, an e-sport event or an olympic event.

18. 19. "Sports facility" means a facility that is owned or operated by a commercial, state or local government or quasi-governmental entity that hosts professional sports events and that holds a seating capacity of more than ten thousand persons at its primary facility, one location in this state that hosts an annual golf tournament on the PGA tour and one location that holds an outdoor motorsports facility that hosts a national association for stock car auto racing national touring race.

19. 20. "Sports governing body" means an organization headquartered in the United States that prescribes final rules and enforces codes of conduct with respect to a sports event and participants in a sports event.

20. 21. "Tier one sports wager" means a sports wager that is determined solely by the final score or final outcome of the sports event and that is placed before the sports event has begun.

21. 22. "Tier two sports wager" means a sports wager that is not a tier one sports wager.

22.23. "Supplier" means a person that manufactures, distributes or supplies event wagering equipment or software, including event wagering systems.

23. 24. "Wager":

(a) Means a sum of money or thing of value risked on an uncertain occurrence.

(b) Includes tier one and tier two sports wagers, single-game bets, teaser bets, parlays, over-under bets, moneyline bets, pools, exchange wagering, in-game wagering, in-play bets, proposition bets, straight bets and other wagers approved by the Department. END_STATUTE

Sec. 2. Section 5-1304, Arizona Revised Statutes, as added by House Bill 2772, section 4, fifty-fifth legislature, first regular session, as transmitted to the governor, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE5-1304. Licensure; application

A. The department may issue not more than ten event wagering operator licenses to applicants other than an Indian tribe. The department may issue not more than ten event wagering operator licenses to Indian tribes in this state if the Indian tribe receiving a license has signed the most recent tribal-state gaming compact and any applicable appendices or amendments. The department shall issue event wagering operator licenses only to applicants that are either of the following in compliance with this chapter:

1. An owner of an Arizona professional sports team or franchise, operator of a sports facility that hosts an annual tournament on the PGA tour, operator of a motorsports event based in this state, promoter of a national association for stock car auto racing national touring race conducted in this state or the owner's, operator's or promoter's designee, contracted to operate event wagering for both retail event wagering at a sports facility or its complex as prescribed in subsection D of this section and mobile event wagering throughout the state. If a designee is used, the designee shall be considered the applicant and be subject to any requirements of the application process rather than the owner, operator or promoter.

2. An Indian tribe, or an entity fully owned by an Indian tribe, or its designee contracted to operate only mobile event wagering outside the boundaries of its Indian lands and throughout the state if it has signed the most recent tribal-state gaming compact and any applicable appendices or amendments.

B. An applicant for an event wagering license shall submit an application in a form prescribed by the Department, including all of the following:

1. The identification of the applicant's principal owners that own more than five percent of the company, the partners, the members of its board of directors and the officers, the identification of any holding company, including its Principals, engaged by the applicant to assist in the management or operation of event wagering, if applicable, and information to verify that the applicant is qualified to hold a license under subsection A of this section.

2. A full set of fingerprints for the purpose of obtaining a state and federal criminal records check pursuant to section 41-1750 and Public Law 92-544. The department of public safety may exchange this fingerprint data with the federal bureau of investigation.  The fingerprints shall be furnished by the applicant's officers and directors, if a corporation, members, if a limited liability company, and partners, if a partnership.  An applicant convicted of a disqualifying offense may not be licensed.

3. Information, documentation and assurances as may be reasonably required to establish by clear and convincing evidence the applicant's good character, honesty and integrity, including information that pertains to family connections, criminal and arrest records, business activities, financial affairs and business, professional and personal associates covering at least the ten-year period immediately preceding the filing of the application.

4. A Notice and description of civil judgments obtained against the applicant pertaining to antitrust or security regulation laws of the federal government, of this state or of any other state, jurisdiction, province or country.

5. If the applicant has conducted gaming operations in a jurisdiction that allows such activity, letters of compliance from the regulatory body that regulates event wagering, sports wagering or any other gaming activity that the applicant is licensed for, conducts or operates under jurisdiction of the regulatory body.

6. Information, documentation and assurances concerning financial background and resources of the applicant or its management services provider as may be required to establish by clear and convincing evidence the financial stability, integrity and responsibility of the applicant or its management services provider, including bank references, business and personal income and disbursement schedules, tax returns and other reports filed with governmental agencies, and business and personal accounting and check records and ledgers. Each applicant or its management services provider, in writing, shall authorize the examination of all bank accounts and records as may be deemed necessary by the Department. The department may consider any relevant evidence of financial stability. The applicant is presumed to be financially stable if the applicant or its management services provider establishes by clear and convincing evidence that it meets each of the following standards:

(a) The ability to ensure the financial integrity of event wagering operations by maintaining a bankroll or equivalent provisions adequate to pay winning wagers to bettors when due.  An applicant is presumed to have met this standard if the applicant or its management services provider maintains, on a daily basis, a bankroll or equivalent provisions in an amount that is at least equal to the average daily minimum bankroll or equivalent provisions, calculated on a monthly basis, for the corresponding month in the previous year.

(b) The ability to meet ongoing operating expenses that are essential to maintaining continuous and stable event wagering operations.

(c) The ability to pay, as and when due, all state and federal taxes.

7. Information to establish by clear and convincing evidence that the applicant or its management services provider has sufficient business ability and gaming experience as to establish the likelihood of creating and maintaining a successful and stable event wagering operation.

8. Information regarding the financial standing of the applicant, including each person or entity that has provided loans or financing to the applicant or its management services provider.

9. Information on the amount of adjusted gross event wagering receipts and associated adjusted gross receipts that the applicant expects to generate.

10. A nonrefundable application fee or annual licensing fee as prescribed by section 5-1310.

11. Any additional information required by the department to determine the financial and operational ability to fulfill its obligations as an event wagering operator.

C. Any Applicant for licensure agrees to be subject to State jurisdiction to the extent necessary to determine the applicant's qualification to hold a license, including all necessary administrative procedures, hearings and appeals as provided in title 41, chapter 6 and department rules.

D. A license issued by the department pursuant to this section authorizes an event wagering operator identified in subsection A, paragraph 2 of this section to operate only mobile event wagering or an event wagering operator identified in subsection A, paragraph 1 of this section to offer both:

1. Event wagering in this state through an event wagering facility within a five-block radius of the event wagering operator's sports facility or, in the case of a designee, the sports facility or the designating owner, operator or promoter of a professional sports team, event or franchise. An event wagering facility within one mile of a tribal gaming facility must be:

(a) Within a sports complex that includes retail centers that are adjacent to the sports facility.

(b) Not more than one-fourth of a mile from a sports facility within the sports complex.

2. Event wagering through a mobile platform as specified by the Department. A licensed event wagering operator or its designated management services provider may offer event wagering through an event wagering platform as specified by the department.

E. A license issued under this section is valid for five years if the licensee submits an annual license fee, maintains the qualifications to obtain a license under this section and substantially complies with this chapter and other laws and rules relating to event wagering. A licensee may renew its license by submitting an application in a form prescribed by department rule and the application fee.  A license may not be renewed if it is determined by the Department that the event wagering operator has not substantially complied with this chapter or any other law regulating its event wagering operations or other operations licensed by the department. A licensee shall submit the nonrefundable annual license and application fees prescribed in section 5-1310 with its application for the renewal of its license.

F. A person may not apply for or obtain more than one event wagering operator license. A management services provider may offer services to more than one event wagering operator.END_STATUTE

Sec. 3. Conditional enactment

This act does not become effective unless House Bill 2772, fifty-fifth legislature, first regular session, relating to amusements and sports, becomes law."

Amend title to conform








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