SB 1024: medical marijuana; sales data; enforcement

PRIME SPONSOR: Senator Borrelli, LD 5


                                Ways & Means: DPA 10-0-0-0



☒ Prop 105 (45 votes)	     ☐ Prop 108 (40 votes)      ☒ Emergency (40 votes)	☐ Fiscal NotePermits the Department of Revenue (DOR) to review the records of a nonprofit medical marijuana dispensary (Dispensary).


Doctors were first permitted to prescribe class one controlled substances such as marijuana in Arizona by ballot initiative Proposition 200 in 1996 (A.R.S. §13-3412.01). In 2010 proposition 203 expanded the legal status of medical use marijuana by allowing the licensing of dispensaries and registration of patients with a qualifying medical condition under the Department of Health services (DHS) (Title 36 Chapter 28.1 Arizona Revised Statutes).

DHS oversees the registration and certification of Dispensaries. Dispensaries must operate on a not-for-profit basis (A.R.S. §§36-2804, 36-2806) and obtain a transaction privilege tax (TPT) license from the DOR (A.A.C. Title 9 Chapter 17).


1.       Authorizes the Department of Revenue to review confidential information from the Department of Health Services in determining if a Dispensary is in compliance with the tax requirements outlined in statute. (Sec. 2)

2.       Allows DHS to revoke the registration of a Dispensary that does not comply with the tax requirements outlined in statute. (Sec. 1)

3.       Permits the Department of Health Services to share with the Department of Revenue licensee information of a Dispensary including:

a.       Its name,

b.       Registry identification number,

c.        Physical address,

d.       Cultivation site,

e.       TPT license number,

f.         Information about its supplier,

g.       All sales data. (Sec. 1)

4.       Prohibits the sharing of any registered qualifying patient-specific information. (Sec. 1)

5.       Contains a Proposition 105 clause. (Sec. 3)

6.       Contains an emergency clause. (Sec. 4)

7.       Makes technical changes. (Sec. 1, 2)




Committee on Ways and Means

1.       Removes the requirement for DHS to revoke a Dispensaries license if found not in compliance with tax regulations but maintains the option.




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Fifty-fourth Legislature                       SB 1024

First Regular Session                            Version 2: Caucus & COW


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