Assigned to HHS                                                                                                 AS PASSED BY COMMITTEE






Fifty-Fourth Legislature, Second Regular Session





dental hygienists; affiliated practice


            Expands affiliated practice agreement requirements to include the conditions under which a dental hygienist is permitted to administer local anesthesia and provide root planning. Prohibits affiliated practice dental hygienists from administering nitrous oxide.


            Statute authorizes dental hygienists to practice under the general supervision of a licensed dentist who is available for consultation, whether the dentist is or is not in the office, over procedures that the dentist authorizes and for which the dentist maintains responsibility. Licensed dental hygienists are also permitted to enter into affiliated practice agreements with licensed dentists for the delivery of dental hygiene services. An affiliated practice agreement must be in writing and include an identification of: 1) the affiliated practice settings in which the dental hygienist must deliver services; and 2) provided services and any procedures and standing orders the dental hygienist must follow including circumstances when a patient may be seen by the dental hygienist. A contract for dental hygiene services provided by dentists and dental hygienists that have entered into an affiliated practice relationship may be entered into by: 1) a healthcare organization or facility; 2) a long-term care facility; 3) a public health agency or institution; 4) a public or private school authority; 5) a government-sponsored program; 6) a private nonprofit or charitable organization; or 7) a social service organization or program (A.R.S. § 32-1289.01).

            Licensed dental hygienists are currently authorized to perform various dental hygiene procedures including: 1) root planning; 2) periodontal screening; 3) scaling; and 4) administering local anesthetics and nitrous oxide (A.R.S. § 32-1281).

            There is no anticipated fiscal impact to the state General Fund associated with this legislation.


1.      Requires affiliated practice agreements to include the conditions under which affiliated practice dental hygienists are permitted to administer local anesthesia and provide root planning.

2.      Allows an affiliated practice agreement to include the circumstances under which a dental hygienist must consult with the dentist before initiating further treatment on patients who have not been seen by a dentist within a year after the initial treatment by the dental hygienist.

3.      Prohibits affiliated practice dental hygienists from administering nitrous oxide.

4.      Removes the limitation prohibiting a dentist in an affiliated practice relationship from permitting the provision of dental hygiene services by more than three affiliated practice dental hygienists at any one time.

5.      Defines interim therapeutic restoration.

6.      Makes technical and conforming changes.

7.      Becomes effective on the general effective date.

Amendments Adopted by Committee

·         Makes a conforming change.

Senate Action

HHS                2/5/20        DPA       8-0-0

Prepared by Senate Research

February 5, 2020
