Fifty-fifth Legislature                                                         

First Regular Session                                                           




(Reference to Senate engrossed bill)




Page 1, strike lines 2 through 34

Renumber to conform

Strike line 41, insert "and"

Page 3, line 33, after "A." insert "In addition to any requirements of regulatory and accreditation agencies,"

Page 5, strike lines 1 through 12, insert:

"Sec. 5. Joint legislative psychiatric hospital review council; members; duties; reports; delayed repeal

A. The joint legislative psychiatric hospital review council is established consisting of the following members:

1. Two members of the house of representatives who are not members of the same political party and who are appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives. The speaker of the house of representatives shall designate one of these members to serve as cochairperson of the committee.

2. Two members of the senate who are not members of the same political party and who are appointed by the president of the senate. The president of the senate shall designate one of these members to serve as cochairperson of the committee.

3. The director of the Arizona health care cost containment system or the director's designee.

4. The director of the department of health services or the director's designee.

5. A judge of a superior court in which cases involving persons with serious mental illness are routinely adjudicated who is appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives.

6. A person who provides legal representation to and advocates on behalf of persons with serious mental illness who is appointed by the president of the senate.

7. A family member of a person with serious mental illness who is appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives.

8. A psychiatrist who specializes in treating persons with serious mental illness and who is appointed by the president of the senate.

B. Review council members are not eligible to receive compensation but are eligible for reimbursement of expenses under title 38, chapter 4, article 2, Arizona Revised Statutes.

C. The review council shall review, analyze and make recommendations regarding at least the following:

1. Psychiatric hospital capacity in this state, including the bed capacity at the Arizona state hospital and other public facilities.

2. The role of private facilities in addressing psychiatric treatment needs.

3. Innovative programs to ensure public safety while providing clinically appropriate treatment in the most integrated setting.

4. Legal barriers.

5. Current waiting lists.

6. Barriers to accessing appropriate inpatient care.

7. Licensing barriers.

8. Any other issues related to inpatient psychiatric treatment.

D. The cochairpersons of the review council shall invite subject matter experts from the fields of law, behavioral health and behavioral health system development to advise the review council.

E. On or before December 31, 2021 and December 31, 2022, the review council shall submit a report of its findings and recommendations to the speaker of the house of representatives, the president of the senate and the governor and shall provide a copy of the reports to the secretary of state.

F. This section is repealed from and after August 31, 2023."

Amend title to conform

And, as so amended, it do pass








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