HB 2556: agricultural property; uses; rural activities

PRIME SPONSOR: Representative Finchem, LD 11

BILL STATUS: Transmitted to Governor





☐ Prop 105 (45 votes)	     ☐ Prop 108 (40 votes)      ☐ Emergency (40 votes)	☐ Fiscal NoteDefines agritourism and sets criteria for it to be classified as class two agricultural real property.


Agritourism is not currently defined in statute. Agricultural real property purposes is defined in statute as land and improvements devoted to a list of rural activities including the producing, processing, and packaging of agricultural products listed in statute (A.R.S. 42-12151). Agricultural real property is classified in statute as class two property which currently has an assessment ratio of 15% (A.R.S. 42-12002).


1.       Defines agritourism as any activity that allows members of the public to view, enjoy and participate in rural activities for recreational or educational purposes. (Sec. 1)

2.       Excludes the following from the definition of general agricultural purposes, as applicable to the prohibition against a county ordinance regulating agricultural land that is five or more contiguous acres:

a.       Food establishments under the authority of the Department of Health Services that are associated with an agritourism business; and,

b.       Rodeo events that are open to the public and that sell tickets for admission. (Sec. 2)

3.       Includes land and improvements devoted to agritourism in the definition of agricultural real property. (Sec. 3)



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7.       Fifty-fourth Legislature                       HB 2556

8.       First Regular Session                            Version 6: Transmitted


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