REFERENCE TITLE: tax corrections act of 2018




State of Arizona


Fifty-third Legislature

Second Regular Session



SB 1294


Introduced by

Senator Farnsworth D





amending sections 20‑224, 20‑224.01, 20‑224.03, 20‑837, 20‑1010, 20‑1060, 20‑1097.07, 41‑1512 and 42‑1125, Arizona Revised Statutes; Amending section 42‑2003, Arizona Revised Statutes, as amended by laws 2017, chapter 96, section 1, chapter 258, section 43 and chapter 340, section 2; amending section 42‑2003, Arizona Revised Statutes, as amended by laws 2017, chapter 96, section 1, chapter 139, section 4, chapter 258, section 43 and chapter 340, section 2; amending sections 42‑3401, 42‑3406, 42‑3462, 42‑3501, 42‑5005, 42‑5014, 42‑5073, 42‑6004, 42‑11132, 42‑15010, 43‑224 and 43‑309, Arizona Revised Statutes; repealing section 43‑568, Arizona Revised Statutes; amending section 43‑901, Arizona Revised Statutes; repealing sections 43‑902, 43‑903 and 43‑904, Arizona Revised Statutes; providing for renumbering; amending section 43‑931, Arizona Revised Statutes; repealing sections 43‑932 and 43‑933, Arizona Revised Statutes; amending sections 43‑1021, 43‑1022 and 43‑1024, Arizona Revised Statutes; repealing section 43‑1032, Arizona Revised Statutes; amending sections 43‑1042, 43‑1043, 43‑1074, 43‑1074.01, 43‑1076, 43‑1083, 43‑1083.03, 43‑1121, 43‑1122, 43‑1123, 43‑1124, 43‑1127, 43‑1130.01, 43‑1161, 43‑1162, 43‑1164.04, 43‑1168 and 43‑1603, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to taxation.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1.  Section 20-224, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE20-224.  Premium tax; reports

A.  On or before March 1 of each year, each authorized domestic insurer, each other insurer and each formerly authorized insurer referred to in section 20‑206, subsection B shall file with the director a report in a form prescribed by the director showing total direct premium income including policy membership and other fees and all other considerations for insurance from all classes of business whether designated as a premium or otherwise received by it during the preceding calendar year on account of policies and contracts covering property, subjects or risks located, resident or to be performed in this state, after deducting from such total direct premium income applicable cancellations, returned premiums, the amount of reduction in or refund of premiums allowed to industrial life policyholders for payment of premiums direct to an office of the insurer and all policy dividends, refunds, savings coupons and other similar returns paid or credited to policyholders within this state and not reapplied as premiums for new, additional or extended insurance.  No deduction shall be made of the cash surrender values of policies or contracts.  Considerations received on annuity contracts, as well as the unabsorbed portion of any premium deposit, shall not be included in total direct premium income, and neither shall be subject to tax.  The report shall separately indicate the total direct fire insurance premium income received from property located in the incorporated cities and towns certified by the office of the state fire marshal pursuant to section 9‑951, subsection B, as procuring the services of a private fire company.

B.  Coincident with the filing of the tax report, each insurer shall pay to the director for deposit, pursuant to sections 35‑146 and 35‑147, a tax on such net premiums at the following rates:

1.  For fire insurance:

(a)  On property located in a city or town certified by the office of the state fire marshal pursuant to section 9‑951, subsection B, as procuring the services of a private fire company, .66 percent.

(b)  On all other property, 2.2 percent.

2.  For disability insurance, 2.0 percent.

3.  For health care service plans, the rates prescribed under sections 20‑837, 20‑1010 and 20‑1060.

4.  For other insurance:

(a)  For premiums received in calendar year 2016, 1.95 percent.

(b)  For premiums received in calendar year 2017, 1.90 percent.

(c)  For premiums received in calendar year 2018, 1.85 percent.

(d)  For premiums received in calendar year 2019, 1.80 percent.

(e)  For premiums received in calendar year 2020, 1.75 percent.

(f)  For premiums received in calendar year 2021 and for each subsequent calendar year, 1.70 percent.

C.  Any payments of tax pursuant to subsection F of this section shall be deducted from the tax payable pursuant to subsection B of this section.  Each insurer shall reflect the cost savings attributable to the lower tax in fire insurance premiums charged on property located in an incorporated city or town certified by the office of the state fire marshal pursuant to section 9‑951, subsection B, as procuring the services of a private fire company.  No insurer shall be liable to the state or to any other person, or shall be subject to regulatory action, relating to the calculation or submittal of fire insurance premium taxes based in good faith on the office of the state fire marshal's certification.

D.  Eighty‑five percent of the tax paid under this section by an insurer on account of premiums received for fire insurance shall be separately specified in the report and shall be apportioned in the manner provided by sections 9‑951, 9‑952 and 9‑972, except that all of the tax so allocated to a fund of a municipality or fire district that has no volunteer firefighters or pension obligations to volunteer firefighters shall be appropriated to the account of the municipality or fire district in the public safety personnel retirement system and all of the tax so allocated to a fund of a municipality or fire district that has both full‑time paid firefighters and volunteer firefighters or pension obligations to full‑time paid firefighters or volunteer firefighters shall be appropriated to the account of the municipality or fire district in the public safety personnel retirement system where it shall be reallocated by actuarial procedures proportionately to the municipality or fire district for the account of the full‑time paid firefighters and to the municipality or fire district for the account of the volunteer firefighters.  A municipality or fire district shall provide to the public safety personnel retirement system all information that the system deems necessary to perform the reallocation prescribed by this section.  A full accounting of the reallocation shall be forwarded to the municipality or fire district and its local boards.

E.  This section shall not apply to title insurance, and such insurers shall be taxed as provided in section 20‑1566.

F.  Any insurer that paid or is required to pay a tax of fifty thousand dollars or more on net premiums received during the preceding calendar year, pursuant to subsection B of this section and sections 20‑224.01, 20‑837, 20‑1010, 20‑1060 and 20‑1097.07, shall file on or before the fifteenth day of each month from March through August a report for that month, on a form prescribed by the director, accompanied by a payment in an amount equal to fifteen percent of the amount paid or required to be paid during the preceding calendar year pursuant to subsection B of this section and sections 20‑224.01, 20‑837, 20‑1010, 20‑1060 and 20‑1097.07.  The payments are due and payable on or before the fifteenth day of each month and shall be made to the director for deposit, pursuant to sections 35‑146 and 35‑147.

G.  Except for the tax paid on fire insurance premiums pursuant to subsections B and D of this section, an insurer may claim a premium tax credit if the insurer qualifies for a credit pursuant to section 20‑224.03, 20‑224.04, 20‑224.06 or 20‑224.07.

H.  On receipt of a properly documented claim, a refund shall be provided to an insurer from available funds for the excess amount of any fire insurance premium improperly paid by the insurer.  The insurer shall reflect the refund in the fire insurance premiums charged on the property that was charged the excessive amount.

I.  On or before September 30 of each year, the director of insurance shall report to the directors of the joint legislative budget committee and the governor's office of strategic planning and budgeting on the amount of insurance premium tax credits established by sections 20‑224.03, 20‑224.04, 20‑224.05, 20‑224.06 and 20‑224.07 that were used during the previous fiscal year.

J.  For the purposes of:

1.  Subsection B of this section, fire insurance is one hundred percent of fire lines, forty percent of commercial multiple peril nonliability lines, thirty‑five percent of homeowners' multiple peril lines, twenty‑five percent of farm owners' multiple peril lines and twenty percent of allied lines.

2.  Section 20‑416, fire insurance is eighty‑five percent of fire and allied lines.

K.  From and after December 31, 2017, the director may require that reports and payments under this section be submitted electronically.  If the director requires electronic submission, the director shall include on the department's official website a list of one or more acceptable third‑party services through which an insurer must submit reports and payments.END_STATUTE

Sec. 2.  Section 20-224.01, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE20-224.01.  Additional premium tax; civil penalty

A.  Coincident with the filing of the tax report as required in section 20‑224, each insurer shall pay to the director, for deposit, pursuant to sections 35‑146 and 35‑147, a tax of .4312 per cent percent of such net premiums received from all insurance carried for or on vehicles as defined in section 28‑101, in addition to other applicable taxes.

B.  The tax of .4312 per cent percent of such net premiums received by the director and paid by an insurer on account of premiums received for insurance on certain vehicles as defined in section 28‑101 shall be separately specified in the insurer's report required in section 20‑224 and is appropriated to the public safety personnel retirement system and shall be transferred by the state treasurer to the board of trustees of the public safety personnel retirement system for deposit in the highway patrol account.  If the tax received is greater than the amount necessary to fund the highway patrol account, beginning in the 1991‑1992 fiscal year the state treasurer shall deposit the excess in the Arizona highway patrol fund established in by section 41‑1752 in any amount required by legislative appropriation.

C.  An insurer shall report and pay the taxes required by this section in the manner prescribed by section 20‑224.  An insurer who fails to pay the tax on or before the prescribed payment dates is subject to a civil penalty determined pursuant to section 20‑225.

D.  An insurer shall not claim a premium tax credit pursuant to section 20‑224.03 or 20‑224.04 for the premium taxes paid pursuant to this section.END_STATUTE

Sec. 3.  Section 20-224.03, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE20-224.03.  Premium tax credit for new employment

A.  For taxable years beginning from and after June 30, 2011, a credit is allowed against the premium tax liability imposed pursuant to section 20‑224, 20‑837, 20‑1010, 20‑1060 or 20‑1097.07 for net increases in full‑time employees residing in this state and hired in qualified employment positions in this state as computed and certified by the Arizona commerce authority pursuant to section 41‑1525.  For the purposes of this section and section 41-1525:

1.  A tax credit is not allowed against the portion of the tax payable to the fire fighters' relief and pension fund pursuant to section 20‑224 or the portion of the tax payable to the public safety personnel retirement system pursuant to section 20‑224.01.

2.  A reciprocal insurer and its attorney-in-fact are considered to be the same entity for the purposes of calculating the tax credit under this section.

B.  Subject to subsection F of this section, the amount of the tax credit is equal to:

1.  Three thousand dollars for each full‑time employee hired in a qualified employment position in the first year or partial year of employment.  Employees hired in the last ninety days of the taxable year are excluded for that taxable year and are considered to be new employees in the following taxable year.

2.  Three thousand dollars for each full‑time employee in a qualified employment position for the full taxable year in the second year of continuous employment.

3.  Three thousand dollars for each full‑time employee in a qualified employment position for the full taxable year in the third year of continuous employment.

C.  The capital investment and the new qualified employment positions requirements of section 41‑1525, subsection B must be accomplished within twelve months after the start of the required capital investment.  No A credit may not be claimed until both requirements are met.  A business that meets the requirements of section 41‑1525, subsection B for a location is eligible to claim first year credits for three years beginning with the taxable year in which those requirements are completed.  Employees hired at the location before the beginning of the taxable year but during the twelve‑month period allowed in this subsection are considered to be new employees for the taxable year in which all of those requirements are completed.  The employees that are considered to be new employees for the taxable year under this subsection shall not be included in the average number of full‑time employees during the immediately preceding taxable year until the taxable year in which all of the requirements of section 41‑1525, subsection B are completed.  An employee working at a temporary work site worksite in this state while the designated location is under construction is considered to be working at the designated location if all of the following occur:

1.  The employee is hired after the start of the required investment at the designated location.

2.  The employee is hired to work at the designated location after it is completed.

3.  The payroll for the employees destined for the designated location is segregated from other employees.

4.  The employee is moved to the designated location within thirty days after its completion.

D.  To qualify for a credit under this section, the insurer and the employment positions must meet the requirements prescribed by section 41‑1525.

E.  A credit is allowed for employment in the second and third year only for qualified employment positions for which a credit was claimed and allowed in the first year.

F.  The net increase in the number of qualified employment positions is the lesser of the total number of filled qualified employment positions created at the designated location or locations during the taxable year or the difference between the average number of full‑time employees in this state in the current taxable year and the average number of full‑time employees in this state during the immediately preceding taxable year.  The net increase in the number of qualified employment positions computed under this subsection may not exceed the difference between the average number of full‑time employees in this state in the current taxable year and the average number of full‑time employees in this state during the immediately preceding taxable year.

G.  A taxpayer who claims a credit under section 20‑224.04 shall not claim a credit under this section with respect to the same employment positions.

H.  G.  If the allowable tax credit exceeds the state premium tax liability, the amount of the claim not used as an offset against the state premium tax liability may be carried forward as a tax credit against subsequent years' state premium tax liability for a period not exceeding five taxable years.

I.  H.  If the business is sold or changes ownership through reorganization, stock purchase or merger, the new taxpayer may claim first year credits only for the qualified employment positions that it created and filled with an eligible employee after the purchase or reorganization was complete.  If a person purchases a taxpayer that had qualified for first or second year credits or if an insurance business changes ownership through reorganization, stock purchase or merger, the new taxpayer may claim the second or third year credits if it meets other eligibility requirements of this section.  Credits for which a taxpayer qualified before the changes described in this subsection are terminated and lost at the time the changes are implemented.

J.  I.  An insurer that claims a tax credit against state premium tax liability is not required to pay any additional retaliatory tax imposed pursuant to section 20‑230 as a result of claiming that tax credit.

K.  J.  A failure to timely report and certify to the Arizona commerce authority the information prescribed by section 41‑1525, subsection E and in the manner prescribed by section 41‑1525, subsection F disqualifies the insurer from the credit under this section.  The department of insurance shall require written evidence of the timely report to the Arizona commerce authority.

L.  K.  A tax credit under this section is subject to recovery for a violation described in section 41‑1525, subsection H.

M.  L.  The department may adopt rules necessary for the administration of this section.

N.  M.  For the purposes of subsection B, paragraphs 2 and 3 of this section, if a full‑time employee in the qualified employment position leaves during the taxable year, the employee may be replaced with another new full‑time employee in the same employment position and the new employee will be treated as being in the employee's second or third full year of continuous employment for the purposes of the credit under this section if:

1.  The total time the position was vacant from the date the employment position was originally filled to the end of the current tax year totals ninety days or less.

2.  The new employee meets all of the same requirements as the original employee was required to meet. END_STATUTE

Sec. 4.  Section 20-837, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE20-837.  Tax exemption; exceptions

A.  Every corporation doing business pursuant to this article is declared to be a nonprofit and benevolent institution and to be exempt from state, county, district, municipal and school taxes, including the taxes prescribed by this title, and excepting only the fees prescribed by section 20‑167 and taxes on real and tangible personal property located within this state.  Each corporation is subject to a state tax of 2.0 per cent percent on net premiums that are received to effect or maintain the corporation's subscription contracts, except that the tax shall not apply with respect to any coverage concerning which the corporation's relationship is as administrative or fiscal agent for national, state or municipal government or any political subdivision or body thereof, and such tax shall not apply with respect to any premiums received from funds of national, state or municipal government or any political subdivision or body thereof.  Such The tax shall be determined, filed and reported in the manner prescribed in section 20‑224.  The failure by a corporation to pay the tax on or before the prescribed payment dates results in a civil penalty determined pursuant to section 20‑225.

B.  A corporation may claim a premium tax credit if the corporation qualifies for a credit pursuant to section 20‑224.03 or 20‑224.04.END_STATUTE

Sec. 5.  Section 20-1010, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE20-1010.  Taxes

A.  On the tax payment dates prescribed in section 20‑224, each prepaid dental plan organization shall pay to the director for deposit, pursuant to sections 35‑146 and 35‑147, in a form prescribed by the director a tax for transacting a prepaid dental plan in the amount of 2.0 per cent percent of prepaid net charges received from members.

B.  The failure by an organization to pay the tax imposed by this section results in a civil penalty determined pursuant to section 20‑225.

C.  A prepaid dental plan organization may claim a premium tax credit if the organization qualifies for a credit pursuant to section 20‑224.03 or 20‑224.04. END_STATUTE

Sec. 6.  Section 20-1060, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE20-1060.  Taxes; exemption

A.  Except as provided in subsection C of this section, on the tax payment dates prescribed in section 20‑224, each health care services organization shall pay to the director for deposit, pursuant to sections 35‑146 and 35‑147, in a form prescribed by the director a tax for transacting a health care plan in the amount of 2.0 per cent percent of net charges received from enrollees.

B.  The failure by an organization to pay the tax imposed by this section results in a civil penalty determined pursuant to section 20‑225.

C.  Payments received by health care services organizations from the United States secretary of health and human services pursuant to a contract issued pursuant to 42 United States Code section 1395mm(g) are not taxable under this section.

D.  A health care services organization may claim a premium tax credit if the organization qualifies for a credit pursuant to section 20‑224.03 or 20‑224.04. END_STATUTE

Sec. 7.  Section 20-1097.07, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE20-1097.07.  Fees and taxes

A.  Any prepaid legal insurance corporation licensed pursuant to this article shall pay those fees prescribed by section 20‑167 and those taxes prescribed by section 20‑224.

B.  A prepaid legal insurance corporation may claim a premium tax credit if the corporation qualifies for a credit pursuant to section 20‑224.03 or 20‑224.04. END_STATUTE

Sec. 8.  Section 41-1512, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE41-1512.  Qualified facility income tax credits; qualification; definitions

A.  For taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2012, income tax credits are allowed for expanding or locating a qualified facility in this state pursuant to sections 43‑1083.03 and 43‑1164.04.  Only capital investments in a qualified facility that are made on or after July 1, 2012 are included in the computation of the credit.

B.  To be eligible for the income tax credits, a taxpayer must apply to the authority, on a form prescribed by the authority, for preapproval of the business as qualifying for the credits.  The application must include:

1.  The applicant's name, address, telephone number and federal taxpayer identification number or numbers.

2.  The name, address, telephone number and e-mail address of a contact person for the applicant.

3.  The address of the site where the qualified facility will be located.

4.  A detailed description of the qualified facility and fixed capital assets.

5.  An estimate of the capital investment and number of employment positions at the qualified facility, including:

(a)  A schedule of qualifying investments.

(b)  A list of full‑time employment positions, the estimated number of employees to be hired for the positions each year during the first five years of operation and the annual wages for each position, calculated without employee-related benefits.

6.  A nonrefundable processing fee in an amount determined by the authority.

7.  Other information as required by the authority to determine eligibility for the income tax credits and the amount of income tax credits, as prescribed by this section.

8.  An affirmation, signed by an authorized executive representing the business, that the applicant:

(a)  Agrees to furnish records of expenditures for qualifying investments to the authority on request.

(b)  Will continue in business at the qualified facility for five full calendar years after postapproval for the credit, other than for reasons beyond the control of the applicant.

(c)  Agrees to furnish to the authority information regarding the amount of income tax credits claimed each year.

(d)  Authorizes the department of revenue to provide tax information to the authority pursuant to section 42‑2003 for the purpose of determining any inconsistency in information furnished by the applicant.

(e)  Agrees to allow site visits and audits to verify the applicant's continuing qualification and the accuracy of information submitted to the authority.

(f)  Consents to the adjustment or recapture of any amount of income tax credit due to noncompliance with this section.

9.  Letters of good standing from the department of revenue stating that the applicant is not delinquent in the payment of taxes.

C.  The applicant may qualify for the income tax credits pursuant to section 43‑1083.03 or 43‑1164.04, as applicable, if:

1.  The applicant makes new capital investment in this state after June 30, 2012 in a qualified facility that is completed in a taxable year beginning from and after December 31, 2012.

2.  At least fifty‑one percent of the net new full-time employment positions at the qualified facility pay a wage that equals or exceeds one hundred twenty‑five percent, or one hundred percent in the case of a qualified facility in a rural location, of the median annual wage for production occupations in this state, as determined by the most recent annual Arizona commerce authority occupational wage and employment estimates issued before the preapproval is issued pursuant to subsection I of this section.

3.  All net new full‑time employment positions include health insurance coverage for the employees for which the applicant pays at least sixty‑five percent of the premium or membership cost.

D.  Final eligibility for an income tax credit is subject to any additional requirements prescribed by section 43‑1083.03 or 43‑1164.04, as applicable.

E.  An applicant may separately apply and qualify with respect to investments for separate expansions of a qualified facility.

F.  The amount of the income tax credit to be preapproved by the authority to a qualifying applicant is ten percent of the lesser of:

1.  The amount the applicant has projected in total qualifying investment in the qualified facility.

2.  Two hundred thousand dollars for each net new full‑time employment position projected by the applicant at a qualified facility.

G.  Beginning with income tax credits allocated for 2013, an approved credit:

1.  Must be claimed on a timely filed original income tax return, including extensions.

2.  Must be claimed in five equal installments as provided by section 43‑1083.03 or 43‑1164.04.

H.  The authority shall establish a process for qualifying and preapproving applicants for the income tax credits.  The authority shall not preapprove applicants as qualifying for credits under this section for any taxable year beginning from and after December 31, 2022.  Preapproval is based on:

1.  Priority placement established by the date that the applicant files its initial application with the authority.

2.  The availability of income tax credit capacity under the dollar limit prescribed by subsection J of this section.

I.  Within thirty days after receiving a complete and correct application, the authority shall review the application to determine whether the applicant satisfies all of the criteria prescribed by this section and either preapprove the project as qualifying for the purposes of an income tax credit or provide reasons for its denial.  The authority shall send copies of each preapproval to the department of revenue.

J.  The authority shall not preapprove income tax credits under this section that combined would exceed seventy million dollars in any calendar year, except as provided by this subsection and subsection K of this section.  A preapproved amount applies against the dollar limit for the year in which the application was submitted regardless of whether the initial preapproval period extends into the following year or years.  The authority shall not preapprove income tax credits under this section for any taxpayer in excess of thirty million dollars in any calendar year.

K.  The authority shall reallocate the amount of income tax credits that are voluntarily relinquished under subsection L of this section, that lapse under subsection M of this section or that lapse under subsection P of this section.  The reallocation shall be to other businesses that applied under this section in the original credit year based on priority placement.  Once reallocated, the amount of the credit applies against the dollar limit of the original credit year regardless of the year in which the reallocation occurs.

L.  A taxpayer may voluntarily relinquish unused credit amounts in writing to the authority.

M.  Preapproval under this section lapses, the application is void and the amount of the preapproved income tax credits does not apply against the dollar limit prescribed by subsection J of this section if, within twelve months after preapproval, the business fails to provide to the authority documentation of its expenditure of two hundred fifty thousand dollars in qualifying investment or, if the period over which the qualifying investment will be made exceeds twelve months, documentation of additional expenditures as required in this subsection for each twelve‑month period.

N.  After October 31 of each year, if the authority has preapproved the maximum calendar year income tax credit amount pursuant to subsection J of this section, the authority may accept initial applications for the next calendar year, but the preapproval of any application pursuant to this subsection shall not be effective before the first business day of the following calendar year.

O.  Before an applicant applies for postapproval under subsection P of this section, the applicant must enter into a written managed review agreement with the chief executive officer of the authority that establishes the requirements of a managed review to be conducted under this subsection at the applicant's expense.  The managed review must be conducted by a certified public accountant who is selected by the applicant, who is licensed in this state or who has a limited reciprocity privilege pursuant to section 32‑725 and who is approved by the chief executive officer.  The certified public accountant and the firm the certified public accountant is affiliated with shall not regularly perform services for the applicant or its affiliates.  The managed review shall include an analysis of the applicant's invoices, checks, accounting records and other documents and information to verify its base investment and other requirements prescribed by section 43‑1083.03 or 43‑1164.04 to confirm the amount of credit.  The certified public accountant shall furnish written findings of the managed review to the chief executive officer.  The chief executive officer shall review the findings and may examine records and perform other reviews that the chief executive officer considers necessary to verify that the managed review substantially conforms to the terms of the managed review agreement.  The chief executive officer shall accept or reject the findings of the managed review.  If the chief executive officer rejects all or part of the managed review, the chief executive officer shall provide written reasons for the rejection.

P.  When the qualified facility begins operations, a business that was preapproved for income tax credits under this section shall apply to the authority in writing for postapproval of the credits and submit documentation certifying the total amount and dates of the qualifying investments and identifying the fixed capital assets associated with the qualified facility incurred after June 30, 2012 through the date of application for postapproval.  For taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2012, the authority shall provide postapproval to a business that has met the eligibility requirements of this section and shall notify the department of revenue that the business may claim an income tax credit pursuant to section 43‑1083.03 or 43‑1164.04.  If the amount of qualifying investment actually spent is less than the amount preapproved for income tax credits, the preapproved amount not incurred lapses and does not apply against the dollar limit prescribed by subsection J of this section for that year.  The department of revenue shall not allow an income tax credit under section 43‑1083.03 or 43‑1164.04 that exceeds the amount of the postapproval for the project under this subsection.  For the purposes of this subsection, "begins operations" means the qualified facility opens for public business.

Q.  The authority may rescind an applicant's postapproval if the business no longer meets the terms and conditions required for qualifying for the credit.  The authority may give special consideration, or allow temporary exemption from recapture of the credit, in the case of extraordinary hardship due to factors beyond the control of the qualifying business.

R.  If the authority rescinds an applicant's preapproval or postapproval under subsection Q of this section, it shall notify the department of revenue of the action and the conditions of noncompliance.  If the department of revenue obtains information indicating a possible failure to qualify and comply, it shall provide that information to the authority. The department of revenue may require the business to file appropriate amended tax returns reflecting any recapture of the credit under section 43‑1083.03 or 43‑1164.04.

S.  Preapproval and postapproval of an applicant for the purposes of income tax credits under this section do not constitute or imply compliance with any other provision of law or any regulatory rule, order, procedure, permit or other measure required by law.  To maintain qualification for a credit under this section, a business must separately comply with all environmental, employment and other regulatory measures.

T.  For five years after postapproval of an income tax credit under this section, in any action involving the liquidation of the business assets or relocation out of state, this state claims the position of a secured creditor of the business in the amount of the credit the business received pursuant to section 43‑1083.03 or 43‑1164.04.  The transfer of part or all of a company's assets that are then leased back by the company is not considered a liquidation under this section.

U.  Any information gathered from a business for the purposes of this section is considered to be confidential taxpayer information and shall be disclosed only as provided in section 42‑2003, subsection B, paragraph 12, except that the authority shall publish the following information in its annual report:

1.  The name of each business and the amount of income tax credits preapproved for each qualifying investment.

2.  The amount of income tax credits postapproved with respect to each qualifying investment.

V.  The authority shall:

1.  Keep annual records of the information provided on applications for qualified facilities.  These records shall reflect a percentage comparison of the annual amount of monies credited to qualified facilities to the estimated amount of monies spent in this state in the form of qualifying investments.

2.  Maintain annual data on growth in this state of qualified facilities and related employment and wages.

3.  Not later than April 30 following each calendar year, prepare and publish a report summarizing the information collected pursuant to this subsection.  The authority shall make copies of the annual report available to the public on request.

W.  The authority shall adopt rules and prescribe forms and procedures as necessary for the purposes of this section.  The authority and the department of revenue shall collaborate in adopting rules as necessary to avoid duplication and inconsistencies while accomplishing the intent and purposes of this section.

X.  For the purposes of this section:

1.  "Capital investment" means an expenditure to acquire, lease or improve property that is used in operating a business, including land, buildings, machinery, equipment and fixtures.

2.  "Facility" means a single parcel or contiguous parcels of owned or leased land in this state, the structures and personal property contained on the land or any part of the structures occupied by the owner.  Parcels that are separated only by a public thoroughfare or right-of-way are considered to be contiguous.

3.  "Headquarters" means a principal central administrative office where primary headquarters related functions and services are performed, including financial, personnel, administrative, legal, planning and similar business functions.

4.  "Manufacturing" means fabricating, producing or manufacturing raw or prepared materials into usable products, imparting new forms, qualities, properties and combinations.  Manufacturing does not include generating electricity.

5.  "Qualified facility" means a facility in this state that devotes at least eighty percent of the property and payroll at the facility to one or more of the following:

(a)  Qualified manufacturing.

(b)  Qualified headquarters.

(c)  Qualified research.

6.  "Qualified headquarters" means a global, national or regional headquarters for a taxpayer that is involved in manufacturing and that derives at least sixty‑five percent of its revenue from out‑of‑state sales.

7.  "Qualified manufacturing" means manufacturing tangible products in this state if at least sixty‑five percent of the product will be sold out of state.

8.  "Qualified research" has the same meaning prescribed by section 41(d) of the internal revenue code, as defined by section 43‑105, except that the research must be conducted by a taxpayer involved in manufacturing that derives at least sixty‑five percent of its revenue from out-of-state sales.

9.  "Qualifying investment" means investment in land, buildings, machinery, equipment and fixtures for expansion of an existing qualified facility or establishment of a new qualified facility in this state after June 30, 2012 for a facility completed in a taxable year beginning from and after December 31, 2012.  If the qualified facility is a build‑to‑suit facility leased to the taxpayer, qualifying investment includes the costs prescribed in this paragraph that are spent by the third‑party developer with respect to the qualified facility.  Qualifying investment does not include relocating an existing qualified facility in this state to another location in this state without additional capital investment of at least two hundred fifty thousand dollars.

10.  "Rural location" means a location that is within the boundaries of tribal lands or a city or town with a population of less than fifty thousand persons or a county with a population of less than eight hundred thousand persons. END_STATUTE

Sec. 9.  Section 42-1125, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE42-1125.  Civil penalties; definition

A.  If a taxpayer fails to make and file a return for a tax administered pursuant to this article on or before the due date of the return or the due date as extended by the department, unless it is shown that the failure is due to reasonable cause and not due to wilful neglect, four and one‑half percent of the tax required to be shown on such return shall be added to the tax for each month or fraction of a month elapsing between the due date of the return and the date on which it is filed.  The total penalty shall not exceed twenty‑five percent of the tax found to be remaining due.  The penalty so added to the tax is due and payable on notice and demand from the department.  For the purpose of computing the penalty imposed under this subsection, the amount required to be shown as tax on a return shall be reduced by the amount of any part of the tax that is paid on or before the beginning of such month and by the amount of any credit against the tax that may be claimed on the return.  If the amount required to be shown as tax on a return is less than the amount shown as tax on such return, the penalty described in this subsection shall be applied by substituting such lower amount.

B.  If a taxpayer fails or refuses to file a return on notice and demand by the department, the taxpayer shall pay a penalty of twenty‑five percent of the tax, which is due and payable on notice and demand by the department, in addition to any penalty prescribed by subsection A of this section, unless it is shown that the failure is due to reasonable cause and not due to wilful neglect.  This penalty is payable on notice and demand from the department.

C.  If a taxpayer fails or refuses to furnish any information requested in writing by the department, the department may add a penalty of twenty‑five percent of the amount of any deficiency tax assessed by the department concerning the assessment of which the information was required, unless it is shown that the failure is due to reasonable cause and not due to wilful neglect.

D.  If a person fails to pay the amount shown as tax on any return within the time prescribed, a penalty of one‑half of one percent, not to exceed a total of ten percent, shall be added to the amount shown as tax for each month or fraction of a month during which the failure continues, unless it is shown that the failure is due to reasonable cause and not due to wilful neglect.  If the department determines that the person's failure to pay was due to reasonable cause and not due to wilful neglect and that a payment agreement pursuant to section 42‑2057 is appropriate, the department shall not impose the penalty unless the taxpayer fails to comply with the payment agreement.  If the taxpayer is also subject to a penalty under subsection A of this section for the same tax period, the total penalties under subsection A of this section and this subsection shall not exceed twenty‑five percent.  For the purpose of computing the penalty imposed under this subsection:

1.  The amount shown as tax on a return shall be reduced by the amount of any part of the tax that is paid on or before the beginning of that month and by the amount of any credit against the tax that may be claimed on the return.

2.  If the amount shown as tax on a return is greater than the amount required to be shown as tax on that return, the penalty shall be applied by substituting the lower amount.

E.  If a person fails to pay any amount required to be shown on any return that is not so shown within twenty‑one calendar days after the date of notice and demand, a penalty of one‑half of one percent, not to exceed a total of ten percent, shall be added to the amount of tax for each month or fraction of a month during which the failure continues, unless it is shown that the failure is due to reasonable cause and not due to wilful neglect.  If the taxpayer is also subject to penalty under subsection A of this section for the same tax period, the total penalties under subsection A of this section and this subsection shall not exceed twenty‑five percent.  For the purpose of computing the penalty imposed under this subsection, any amount required to be shown on any return shall be reduced by the amount of any part of the tax that is paid on or before the beginning of that month and by the amount of any credit against the tax that may be claimed on the return.

F.  In the case of a deficiency, for which a determination is made of an additional amount due, that is due to negligence but without intent to defraud, the person shall pay a penalty of ten percent of the amount of the deficiency.

G.  If part of a deficiency is due to fraud with intent to evade tax, fifty percent of the total amount of the tax, in addition to the deficiency, interest and other penalties provided in this section, shall be assessed, collected and paid as if it were a deficiency.

H.  If the amount, whether determined by the department or the taxpayer, required to be withheld by the employer pursuant to title 43, chapter 4 is not paid to the department on or before the date prescribed for its remittance, the department may add a penalty of twenty‑five percent of the amount required to be withheld and paid, unless it is shown that the failure is due to reasonable cause and not due to wilful neglect.

I.  A person who, with or without intent to evade any requirement of this article or any lawful administrative rule of the department of revenue under this article, fails to file a return or to supply information required under this article or who, with or without such intent, makes, prepares, renders, signs or verifies a false or fraudulent return or statement or supplies false or fraudulent information shall pay a penalty of not more than one thousand dollars.  This penalty shall be recovered by the department of law in the name of this state by an action in any court of competent jurisdiction.

J.  If the taxpayer files what purports to be a return of any tax administered pursuant to this article but that is frivolous or that is made with the intent to delay or impede the administration of the tax laws, that person shall pay a penalty of five hundred dollars.

K.  If any person who is required to file or provide an information return under this title or title 43 or who is required to file or provide a return or report under chapter 3 of this title fails to file the return or report at the prescribed time or in the manner required, or files a return or report that fails to show the information required, that person shall pay a penalty of one hundred dollars for each month or fraction of a month during which the failure continues unless it is shown that the failure is due to reasonable cause and not due to wilful neglect.  The total penalties for each return or report under this subsection shall not exceed five hundred dollars.

L.  If it appears to the superior court that proceedings before it have been instituted or maintained by a taxpayer primarily for delay or that the taxpayer's position is frivolous or groundless, the court may award damages in an amount not to exceed one thousand dollars to this state.  Damages so awarded shall be collected as a part of the tax.

M.  A person who is required under section 43‑413 to furnish a statement to an employee and who wilfully furnishes a false or fraudulent statement, or who wilfully fails to furnish a statement required by section 43‑413, is for each such failure subject to a penalty of fifty dollars.

N.  A person who is required to collect or truthfully account for and pay a tax administered pursuant to this article, including any luxury privilege tax, and who wilfully fails to collect the tax or truthfully account for and pay the tax, or wilfully attempts in any manner to evade or defeat the tax or its payment, is, in addition to other penalties provided by law, liable for a penalty equal to the total amount of the tax evaded, not collected or not accounted for and paid.  Except as provided in subsections U, V and W of this section, no other penalty under this section relating to failure to pay tax may be imposed for any offense to which this subsection applies.

O.  For reporting periods beginning from and after February 28, 2011, if a taxpayer who is required under section 42‑1129 to make payment by electronic funds transfer fails to do so, that taxpayer shall pay a penalty of five percent of the amount of the payment not made by electronic funds transfer unless it is shown that the failure is due to reasonable cause and not due to wilful neglect.  For the reporting periods beginning on July 1, 2015, the penalty in this subsection applies to any taxpayer who is required under section 42‑3053 to make payment by electronic funds transfer and fails to do so unless it is shown that the failure is due to reasonable cause and not due to wilful neglect.

P.  Unless due to reasonable cause and not to wilful neglect:

1.  A person who fails to provide that person's taxpayer identification number in any return, statement or other document as required by section 42‑1105, subsection A shall pay a penalty of five dollars for each such failure.

2.  A person, when filing any return, statement or other document for compensation on behalf of a taxpayer, who fails to include that person's own taxpayer identification number and the taxpayer's identification number shall pay a penalty of fifty dollars for each such failure.

3.  A person, when filing any return, statement or other document without compensation on behalf of a taxpayer, who fails to include that person's own taxpayer identification number and the taxpayer's identification number is not subject to a penalty.

No other penalty under this section may be imposed if the only violation is failure to provide taxpayer identification numbers.

Q.  If a taxpayer fails to pay the full amount of estimated tax required by title 43, chapter 5, article 6, a penalty is assessed equal to the amount of interest that would otherwise accrue under section 42‑1123 on the amount not paid for the period of nonpayment, not exceeding ten percent of the amount not paid.  The penalty prescribed by this subsection is in lieu of any other penalty otherwise prescribed by this section and in lieu of interest prescribed by section 42‑1123.

R.  Beginning January 1, 2015, if a taxpayer continues in business without timely renewing a municipal privilege tax license as prescribed in section 42‑5005, subsection D, a civil penalty of up to twenty-five dollars shall be added to the renewal fee for each jurisdiction.

S.  The department of law, with the consent of the department of revenue, may compromise any penalty for which it may bring an action under this section.

T.  Penalties shall not be assessed under subsection D of this section on additional amounts of tax paid by a taxpayer at the time the taxpayer voluntarily files an amended return.  This subsection does not apply if:

1.  The taxpayer is under audit by the department.

2.  The amended return was filed on demand or request by the department.

U.  In addition to other penalties provided by law, a person who knowingly and intentionally does not comply with any requirement under chapter 3 of this title relating to cigarettes tobacco products shall pay a penalty of one thousand dollars.  A person who knowingly and intentionally does not pay any luxury tax that relates to cigarettes tobacco products imposed by chapter 3 of this title shall pay a penalty that is equal to ten percent of the amount of the unpaid tax.

V.  A manufacturer or importer or a distributor, as defined in section 42‑3001, who knowingly and intentionally sells or possesses cigarettes with false manufacturing labels or cigarettes with counterfeit tax stamps, or who obtains cigarettes through the use of a counterfeit license, shall pay the following penalties:

1.  For a first violation involving two thousand or more cigarettes, one thousand dollars.

2.  For a subsequent violation involving two thousand or more cigarettes, five thousand dollars.

W.  The civil penalties in this section are in addition to any civil penalty under chapter 3, article 10, 11 or 12 of this title.

X.  Notwithstanding subsection A of this section, the penalty imposed on a taxpayer that fails to make and file a return for tax administered pursuant to chapter 5 or 6 of this title on or before the due date of the return or the due date as extended by the department, unless it is shown that the failure is due to a reasonable cause and not due to wilful neglect, is four and one‑half percent of the tax required to be shown on the return, or twenty-five dollars, whichever is greater.  The penalty shall be added to the tax for each month or fraction of a month elapsing between the due date of the return and the date on which it is filed.  The total penalty may not exceed twenty‑five percent of the tax found to be remaining due, or one hundred dollars, whichever is greater.

Y.  Notwithstanding subsection B of this section, the penalty imposed on a taxpayer that fails to file a return pursuant to chapter 5 or 6 of this title on notice and demand by the department is twenty‑five percent of the tax, or one hundred dollars, whichever is greater.  The penalty is due and payable on notice and demand by the department, in addition to any penalty prescribed by subsection A of this section, unless it is shown that the failure is due to a reasonable cause and not due to wilful neglect.

Z.  For the purposes of this section, and only as applied to the taxes imposed by chapter 5, articles 1 through 6 and chapter 6, articles 1, 2 and 3 of this title, "reasonable cause" means a reasonable basis for the taxpayer to believe that the tax did not apply to the business activity or the storage, use or consumption of the taxpayer's tangible personal property in this state. END_STATUTE

Sec. 10.  Section 42-2003, Arizona Revised Statutes, as amended by Laws 2017, chapter 96, section 1, chapter 258, section 43 and chapter 340, section 2, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE42-2003.  Authorized disclosure of confidential information

A.  Confidential information relating to:

1.  A taxpayer may be disclosed to the taxpayer, its successor in interest or a designee of the taxpayer who is authorized in writing by the taxpayer.  A principal corporate officer of a parent corporation may execute a written authorization for a controlled subsidiary.

2.  A corporate taxpayer may be disclosed to any principal officer, any person designated by a principal officer or any person designated in a resolution by the corporate board of directors or other similar governing body.

3.  A partnership may be disclosed to any partner of the partnership.  This exception does not include disclosure of confidential information of a particular partner unless otherwise authorized.

4.  An estate may be disclosed to the personal representative of the estate and to any heir, next of kin or beneficiary under the will of the decedent if the department finds that the heir, next of kin or beneficiary has a material interest that will be affected by the confidential information.

5.  A trust may be disclosed to the trustee or trustees, jointly or separately, and to the grantor or any beneficiary of the trust if the department finds that the grantor or beneficiary has a material interest that will be affected by the confidential information.

6.  Any taxpayer may be disclosed if the taxpayer has waived any rights to confidentiality either in writing or on the record in any administrative or judicial proceeding.

7.  The name and taxpayer identification numbers of persons issued direct payment permits may be publicly disclosed.

B.  Confidential information may be disclosed to:

1.  Any employee of the department whose official duties involve tax administration.

2.  The office of the attorney general solely for its use in preparation for, or in an investigation that may result in, any proceeding involving tax administration before the department or any other agency or board of this state, or before any grand jury or any state or federal court.

3.  The department of liquor licenses and control for its use in determining whether a spirituous liquor licensee has paid all transaction privilege taxes and affiliated excise taxes incurred as a result of the sale of spirituous liquor, as defined in section 4‑101, at the licensed establishment and imposed on the licensed establishments by this state and its political subdivisions.

4.  Other state tax officials whose official duties require the disclosure for proper tax administration purposes if the information is sought in connection with an investigation or any other proceeding conducted by the official.  Any disclosure is limited to information of a taxpayer who is being investigated or who is a party to a proceeding conducted by the official.

5.  The following agencies, officials and organizations, if they grant substantially similar privileges to the department for the type of information being sought, pursuant to statute and a written agreement between the department and the foreign country, agency, state, Indian tribe or organization:

(a)  The United States internal revenue service, alcohol and tobacco tax and trade bureau of the United States treasury, United States bureau of alcohol, tobacco, firearms and explosives of the United States department of justice, United States drug enforcement agency and federal bureau of investigation.

(b)  A state tax official of another state.

(c)  An organization of states, federation of tax administrators or multistate tax commission that operates an information exchange for tax administration purposes.

(d)  An agency, official or organization of a foreign country with responsibilities that are comparable to those listed in subdivision (a), (b) or (c) of this paragraph.

(e)  An agency, official or organization of an Indian tribal government with responsibilities comparable to the responsibilities of the agencies, officials or organizations identified in subdivision (a), (b) or (c) of this paragraph.

6.  The auditor general, in connection with any audit of the department subject to the restrictions in section 42‑2002, subsection D.

7.  Any person to the extent necessary for effective tax administration in connection with:

(a)  The processing, storage, transmission, destruction and reproduction of the information.

(b)  The programming, maintenance, repair, testing and procurement of equipment for purposes of tax administration.

(c)  The collection of the taxpayer's civil liability.

8.  The office of administrative hearings relating to taxes administered by the department pursuant to section 42‑1101, but the department shall not disclose any confidential information:

(a)  Regarding income tax or withholding tax.

(b)  On any tax issue relating to information associated with the reporting of income tax or withholding tax.

9.  The United States treasury inspector general for tax administration for the purpose of reporting a violation of internal revenue code section 7213A (26 United States Code section 7213A), unauthorized inspection of returns or return information.

10.  The financial management service of the United States treasury department for use in the treasury offset program.

11.  The United States treasury department or its authorized agent for use in the state income tax levy program and in the electronic federal tax payment system.

12.  The Arizona commerce authority for its use in:

(a)  Qualifying renewable energy operations for the tax incentives under sections section 42‑12006, 43‑1083.01 and 43‑1164.01.

(b)  Qualifying businesses with a qualified facility for income tax credits under sections 43‑1083.03 and 43‑1164.04.

(c)  Fulfilling its annual reporting responsibility pursuant to section 41‑1511, subsections U and V and section 41‑1512, subsections U and V.

(d)  Certifying computer data centers for tax relief under section 41‑1519.

13.  A prosecutor for purposes of section 32‑1164, subsection C.

14.  The office of the state fire marshal for use in determining compliance with and enforcing title 37, chapter 9, article 5.

15.  The department of transportation for its use in administering taxes, surcharges and penalties prescribed by title 28.

16.  The Arizona health care cost containment system administration for its use in administering nursing facility provider assessments.

C.  Confidential information may be disclosed in any state or federal judicial or administrative proceeding pertaining to tax administration pursuant to the following conditions:

1.  One or more of the following circumstances must apply:

(a)  The taxpayer is a party to the proceeding.

(b)  The proceeding arose out of, or in connection with, determining the taxpayer's civil or criminal liability, or the collection of the taxpayer's civil liability, with respect to any tax imposed under this title or title 43.

(c)  The treatment of an item reflected on the taxpayer's return is directly related to the resolution of an issue in the proceeding.

(d)  Return information directly relates to a transactional relationship between a person who is a party to the proceeding and the taxpayer and directly affects the resolution of an issue in the proceeding.

2.  Confidential information may not be disclosed under this subsection if the disclosure is prohibited by section 42‑2002, subsection C or D.

D.  Identity information may be disclosed for purposes of notifying persons entitled to tax refunds if the department is unable to locate the persons after reasonable effort.

E.  The department, on the request of any person, shall provide the names and addresses of bingo licensees as defined in section 5‑401, verify whether or not a person has a privilege license and number, a tobacco product distributor's license and number or a withholding license and number or disclose the information to be posted on the department's website or otherwise publicly accessible pursuant to section 42‑1124, subsection F and section 42‑3401.

F.  A department employee, in connection with the official duties relating to any audit, collection activity or civil or criminal investigation, may disclose return information to the extent that disclosure is necessary to obtain information that is not otherwise reasonably available.  These official duties include the correct determination of and liability for tax, the amount to be collected or the enforcement of other state tax revenue laws.

G.  If an organization is exempt from this state's income tax as provided in section 43‑1201 for any taxable year, the name and address of the organization and the application filed by the organization on which the department made its determination for exemption together with any papers submitted in support of the application and any letter or document issued by the department concerning the application are open to public inspection.

H.  Confidential information relating to transaction privilege tax, use tax, severance tax, jet fuel excise and use tax and any other tax collected by the department on behalf of any jurisdiction may be disclosed to any county, city or town tax official if the information relates to a taxpayer who is or may be taxable by a county, city or town or who may be subject to audit by the department pursuant to section 42‑6002.  Any taxpayer information released by the department to the county, city or town:

1.  May only be used for internal purposes, including audits.

2.  May not be disclosed to the public in any manner that does not comply with confidentiality standards established by the department.  The county, city or town shall agree in writing with the department that any release of confidential information that violates the confidentiality standards adopted by the department will result in the immediate suspension of any rights of the county, city or town to receive taxpayer information under this subsection.

I.  The department may disclose statistical information gathered from confidential information if it does not disclose confidential information attributable to any one taxpayer.  The department may disclose statistical information gathered from confidential information, even if it discloses confidential information attributable to a taxpayer, to:

1.  The state treasurer in order to comply with the requirements of section 42‑5029, subsection A, paragraph 3.

2.  The joint legislative income tax credit review committee, the joint legislative budget committee staff and the legislative staff in order to comply with the requirements of section 43‑221.

J.  The department may disclose the aggregate amounts of any tax credit, tax deduction or tax exemption enacted after January 1, 1994. Information subject to disclosure under this subsection shall not be disclosed if a taxpayer demonstrates to the department that such information would give an unfair advantage to competitors.

K.  Except as provided in section 42‑2002, subsection C, confidential information, described in section 42‑2001, paragraph 1, subdivision (a), item (ii), may be disclosed to law enforcement agencies for law enforcement purposes.

L.  The department may provide transaction privilege tax license information to property tax officials in a county for the purpose of identification and verification of the tax status of commercial property.

M.  The department may provide transaction privilege tax, luxury tax, use tax, property tax and severance tax information to the ombudsman‑citizens aide pursuant to title 41, chapter 8, article 5.

N.  Except as provided in section 42‑2002, subsection D, a court may order the department to disclose confidential information pertaining to a party to an action.  An order shall be made only on a showing of good cause and that the party seeking the information has made demand on the taxpayer for the information.

O.  This section does not prohibit the disclosure by the department of any information or documents submitted to the department by a bingo licensee.  Before disclosing the information the department shall obtain the name and address of the person requesting the information.

P.  If the department is required or permitted to disclose confidential information, it may charge the person or agency requesting the information for the reasonable cost of its services.

Q.  Except as provided in section 42‑2002, subsection D, the department of revenue shall release confidential information as requested by the department of economic security pursuant to section 42‑1122 or 46‑291.  Information disclosed under this subsection is limited to the same type of information that the United States internal revenue service is authorized to disclose under section 6103(l)(6) of the internal revenue code.

R.  Except as provided in section 42‑2002, subsection D, the department of revenue shall release confidential information as requested by the courts and clerks of the court pursuant to section 42‑1122.

S.  To comply with the requirements of section 42‑5031, the department may disclose to the state treasurer, to the county stadium district board of directors and to any city or town tax official that is part of the county stadium district confidential information attributable to a taxpayer's business activity conducted in the county stadium district.

T.  The department shall release to the attorney general confidential information as requested by the attorney general for purposes of determining compliance with or enforcing any of the following:

1.  Any public health control law relating to tobacco sales as provided under title 36, chapter 6, article 14.

2.  Any law relating to reduced cigarette ignition propensity standards as provided under title 37, chapter 9, article 5.

3.  Sections 44‑7101 and 44‑7111, the master settlement agreement referred to in those sections and all agreements regarding disputes under the master settlement agreement.

U.  For proceedings before the department, the office of administrative hearings, the board of tax appeals or any state or federal court involving penalties that were assessed against a return preparer, an electronic return preparer or a payroll service company pursuant to section 42‑1103.02, 42‑1125.01 or 43‑419, confidential information may be disclosed only before the judge or administrative law judge adjudicating the proceeding, the parties to the proceeding and the parties' representatives in the proceeding prior to its introduction into evidence in the proceeding. The confidential information may be introduced as evidence in the proceeding only if the taxpayer's name, the names of any dependents listed on the return, all social security numbers, the taxpayer's address, the taxpayer's signature and any attachments containing any of the foregoing information are redacted and if either:

1.  The treatment of an item reflected on such return is or may be related to the resolution of an issue in the proceeding.

2.  Such a return or the return information relates or may relate to a transactional relationship between a person who is a party to the proceeding and the taxpayer that directly affects the resolution of an issue in the proceeding.

3.  The method of payment of the taxpayer's withholding tax liability or the method of filing the taxpayer's withholding tax return is an issue for the period.

V.  The department and attorney general may share the information specified in subsection T of this section with any of the following:

1.  Federal, state or local agencies located in this state for the purposes of enforcement of the statutes or agreements specified in subsection T of this section or for the purposes of enforcement of corresponding laws of other states.

2.  Indian tribes located in this state for the purposes of enforcement of the statutes or agreements specified in subsection T of this section.

3.  A court, arbitrator, data clearinghouse or similar entity for the purpose of assessing compliance with or making calculations required by the master settlement agreement or agreements regarding disputes under the master settlement agreement, and with counsel for the parties or expert witnesses in any such proceeding, if the information otherwise remains confidential.

W.  The department may provide the name and address of qualifying hospitals and qualifying health care organizations, as defined in section 42‑5001, to a business classified and reporting transaction privilege tax under the utilities classification.

X.  The department may disclose to an official of any city, town or county in a current agreement or considering a prospective agreement with the department as described in section 42‑5032.02, subsection G any information relating to amounts subject to distribution required by section 42‑5032.02.  Information disclosed by the department under this subsection:

1.  May only be used by the city, town or county for internal purposes.

2.  May not be disclosed to the public in any manner that does not comply with confidentiality standards established by the department.  The city, town or county must agree with the department in writing that any release of confidential information that violates the confidentiality standards will result in the immediate suspension of any rights of the city, town or county to receive information under this subsection.

Y.  Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the department may not disclose information provided by an online lodging marketplace, as defined in section 42‑5076, without the written consent of the online lodging marketplace, and the information may be disclosed only pursuant to subsection A, paragraphs 1 through 6, subsection B, paragraphs 1, 2, 7 and 8 and subsections C and D of this section.  Such information:

1.  Is not subject to disclosure pursuant to title 39, relating to public records.

2.  May not be disclosed to any agency of this state or of any county, city, town or other political subdivision of this state. END_STATUTE

Sec. 11.  Section 42-2003, Arizona Revised Statutes, as amended by Laws 2017, chapter 96, section 1, chapter 139, section 4, chapter 258, section 43 and chapter 340, section 2, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE42-2003.  Authorized disclosure of confidential information

A.  Confidential information relating to:

1.  A taxpayer may be disclosed to the taxpayer, its successor in interest or a designee of the taxpayer who is authorized in writing by the taxpayer.  A principal corporate officer of a parent corporation may execute a written authorization for a controlled subsidiary.

2.  A corporate taxpayer may be disclosed to any principal officer, any person designated by a principal officer or any person designated in a resolution by the corporate board of directors or other similar governing body.

3.  A partnership may be disclosed to any partner of the partnership.  This exception does not include disclosure of confidential information of a particular partner unless otherwise authorized.

4.  An estate may be disclosed to the personal representative of the estate and to any heir, next of kin or beneficiary under the will of the decedent if the department finds that the heir, next of kin or beneficiary has a material interest that will be affected by the confidential information.

5.  A trust may be disclosed to the trustee or trustees, jointly or separately, and to the grantor or any beneficiary of the trust if the department finds that the grantor or beneficiary has a material interest that will be affected by the confidential information.

6.  Any taxpayer may be disclosed if the taxpayer has waived any rights to confidentiality either in writing or on the record in any administrative or judicial proceeding.

7.  The name and taxpayer identification numbers of persons issued direct payment permits may be publicly disclosed.

B.  Confidential information may be disclosed to:

1.  Any employee of the department whose official duties involve tax administration.

2.  The office of the attorney general solely for its use in preparation for, or in an investigation that may result in, any proceeding involving tax administration before the department or any other agency or board of this state, or before any grand jury or any state or federal court.

3.  The department of liquor licenses and control for its use in determining whether a spirituous liquor licensee has paid all transaction privilege taxes and affiliated excise taxes incurred as a result of the sale of spirituous liquor, as defined in section 4‑101, at the licensed establishment and imposed on the licensed establishments by this state and its political subdivisions.

4.  Other state tax officials whose official duties require the disclosure for proper tax administration purposes if the information is sought in connection with an investigation or any other proceeding conducted by the official.  Any disclosure is limited to information of a taxpayer who is being investigated or who is a party to a proceeding conducted by the official.

5.  The following agencies, officials and organizations, if they grant substantially similar privileges to the department for the type of information being sought, pursuant to statute and a written agreement between the department and the foreign country, agency, state, Indian tribe or organization:

(a)  The United States internal revenue service, alcohol and tobacco tax and trade bureau of the United States treasury, United States bureau of alcohol, tobacco, firearms and explosives of the United States department of justice, United States drug enforcement agency and federal bureau of investigation.

(b)  A state tax official of another state.

(c)  An organization of states, federation of tax administrators or multistate tax commission that operates an information exchange for tax administration purposes.

(d)  An agency, official or organization of a foreign country with responsibilities that are comparable to those listed in subdivision (a), (b) or (c) of this paragraph.

(e)  An agency, official or organization of an Indian tribal government with responsibilities comparable to the responsibilities of the agencies, officials or organizations identified in subdivision (a), (b) or (c) of this paragraph.

6.  The auditor general, in connection with any audit of the department subject to the restrictions in section 42‑2002, subsection D.

7.  Any person to the extent necessary for effective tax administration in connection with:

(a)  The processing, storage, transmission, destruction and reproduction of the information.

(b)  The programming, maintenance, repair, testing and procurement of equipment for purposes of tax administration.

(c)  The collection of the taxpayer's civil liability.

8.  The office of administrative hearings relating to taxes administered by the department pursuant to section 42‑1101, but the department shall not disclose any confidential information:

(a)  Regarding income tax or withholding tax.

(b)  On any tax issue relating to information associated with the reporting of income tax or withholding tax.

9.  The United States treasury inspector general for tax administration for the purpose of reporting a violation of internal revenue code section 7213A (26 United States Code section 7213A), unauthorized inspection of returns or return information.

10.  The financial management service of the United States treasury department for use in the treasury offset program.

11.  The United States treasury department or its authorized agent for use in the state income tax levy program and in the electronic federal tax payment system.

12.  The Arizona commerce authority for its use in:

(a)  Qualifying renewable energy operations for the tax incentives under sections section 42‑12006, 43‑1083.01 and 43‑1164.01.

(b)  Qualifying businesses with a qualified facility for income tax credits under sections 43‑1083.03 and 43‑1164.04.

(c)  Fulfilling its annual reporting responsibility pursuant to section 41‑1511, subsections U and V and section 41‑1512, subsections U and V.

(d)  Certifying computer data centers for tax relief under section 41‑1519.

13.  A prosecutor for purposes of section 32‑1164, subsection C.

14.  The office of the state fire marshal for use in determining compliance with and enforcing title 37, chapter 9, article 5.

15.  The department of transportation for its use in administering taxes, surcharges and penalties prescribed by title 28.

16.  The Arizona health care cost containment system administration for its use in administering nursing facility provider assessments.

17.  The department of education for the purpose of verifying income eligibility to be classified as a low‑income student pursuant to section 15‑2402, subsection M.

C.  Confidential information may be disclosed in any state or federal judicial or administrative proceeding pertaining to tax administration pursuant to the following conditions:

1.  One or more of the following circumstances must apply:

(a)  The taxpayer is a party to the proceeding.

(b)  The proceeding arose out of, or in connection with, determining the taxpayer's civil or criminal liability, or the collection of the taxpayer's civil liability, with respect to any tax imposed under this title or title 43.

(c)  The treatment of an item reflected on the taxpayer's return is directly related to the resolution of an issue in the proceeding.

(d)  Return information directly relates to a transactional relationship between a person who is a party to the proceeding and the taxpayer and directly affects the resolution of an issue in the proceeding.

2.  Confidential information may not be disclosed under this subsection if the disclosure is prohibited by section 42‑2002, subsection C or D.

D.  Identity information may be disclosed for purposes of notifying persons entitled to tax refunds if the department is unable to locate the persons after reasonable effort.

E.  The department, on the request of any person, shall provide the names and addresses of bingo licensees as defined in section 5‑401, verify whether or not a person has a privilege license and number, a tobacco product distributor's license and number or a withholding license and number or disclose the information to be posted on the department's website or otherwise publicly accessible pursuant to section 42‑1124, subsection F and section 42‑3401.

F.  A department employee, in connection with the official duties relating to any audit, collection activity or civil or criminal investigation, may disclose return information to the extent that disclosure is necessary to obtain information that is not otherwise reasonably available.  These official duties include the correct determination of and liability for tax, the amount to be collected or the enforcement of other state tax revenue laws.

G.  If an organization is exempt from this state's income tax as provided in section 43‑1201 for any taxable year, the name and address of the organization and the application filed by the organization on which the department made its determination for exemption together with any papers submitted in support of the application and any letter or document issued by the department concerning the application are open to public inspection.

H.  Confidential information relating to transaction privilege tax, use tax, severance tax, jet fuel excise and use tax and any other tax collected by the department on behalf of any jurisdiction may be disclosed to any county, city or town tax official if the information relates to a taxpayer who is or may be taxable by a county, city or town or who may be subject to audit by the department pursuant to section 42‑6002.  Any taxpayer information released by the department to the county, city or town:

1.  May only be used for internal purposes, including audits.

2.  May not be disclosed to the public in any manner that does not comply with confidentiality standards established by the department.  The county, city or town shall agree in writing with the department that any release of confidential information that violates the confidentiality standards adopted by the department will result in the immediate suspension of any rights of the county, city or town to receive taxpayer information under this subsection.

I.  The department may disclose statistical information gathered from confidential information if it does not disclose confidential information attributable to any one taxpayer.  The department may disclose statistical information gathered from confidential information, even if it discloses confidential information attributable to a taxpayer, to:

1.  The state treasurer in order to comply with the requirements of section 42‑5029, subsection A, paragraph 3.

2.  The joint legislative income tax credit review committee, the joint legislative budget committee staff and the legislative staff in order to comply with the requirements of section 43‑221.

J.  The department may disclose the aggregate amounts of any tax credit, tax deduction or tax exemption enacted after January 1, 1994. Information subject to disclosure under this subsection shall not be disclosed if a taxpayer demonstrates to the department that such information would give an unfair advantage to competitors.

K.  Except as provided in section 42‑2002, subsection C, confidential information, described in section 42‑2001, paragraph 1, subdivision (a), item (ii), may be disclosed to law enforcement agencies for law enforcement purposes.

L.  The department may provide transaction privilege tax license information to property tax officials in a county for the purpose of identification and verification of the tax status of commercial property.

M.  The department may provide transaction privilege tax, luxury tax, use tax, property tax and severance tax information to the ombudsman‑citizens aide pursuant to title 41, chapter 8, article 5.

N.  Except as provided in section 42‑2002, subsection D, a court may order the department to disclose confidential information pertaining to a party to an action.  An order shall be made only on a showing of good cause and that the party seeking the information has made demand on the taxpayer for the information.

O.  This section does not prohibit the disclosure by the department of any information or documents submitted to the department by a bingo licensee.  Before disclosing the information the department shall obtain the name and address of the person requesting the information.

P.  If the department is required or permitted to disclose confidential information, it may charge the person or agency requesting the information for the reasonable cost of its services.

Q.  Except as provided in section 42‑2002, subsection D, the department of revenue shall release confidential information as requested by the department of economic security pursuant to section 42‑1122 or 46‑291.  Information disclosed under this subsection is limited to the same type of information that the United States internal revenue service is authorized to disclose under section 6103(l)(6) of the internal revenue code.

R.  Except as provided in section 42‑2002, subsection D, the department of revenue shall release confidential information as requested by the courts and clerks of the court pursuant to section 42‑1122.

S.  To comply with the requirements of section 42‑5031, the department may disclose to the state treasurer, to the county stadium district board of directors and to any city or town tax official that is part of the county stadium district confidential information attributable to a taxpayer's business activity conducted in the county stadium district.

T.  The department shall release to the attorney general confidential information as requested by the attorney general for purposes of determining compliance with or enforcing any of the following:

1.  Any public health control law relating to tobacco sales as provided under title 36, chapter 6, article 14.

2.  Any law relating to reduced cigarette ignition propensity standards as provided under title 37, chapter 9, article 5.

3.  Sections 44‑7101 and 44‑7111, the master settlement agreement referred to in those sections and all agreements regarding disputes under the master settlement agreement.

U.  For proceedings before the department, the office of administrative hearings, the board of tax appeals or any state or federal court involving penalties that were assessed against a return preparer, an electronic return preparer or a payroll service company pursuant to section 42‑1103.02, 42‑1125.01 or 43‑419, confidential information may be disclosed only before the judge or administrative law judge adjudicating the proceeding, the parties to the proceeding and the parties' representatives in the proceeding prior to its introduction into evidence in the proceeding.  The confidential information may be introduced as evidence in the proceeding only if the taxpayer's name, the names of any dependents listed on the return, all social security numbers, the taxpayer's address, the taxpayer's signature and any attachments containing any of the foregoing information are redacted and if either:

1.  The treatment of an item reflected on such return is or may be related to the resolution of an issue in the proceeding.

2.  Such a return or the return information relates or may relate to a transactional relationship between a person who is a party to the proceeding and the taxpayer that directly affects the resolution of an issue in the proceeding.

3.  The method of payment of the taxpayer's withholding tax liability or the method of filing the taxpayer's withholding tax return is an issue for the period.

V.  The department and attorney general may share the information specified in subsection T of this section with any of the following:

1.  Federal, state or local agencies located in this state for the purposes of enforcement of the statutes or agreements specified in subsection T of this section or for the purposes of enforcement of corresponding laws of other states.

2.  Indian tribes located in this state for the purposes of enforcement of the statutes or agreements specified in subsection T of this section.

3.  A court, arbitrator, data clearinghouse or similar entity for the purpose of assessing compliance with or making calculations required by the master settlement agreement or agreements regarding disputes under the master settlement agreement, and with counsel for the parties or expert witnesses in any such proceeding, if the information otherwise remains confidential.

W.  The department may provide the name and address of qualifying hospitals and qualifying health care organizations, as defined in section 42‑5001, to a business classified and reporting transaction privilege tax under the utilities classification.

X.  The department may disclose to an official of any city, town or county in a current agreement or considering a prospective agreement with the department as described in section 42‑5032.02, subsection G any information relating to amounts subject to distribution required by section 42‑5032.02.  Information disclosed by the department under this subsection:

1.  May only be used by the city, town or county for internal purposes.

2.  May not be disclosed to the public in any manner that does not comply with confidentiality standards established by the department.  The city, town or county must agree with the department in writing that any release of confidential information that violates the confidentiality standards will result in the immediate suspension of any rights of the city, town or county to receive information under this subsection.

Y.  Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the department may not disclose information provided by an online lodging marketplace, as defined in section 42‑5076, without the written consent of the online lodging marketplace, and the information may be disclosed only pursuant to subsection A, paragraphs 1 through 6, subsection B, paragraphs 1, 2, 7 and 8 and subsections C and D of this section.  Such information:

1.  Is not subject to disclosure pursuant to title 39, relating to public records.

2.  May not be disclosed to any agency of this state or of any county, city, town or other political subdivision of this state. END_STATUTE

Sec. 12.  Section 42-3401, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE42-3401.  Tobacco distributor licenses; application; conditions; revocations, suspensions and cancellations

A.  Every person acquiring or possessing for the purpose of making the initial sale or distribution in this state of any tobacco products on which a tax is imposed by this chapter shall obtain from the department a license to sell tobacco products.  The application for the license shall be in the form provided by the department and shall be accompanied by a fee of twenty‑five dollars for each place of business listed in the application.  The form shall state that the identity of the applicant will be posted to the department's website for public inspection.  The application for a license shall include the applicant's name and address, the applicant's principal place of business, all other places of business where the applicant's business is conducted for the purpose of making the initial sale or distribution of tobacco products in this state, including any location that maintains an inventory of tobacco products, and any other information required by the department.  The applicant's or licensee's principal place of business or other business locations may not include a residential location, post office box or other place that requires a judicial warrant or written consent of the applicant, the licensee or any other person before inspection by the department or a location that is identified as a principal place of business or business location of another distributor licensed under this section.  If the applicant is a firm, partnership, limited liability company, limited liability partnership or association, the applicant shall list the name and address of each of the applicant's members. If the applicant is a corporation, the application shall list the name and address of the applicant's officers and any person who directly or indirectly owns an aggregate amount of ten percent or more of the ownership interest in the corporation.  If a licensee is a corporation, firm, partnership, limited liability company, limited liability partnership or association, the licensee under this subsection shall notify the department in writing within thirty days after any change in membership, legal entity status or ownership of more than fifty percent of the total ownership interest in a single transaction.  If a licensee changes its business location, the licensee under this subsection shall notify the department within thirty days after a change in location.  If the licensee is making a change in its business location by adding or replacing one or more additional places of business that are not currently listed on its application, the licensee must remit a fee of twenty‑five dollars for each additional place of business.

B.  For the purposes of subsection A of this section, an applicant with a controlling interest in more than one business engaged in activities as a distributor shall apply for a single license encompassing all such businesses and list each place of business in its application.  For the purposes of this subsection, "controlling interest" means direct or indirect ownership of at least eighty percent of the voting shares of a corporation or of the interests in a company, business or person other than a corporation.

C.  The department shall issue a license authorizing the applicant to acquire or possess tobacco products in this state on the condition that the applicant complies with this chapter and the rules of the department.  The license:

1.  Shall be nontransferable.  A licensee may not transfer its license to a new owner when selling its business, and any court‑appointed trustee, receiver or other person shall obtain a license in its own name in cases of liquidation, insolvency or bankruptcy or pursuant to a court order if the business remains in operation as a distributor of tobacco products.  A licensee shall apply for a new license if it changes its legal entity status or otherwise changes the legal structure of its business.

2.  Shall be valid for one year unless earlier revoked by the department.

3.  Shall be displayed in a conspicuous place at the licensee's place of business.  If the licensee operates from more than one place of business, the licensee must display a copy of its license in a conspicuous place at each location.

D.  As a condition of licensure under this section, an applicant agrees to the following conditions:

1.  A person may not hold or store any tobacco products, whether within or outside of this state, for sale or distribution in this state by or on behalf of a distributor at any place other than a location that has been disclosed to the department pursuant to subsection A of this section.  This paragraph does not include a person holding or storing tobacco products by or on behalf of the distributor when the tobacco products are in transit to a distributor or retailer as part of a lawful sale.

2.  All tobacco products held or stored, whether within or outside of this state, for sale or distribution in this state by or on behalf of a distributor:

(a)  Shall be accessible to the department during normal business hours without a judicial warrant or prior written consent of the distributor.

(b)  May not be held or stored at a residential location or in a vehicle.

E.  A person who is convicted of an offense described in section 42‑1127, subsection E is permanently ineligible to hold a license issued under this section.

F.  The department may not issue or renew a license to an applicant and may revoke a license issued under subsection C of this section if any of the following applies:

1.  The applicant or licensee owes one thousand dollars or more in delinquent taxes imposed on tobacco products under this chapter that are not under protest or subject to a payment agreement.

2.  The department has revoked any license held by the applicant or licensee within the previous two years.

3.  The applicant or licensee has been convicted of a crime that relates to stolen or counterfeit cigarettes.

4.  The applicant or licensee has imported cigarettes into the United States for sale or distribution in violation of 19 United States Code section 1681a.

5.  The applicant or licensee has imported cigarettes into the United States for sale or distribution without fully complying with the federal cigarette labeling and advertising act (P.L. 89-92; 79 Stat. 282; 15 United States Code section 1331).

6.  The applicant or licensee is in violation of section 13‑3711 or section 36‑798.06, subsection A.

7.  Pursuant to section 44‑7111, section 6(a), the applicant or licensee is in violation of section 44‑7111, section 3(c).

8.  The civil rights of the applicant or licensee have been suspended under section 13‑904.  An applicant or licensee whose civil rights have been suspended will be ineligible to hold a license for a period of five years following the restoration of the applicant's or licensee's civil rights.

G.  In addition to any other civil or criminal penalty and except as otherwise provided in this section, the department may deny the issuance or renewal of or suspend or revoke a license issued under subsection C of this section if the person violates any requirement under this title more than two times within a three-year period or fails to otherwise maintain the conditions of licensure in this section.

H.  The department shall publish on its website the names of each person who is issued a license under subsection C of this section, including any trade names or business names used by the licensee.  The department shall update the published names at least once each month.

I.  A person may not apply for or hold a distributor's license if that person does not engage in the activities described in subsection A of this section.  In addition to any other applicable penalty, the department may

1.  Revoke the license of any licensee that fails to file a return or report required under this chapter for twelve consecutive months.

2.  cancel the license of any licensee that fails to incur any tax liability under this chapter for twelve consecutive months.

J.  Any suspension, revocation, cancellation or denial of a license issued under this section by the department must comply with section 41‑1092.11, subsection B.

K.  Notwithstanding any other law, for the purposes of subsection F, paragraphs 1 and 2 of this section, section 42‑1127, subsection C and section 42‑3461, subsection B, if a distributor has listed in its application more than one place of business, any suspension, revocation, cancellation, denial or nonrenewal of the distributor's license shall apply only with effect to remove the place of business or business location at which the activity occurred from the distributor's license.  If such a removal occurs, the distributor shall be subject to restrictions that the department prescribes by rule. END_STATUTE

Sec. 13.  Section 42-3406, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE42-3406.  Refunds and rebates of tobacco taxes; supporting documentation; distributor's burden of proof

A.  Except as otherwise provided under subsection B of this section or by the department for a refund or redemption issued under section 42‑3008 or 42‑3460, a distributor requesting any refund or rebate of taxes paid on tobacco products pursuant to article 2, 6, 7 or 9 of this chapter shall establish entitlement to the refund or rebate by obtaining a report executed by the retailer that purchased the tobacco products on which the distributor paid taxes, indicating the name and address of the retailer and the quantities of tobacco products sold, separately identified by the tax category of tobacco product and the necessary facts to establish the appropriate amount of refund or rebate.  The report is subject to the following conditions:

1.  The report shall be provided in the form and manner prescribed by the department.  Under such rules as it may prescribe, the department may identify transactions for which a distributor may not rely solely on the information in the retailer's report but must instead obtain additional information as required by the rules in order to be entitled to the refund or rebate.

2.  The burden of proof for the refund or rebate is on the distributor, but if the distributor complies in all other respects with this section, the department may require the retailer that caused the execution of the report to establish the accuracy and completeness of the information required to be contained in the report that would entitle the distributor to the refund or rebate.  If the retailer cannot establish the accuracy and completeness of the information, the retailer is liable in an amount equal to any tax, penalty and interest that the distributor would have been liable for under this chapter if the distributor had not otherwise complied with this section. Payment of the amount under this section by the retailer exempts the distributor from liability for the underlying tax, penalty and interest.  All amounts paid by a retailer under this paragraph shall be treated as tax revenues collected from the distributor in order to designate the distribution base for the purposes of this chapter.

B.  In its discretion and in circumstances where in which a retailer is uncooperative, nonresponsive or no longer in business, the department may accept proof other than a report described in subsection A of this section if the distributor shows, to the satisfaction of the department, that it exercised ordinary business care and prudence but was unable to furnish a report executed by the retailer.  Acceptable forms of proof presented by the distributor pursuant to this subsection must consist of books, records or papers maintained by the distributor or retailer in the regular course of business. END_STATUTE

Sec. 14.  Section 42-3462, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE42-3462.  Cigarette and roll‑your‑own tobacco; filing requirements; definition

A.  Each distributor shall file a return in a form prescribed by the department for each place of business on or before the twentieth day of the month next succeeding the month for which the return is filed.  The return shall contain all of the following:

1.  The brand names and quantities of each brand of cigarettes and roll-your-own tobacco in possession at the beginning and end of the reporting period.

2.  The brand names and quantities of each brand of cigarettes and roll‑your‑own tobacco received during the reporting period and the name and address of each person from whom each product was received.

3.  The brand names and quantities of each brand of cigarettes and roll‑your‑own tobacco distributed or shipped into this state or between locations in this state during the reporting period, except for sales directly to consumers, and the name and address of each person to whom each product was distributed or shipped, with reference to the dates of distribution or shipment and corresponding invoice numbers from the invoices documenting the distribution or shipments.

4.  The brand names and quantities of each brand of cigarettes and roll‑your‑own tobacco distributed or shipped to any destination wherever located, including the quantities reported under paragraph 3 of this subsection during the reporting period, except for sales directly to consumers, and the name and address of each person to whom each product was distributed or shipped, with reference to the dates of distribution or shipment and corresponding invoice numbers from the invoices documenting the distribution or shipments.

5.  The brand names and quantities of each brand of cigarettes and roll‑your‑own tobacco sold to consumers that are itemized to show sales to consumers in this state and sale to consumers outside of this state.

6.  Copies of the customs certificates with respect to such cigarettes and roll‑your‑own tobacco required to be submitted by 19 United States Code section 1681a(c).

7.  The name and address of each nonparticipating manufacturer of each brand of cigarettes and roll-your-own tobacco identified by the distributor in the return.

8.  The number of individual cigarettes and ounces of roll‑your‑own tobacco of each brand of each nonparticipating manufacturer sold in this state by the distributor during the preceding month, separately stating each of the following:

(a)  The number of cigarette packages sold and the number of individual cigarettes in each package.

(b)  The number of roll-your-own tobacco containers sold and the number of ounces of roll‑your‑own tobacco in each container.

9.  The amount of luxury taxes paid or to be paid on the cigarettes and roll‑your‑own tobacco prescribed in paragraph 8 of this subsection, separately stating each of the following:

(a)  The amount of luxury taxes paid by purchasing and affixing tax stamps to cigarette packages.

(b)  The amount of luxury taxes to be paid for roll-your-own tobacco containers.

(c)  Any other amount of excise taxes to be paid on the cigarettes.

10.  The number of individual cigarettes and ounces of roll‑your‑own tobacco of each brand of each nonparticipating manufacturer received by the distributor, separately stating each of the following:

(a)  The number of cigarette packages received and the number of individual cigarettes in each package.

(b)  The number of roll‑your‑own tobacco containers received and the number of ounces of roll‑your‑own tobacco in each container.

11.  The number of individual cigarettes and ounces of roll‑your‑own tobacco of each brand of each nonparticipating manufacturer that the distributor exported from this state without payment of Arizona luxury taxes, separately stating each of the following:

(a)  The number of cigarette packages exported and the number of individual cigarettes in each package.

(b)  The number of roll‑your‑own tobacco containers exported and the number of ounces of roll‑your‑own tobacco in each container.

12.  The number of individual cigarettes and ounces of roll‑your‑own tobacco of each brand of each nonparticipating manufacturer for which the distributor obtained a refund under section 42‑3008, separately stating each of the following:

(a)  The number of cigarette packages for which the distributor obtained a refund and the number of individual cigarettes in each package.

(b)  The number of roll‑your‑own tobacco containers for which the distributor obtained a refund and the number of ounces of roll‑your‑own tobacco in each container.

13.  The invoice, in the form and manner prescribed by the department, for the following transactions:

(a)  The distributor's purchase or acquisition of any nonparticipating manufacturer's cigarettes received or sold by the tobacco distributor in this state.

(b)  The distributor's export, if any, of any nonparticipating manufacturer's cigarettes from this state.

B.   Any person who sells, ships or transfers cigarettes and roll‑your‑own tobacco for sale, shipment or transfer into or within this state shall file a monthly report with the department on the tenth day of each month after the sale, shipment or transfer in the form and manner prescribed by section 42‑3053, subsection C.  The report shall contain information regarding each shipment of cigarettes and roll-your-own tobacco into or within this state during the previous calendar month, including the date of shipment, the name and address of the person to whom the shipment was made and the name, address and telephone number of the person or service delivering the shipment to the recipient on behalf of the seller.  The report shall also include the brand names and quantities of cigarettes and roll‑your‑own tobacco contained in each shipment, with invoices or references to invoice number documenting each shipment.

C.  Distributor reports that are submitted under subsection A of this section shall be itemized to disclose the quantity of reported cigarettes bearing tax stamps of this state, tax exempt stamps of this state, stamps of another state and unstamped cigarettes.  The distributor reports shall also include, if applicable, the following:

1.  The quantity of Arizona tax and tax exempt stamps that were not affixed to cigarettes.

2.  The quantity of Arizona tax and tax exempt stamps that the distributor possessed at the beginning and end of the reporting period.

3.  The quantity of each type of Arizona stamp received during the reporting period.

4.  The quantity of each type of Arizona stamp applied during the reporting period.

D.  The department may adopt rules requiring additional information in the monthly reports as necessary for the purposes of enforcing this article.

E.  For the purposes of this section, "manufacturer" has the same meaning prescribed in section 42‑3451. END_STATUTE

Sec. 15.  Section 42-3501, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE42-3501.  Return and payment by distributors of tobacco products other than cigarettes

A.  Except for tobacco products described in section 42‑3402, every distributor of tobacco products other than cigarettes shall pay the tax imposed by this chapter on all those products received within the this state and shall add the amount of the tax to the sales price.

B.  The distributor shall pay the tax to the department monthly on or before the twentieth day of the month next succeeding the month in which the tax accrues.

C.  On or before that date the distributor shall prepare a sworn return for the month in which the tax accrues in the form prescribed by the department, showing:

1.  The amount of tobacco products other than cigarettes received in this state during the month in which the tax accrues.

2.  The amount of tax for the period covered by the return.

3.  Any other information the department deems necessary for the proper administration of this chapter, including information required for roll‑your‑own tobacco provided under section 42‑3462.

D.  The distributor shall deliver submit the return, together with a remittance of the amount of the tax due, to the department in the manner required under section 42‑3053.

E.  A taxpayer who fails to pay the tax within ten days of on or before the date on which the payment becomes due is subject to and shall pay a penalty determined under section 42‑1125 plus interest at the rate determined pursuant to section 42‑1123 from the time the tax was due and payable until paid.END_STATUTE

Sec. 16.  Section 42-5005, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE42-5005.  Transaction privilege tax and municipal privilege tax licenses; fees; renewal; revocation; violation; classification

A.  Every person who receives gross proceeds of sales or gross income on which a transaction privilege tax is imposed by this article and who desires to engage or continue in business shall apply to the department for an annual transaction privilege tax license accompanied by a fee of twelve dollars.  A person shall not engage or continue in business until the person has obtained a transaction privilege tax license.

B.  A person desiring to engage or continue in business within a city or town that imposes a municipal privilege tax shall apply to the department of revenue for an annual municipal privilege tax license accompanied by a fee of up to fifty dollars, as established by ordinance of the city or town.  The person shall submit the fee with each new license application.  The person may not engage or continue in business until the person has obtained a municipal privilege tax license.  The department must collect, hold, pay and manage the fees in trust for the city or town and may not use the monies for any other purposes.

C.  A transaction privilege tax license is valid only for the calendar year in which it is issued, but it may be renewed for the following calendar year.  There is no fee for the renewal of the transaction privilege tax license.  The transaction privilege tax license must be renewed at the same time and in the manner as the municipal privilege tax license renewal.

D.  A municipal privilege tax license is valid only for the calendar year in which it is issued, but it may be renewed for the following calendar year by the payment of a license renewal fee of up to fifty dollars.  The renewal fee is due and payable on January 1 and is considered delinquent if not received on or before the last business day of January.  The department must collect, hold, pay and manage the fees in trust for the city or town and may not use the monies for any other purposes.

E.  A licensee that remains in business after the municipal privilege tax license has expired is subject to the payment of the license renewal fee and the civil penalty prescribed in section 42‑1125, subsection R.

F.  If the applicant is not in arrears in payment of any tax imposed by this article, the department shall issue a license authorizing the applicant to engage and continue in business on the condition that the applicant complies with this article.  The license number shall be continuous.

G.  The transaction privilege tax license and the municipal privilege tax license are not transferable on a complete change of ownership or change of location of the business.  For the purposes of this subsection:

1.  "Location" means the business address appearing in the application for the license and on the transaction privilege tax or municipal privilege tax license.

2.  "Ownership" means any right, title or interest in the business.

3.  "Transferable" means the ability to convey or change the right or privilege to engage or continue in business by virtue of the issuance of the transaction privilege tax or municipal privilege tax license.

H.  When the ownership or location of a business on which a transaction privilege tax or municipal privilege tax is imposed has been changed within the meaning of subsection G of this section, the licensee shall surrender the license to the department.  The license shall be reissued to the new owners or for the new location on application by the taxpayer and payment of the twelve‑dollar fee for a transaction privilege tax license and a fee of up to fifty dollars per jurisdiction for a municipal privilege tax license.  The department must collect, hold, pay and manage the fees in trust for the city or town and may not use the monies for any other purposes.

I.  A person who is engaged in or conducting a business in two or more locations or under two or more business names shall procure a transaction privilege tax license for each location or business name regardless of whether all locations or business names are reported on a consolidated return under a single transaction privilege tax license number.  This requirement shall not be construed as conflicting with section 42‑5020.

J.  A person who is engaged in or conducting a business in two or more locations or under two or more business names shall procure a municipal privilege tax license for each location or business name regardless of whether all locations or business names are reported on a consolidated return.

K.  A person who is engaged in or conducting business at two or more locations or under two or more business names and who files a consolidated return under a single transaction privilege tax license number as provided by section 42‑5020 is required to pay only a single municipal privilege tax license renewal fee for each local jurisdiction pursuant to subsection D of this section.  A person who is engaged in or conducting business at two or more locations or under two or more business names and who does not file a consolidated return under a single license number is required to pay a license renewal fee for each location or license in a local jurisdiction.

L.  For the purposes of this chapter and chapter 6 of this title, an online lodging marketplace, as defined in section 42‑5076, may register with the department for a license for the payment of taxes levied by this state and one or more counties, cities, towns or special taxing districts, at the election of the online lodging marketplace, for taxes due from an online lodging operator on any online lodging transaction facilitated by the online lodging marketplace, subject to sections 42‑5076 and 42‑6009. 

M.  For the purposes of this chapter and chapter 6 of this title, a person who is licensed pursuant to title 32, chapter 20 and who files an electronic consolidated tax return for individual real properties under management on behalf of the property owners may be licensed with the department for the payment of taxes levied by this state and by any county, city or town with respect to those properties. There is no fee for a license issued pursuant to this subsection.

N.  If a person violates this article or any rule adopted under this article, the department upon hearing may revoke any transaction privilege tax or municipal privilege tax license issued to the person.  The department shall provide ten days' written notice of the hearing, stating the time and place and requiring the person to appear and show cause why the license or licenses should not be revoked.  The department shall provide written notice to the person of the revocation of the license.  The notices may be served personally or by mail pursuant to section 42‑5037.  After revocation, the department shall not issue a new license to the person unless the person presents evidence satisfactory to the department that the person will comply with this article and with the rules adopted under this article.  The department may prescribe the terms under which a revoked license may be reissued.

O.  The department may revoke any transaction privilege tax or municipal privilege tax license issued to any person who fails for thirteen consecutive months to make and file a return required by this article on or before the due date or the due date as extended by the department unless the failure is due to a reasonable cause and not due to wilful neglect.

P.  A person who violates any provision of this section is guilty of a class 3 misdemeanor. END_STATUTE

Sec. 17.  Section 42-5014, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE42-5014.  Return and payment of tax; estimated tax; extensions; abatements

A.  Except as provided in subsection B, C, D, E or F of this section, the taxes levied under this article:

1.  Are due and payable monthly in the form required by section 42‑5018 for the amount of the tax, to the department, on or before the twentieth day of the month next succeeding the month in which the tax accrues.

2.  Are delinquent as follows:

(a)  For taxpayers that are required or elect to file and pay electronically in any month, if not received by the department on or before the last business day of the month.

(b)  For all other taxpayers, if not received by the department on or before the business day preceding the last business day of the month.

B.  The department, for any taxpayer whose estimated annual liability for taxes imposed or administered by this article or chapter 6 of this title is between two thousand dollars and eight thousand dollars, shall authorize such taxpayer to pay such taxes on a quarterly basis.  The department, for any taxpayer whose estimated annual liability for taxes imposed by this article is less than two thousand dollars, shall authorize such taxpayer to pay such taxes on an annual basis.  For the purposes of this subsection, the taxes due under this article:

1.  For taxpayers that are authorized to pay on a quarterly basis, are due and payable monthly in the form required by section 42‑5018 for the amount of the tax, to the department, on or before the twentieth day of the month next succeeding the quarter in which the tax accrues.

2.  For taxpayers that are authorized to pay on an annual basis, are due and payable monthly in the form required by section 42‑5018 for the amount of the tax, to the department, on or before the twentieth day of January next succeeding the year in which the tax accrues.

3.  Are delinquent as follows:

(a)  For taxpayers that are required or elect to file and pay electronically in any quarter, if not received by the department on or before the last business day of the month.

(b)  For all other taxpayers that are required to file and pay quarterly, if not received by the department on or before the business day preceding the last business day of the month.

(c)  For taxpayers that are required or elect to file and pay electronically on an annual basis, if not received by the department on or before the last business day of January.

(d)  For all other taxpayers that are required to file and pay annually, if not received by the department on or before the business day preceding the last business day of January.

C.  The department may require a taxpayer whose business is of a transient character to file the return and remit the taxes imposed by this article on a daily, a weekly or a transaction by transaction basis, and those returns and payments are due and payable on the date fixed by the department without a grace period otherwise allowed by this section.  For the purposes of this subsection, "business of a transient character" means sales activity by a taxpayer not regularly engaged in selling within the state conducted from vehicles, portable stands, rented spaces, structures or booths, or concessions at fairs, carnivals, circuses, festivals or similar activities for not more than thirty consecutive days.

D.  If the business entity under which a taxpayer reports and pays income tax under title 43 has an annual total tax liability under this article, article 6 of this chapter and chapter 6, article 3 of this title of one million dollars or more, based on the actual tax liability in the preceding calendar year, regardless of the number of offices at which the taxes imposed by this article, article 6 of this chapter or chapter 6, article 3 of this title are collected, or if the taxpayer can reasonably anticipate such liability in the current year, the taxpayer shall report on a form prescribed by the department and pay an estimated tax payment each June. Any other taxpayer may voluntarily elect to pay the estimated tax payment pursuant to this subsection.  The payment shall be made on or before June 20 and is delinquent if not received by the department on or before the business day preceding the last business day of June for those taxpayers electing to file by mail, or delinquent if not received by the department on the business day preceding the last business day of June for those taxpayers electing to file in person.  The estimated tax paid shall be credited against the taxpayer's tax liability under this article, article 6 of this chapter and chapter 6, article 3 of this title for the month of June for the current calendar year.  The estimated tax payment shall equal either:

1.  One‑half of the actual tax liability under this article plus one‑half of any tax liability under article 6 of this chapter and chapter 6, article 3 of this title for May of the current calendar year.

2.  The actual tax liability under this article plus any tax liability under article 6 of this chapter and chapter 6, article 3 of this title for the first fifteen days of June of the current calendar year.

E.  An online lodging marketplace, as defined in section 42‑5076, that is registered with the department pursuant to section 42‑5005, subsection L:

1.  Shall remit to the department the applicable taxes payable pursuant to section 42‑5076 and chapter 6 of this title with respect to each online lodging transaction, as defined in section 42‑5076, facilitated by the online lodging marketplace.

2.  Shall report the taxes monthly and remit the aggregate total amounts for each of the respective taxing jurisdictions.

3.  Shall not be required to list or otherwise identify any individual online lodging operator, as defined in section 42‑5076, on any return or any attachment to a return.

F.  A person who is licensed pursuant to title 32, chapter 20 and who is licensed with the department pursuant to section 42‑5005, subsection M shall:

1.  File a consolidated return monthly with respect to all managed properties for which the licensee files an electronic consolidated tax return pursuant to section 42‑6013.

2.  Remit to the department the aggregate total amount of the applicable taxes payable pursuant to this chapter and chapter 6 of this title for all of the respective taxing jurisdictions with respect to the managed properties.

G.  The taxpayer shall prepare a return showing the amount of the tax for which the taxpayer is liable for the preceding month, and shall mail or deliver the return to the department in the same manner and time as prescribed for the payment of taxes in subsection A of this section.  If the taxpayer fails to file the return in the manner and time as prescribed for the payment of taxes in subsection A of this section, the amount of the tax required to be shown on the return is subject to the penalty imposed pursuant to section 42‑1125, subsection A  X, without any reduction for taxes paid on or before the due date of the return.  The return shall be verified by the oath of the taxpayer or an authorized agent or as prescribed by the department pursuant to section 42‑1105, subsection B.

H.  Any person who is taxable under this article and who makes cash and credit sales shall report such cash and credit sales separately and on making application may obtain from the department an extension of time for payment of taxes due on the credit sales.  The extension shall be granted by the department under such rules as the department prescribes.  When the extension is granted, the taxpayer shall thereafter include in each monthly report all collections made on such credit sales during the month next preceding and shall pay the taxes due at the time of filing such report.

I.  The returns required under this article shall be made on forms prescribed by the department and shall capture data with sufficient specificity to meet the needs of all taxing jurisdictions.

J.  Any person who is engaged in or conducting business in two or more locations or under two or more business names shall file the return required under this article using an electronic filing program established by the department.

K.  For taxable periods beginning from and after December 31, 2017, any taxpayer with an annual total tax liability under this chapter and chapter 6 of this title of twenty thousand dollars or more, based on the actual tax liability in the preceding calendar year, regardless of the number of offices at which the taxes imposed by this chapter or chapter 6 of this title are collected, or a taxpayer that can reasonably anticipate that liability in the current year, shall file the return required under this article using an electronic filing program established by the department.

L.  For taxable periods beginning from and after December 31, 2018, any taxpayer with an annual total tax liability under this chapter and chapter 6 of this title of ten thousand dollars or more, based on the actual tax liability in the preceding calendar year, regardless of the number of offices at which the taxes imposed by this chapter or chapter 6 of this title are collected, or a taxpayer that can reasonably anticipate that liability in the current year, shall file the return required under this article using an electronic filing program established by the department.

M.  For taxable periods beginning from and after December 31, 2019, any taxpayer with an annual total tax liability under this chapter and chapter 6 of this title of five thousand dollars or more, based on the actual tax liability in the preceding calendar year, regardless of the number of offices at which the taxes imposed by this chapter or chapter 6 of this title are collected, or a taxpayer that can reasonably anticipate that liability in the current year, shall file the return required under this article using an electronic filing program established by the department.

N.  For taxable periods beginning from and after December 31, 2020, any taxpayer with an annual total tax liability under this chapter and chapter 6 of this title of five hundred dollars or more, based on the actual tax liability in the preceding calendar year, regardless of the number of offices at which the taxes imposed by this chapter or chapter 6 of this title are collected, or a taxpayer that can reasonably anticipate that liability in the current year, shall file the return required under this article using an electronic filing program established by the department.

O.  Any taxpayer that is required to report and pay using an electronic filing program established by the department may apply to the director, on a form prescribed by the department, for an annual waiver from the electronic filing requirement.  The director may grant a waiver, which may be renewed, if any of the following applies:

1.  The taxpayer has no computer.

2.  The taxpayer has no internet access.

3.  Any other circumstance considered to be worthy by the director.

P.  A waiver is not required if the return cannot be electronically filed for reasons beyond the taxpayer's control, including situations in which the taxpayer was instructed by either the internal revenue service or the department of revenue to file by paper.

Q.  The department, for good cause, may extend the time for making any return required by this article and may grant such reasonable additional time within which to make the return as it deems proper, but the time for filing the return shall not be extended beyond the first day of the third month next succeeding the regular due date of the return.

R.  The department, with the approval of the attorney general, may abate small tax balances if the administration costs exceed the amount of tax due.

S.  For the purposes of subsection D of this section, "taxpayer" means the business entity under which the business reports and pays state income taxes regardless of the number of offices at which the taxes imposed by this article, article 6 of this chapter or chapter 6, article 3 of this title are collected. END_STATUTE

Sec. 18.  Section 42-5073, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE42-5073.  Amusement classification

A.  The amusement classification is comprised of the business of operating or conducting theaters, movies, operas, shows of any type or nature, exhibitions, concerts, carnivals, circuses, amusement parks, menageries, fairs, races, contests, games, billiard or pool parlors, bowling alleys, public dances, dance halls, boxing and wrestling matches, skating rinks, tennis courts, except as provided in subsection B of this section, video games, pinball machines or sports events or any other business charging admission or user fees for exhibition, amusement or entertainment, including the operation or sponsorship of events by a tourism and sports authority under title 5, chapter 8.  For the purposes of this section, admission or user fees include, but are not limited to, any revenues derived from any form of contractual agreement for rights to or use of premium or special seating facilities or arrangements.  The amusement classification does not include:

1.  Activities or projects of bona fide religious or educational institutions.

2.  Private or group instructional activities.  For the purposes of this paragraph, "private or group instructional activities" includes, but is not limited to, performing arts, martial arts, gymnastics and aerobic instruction.

3.  The operation or sponsorship of events by the Arizona exposition and state fair board or county fair commissions.

4.  A musical, dramatic or dance group or a botanical garden, museum or zoo that is qualified as a nonprofit charitable organization under section 501(c)(3) of the United States internal revenue code and if no part of its net income inures to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual.

5.  Exhibition events in this state that are sponsored, conducted or operated by a nonprofit organization that is exempt from taxation under section 501(c)(3), 501(c)(4) or 501(c)(6) of the internal revenue code if the organization is associated with major league baseball teams or a national touring professional golfing association and no part of the organization's net earnings inures to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual.

6.  Operating or sponsoring rodeos that feature primarily farm and ranch animals in this state and that are sponsored, conducted or operated by a nonprofit organization that is exempt from taxation under section 501(c)(3), 501(c)(4), 501(c)(6), 501(c)(7) or 501(c)(8) of the internal revenue code and if no part of the organization's net earnings inures to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual.

7.  Sales of admissions to intercollegiate football contests if the contests are both:

(a)  Operated by a nonprofit organization that is exempt from taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the internal revenue code and no part of the organization's net earnings inures to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual.

(b)  Not held in a multipurpose facility that is owned or operated by the tourism and sports authority pursuant to title 5, chapter 8.

8.  Activities and events of, or fees and assessments received by, a homeowners organization from persons who are members of the organization or accompanied guests of members.  For the purposes of this paragraph, "homeowners organization" means a mandatory membership organization comprised of owners of residential property within a specified residential real estate subdivision development or similar area and established to own property for the benefit of its members where and to which both of the following apply:

(a)  No part of the organization's net earnings inures to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual.

(b)  The primary purpose of the organization is to provide for the acquisition, construction, management, maintenance or care of organization property.

9.  Activities and events of, or fees received by, a nonprofit organization that is exempt from taxation under section 501(c)(6) of the internal revenue code if the organization produces, organizes or promotes cultural or civic related festivals or events and no part of the organization's net earnings inures to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual.

10.  Arranging an amusement activity as a service to a person's customers if that person is not otherwise engaged in the business of operating or conducting an amusement personally or through others.  This exception does not apply to businesses that operate or conduct amusements pursuant to customer orders and send the billings and receive the payments associated with that activity, including when the amusement is performed by third-party independent contractors.  For the purposes of this paragraph, "arranging" includes billing for or collecting amusement charges from a person's customers on behalf of the persons providing the amusement.

B.  The tax base for the amusement classification is the gross proceeds of sales or gross income derived from the business, except that the following shall be deducted from the tax base:

1.  The gross proceeds of sales or gross income derived from memberships, including initiation fees, that provide for the right to use a health or fitness establishment or a private recreational establishment, or any portion of an establishment, including tennis and other racquet courts at that establishment, for participatory purposes for twenty‑eight days or more and fees charged for use of the health or fitness establishment or private recreational establishment by bona fide accompanied guests of members, except that this paragraph does not include additional fees, other than initiation fees, charged by a health or fitness establishment or a private recreational establishment for purposes other than memberships that provide for the right to use a health or fitness establishment or private recreational establishment, or any portion of an establishment, for participatory purposes for twenty‑eight days or more and accompanied guest use fees.

2.  Amounts that are exempt under section 5‑111, subsection G.

3.  The gross proceeds of sales or gross income derived from membership fees, including initiation fees, that provide for the right to use a transient lodging recreational establishment, including golf courses and tennis and other racquet courts at that establishment, for participatory purposes for twenty‑eight days or more, except that this paragraph does not include additional fees, other than initiation fees, that are charged by a transient lodging recreational establishment for purposes other than memberships and that provide for the right to use a transient lodging recreational establishment or any portion of the establishment for participatory purposes for twenty‑eight days or more.

4.  The gross proceeds of sales or gross income derived from sales to persons engaged in the business of transient lodging classified under section 42‑5070, if all of the following apply:

(a)  The persons who are engaged in the transient lodging business sell the amusement to another person for consideration.

(b)  The consideration received by the transient lodging business is equal to or greater than the amount to be deducted under this subsection.

(c)  The transient lodging business has provided an exemption certificate to the person engaging in business under this section.

5.  The gross proceeds of sales or gross income derived from:

(a)  Business activity that is properly included in any other business classification under this article and that is taxable to the person engaged in that classification, but the gross proceeds of sales or gross income to be deducted shall not exceed the consideration paid to the person conducting the activity.

(b)  Business activity that is arranged by the person who is subject to tax under this section and that is not taxable to the person conducting the activity due to an exclusion, exemption or deduction under this section or section 42‑5062, but the gross proceeds of sales or gross income to be deducted shall not exceed the consideration paid to the person conducting the activity.

(c)  Business activity that is arranged by a person who is subject to tax under this section and that is taxable to another person under this section who conducts the activity, but the gross proceeds of sales or gross income to be deducted shall not exceed the consideration paid to the person conducting the activity.

6.  The gross proceeds of sales or gross income derived from entry fees paid by participants for events that either:

(a)  Until March 1, 2017, consist of a run, walk, swim or bicycle ride or a similar event, or any combination of these events.

(b)  are operated or conducted by nonprofit organizations that are exempt from taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the internal revenue code and of which no part of the organization's net earnings inures to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual, if the event consists of a run, walk, swim or bicycle ride or a similar event, or any combination of these events.

C.  For the purposes of subsection B of this section:

1.  "Health or fitness establishment" means a facility whose primary purpose is to provide facilities, equipment, instruction or education to promote the health and fitness of its members and at least eighty percent of the monthly gross revenue of the facility is received through accounts of memberships and accompanied guest use fees that provide for the right to use the facility, or any portion of the facility, under the terms of the membership agreement for participatory purposes for twenty‑eight days or more.

2.  "Private recreational establishment" means a facility whose primary purpose is to provide recreational facilities, such as tennis, golf and swimming, for its members and where at least eighty percent of the monthly gross revenue of the facility is received through accounts of memberships and accompanied guest use fees that provide for the right to use the facility, or any portion of the facility, for participatory purposes for twenty‑eight days or more.

3.  "Transient lodging recreational establishment" means a facility whose primary purpose is to provide facilities for transient lodging, that is subject to taxation under this chapter and that also provides recreational facilities, such as tennis, golf and swimming, for members for a period of twenty‑eight days or more.

D.  Until December 31, 1988, the revenues from hayrides and other animal‑drawn amusement rides, from horseback riding and riding instruction and from recreational tours using motor vehicles designed to operate on and off public highways are exempt from the tax imposed by this section.  Beginning January 1, 1989, the gross proceeds or gross income from hayrides and other animal‑drawn amusement rides, from horseback riding and from recreational tours using motor vehicles designed to operate on and off public highways are subject to taxation under this section.  Tax liabilities, penalties and interest paid for taxable periods before January 1, 1989 shall not be refunded unless the taxpayer requesting the refund provides proof satisfactory to the department that the taxes will be returned to the customer.

E.  If a person is engaged in the business of offering both exhibition, amusement or entertainment and private or group instructional activities, the person's books shall be kept to show separately the gross income from exhibition, amusement or entertainment and the gross income from instructional activities.  If the books do not provide this separate accounting, the tax is imposed on the person's total gross income from the business.

F.  The department shall separately account for revenues collected under the amusement classification for the purposes of section 42‑5029, subsection D, paragraph 4, subdivision (b).

G.  For the purposes of section 42‑5032.01, the department shall separately account for revenues collected under the amusement classification from sales of admissions to:

1.  Events that are held in a multipurpose facility that is owned or operated by the tourism and sports authority pursuant to title 5, chapter 8, including intercollegiate football contests that are operated by a nonprofit organization that is exempt from taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the internal revenue code.

2.  Professional football contests that are held in a stadium located on the campus of an institution under the jurisdiction of the Arizona board of regents. END_STATUTE

Sec. 19.  Section 42-6004, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE42-6004.  Exemption from municipal tax; definitions

A.  A city, town or special taxing district shall not levy a transaction privilege, sales, use or other similar tax on:

1.  Exhibition events in this state sponsored, conducted or operated by a nonprofit organization that is exempt from taxation under section 501(c)(3), 501(c)(4) or 501(c)(6) of the internal revenue code if the organization is associated with a major league baseball team or a national touring professional golfing association and no part of the organization's net earnings inures to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual.

2.  Interstate telecommunications services, which include that portion of telecommunications services, such as subscriber line service, allocable by federal law to interstate telecommunications service.

3.  Sales of warranty or service contracts.

4.  Sales of motor vehicles to nonresidents of this state for use outside this state if the motor vehicle dealer ships or delivers the motor vehicle to a destination outside this state.

5.  Interest on finance contracts.

6.  Dealer documentation fees on the sales of motor vehicles.

7.  Sales of food or other items purchased with United States department of agriculture food stamp coupons issued under the food stamp act of 1977 (P.L. 95‑113; 91 Stat. 958) or food instruments issued under section 17 of the child nutrition act (P.L. 95‑627; 92 Stat. 3603; P.L. 99‑661, section 4302; 42 United States Code section 1786) but may impose such a tax on other sales of food.  If a city, town or special taxing district exempts sales of food from its tax or imposes a different transaction privilege rate on the gross proceeds of sales or gross income from sales of food and nonfood items, it shall use the definition of food prescribed by rule adopted by the department pursuant to section 42‑5106.

8.  Orthodontic devices dispensed by a dental professional who is licensed under title 32, chapter 11 to a patient as part of the practice of dentistry.

9.  Sales of internet access services to the person's subscribers and customers.  For the purposes of this paragraph:

(a)  "Internet" means the computer and telecommunications facilities that comprise the interconnected worldwide network of networks that employ the transmission control protocol or internet protocol, or any predecessor or successor protocol, to communicate information of all kinds by wire or radio.

(b)  "Internet access" means a service that enables users to access content, information, electronic mail or other services over the internet. Internet access does not include telecommunication services provided by a common carrier.

10.  The gross proceeds of sales or gross income retained by the Arizona exposition and state fair board from ride ticket sales at the annual Arizona state fair.

11.  Leasing real property between affiliated companies, businesses, persons or reciprocal insurers.  For the purposes of this paragraph:

(a)  "Affiliated companies, businesses, persons or reciprocal insurers" means the lessor holds a controlling interest in the lessee, the lessee holds a controlling interest in the lessor, affiliated persons hold a controlling interest in both the lessor and the lessee, or an unrelated person holds a controlling interest in both the lessor and lessee.

(b)  "Affiliated persons" means members of the individual's family or persons who have ownership or control of a business entity.

(c)  "Controlling interest" means direct or indirect ownership of at least eighty percent of the voting shares of a corporation or of the interests in a company, business or person other than a corporation.

(d)  "Members of the individual's family" means the individual's spouse and brothers and sisters, whether by whole or half blood, including adopted persons, ancestors and lineal descendants.

(e)  "Reciprocal insurer" has the same meaning prescribed in section 20‑762.

12.  The gross proceeds of sales or gross income derived from a contract for the installation, assembly, repair or maintenance of machinery, equipment or other tangible personal property that is described in section 42‑5061, subsection B and that has independent functional utility, pursuant to the following provisions:

(a)  The deduction provided in this paragraph includes the gross proceeds of sales or gross income derived from all of the following:

(i)  Any activity performed on machinery, equipment or other tangible personal property with independent functional utility.

(ii)  Any activity performed on any tangible personal property relating to machinery, equipment or other tangible personal property with independent functional utility in furtherance of any of the purposes provided for under subdivision (d) of this paragraph.

(iii)  Any activity that is related to the activities described in items (i) and (ii) of this subdivision, including inspecting the installation of or testing the machinery, equipment or other tangible personal property.

(b)  The deduction provided in this paragraph does not include gross proceeds of sales or gross income from the portion of any contracting activity that consists of the development of, or modification to, real property in order to facilitate the installation, assembly, repair, maintenance or removal of machinery, equipment or other tangible personal property described in section 42‑5061, subsection B.

(c)  The deduction provided in this paragraph shall be determined without regard to the size or useful life of the machinery, equipment or other tangible personal property.

(d)  For the purposes of this paragraph, "independent functional utility" means that the machinery, equipment or other tangible personal property can independently perform its function without attachment to real property, other than attachment for any of the following purposes:

(i)  Assembling the machinery, equipment or other tangible personal property.

(ii)  Connecting items of machinery, equipment or other tangible personal property to each other.

(iii)  Connecting the machinery, equipment or other tangible personal property, whether as an individual item or as a system of items, to water, power, gas, communication or other services.

(iv)  Stabilizing or protecting the machinery, equipment or other tangible personal property during operation by bolting, burying or performing other dissimilar nonpermanent connections to either real property or real property improvements.

13.  The leasing or renting of certified ignition interlock devices installed pursuant to the requirements prescribed by section 28‑1461.  For the purposes of this paragraph, "certified ignition interlock device" has the same meaning prescribed in section 28‑1301.

14.  Computer data center equipment sold to the owner, operator or qualified colocation tenant of a computer data center that is certified by the Arizona commerce authority under section 41‑1519 or an authorized agent of the owner, operator or qualified colocation tenant during the qualification period for use in the qualified computer data center.  For the purposes of this paragraph, "computer data center", "computer data center equipment", "qualification period" and "qualified colocation tenant" have the same meanings prescribed in section 41‑1519.

15.  The gross proceeds of sales or gross income derived from a contract with the owner of real property or improvements to real property for the maintenance, repair, replacement or alteration of existing property, except as specified in this paragraph.  The gross proceeds of sales or gross income derived from a de minimis amount of modification activity does not subject the contract or any part of the contract to tax.  For the purposes of this paragraph:

(a)  Each contract is independent of another contract, except that any change order that directly relates to the scope of work of the original contract shall be treated the same as the original contract under this paragraph, regardless of the amount of modification activities included in the change order.  If a change order does not directly relate to the scope of work of the original contract, the change order shall be treated as a new contract, with the tax treatment of any subsequent change order to follow the tax treatment of the contract to which the scope of work of the subsequent change order directly relates.

(b)  Any term not defined in this paragraph that is defined in section 42‑5075 has the same meaning prescribed in section 42‑5075.

(c)  This paragraph does not apply to a contract that primarily involves surface or subsurface improvements to land and that is subject to title 28, chapter 19, 20 or 22 or title 34, chapter 2 or 6 even if the contract also includes vertical improvements.  If a city or town imposes a tax on contracts that are subject to procurement processes under those provisions, the city or town shall include in the request for proposals a notice to bidders when those projects are subject to the tax.  This subdivision does not apply to contracts with:

(i)  Community facilities districts, fire districts, county television improvement districts, community park maintenance districts, cotton pest control districts, hospital districts, pest abatement districts, health service districts, agricultural improvement districts, county free library districts, county jail districts, county stadium districts, special health care districts, public health services districts, theme park districts or revitalization districts.

(ii)  Any special taxing district not specified in item (i) of this subdivision if the district does not substantially engage in the modification, maintenance, repair, replacement or alteration of surface or subsurface improvements to land.

16.  Monitoring services relating to an alarm system as defined in section 32‑101.

17.  Tangible personal property, job printing or publications sold to or purchased by, or tangible personal property leased, rented or licensed for use to or by, a qualifying health sciences educational institution as defined in section 42‑5001.

18.  The transfer of title or possession of coal back and forth between an owner or operator of a power plant and a person who is responsible for refining coal if both of the following apply:

(a)  The transfer of title or possession of the coal is for the purpose of refining the coal.

(b)  The title or possession of the coal is transferred back to the owner or operator of the power plant after completion of the coal refining process.  For the purposes of this subdivision, "coal refining process" means the application of a coal additive system that aids the reduction of power plant emissions during the combustion of coal and the treatment of flue gas.

19.  The gross proceeds of sales or gross income from sales of low or reduced cost articles of food or drink to eligible elderly or homeless persons or persons with a disability by a business subject to tax under section 42‑5074 that contracts with the department of economic security and that is approved by the food and nutrition service of the United States department of agriculture pursuant to the supplemental nutrition assistance program established by the food and nutrition act of 2008 (P.L. 110‑246; 122 Stat. 1651; 7 United States Code sections 2011 through 2036a), if the purchases are made with the benefits issued pursuant to the supplemental nutrition assistance program.

20.  Tangible personal property incorporated or fabricated into a project described in paragraph 15 of this subsection, that is located within the exterior boundaries of an Indian reservation for which the owner, as defined in section 42‑5075, of the project is an Indian tribe or an affiliated Indian.  For the purposes of this paragraph:

(a)  "Affiliated Indian" means an individual native American Indian who is duly registered on the tribal rolls of the Indian tribe for whose benefit the Indian reservation was established.

(b)  "Indian reservation" means all lands that are within the limits of areas set aside by the United States for the exclusive use and occupancy of an Indian tribe by treaty, law or executive order and that are recognized as Indian reservations by the United States department of the interior.

(c)  "Indian tribe" means any organized nation, tribe, band or community that is recognized as an Indian tribe by the United States department of the interior and includes any entity formed under the laws of that Indian tribe.

21.  The charges for the leasing or renting of space to make attachments to utility poles as follows:

(a)  By a person that is engaged in the business of providing or furnishing electrical services or telecommunication services or that is a cable operator.

(b)  To a person that is engaged in the business of providing or furnishing electrical services or telecommunication services or that is a cable operator.

22.  Until March 1, 2017, the gross proceeds of sales or gross income derived from entry fees paid by participants for events that consist of a run, walk, swim or bicycle ride or a similar event, or any combination of these events.

23.  22.  The gross proceeds of sales or gross income derived from entry fees paid by participants for events that are operated or conducted by nonprofit organizations that are exempt from taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the internal revenue code and of which no part of the organization's net earnings inures to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual, if the event consists of a run, walk, swim or bicycle ride or a similar event, or any combination of these events.

B.  A city, town or other taxing jurisdiction shall not levy a transaction privilege, sales, use, franchise or other similar tax or fee, however denominated, on natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas used to propel a motor vehicle.

C.  A city, town or other taxing jurisdiction shall not levy a transaction privilege, sales, gross receipts, use, franchise or other similar tax or fee, however denominated, on gross proceeds of sales or gross income derived from any of the following:

1.  A motor carrier's use on the public highways in this state if the motor carrier is subject to a fee prescribed in title 28, chapter 16, article 4.

2.  Leasing, renting or licensing a motor vehicle subject to and on which the fee has been paid under title 28, chapter 16, article 4.

3.  The sale of a motor vehicle and any repair and replacement parts and tangible personal property becoming a part of such motor vehicle to a motor carrier who is subject to a fee prescribed in title 28, chapter 16, article 4 and who is engaged in the business of leasing, renting or licensing such property.

4.  Incarcerating or detaining in a privately operated prison, jail or detention facility prisoners who are under the jurisdiction of the United States, this state or any other state or a political subdivision of this state or of any other state.

5.  Transporting for hire persons, freight or property by light motor vehicles subject to a fee under title 28, chapter 15, article 4.

6.  Any amount attributable to development fees that are incurred in relation to the construction, development or improvement of real property and paid by the taxpayer as defined in the model city tax code or by a contractor providing services to the taxpayer.  For the purposes of this paragraph:

(a)  The attributable amount shall not exceed the value of the development fees actually imposed.

(b)  The attributable amount is equal to the total amount of development fees paid by the taxpayer or by a contractor providing services to the taxpayer and the total development fees credited in exchange for the construction of, contribution to or dedication of real property for providing public infrastructure, public safety or other public services necessary to the development.  The real property must be the subject of the development fees.

(c)  "Development fees" means fees imposed to offset capital costs of providing public infrastructure, public safety or other public services to a development and authorized pursuant to section 9‑463.05, section 11‑1102 or title 48 regardless of the jurisdiction to which the fees are paid.

7.  Any amount attributable to fees collected by transportation network companies issued a permit pursuant to section 28‑9552.

8.  Transporting for hire persons by transportation network company drivers on transactions involving transportation network services as defined in section 28‑9551.

9.  Transporting for hire persons by vehicle for hire companies that are issued permits pursuant to section 28‑9503.

10.  Transporting for hire persons by vehicle for hire drivers on transactions involving vehicle for hire services as defined in section 28‑9501.

D.  A city, town or other taxing jurisdiction shall not levy a transaction privilege, sales, use, franchise or other similar tax or fee, however denominated, in excess of one-tenth of one percent of the value of the entire product mined, smelted, extracted, refined, produced or prepared for sale, profit or commercial use, on persons engaged in the business of mineral processing, except to the extent that the tax is computed on the gross proceeds or gross income from sales at retail.

E.  In computing the tax base, any city, town or other taxing jurisdiction shall not include in the gross proceeds of sales or gross income:

1.  A manufacturer's cash rebate on the sales price of a motor vehicle if the buyer assigns the buyer's right in the rebate to the retailer.

2.  The waste tire disposal fee imposed pursuant to section 44‑1302.

F.  A city or town shall not levy a use tax on the storage, use or consumption of tangible personal property in the city or town by a school district or charter school.

G.  For the purposes of this section:

1.  "Cable operator" has the same meaning prescribed in section 9‑505.

2.  "Electrical services" means transmitting or distributing electricity, electric lights, current or power over lines, wires or cables.

3.  "Telecommunication services" means transmitting or relaying sound, visual image, data, information, images or material over lines, wires or cables by radio signal, light beam, telephone, telegraph or other electromagnetic means.

4.  "Utility pole" means any wooden, metal or other pole used for utility purposes and the pole's appurtenances that are attached or authorized for attachment by the person controlling the pole. END_STATUTE

Sec. 20.  Section 42-11132, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE42-11132.  Property leased to educational institutions

A.  Property, buildings and fixtures that are leased to a not for profit nonprofit charter school and that are used for educational instruction in any grade or program through grade twelve shall be classified as class nine property pursuant to section 42‑12009.  If only part of a parcel of real property or improvements to real property is leased for operation of a charter school, only the portion so leased qualifies as class nine property.

B.  Property, buildings and fixtures that are owned by an educational, a religious or a charitable organization, institution or association and leased to a not for profit nonprofit educational organization, institution or association are exempt from taxation if the property is used for educational instruction in any grade or program through grade twelve.

C.  If the educational, religious or charitable organization, institution or association that owns the property files with the assessor evidence of the organization's, institution's or association's tax exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the internal revenue code and an affidavit by the educational organization, institution or association that it uses the property for educational instruction as described in subsection B of this section, the property qualifies for the tax exemption under this section and is exempt from the requirement of filing subsequent affidavits under section 42‑11152 until all or part of the property is conveyed to a new owner or is no longer used for educational purposes.  At that time the educational, religious or charitable organization, institution or association must notify the assessor of the change in writing. END_STATUTE

Sec. 21.  Section 42-15010, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE42-15010.  Applying assessment percentages

A.  In preparing the tax rolls, the county assessor shall apply the appropriate percentage to the full cash value or limited property value of property, as applicable, to show the assessed valuation.

B.  If a parcel of property has more than one percentage applied to its full cash value under this section due to multiple uses, the county assessor shall apply the percentage to the limited property value of the parcel in the same proportion and in the same manner as the parcel's full cash value.END_STATUTE

Sec. 22.  Section 43-224, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE43-224.  Individual and corporate income tax credits; annual report; termination of unused credits

A.  On or before September 30 of each year, the department shall report to the directors of the joint legislative budget committee and the governor's office of strategic planning and budgeting on the amount of individual income tax credits and corporate income tax credits that were claimed in the previous fiscal year.

B.  Except as provided by subsection C of this section, if, in any four consecutive reports under subsection A of this section, an individual or corporate income tax credit was not claimed by or allowed to any individual or corporate taxpayer, the director of the department of revenue shall:

1.  Terminate the recognition and servicing of that credit for taxable years beginning from and after December 31 of the year in which the second fourth report is issued.

2.  Issue a public announcement, including on the department's website, of the termination of the credit under authority of this section.

3.  Notify the governor's office of strategic planning and budgeting, the president of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives, the joint legislative budget committee and the legislative council.

4.  Include the repeal of all statutes relating to the terminated credit in technical tax correction legislation for enactment in the next regular session of the legislature.  If the legislature fails to enact this legislation, the director shall rescind the termination of the credit.

C.  The director may not terminate under subsection B of this section the recognition and servicing of any income tax credit that is subject by law to preapproval by the Arizona commerce authority unless over any period of four consecutive calendar years both of the following conditions occur with respect to the credit:

1.  The department has not received notice of preapproval of any applicant or project for the credit from the Arizona commerce authority.

2.  In the report issued under subsection A of this section, the credit was not claimed by or allowed to any taxpayer. END_STATUTE

Sec. 23.  Section 43-309, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE43-309.  Joint returns of husband and wife

If a husband and wife are required to file a return pursuant to section 43‑301, they may file a joint return under the following conditions:

1.  No A joint return shall not be made if husband and wife have different taxable years.  If such taxable years begin on the same day and end on different days because of the death of either or of both, then the joint return may be made with respect to the taxable year of each.  Such an exception shall does not apply if the surviving spouse remarried before the close of his the surviving spouse's taxable year, nor or if the taxable year of either spouse is a fractional part of a year under section 43‑931, subsection A.

2.  In the case of the death of one or both spouses, the joint return with respect to the decedent may be made only by his the decedent's executor or administrator, except that in the case of the death of one spouse the joint return may be made by the surviving spouse with respect to both himself the surviving spouse and the decedent if all of the following apply:

(a)  No A return for the taxable year has not been made by the decedent.

(b)  No An executor or administrator has not been appointed.

(c)  No An executor or administrator is not appointed before the last day prescribed by law for filing the return of the surviving spouse.  If an executor or administrator of the decedent is appointed after the making of the joint return by the surviving spouse, the executor or administrator may disaffirm such the joint return by making, within one year after the last day prescribed by law for filing the return of the surviving spouse, a separate return for the taxable year of the decedent with respect to which the joint return was made, in which case the return made by the survivor shall constitute his the survivor's separate return.

3.  For the purposes of this section, the status as husband and wife of two individuals having taxable years beginning on the same day shall be determined:

(a)  If both have the same taxable year, as of the close of such year.

(b)  If one dies before the close of the taxable year of the other, as of the time of such death. END_STATUTE

Sec. 24.  Repeal

Section 43-568, Arizona Revised Statutes, is repealed.

Sec. 25.  Section 43-901, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE43-901.  Taxable income computation

Taxable income shall be computed upon the basis of the taxpayer's annual accounting period, fiscal year or calendar year as the case may be in accordance with the method of accounting regularly employed in keeping the books of such taxpayer.  If no such method of accounting has been so employed or if the method employed does not reflect the proper income, the computation shall be made in accordance with such method as in the opinion of the department does reflect the proper income.  If the taxpayer's annual accounting period is other than a fiscal year or if the taxpayer has no annual accounting period or does not keep books, the taxable income shall be computed on the basis of the calendar year on the basis of the taxpayer's taxable year as defined in section 441 of the internal revenue code. END_STATUTE

Sec. 26.  Repeal

Sections 43-902, 43-903 and 43-904, Arizona Revised Statutes, are repealed.

Sec. 27.  Renumber

Section 43-905, Arizona Revised Statutes, is renumbered as a new section 43-902.

Sec. 28.  Section 43-931, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE43-931.  Change of accounting period; computation of income; due date of return

A.  If a taxpayer, with the approval of the department, changes the basis of computing taxable income from fiscal year to calendar year, a separate return shall be made for the period between the close of the last fiscal year for which return was made and the following December 31.  If the change is from calendar year to fiscal year, a separate return shall be made for the period between the close of the last calendar year for which return was made and the date designated as the close of the fiscal year. If the change is from one fiscal year to another fiscal year a separate return shall be made for the period between the close of the former fiscal year and the date designated as the close of the new fiscal year.

B.  If a separate return is made under subsection A section 443 of the internal revenue code on account of a change in the accounting period, and in all other cases where in which a separate return is required or permitted by treasury regulations prescribed by the department to be made for a fractional part of a year, the income shall be computed on the basis of the period for which the separate return is made. The due date of the separate return for such the period is the fifteenth day of the fourth month following the close of such that period unless the short period return is due to a change in ownership of a corporation, in which case the due date shall be determined pursuant to 26 Code of Federal Regulations section 1.1502-76 treasury regulations. END_STATUTE

Sec. 29.  Repeal

Sections 43-932 and 43-933, Arizona Revised Statutes, are repealed.

Sec. 30.  Renumber

Section 43-934, Arizona Revised Statutes, is renumbered as a new section 43-932.

Sec. 31.  Section 43-1021, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE43-1021.  Addition to Arizona gross income

In computing Arizona adjusted gross income, the following amounts shall be added to Arizona gross income:

1.  A beneficiary's share of the fiduciary adjustment to the extent that the amount determined by section 43‑1333 increases the beneficiary's Arizona gross income.

2.  An amount equal to the ordinary income portion of a lump sum distribution that was excluded from federal adjusted gross income pursuant to the special rule for individuals who attained fifty years of age before January 1, 1986 under Public Law 99‑514, section 1122(h)(3).

3.  The amount of interest income received on obligations of any state, territory or possession of the United States, or any political subdivision thereof, located outside the state of Arizona, reduced, for taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 1996, by the amount of any interest on indebtedness and other related expenses that were incurred or continued to purchase or carry those obligations and that are not otherwise deducted or subtracted in arriving at Arizona gross income.

4.  The excess of a partner's share of partnership taxable income required to be included under chapter 14, article 2 of this title over the income required to be reported under section 702(a)(8) of the internal revenue code.

5.  The excess of a partner's share of partnership losses determined pursuant to section 702(a)(8) of the internal revenue code over the losses allowable under chapter 14, article 2 of this title.

6.  Any amount of agricultural water conservation expenses that were deducted pursuant to the internal revenue code for which a credit is claimed under section 43‑1084.

7.  The amount by which the depreciation or amortization computed under the internal revenue code with respect to property for which a credit was taken under section 43‑1080 exceeds the amount of depreciation or amortization computed pursuant to the internal revenue code on the Arizona adjusted basis of the property.

8.  The amount by which the adjusted basis computed under the internal revenue code with respect to property for which a credit was claimed under section 43‑1080 and that is sold or otherwise disposed of during the taxable year exceeds the adjusted basis of the property computed under section 43‑1080.

9.  The amount by which the depreciation or amortization computed under the internal revenue code with respect to property for which a credit was taken under either section 43‑1081 or 43‑1081.01 exceeds the amount of depreciation or amortization computed pursuant to the internal revenue code on the Arizona adjusted basis of the property.

10.  The amount by which the adjusted basis computed under the internal revenue code with respect to property for which a credit was claimed under section 43‑1074.02, 43‑1081 or 43‑1081.01 and that is sold or otherwise disposed of during the taxable year exceeds the adjusted basis of the property computed under section 43‑1074.02, 43‑1081 or 43‑1081.01, as applicable.

11.  The deduction referred to in section 1341(a)(4) of the internal revenue code for restoration of a substantial amount held under a claim of right.

12.  The amount by which a net operating loss carryover or capital loss carryover allowable pursuant to section 1341(b)(5) of the internal revenue code exceeds the net operating loss carryover or capital loss carryover allowable pursuant to section 43‑1029, subsection F.

13.  Any wage expenses deducted pursuant to the internal revenue code for which a credit is claimed under section 43‑1087 and representing net increases in qualified employment positions for employment of temporary assistance for needy families recipients.

14.  The amount of any depreciation allowance allowed pursuant to section 167(a) of the internal revenue code to the extent not previously added.

15.  With respect to property for which an expense deduction was taken pursuant to section 179 of the internal revenue code in a taxable year beginning before January 1, 2013, the amount in excess of twenty‑five thousand dollars.

16.  15.  The amount of a nonqualified withdrawal, as defined in section 15‑1871, from a college savings plan established pursuant to section 529 of the internal revenue code that is made to a distributee to the extent the amount is not included in computing federal adjusted gross income, except that the amount added under this paragraph shall not exceed the difference between the amount subtracted under section 43‑1022 in prior taxable years and the amount added under this section in any prior taxable years.

17.  16.  The amount of discharge of indebtedness income that is deferred and excluded from the computation of federal adjusted gross income in the current taxable year pursuant to section 108(i) of the internal revenue code as added by section 1231 of the American recovery and reinvestment act of 2009 (P.L. 111‑5).

18.  17.  The amount of any previously deferred original issue discount that was deducted in computing federal adjusted gross income in the current year pursuant to section 108(i) of the internal revenue code as added by section 1231 of the American recovery and reinvestment act of 2009 (P.L. 111‑5), to the extent that the amount was previously subtracted from Arizona gross income pursuant to section 43‑1022, paragraph 23 22.

19.  Amounts that are considered to be income under section 43‑1032, subsection D because the amount is withdrawn from a long‑term health care savings account and not used to pay the taxpayer's long‑term health care expenses.

20.  18.  If a subtraction is or has been taken by the taxpayer under section 43‑1024, in the current or a prior taxable year for the full amount of eligible access expenditures paid or incurred to comply with the requirements of the Americans with disabilities act of 1990 (P.L. 101‑336) or title 41, chapter 9, article 8, any amount of eligible access expenditures that is recognized under the internal revenue code, including any amount that is amortized according to federal amortization schedules, and that is included in computing taxable income for the current taxable year.

21.  19.  For taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2017, the amount of any net capital loss included in Arizona gross income for the taxable year that is derived from the exchange of one kind of legal tender for another kind of legal tender.  For the purposes of this paragraph:

(a)  "Legal tender" means a medium of exchange, including specie, that is authorized by the United States Constitution or Congress for the payment of debts, public charges, taxes and dues.

(b)  "Specie" means coins having precious metal content. END_STATUTE

Sec. 32.  Section 43-1022, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE43-1022.  Subtractions from Arizona gross income

In computing Arizona adjusted gross income, the following amounts shall be subtracted from Arizona gross income:

1.  The amount of exemptions allowed by section 43‑1023.

2.  Benefits, annuities and pensions in an amount totaling not more than two thousand five hundred dollars received from one or more of the following:

(a)  The United States government service retirement and disability fund, retired or retainer pay of the uniformed services of the United States, the United States foreign service retirement and disability system and any other retirement system or plan established by federal law.

(b)  The Arizona state retirement system, the corrections officer retirement plan, the public safety personnel retirement system, the elected officials' retirement plan, an optional retirement program established by the Arizona board of regents under section 15‑1628, an optional retirement program established by a community college district board under section 15‑1451 or a retirement plan established for employees of a county, city or town in this state.

3.  A beneficiary's share of the fiduciary adjustment to the extent that the amount determined by section 43‑1333 decreases the beneficiary's Arizona gross income.

4.  Interest income received on obligations of the United States, less any interest on indebtedness, or other related expenses, and deducted in arriving at Arizona gross income, which were incurred or continued to purchase or carry such obligations.

5.  The excess of a partner's share of income required to be included under section 702(a)(8) of the internal revenue code over the income required to be included under chapter 14, article 2 of this title.

6.  The excess of a partner's share of partnership losses determined pursuant to chapter 14, article 2 of this title over the losses allowable under section 702(a)(8) of the internal revenue code.

7.  The amount allowed by section 43‑1025 for contributions during the taxable year of agricultural crops to charitable organizations.

8.  The portion of any wages or salaries paid or incurred by the taxpayer for the taxable year that is equal to the amount of the federal work opportunity credit, the empowerment zone employment credit, the credit for employer paid social security taxes on employee cash tips and the Indian employment credit that the taxpayer received under sections 45A, 45B, 51(a) and 1396 of the internal revenue code.

9.  The amount of prizes or winnings less than five thousand dollars in a single taxable year from any of the state lotteries established and operated pursuant to title 5, chapter 5.1, article 1.

10.  The amount of exploration expenses that is determined pursuant to section 617 of the internal revenue code, that has been deferred in a taxable year ending before January 1, 1990 and for which a subtraction has not previously been made.  The subtraction shall be made on a ratable basis as the units of produced ores or minerals discovered or explored as a result of this exploration are sold.

11.  The amount included in federal adjusted gross income pursuant to section 86 of the internal revenue code, relating to taxation of social security and railroad retirement benefits.

12.  To the extent not already excluded from Arizona gross income under the internal revenue code, compensation received for active service as a member of the reserves, the national guard or the armed forces of the United States, including compensation for service in a combat zone as determined under section 112 of the internal revenue code.

13.  The amount of unreimbursed medical and hospital costs, adoption counseling, legal and agency fees and other nonrecurring costs of adoption not to exceed three thousand dollars.  In the case of a husband and wife who file separate returns, the subtraction may be taken by either taxpayer or may be divided between them, but the total subtractions allowed both husband and wife shall not exceed three thousand dollars.  The subtraction under this paragraph may be taken for the costs that are described in this paragraph and that are incurred in prior years, but the subtraction may be taken only in the year during which the final adoption order is granted.

14.  The amount authorized by section 43‑1027 for the taxable year relating to qualified wood stoves, wood fireplaces or gas fired fireplaces.

15.  The amount by which a net operating loss carryover or capital loss carryover allowable pursuant to section 43‑1029, subsection F exceeds the net operating loss carryover or capital loss carryover allowable pursuant to section 1341(b)(5) of the internal revenue code.

16.  Any amount of qualified educational expenses that is distributed from a qualified state tuition program determined pursuant to section 529 of the internal revenue code and that is included in income in computing federal adjusted gross income.

17.  Any item of income resulting from an installment sale that has been properly subjected to income tax in another state in a previous taxable year and that is included in Arizona gross income in the current taxable year.

18.  The amount authorized by section 43‑1030 relating to holocaust survivors.

19.  For property placed in service:

(a)  In taxable years beginning before December 31, 2012, an amount equal to the depreciation allowable pursuant to section 167(a) of the internal revenue code for the taxable year computed as if the election described in section 168(k)(2)(D)(iii) of the internal revenue code had been made for each applicable class of property in the year the property was placed in service.

(b)  In taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2012 through December 31, 2013, an amount determined in the year the asset was placed in service based on the calculation in subdivision (a) of this paragraph.  In the first taxable year beginning from and after December 31, 2013, the taxpayer may elect to subtract the amount necessary to make the depreciation claimed to date for the purposes of this title the same as it would have been if subdivision (c) of this paragraph had applied for the entire time the asset was in service.  Subdivision (c) of this paragraph applies for the remainder of the asset's life.  If the taxpayer does not make the election under this subdivision, subdivision (a) of this paragraph applies for the remainder of the asset's life.

(c)  In taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2013 through December 31, 2015, an amount equal to the depreciation allowable pursuant to section 167(a) of the internal revenue code for the taxable year as computed as if the additional allowance for depreciation had been ten percent of the amount allowed pursuant to section 168(k) of the internal revenue code.

(d)  In taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2015 through December 31, 2016, an amount equal to the depreciation allowable pursuant to section 167(a) of the internal revenue code for the taxable year as computed as if the additional allowance for depreciation had been fifty‑five percent of the amount allowed pursuant to section 168(k) of the internal revenue code.

(e)  In taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2016, an amount equal to the depreciation allowable pursuant to section 167(a) of the internal revenue code for the taxable year as computed as if the additional allowance for depreciation had been the full amount allowed pursuant to section 168(k) of the internal revenue code.

20.  With respect to property that is sold or otherwise disposed of during the taxable year by a taxpayer that complied with section 43‑1021, paragraph 14 with respect to that property, the amount of depreciation that has been allowed pursuant to section 167(a) of the internal revenue code to the extent that the amount has not already reduced Arizona taxable income in the current or prior taxable years.

21.  With respect to property for which an adjustment was made under section 43‑1021, paragraph 15, an amount equal to one‑fifth of the amount of the adjustment pursuant to section 43‑1021, paragraph 15 in the year in which the amount was adjusted under section 43‑1021, paragraph 15 and in each of the following four years.

22.  21.  The amount contributed during the taxable year to college savings plans established pursuant to section 529 of the internal revenue code to the extent that the contributions were not deducted in computing federal adjusted gross income.  The amount subtracted shall not exceed:

(a)  Two thousand dollars for a single individual or a head of household.

(b)  Four thousand dollars for a married couple filing a joint return.  In the case of a husband and wife who file separate returns, the subtraction may be taken by either taxpayer or may be divided between them, but the total subtractions allowed both husband and wife shall not exceed four thousand dollars.

23.  22.  The amount of any original issue discount that was deferred and not allowed to be deducted in computing federal adjusted gross income in the current taxable year pursuant to section 108(i) of the internal revenue code as added by section 1231 of the American recovery and reinvestment act of 2009 (P.L. 111‑5).

24.  23.  The amount of previously deferred discharge of indebtedness income that is included in the computation of federal adjusted gross income in the current taxable year pursuant to section 108(i) of the internal revenue code as added by section 1231 of the American recovery and reinvestment act of 2009 (P.L. 111‑5), to the extent that the amount was previously added to Arizona gross income pursuant to section 43‑1021, paragraph 17 16.

25.  24.  The portion of the net operating loss carryforward that would have been allowed as a deduction in the current year pursuant to section 172 of the internal revenue code if the election described in section 172(b)(1)(H) of the internal revenue code had not been made in the year of the loss that exceeds the actual net operating loss carryforward that was deducted in arriving at federal adjusted gross income.  This subtraction only applies to taxpayers who made an election under section 172(b)(1)(H) of the internal revenue code as amended by section 1211 of the American recovery and reinvestment act of 2009 (P.L. 111‑5) or as amended by section 13 of the worker, homeownership, and business assistance act of 2009 (P.L. 111‑92).

26.  25.  For taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2013, the amount of any net capital gain included in federal adjusted gross income for the taxable year derived from investment in a qualified small business as determined by the Arizona commerce authority pursuant to section 41‑1518.

27.  26.  An amount of any net long-term capital gain included in federal adjusted gross income for the taxable year that is derived from an investment in an asset acquired after December 31, 2011, as follows:

(a)  For taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2012 through December 31, 2013, ten percent of the net long-term capital gain included in federal adjusted gross income.

(b)  For taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2013 through December 31, 2014, twenty percent of the net long-term capital gain included in federal adjusted gross income.

(c)  For taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2014, twenty‑five percent of the net long-term capital gain included in federal adjusted gross income.  For the purposes of this paragraph, a transferee that receives an asset by gift or at the death of a transferor is considered to have acquired the asset when the asset was acquired by the transferor.  If the date an asset is acquired cannot be verified, a subtraction under this paragraph is not allowed.

28.  27.  If an individual is not claiming itemized deductions pursuant to section 43‑1042, the amount of premium costs for long-term care insurance, as defined in section 20‑1691.

29.  With respect to a long-term health care savings account established pursuant to section 43‑1032, the amount deposited by the taxpayer in the account during the taxable year to the extent that the taxpayer's contributions are included in the taxpayer's federal adjusted gross income.

30.  28.  The amount of eligible access expenditures paid or incurred during the taxable year to comply with the requirements of the Americans with disabilities act of 1990 (P.L. 101‑336) or title 41, chapter 9, article 8 as provided by section 43‑1024.

31.  29.  For taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2017, the amount of any net capital gain included in Arizona gross income for the taxable year that is derived from the exchange of one kind of legal tender for another kind of legal tender.  For the purposes of this paragraph:

(a)  "Legal tender" means a medium of exchange, including specie, that is authorized by the United States Constitution or Congress for the payment of debts, public charges, taxes and dues.

(b)  "Specie" means coins having precious metal content. END_STATUTE

Sec. 33.  Section 43-1024, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE43-1024.  Americans with disabilities act access expenditures

A.  For taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2017, in computing Arizona adjusted gross income, a subtraction is allowed under section 43‑1022, paragraph 30 28 for eligible business access expenditures paid or incurred by the taxpayer during the taxable year in order to comply with the requirements of the Americans with disabilities act of 1990 (P.L. 101‑336) or title 41, chapter 9, article 8 by retrofitting developed real property that was originally placed in service at least ten years before the current taxable year.

B.  For the purposes of this section, eligible business access expenditures Include reasonable and necessary amounts paid or incurred to:

1.  Remove any barriers that prevent a business from being accessible to or usable by individuals with disabilities.

2.  Provide qualified interpreters or other methods of making audio materials available to hearing-impaired individuals.

3.  Provide qualified readers, taped texts and other effective methods of making visually delivered materials available to individuals with visual impairments.

4.  Acquire or modify equipment or devices for individuals with disabilities.

5.  Provide other similar services, modifications, materials or equipment.

C.  A taxpayer who has been cited for noncompliance with the Americans with disabilities act of 1990 or title 41, chapter 9, article 8 by either federal or state enforcement officials is ineligible for a subtraction under this section for any expenditure required to cure the cited violation. END_STATUTE

Sec. 34.  Repeal

Section 43-1032, Arizona Revised Statutes, is repealed.

Sec. 35.  Section 43-1042, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE43-1042.  Itemized deductions

A.  Except as provided by subsections B and D  C of this section, at the election of the taxpayer, and in lieu of the standard deduction allowed by section 43‑1041, in computing taxable income the taxpayer may take the amount of itemized deductions allowable for the taxable year pursuant to subtitle A, chapter 1, subchapter B, parts VI and VII, but subject to the limitations prescribed by sections 67, 68 and 274 of the internal revenue code.

B.  In lieu of the amount of the federal itemized deduction for expenses paid for medical care allowed under section 213 of the internal revenue code, the taxpayer may deduct the full amount of such expenses.

C.  Notwithstanding subsection B of this section, expenses for long‑term health care that are paid or reimbursed from the taxpayer's long‑term health care savings account pursuant to section 43‑1032 shall not be deducted pursuant to this section.

D.  C.  A taxpayer shall not claim both a deduction provided by this section and a credit allowed by this title with respect to the same charitable contributions.

E.  D.  The taxpayer may add any interest expense paid by the taxpayer for the taxable year that is equal to the amount of federal credit for interest on certain home mortgages allowed by section 25 of the internal revenue code. END_STATUTE

Sec. 36.  Section 43-1043, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE43-1043.  Personal exemptions; annual adjustment

A.  For taxable years prior to before 2017, there shall be allowed as an exemption, in the case of:

1.  A single individual, a personal exemption of two thousand one hundred dollars.

2.  A head of a household or a married individual, a personal exemption of four thousand two hundred dollars under this paragraph.  A husband and wife shall receive but one personal exemption of four thousand two hundred dollars.  If the husband and wife make separate returns, the personal exemption may be taken by either or divided between them.

3.  A married couple who claim at least one dependent, an exemption of six thousand three hundred dollars.  If the husband and wife make separate returns, the personal exemption may be taken by either or divided between them.  An exemption under this paragraph is in lieu of the exemption under paragraph 2 of this subsection.

B.  For taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2016 through December 31, 2017, there is allowed as an exemption, in the case of:

1.  A single individual, a personal exemption of two thousand one hundred fifty dollars.

2.  A head of a household or a married individual, a personal exemption of four thousand three hundred dollars under this paragraph.  A husband and wife shall receive but one personal exemption of four thousand three hundred dollars.  If the husband and wife make separate returns, the personal exemption may be taken by either or divided between them.

3.  A married couple who claim at least one dependent, an exemption of six thousand four hundred fifty dollars.  If the husband and wife make separate returns, the personal exemption may be taken by either or divided between them.  An exemption under this paragraph is in lieu of the exemption under paragraph 2 of this subsection.

C.  For taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2017 through December 31, 2018, there is allowed as an exemption, in the case of:

1.  A single individual, a personal exemption of two thousand two hundred dollars.

2.  A head of a household or a married individual, a personal exemption of four thousand four hundred dollars under this paragraph.  A husband and wife shall receive but one personal exemption of four thousand four hundred dollars.  If the husband and wife make separate returns, the personal exemption may be taken by either or divided between them.

3.  A married couple who claim at least one dependent, an exemption of six thousand six hundred dollars.  If the husband and wife make separate returns, the personal exemption may be taken by either or divided between them.  An exemption under this paragraph is in lieu of the exemption under paragraph 2 of this subsection.

D.  For taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2018, the department shall adjust the dollar amounts prescribed for each of the exemptions in subsection C of this section according to the average annual change in the metropolitan Phoenix consumer price index published by the United States bureau of labor statistics.  The revised dollar amounts shall be raised to the nearest whole dollar.  The designated dollar amounts may not be revised below the amounts allowed by the personal exemption in the prior taxable year. END_STATUTE

Sec. 37.  Section 43-1074, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE43-1074.  Credit for new employment

A.  For taxable years beginning from and after June 30, 2011, a credit is allowed against the taxes imposed by this title for net increases in full‑time employees residing in this state and hired in qualified employment positions in this state as computed and certified by the Arizona commerce authority pursuant to section 41‑1525.

B.  Subject to subsection F of this section, the amount of the credit is equal to:

1.  Three thousand dollars for each full‑time employee hired in a qualified employment position in the first year or partial year of employment.  Employees hired in the last ninety days of the taxable year are excluded for that taxable year and are considered to be new employees in the following taxable year.

2.  Three thousand dollars for each full‑time employee in a qualified employment position for the full taxable year in the second year of continuous employment.

3.  Three thousand dollars for each full‑time employee in a qualified employment position for the full taxable year in the third year of continuous employment.

C.  The capital investment and the new qualified employment positions requirements of section 41‑1525, subsection B must be accomplished within twelve months after the start of the required capital investment.  No A credit may not be claimed until both requirements are met.  A business that meets the requirements of section 41‑1525, subsection B for a location is eligible to claim first year credits for three years beginning with the taxable year in which those requirements are completed.  Employees hired at the location before the beginning of the taxable year but during the twelve-month period allowed in this subsection are considered to be new employees for the taxable year in which all of those requirements are completed.  The employees that are considered to be new employees for the taxable year under this subsection shall not be included in the average number of full-time employees during the immediately preceding taxable year until the taxable year in which all of the requirements of section 41‑1525, subsection B are completed.  An employee working at a temporary work site worksite in this state while the designated location is under construction is considered to be working at the designated location if all of the following occur:

1.  The employee is hired after the start of the required investment at the designated location.

2.  The employee is hired to work at the designated location after it is completed.

3.  The payroll for the employees destined for the designated location is segregated from other employees.

4.  The employee is moved to the designated location within thirty days after its completion.

D.  To qualify for a credit under this section, the taxpayer and the employment positions must meet the requirements prescribed by section 41‑1525.

E.  A credit is allowed for employment in the second and third year only for qualified employment positions for which a credit was claimed and allowed in the first year.

F.  The net increase in the number of qualified employment positions is the lesser of the total number of filled qualified employment positions created at the designated location or locations during the taxable year or the difference between the average number of full-time employees in this state in the current taxable year and the average number of full-time employees in this state during the immediately preceding taxable year.  The net increase in the number of qualified employment positions computed under this subsection may not exceed the difference between the average number of full-time employees in this state in the current taxable year and the average number of full-time employees in this state during the immediately preceding taxable year.

G.  A taxpayer who claims a credit under section 43‑1079 or 43‑1083.01 shall not claim a credit under this section with respect to the same employment positions.

H.  G.  If the allowable tax credit exceeds the income taxes otherwise due on the claimant's income, or if there are no state income taxes due on the claimant's income, the amount of the claim not used as an offset against the income taxes may be carried forward as a tax credit against subsequent years' income tax liability for a period not exceeding five taxable years.

I.  H.  Co-owners of a business, including partners in a partnership and shareholders of an S corporation, as defined in section 1361 of the internal revenue code, may each claim only the pro rata share of the credit allowed under this section based on the ownership interest.  The total of the credits allowed all such owners of the business may not exceed the amount that would have been allowed for a sole owner of the business.

J.  I.  If the business is sold or changes ownership through reorganization, stock purchase or merger, the new taxpayer may claim first year credits only for the qualified employment positions that it created and filled with an eligible employee after the purchase or reorganization was complete.  If a person purchases a taxpayer that had qualified for first or second year credits or changes ownership through reorganization, stock purchase or merger, the new taxpayer may claim the second or third year credits if it meets other eligibility requirements of this section.  Credits for which a taxpayer qualified before the changes described in this subsection are terminated and lost at the time the changes are implemented.

K.  J.  A failure to timely report and certify to the Arizona commerce authority the information prescribed by section 41‑1525, subsection E, and in the manner prescribed by section 41‑1525, subsection F disqualifies the taxpayer from the credit under this section.  The department shall require written evidence of the timely report to the Arizona commerce authority.

L.  K.  A tax credit under this section is subject to recovery for a violation described in section 41‑1525, subsection H.

M.  L.  For the purposes of subsection B, paragraphs 2 and 3 of this section, if a full-time employee in the qualified employment position leaves during the taxable year, the employee may be replaced with another new full‑time employee in the same employment position and the new employee will be treated as being in their the employee's second or third full year of continuous employment for the purposes of the credit under this section if:

1.  The total time the position was vacant from the date the employment position was originally filled to the end of the current tax year totals ninety days or less.

2.  The new employee meets all of the same requirements as the original employee was required to meet. END_STATUTE

Sec. 38.  Section 43-1074.01, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE43-1074.01.  Credit for increased research activities

A.  A credit is allowed against the taxes imposed by this title in an amount determined pursuant to section 41 of the internal revenue code, except that:

1.  The amount of the credit is based on the excess, if any, of the qualified research expenses for the taxable year over the base amount as defined in section 41(c) of the internal revenue code and is computed as follows:

(a)  If the excess is two million five hundred thousand dollars or less:

(i)  For taxable years through December 31, 2017, the credit is equal to twenty percent of that amount.

(ii)  For taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2017 through beginning before December 31, 2021, the credit is equal to twenty‑four percent of that amount.

(iii)  (ii)  For taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2021, the credit is equal to twenty percent of that amount.

(b)  If the excess is over two million five hundred thousand dollars:

(i)  For taxable years through December 31, 2017, the credit is equal to five hundred thousand dollars plus eleven percent of any amount exceeding two million five hundred thousand dollars.

(ii)  For taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2017, through beginning before December 31, 2021, the credit is equal to six hundred thousand dollars plus fifteen percent of any amount exceeding two million five hundred thousand dollars.

(iii)  (ii)  For taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2021, the credit is equal to five hundred thousand dollars plus eleven percent of any amount exceeding two million five hundred thousand dollars.

(c)  For taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2011, an additional credit amount is allowed if the taxpayer made basic research payments during the taxable year to a university under the jurisdiction of the Arizona board of regents.  The additional credit amount is equal to ten percent of the excess, if any, of the basic research payments over the qualified organization base period amount for the taxable year. The department shall not allow credit amounts under this subdivision and section 43‑1168, subsection A, paragraph 1, subdivision (d) that exceed, in the aggregate, a combined total of ten million dollars in any calendar year.  Subject to that limit, on application by the taxpayer, the department shall certify credit amounts under this subdivision and section 43‑1168, subsection A, paragraph 1, subdivision (d) based on priority placement established by the date that the taxpayer filed the application. For taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2014, any basic research payments used to determine the additional credit under this subdivision must first receive certification from the Arizona commerce authority pursuant to section 41‑1507.01.  The additional credit amount under this subdivision shall not exceed the amount allowed based on actual basic research payments or the department's certification, whichever is less.  If an application, if certified in full, would exceed the ten million dollar limit, the department shall certify only an amount within that limit.  After the limit is attained, the department shall deny any subsequent applications regardless of whether other certified amounts are not actually claimed as a credit or other taxpayers fail to qualify to actually claim certified amounts.  Notwithstanding subsections B and C of this section, any amount of the additional credit under this subdivision that exceeds the taxes otherwise due under this title is not refundable, but may be carried forward to the next five consecutive taxable years.  For the purposes of this subdivision, "basic research payments" and "qualified organization base period amount" have the same meanings prescribed by section 41(e) of the internal revenue code without regard to whether the taxpayer is or is not a corporation.

2.  Qualified research includes only research conducted in this state, including research conducted at a university in this state and paid for by the taxpayer.

3.  If two or more taxpayers, including partners in a partnership and shareholders of an S corporation, as defined in section 1361 of the internal revenue code, share in the eligible expenses, each taxpayer is eligible to receive a proportionate share of the credit.

4.  The credit under this section applies only to expenses incurred from and after December 31, 2000.

5.  The termination provisions of section 41 of the internal revenue code do not apply.

B.  Except as provided by subsection C of this section, if the allowable credit under this section exceeds the taxes otherwise due under this title on the claimant's income, or if there are no taxes due under this title, the amount of the credit not used to offset taxes may be carried forward to the next fifteen consecutive taxable years.  The amount of credit carryforward from taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2000 through December 31, 2002 that may be used in any taxable year may not exceed the taxpayer's tax liability under this title or five hundred thousand dollars, whichever is less, minus the credit under this section for the current taxable year's qualified research expenses.  The amount of credit carryforward from taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2002 that may be used in any taxable year may not exceed the taxpayer's tax liability under this title minus the credit under this section for the current taxable year's qualified research expenses.  A taxpayer who carries forward any amount of credit under this subsection may not thereafter claim a refund of any amount of the credit under subsection C of this section.

C.  For taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2009, if a taxpayer who claims a credit under this section employs fewer than one hundred fifty persons in the taxpayer's trade or business and if the allowable credit under this section exceeds the taxes otherwise due under this title on the claimant's income, or if there are no taxes due under this title, in lieu of carrying the excess amount of credit forward to subsequent taxable years under subsection B of this section, the taxpayer may elect to receive a refund as follows:

1.  The taxpayer must apply to the Arizona commerce authority for qualification for the refund pursuant to section 41‑1507 and submit a copy of the authority's certificate of qualification to the department of revenue with the taxpayer's income tax return.

2.  The amount of the refund is limited to seventy-five percent of the amount by which the allowable credit under this section exceeds the taxpayer's tax liability under this title for the taxable year.  The remainder of the excess amount of the credit is waived.

3.  The refund shall be paid in the manner prescribed by section 42‑1118.

4.  The refund is subject to setoff under section 42‑1122.

5.  If the department determines that a credit refunded pursuant to this subsection is incorrect or invalid, the excess credit issued may be treated as a tax deficiency pursuant to section 42‑1108.

D.  A taxpayer that claims a credit for increased research and development activity under this section shall not claim a credit under section 43‑1085.01 for the same expenses. END_STATUTE

Sec. 39.  Section 43-1076, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE43-1076.  Credit for employment by a healthy forest enterprise

A.  In addition to the credit allowed by section 43‑1076.01, For taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2004 through December 31, 2024, a credit is allowed against the taxes imposed by this title for net increases in qualified employment positions by a qualified business that is certified by the Arizona commerce authority as a healthy forest enterprise pursuant to section 41‑1516.

B.  Subject to subsection E of this section, the amount of the credit is equal to:

1.  One‑fourth of the taxable wages paid to an employee in a qualified employment position, not to exceed five hundred dollars per qualified employment position, in the first year or partial year of employment.

2.  One‑third of the taxable wages paid to an employee in a qualified employment position, not to exceed one thousand dollars per qualified employment position, in the second year of continuous employment.

3.  One‑half of the taxable wages paid to an employee in a qualified employment position, not to exceed one thousand five hundred dollars per qualified employment position, in the third year of continuous employment.

C.  To qualify for a credit under this section:

1.  The business must employ at least one new full-time employee in a qualified employment position in the first taxable year in which the credit is claimed.

2.  Each employee with respect to whom a credit is claimed must reside in this state on the date of hire.

3.  A qualified employment position must meet all of the following requirements:

(a)  The position must be full-time employment for a minimum of one thousand five hundred fifty hours per year, unless a shorter period of employment is due to forest closures or weather conditions beyond the taxpayer's control.

(b)  The job duties must primarily involve or directly support harvesting, transporting or processing qualifying forest products removed from qualifying projects as defined in section 41‑1516 into a product having commercial value.

(c)  The employer must pay compensation at least equal to the wage offer by county as computed annually by the department of economic security research administration division.

(d)  The employee must have been employed for at least ninety days during the first taxable year.  An employee who is hired during the last ninety days of the taxable year shall be considered a new employee during the next taxable year.  A qualified employment position that is filled during the last ninety days of the taxable year is considered to be a new qualified employment position for the next taxable year.

(e)  The employee has not been previously employed by the taxpayer within twelve months before the current date of hire.

4.  The employer shall provide health insurance coverage for employees as follows:

(a)  The employer shall pay:

(i)  At least twenty-five per cent percent of the premium or membership cost of the insurance program in the third year the taxpayer claims a credit under this section.  If the taxpayer is self-insured, the taxpayer must pay at least twenty-five per cent percent of a predetermined fixed cost per employee for an insurance program that is payable whether or not the employee has filed claims.

(ii)  At least forty per cent percent of the premium or membership cost in the fourth year the taxpayer claims a credit under this section.  If the taxpayer is self-insured, the taxpayer must pay at least forty per cent percent of a predetermined fixed cost per employee for an insurance program that is payable whether or not the employee has filed claims.

(iii)  At least fifty per cent percent of the premium or membership cost of the insurance program in the fifth and each subsequent year the taxpayer claims a credit under this section.  If the taxpayer is self‑insured, the taxpayer must pay at least fifty per cent percent of a predetermined fixed cost per employee for an insurance program that is payable whether or not the employee has filed claims.

(b)  An employer shall not reduce the amount of health insurance coverage provided to employees before certification by the Arizona commerce authority.

D.  A credit is allowed for employment in the second and third year only for qualified employment positions for which a credit was allowed and claimed by the taxpayer on the original first and second year tax returns.

E.  The net increase in the number of qualified employment positions is the lesser of the total number of filled qualified employment positions created during the taxable year or the difference between the average number of full‑time employees in the current taxable year and the average number of full‑time employees during the immediately preceding taxable year.  The net increase in the number of qualified employment positions computed under this subsection may not exceed two hundred qualified employment positions per taxpayer each year.

F.  A taxpayer who claims a credit under section 43‑1074 or 43‑1079 may not claim a credit under this section with respect to the same employees.

G.  If the allowable tax credit exceeds the income taxes otherwise due on the claimant's income, or if there are no state income taxes due on the claimant's income, the amount of the claim not used as an offset against income taxes may be carried forward as a tax credit against subsequent years' income tax liability for the period not to exceed five taxable years, provided the business maintains its certification under section 41‑1516.

H.  Co‑owners of a business, including partners in a partnership and shareholders of an S corporation as defined in section 1361 of the internal revenue code, may each claim only the pro rata share of the credit allowed under this section based on the ownership interest.  The total of the credits allowed all such owners of the business may not exceed the amount that would have been allowed for a sole owner of the business.

I.  If a qualified business changes ownership through reorganization, stock purchase or merger, the new taxpayer may claim first year credits only for one or more qualified employment positions that it created and filled with an eligible employee after the purchase or reorganization was complete. If a person purchases a business that had qualified for first or second year credits or changes ownership through reorganization, stock purchase or merger, the new taxpayer may claim the second or third year credits if it meets the other eligibility requirements of this section.  Credits for which a taxpayer qualified before the changes described in this subsection are terminated and lost at the time the changes are implemented.

J.  If, within five taxable years after first receiving a credit pursuant to this section, the certification of qualification of a business is terminated or revoked under section 41‑1516 other than for reasons beyond the control of the business as determined by the Arizona commerce authority, the credits allowed the business pursuant to this section are subject to recapture pursuant to this subsection.  This subsection applies only in the case of the termination or revocation of a certification of qualification.  This subsection does not apply if, in any taxable year, a taxpayer otherwise does not qualify for or fails to claim the credit under this section.  The recapture of credits under this subsection is computed by increasing the amount of taxes imposed in the year following the year in which the qualification of the business was terminated or revoked by an amount determined by multiplying the full amount of all credits previously allowed under this section by a percentage determined as follows:

1.  If the initial credit under this section was allowed for the taxable year immediately preceding the taxable year in which the certification of qualification of a business is terminated or revoked, one hundred per cent percent.

2.  If the initial credit under this section was allowed two taxable years before the taxable year in which the certification of qualification of a business is terminated or revoked, eighty per cent percent.

3.  If the initial credit under this section was allowed three taxable years before the taxable year in which the certification of qualification of a business is terminated or revoked, sixty per cent percent.

4.  If the initial credit under this section was allowed four taxable years before the taxable year in which the certification of qualification of a business is terminated or revoked, forty per cent percent.

5.  If the initial credit under this section was allowed five taxable years before the taxable year in which the certification of qualification of a business is terminated or revoked, twenty per cent perecnt. END_STATUTE

Sec. 40.  Section 43-1083, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE43-1083.  Credit for solar energy devices

A.  A credit is allowed against the taxes imposed by this title for each resident who is not a dependent of another taxpayer for installing a solar energy device, as defined in section 42-5001, during the taxable year in the taxpayer's residence located in this state.  The credit is equal to twenty-five per cent percent of the cost of the device.

B.  The maximum credit in a taxable year may not exceed one thousand dollars.  The person who provides the solar energy device shall furnish the taxpayer with an accounting of the cost to the taxpayer.  A taxpayer may claim the credit under this section only once in a tax year and may not cumulate over different tax years tax credits under this section exceeding, in the aggregate, one thousand dollars for the same residence.

C.  If the allowable tax credit exceeds the taxes otherwise due under this title on the claimant's income, or if there are no taxes due under this title, the amount of the claim not used to offset taxes under this title may be carried forward for not more than five consecutive taxable years as a credit against subsequent years' income tax liability.

D.  A husband and wife who file separate returns for a taxable year in which they could have filed a joint return may each claim only one-half of the tax credit that would have been allowed for a joint return.

E.  The credit allowed under this section is in lieu of any allowance for state tax purposes for exhaustion, wear and tear of the solar energy device under section 167 of the internal revenue code.

F.  To qualify for the credit under this section the solar energy device and its installation shall meet the requirements of title 44, chapter 11, article 11.

G.  A solar hot water heater plumbing stub out that was installed by the builder of a house or dwelling unit before title was conveyed to the taxpayer does not qualify for a credit under this section, but the taxpayer may claim a credit for the device under section 43‑1090 or 43‑1176 under the circumstances, conditions and limitations prescribed by section 43‑1090, subsection C or 43‑1176, subsection C, as applicable.END_STATUTE

Sec. 41.  Section 43-1083.03, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE43-1083.03.  Credit for qualified facilities

A.  For taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2012 through December 31, 2022, a credit is allowed against the taxes imposed by this title for qualifying investment and employment in expanding or locating a qualified facility in this state.  To qualify for the credit, after June 30, 2012 the taxpayer must invest in a new qualified facility or expand an existing qualified facility in this state and produce new full‑time employment positions where the job duties are performed at the location of the qualifying investment.  The taxpayer must meet the employee compensation and employee health benefit requirements prescribed by section 41‑1512.

B.  The amount of the credit is computed as follows:

1.  Ten percent of the lesser of:

(a)  The total qualifying investment in the qualified facility.

(b)  Two hundred thousand dollars for each net new full-time employment position at the qualified facility.

2.  The amount of the credit shall not exceed the postapproval amount determined by the Arizona commerce authority under section 41‑1512, subsection P.

3.  Subject to subsections G and J of this section:

(a)  The credit amount computed under paragraph 1 of this subsection is apportioned, and the taxpayer shall claim the credit in five equal annual installments in each of five consecutive taxable years.

(b)  The taxpayer may claim all five annual installments of a credit that was preapproved before January 1, 2023 by the Arizona commerce authority notwithstanding any intervening repeal or other termination of the credit.

C.  To claim the credit the taxpayer must:

1.  Conduct a business that qualifies under section 41‑1512.

2.  Receive preapproval and postapproval from the Arizona commerce authority pursuant to section 41‑1512.

3.  Submit to the department a copy of a current and valid certification of qualification issued to the taxpayer by the Arizona commerce authority.

D.  To be counted for the purposes of the credit, an employee must have been employed at the qualified facility for at least ninety days during the taxable year in a permanent full-time employment position of at least one thousand seven hundred fifty hours per year.  An employee who is hired during the last ninety days of the taxable year shall be considered a new employee during the next taxable year.  To be counted for the purposes of the credit during the first taxable year of employment, the employee must not have been previously employed by the taxpayer within twelve months before the current date of hire.  The terms of employment must comply in all cases with the requirements of section 41‑1512 and be certified by the Arizona commerce authority.

E.  Co‑owners of a business, including partners in a partnership, members of a limited liability company and shareholders of an S corporation, as defined in section 1361 of the internal revenue code, may each claim only the pro rata share of the credit allowed under this section based on the ownership interest.  The total of the credits allowed all owners of the business may not exceed the amount that would have been allowed for a sole owner of the business.

F.  If the allowable tax credit for a taxable year exceeds the income taxes otherwise due on the claimant's income, or if there are no state income taxes due on the claimant's income, the amount of the claim not used as an offset against income taxes shall be paid to the taxpayer in the same manner as a refund under section 42‑1118.  Refunds made pursuant to this subsection are subject to setoff under section 42‑1122.  If the department determines that a refund is incorrect or invalid, the excess refund may be treated as a tax deficiency pursuant to section 42‑1108.

G.  Except as provided by subsection H of this section, if, within five taxable years after first receiving a credit pursuant to this section, the certification of qualification of a business is terminated or revoked under section 41‑1512, other than for reasons beyond the control of the business as determined by the Arizona commerce authority, the taxpayer is disqualified from credits under this section in subsequent taxable years.  On a determination that the taxpayer has committed fraud or relocated outside of this state within five taxable years after first receiving a credit pursuant to this section, the credits allowed the taxpayer in all taxable years pursuant to this section are subject to recapture pursuant to this subsection.  This subsection applies only in the case of the termination or revocation of a certification of qualification under section 41‑1512.  This subsection does not apply if, in any taxable year, a taxpayer otherwise does not qualify for or fails to claim the credit under this section.  The recapture of credits is computed by increasing the amount of taxes imposed in the year following the year of termination or revocation by the full amount of all credits previously allowed under this section.

H.  A taxpayer who claims a credit under section 43‑1074, 43‑1079 or 43‑1083.01 may not claim a credit under this section with respect to the same full‑time employment positions.

I.  The department of revenue shall adopt rules and prescribe forms and procedures as necessary for the purposes of this section.  The department of revenue and the Arizona commerce authority shall collaborate in adopting rules as necessary to avoid duplication and contradictory requirements while accomplishing the intent and purposes of this section.

J.  Each taxable year after the postapproval of the credit under section 41‑1512, subsection P, when the taxpayer files the taxpayer's income tax return, the taxpayer shall:

1.  Notify the department, on a form prescribed by the department, of any full‑time employment position for which a credit was claimed under this section and that was vacant for more than one hundred fifty days from the date the full‑time employment position was originally filled to the end of that taxable year.  The period that a full‑time employment position was vacant may not include the period before the full‑time employment position was filled for the first time.

2.  Reduce the portion of the credit claimed for the taxable year pursuant to subsection B, paragraph 3 of this section by four thousand dollars for each full‑time employment position reported pursuant to paragraph 1 of this subsection. END_STATUTE

Sec. 42.  Section 43-1121, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE43-1121.  Additions to Arizona gross income; corporations

In computing Arizona taxable income for a corporation, the following amounts shall be added to Arizona gross income:

1.  The amount of interest income received on obligations of any state, territory or possession of the United States, or any political subdivision thereof, located outside this state, reduced, for taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 1996, by the amount of any interest on indebtedness and other related expenses that were incurred or continued to purchase or carry those obligations and that are not otherwise deducted or subtracted in arriving at Arizona gross income.

2.  The excess of a partner's share of partnership taxable income required to be included under chapter 14, article 2 of this title over the income required to be reported under section 702(a)(8) of the internal revenue code.

3.  The excess of a partner's share of partnership losses determined pursuant to section 702(a)(8) of the internal revenue code over the losses allowable under chapter 14, article 2 of this title.

4.  The amount of any depreciation allowance allowed pursuant to section 167(a) of the internal revenue code to the extent not previously added.

5.  With respect to property for which an expense deduction was taken pursuant to section 179 of the internal revenue code in a taxable year beginning before January 1, 2013, the amount in excess of twenty‑five thousand dollars.

6.  5.  The amount of discharge of indebtedness income that is deferred and excluded from the computation of federal taxable income in the current taxable year pursuant to section 108(i) of the internal revenue code as added by section 1231 of the American recovery and reinvestment act of 2009 (P.L. 111‑5).

7.  6.  The amount of any previously deferred original issue discount that was deducted in computing federal taxable income in the current year pursuant to section 108(i) of the internal revenue code as added by section 1231 of the American recovery and reinvestment act of 2009 (P.L. 111‑5), to the extent that the amount was previously subtracted from Arizona gross income pursuant to section 43‑1122, paragraph 7  6.

8.  7.  The amount of dividend income received from corporations and allowed as a deduction pursuant to sections 243, 244 and 245 of the internal revenue code.

9.  8.  Taxes that are based on income paid to states, local governments or foreign governments and that were deducted in computing federal taxable income.

10.  9.  Expenses and interest relating to tax‑exempt income on indebtedness incurred or continued to purchase or carry obligations the interest on which is wholly exempt from the tax imposed by this title.  Financial institutions, as defined in section 6‑101, shall be governed by section 43‑961, paragraph 2.

11.  10.  Commissions, rentals and other amounts paid or accrued to a domestic international sales corporation controlled by the payor corporation if the domestic international sales corporation is not required to report its taxable income to this state because its income is not derived from or attributable to sources within this state.  If the domestic international sales corporation is subject to article 4 of this chapter, the department shall prescribe by rule the method of determining the portion of the commissions, rentals and other amounts that are paid or accrued to the controlled domestic international sales corporation and that shall be deducted by the payor.  For the purposes of this paragraph, "control" means direct or indirect ownership or control of fifty percent or more of the voting stock of the domestic international sales corporation by the payor corporation.

12.  11.  The amount of net operating loss taken pursuant to section 172 of the internal revenue code.

13.  12.  The amount of exploration expenses determined pursuant to section 617 of the internal revenue code to the extent that they exceed seventy‑five thousand dollars and to the extent that the election is made to defer those expenses not in excess of seventy‑five thousand dollars.

14.  13.  Amortization of costs incurred to install pollution control devices and deducted pursuant to the internal revenue code or the amount of deduction for depreciation taken pursuant to the internal revenue code on pollution control devices for which an election is made pursuant to section 43‑1129.

15.  14.  The amount of depreciation or amortization of costs of child care facilities deducted pursuant to section 167 or 188 of the internal revenue code for which an election is made to amortize pursuant to section 43‑1130.

16.  15.  The loss of an insurance company that is exempt under section 43‑1201 to the extent that it is included in computing Arizona gross income on a consolidated return pursuant to section 43‑947.

17.  16.  The amount by which the depreciation or amortization computed under the internal revenue code with respect to property for which a credit was taken under section 43‑1169 exceeds the amount of depreciation or amortization computed pursuant to the internal revenue code on the Arizona adjusted basis of the property.

18.  17.  The amount by which the adjusted basis computed under the internal revenue code with respect to property for which a credit was claimed under section 43‑1169 and that is sold or otherwise disposed of during the taxable year exceeds the adjusted basis of the property computed under section 43‑1169.

19.  18.  The amount by which the depreciation or amortization computed under the internal revenue code with respect to property for which a credit was taken under either section 43‑1170 or 43‑1170.01 exceeds the amount of depreciation or amortization computed pursuant to the internal revenue code on the Arizona adjusted basis of the property.

20.  19.  The amount by which the adjusted basis computed under the internal revenue code with respect to property for which a credit was claimed under either section 43‑1170 or 43‑1170.01 and that is sold or otherwise disposed of during the taxable year exceeds the adjusted basis of the property computed under section 43‑1170 or 43‑1170.01, as applicable.

21.  20.  The deduction referred to in section 1341(a)(4) of the internal revenue code for restoration of a substantial amount held under a claim of right.

22.  21.  The amount by which a capital loss carryover allowable pursuant to section 1341(b)(5) of the internal revenue code exceeds the capital loss carryover allowable pursuant to section 43‑1130.01, subsection F.

23.  22.  Any wage expenses deducted pursuant to the internal revenue code for which a credit is claimed under section 43‑1175 and representing net increases in qualified employment positions for employment of temporary assistance for needy families recipients.

24.  23.  Any amount of expenses that were deducted pursuant to the internal revenue code and for which a credit is claimed under section 43‑1178.

25.  24.  The amount of any deduction that is claimed in computing Arizona gross income and that represents a donation of a school site for which a credit is claimed under section 43‑1181.

26.  25.  Any amount deducted pursuant to section 170 of the internal revenue code representing contributions to a school tuition organization for which a credit is claimed under section 43‑1183 or 43‑1184.

27.  26.  If a subtraction is or has been taken by the taxpayer under section 43‑1124, in the current or a prior taxable year for the full amount of eligible access expenditures paid or incurred to comply with the requirements of the Americans with disabilities act of 1990 (P.L. 101‑336) or title 41, chapter 9, article 8, any amount of eligible access expenditures that is recognized under the internal revenue code, including any amount that is amortized according to federal amortization schedules, and that is included in computing Arizona taxable income for the current taxable year.

28.  27.  For taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2017, the amount of any net capital loss included in Arizona gross income for the taxable year that is derived from the exchange of one kind of legal tender for another kind of legal tender.  For the purposes of this paragraph:

(a)  "Legal tender" means a medium of exchange, including specie, that is authorized by the United States Constitution or Congress for the payment of debts, public charges, taxes and dues.

(b)  "Specie" means coins having precious metal content.END_STATUTE

Sec. 43.  Section 43-1122, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE43-1122.  Subtractions from Arizona gross income; corporations

In computing Arizona taxable income for a corporation, the following amounts shall be subtracted from Arizona gross income:

1.  The excess of a partner's share of income required to be included under section 702(a)(8) of the internal revenue code over the income required to be included under chapter 14, article 2 of this title.

2.  The excess of a partner's share of partnership losses determined pursuant to chapter 14, article 2 of this title over the losses allowable under section 702(a)(8) of the internal revenue code.

3.  The amount allowed by section 43‑1025 for contributions during the taxable year of agricultural crops to charitable organizations.

4.  The portion of any wages or salaries paid or incurred by the taxpayer for the taxable year that is equal to the amount of the federal work opportunity credit, the empowerment zone employment credit, the credit for employer paid social security taxes on employee cash tips and the Indian employment credit that the taxpayer received under sections 45A, 45B, 51(a) and 1396 of the internal revenue code.

5.  With respect to property that is sold or otherwise disposed of during the taxable year by a taxpayer that complied with section 43‑1121, paragraph 4 with respect to that property, the amount of depreciation that has been allowed pursuant to section 167(a) of the internal revenue code to the extent that the amount has not already reduced Arizona taxable income in the current taxable year or prior taxable years.

6.  With respect to property for which an adjustment was made under section 43‑1121, paragraph 5, an amount equal to one‑fifth of the amount of the adjustment pursuant to section 43‑1121, paragraph 5 in the year in which the amount was adjusted under section 43‑1121, paragraph 5 and in each of the following four years.

7.  6.  The amount of any original issue discount that was deferred and not allowed to be deducted in computing federal taxable income in the current taxable year pursuant to section 108(i) of the internal revenue code as added by section 1231 of the American recovery and reinvestment act of 2009 (P.L. 111‑5).

8.  7.  The amount of previously deferred discharge of indebtedness income that is included in the computation of federal taxable income in the current taxable year pursuant to section 108(i) of the internal revenue code as added by section 1231 of the American recovery and reinvestment act of 2009 (P.L. 111‑5), to the extent that the amount was previously added to Arizona gross income pursuant to section 43‑1121, paragraph 6  5.

9.  8.  With respect to a financial institution as defined in section 6‑101, expenses and interest relating to tax‑exempt income disallowed pursuant to section 265 of the internal revenue code.

10.  9.  Dividends received from another corporation owned or controlled directly or indirectly by a recipient corporation.  For the purposes of this paragraph, "control" means direct or indirect ownership or control of fifty percent or more of the voting stock of the payor corporation by the recipient corporation.  Dividends shall have the meaning provided in section 316 of the internal revenue code.  This subtraction shall apply without regard to section 43‑961, paragraph 2 and article 4 of this chapter.

11.  10.  Interest income received on obligations of the United States.

12.  11.  The amount of dividend income from foreign corporations.

13.  12.  The amount of net operating loss allowed by section 43‑1123.

14.  13.  The amount of any state income tax refunds received that were included as income in computing federal taxable income.

15.  14.  The amount of expense recapture included in income pursuant to section 617 of the internal revenue code for mine exploration expenses.

16.  15.  The amount of deferred exploration expenses allowed by section 43‑1127.

17.  16.  The amount of exploration expenses related to the exploration of oil, gas or geothermal resources, computed in the same manner and on the same basis as a deduction for mine exploration pursuant to section 617 of the internal revenue code.  This computation is subject to the adjustments contained in section 43‑1121, paragraph 13 12 and paragraphs 15 14 and 16 15 of this section relating to exploration expenses.

18.  17.  The amortization of pollution control devices allowed by section 43‑1129.

19.  18.  The amount of amortization of the cost of child care facilities pursuant to section 43‑1130.

20.  19.  The amount of income from a domestic international sales corporation required to be included in the income of its shareholders pursuant to section 995 of the internal revenue code.

21.  20.  The income of an insurance company that is exempt under section 43‑1201 to the extent that it is included in computing Arizona gross income on a consolidated return pursuant to section 43‑947.

22.  21.  The amount by which a capital loss carryover allowable pursuant to section 43‑1130.01, subsection F exceeds the capital loss carryover allowable pursuant to section 1341(b)(5) of the internal revenue code.

23.  22.  An amount equal to the depreciation allowable pursuant to section 167(a) of the internal revenue code for the taxable year computed as if the election described in section 168(k)(2)(D)(iii) 168(k)(7) of the internal revenue code had been made for each applicable class of property in the year the property was placed in service.

24.  23.  The amount of eligible access expenditures paid or incurred during the taxable year to comply with the requirements of the Americans with disabilities act of 1990 (P.L. 101‑336) or title 41, chapter 9, article 8 as provided by section 43‑1124.

25.  24.  For taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2017, the amount of any net capital gain included in Arizona gross income for the taxable year that is derived from the exchange of one kind of legal tender for another kind of legal tender.  For the purposes of this paragraph:

(a)  "Legal tender" means a medium of exchange, including specie, that is authorized by the United States Constitution or Congress for the payment of debts, public charges, taxes and dues.

(b)  "Specie" means coins having precious metal content. END_STATUTE

Sec. 44.  Section 43-1123, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE43-1123.  Net operating loss; definition

A.  For the purposes of this section, "net operating loss" means:

1.  In the case of a taxpayer who has a net operating loss for the taxable year within the meaning of section 172(c) of the internal revenue code, the amount of the net operating loss increased by the subtractions specified in section 43‑1122, except the subtraction allowed in section 43‑1122, paragraph 13 12, and reduced by the additions specified in section 43‑1121.

2.  In the case of a taxpayer not described in paragraph 1 of this subsection, any excess of the subtractions specified in section 43‑1122, except the subtraction allowed in section 43‑1122, paragraph 13 12, over the sum of the Arizona gross income plus the additions specified in section 43‑1121.

B.  If for any taxable year the taxpayer has a net operating loss:

1.  Such net operating loss shall be a net operating loss carryover for:

(a)  Each of the five succeeding taxable years for net operating losses arising in taxable periods through December 31, 2011.

(b)  Each of the twenty succeeding taxable years for net operating losses arising in taxable periods beginning from and after December 31, 2011.

2.  The carryover in the case of each such succeeding taxable year, other than the first succeeding taxable year, shall be the excess, if any, of the amount of such net operating loss over the sum of the taxable income for each of the intervening years computed by determining the net operating loss subtraction for each intervening taxable year, without regard to such net operating loss or to the net operating loss for any succeeding taxable year.

C.  The amount of the net operating loss subtraction shall be the aggregate of the net operating loss carryovers to the taxable year.END_STATUTE

Sec. 45.  Section 43-1124, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE43-1124.  Americans with disabilities act access expenditures

A.  For taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2017, in computing Arizona taxable income, a subtraction is allowed under section 43‑1122, paragraph 24 23 for eligible business access expenditures paid or incurred by the taxpayer during the taxable year in order to comply with the requirements of the Americans with disabilities act of 1990 (P.L. 101‑336) or title 41, chapter 9, article 8 by retrofitting developed real property that was originally placed in service at least ten years before the current taxable year.

B.  For the purposes of this section, eligible business access expenditures include reasonable and necessary amounts paid or incurred to:

1.  Remove any barriers that prevent a business from being accessible to or usable by individuals with disabilities.

2.  Provide qualified interpreters or other methods of making audio materials available to hearing-impaired individuals.

3.  Provide qualified readers, taped texts and other effective methods of making visually delivered materials available to individuals with visual impairments.

4.  Acquire or modify equipment or devices for individuals with disabilities.

5.  Provide other similar services, modifications, materials or equipment.

C.  A taxpayer that has been cited for noncompliance with the Americans with disabilities act of 1990 or title 41, chapter 9, article 8 by either federal or state enforcement officials is ineligible for a subtraction under this section for any expenditure required to cure the cited violation. END_STATUTE

Sec. 46.  Section 43-1127, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE43-1127.  Deferred exploration expenses

The amount of exploration expenses added to Arizona gross income pursuant to section 43‑1121, paragraph 13 12 may be subtracted on a ratable basis as the units of produced ores or minerals discovered or explored by reason of such expenditures are sold.  An election made for any taxable year shall be binding for that year.END_STATUTE

Sec. 47.  Section 43-1130.01, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE43-1130.01.  Restoration of a substantial amount held under claim of right; computation of tax

A.  This section applies if:

1.  An item of income was included in gross income for a prior taxable year or years because it appeared that the taxpayer had an unrestricted right to the item.

2.  A deduction would be allowable under the internal revenue code or this title for the taxable year, without application of section 1341(b)(3) of the internal revenue code or section 43‑1121, paragraph 21 20, because after the close of the prior taxable year or years it was established that the taxpayer did not have an unrestricted right to all or part of the item.

3.  The amount of the deduction exceeds three thousand dollars.

B.  If all of the conditions in subsection A of this section apply, the tax imposed by this chapter for the taxable year is an amount equal to the tax for the taxable year computed without the deduction, minus the decrease in tax under this chapter for the prior taxable year or years that would result solely from excluding the item or portion of the item from gross income for the prior taxable year or years.

C.  If the decrease in tax exceeds the tax imposed by this chapter for the taxable year, computed without the deduction, the excess is considered to be a payment of tax on the last day prescribed by law for the payment of tax for the taxable year and shall be refunded or credited in the same manner as if it were an overpayment for the taxable year.

D.  Subsection B of this section does not apply to any deduction that is allowable with respect to an item that was included in gross income by reason of the sale or other disposition of stock in trade of the taxpayer, or other property of a kind that would properly have been included in the inventory of the taxpayer on hand at the close of the prior taxable year, or property that is held by the taxpayer primarily for sale to customers in the ordinary course of the taxpayer's trade or business.  This subsection does not apply if the deduction arises out of refunds or repayments with respect to rates made by a regulated public utility that is listed in section 7701(a)(33)(A) through (H) of the internal revenue code, if the refunds or repayments are:

1.  Required to be made by the government, political subdivision, agency or instrumentality referred to in that section.

2.  Required to be made by an order of a court.

3.  Made in settlement of litigation or under threat or imminence of litigation.

E.  If the exclusion under subsection B of this section results in:

1.  A net operating loss for the prior taxable year or years for purposes of computing the decrease in tax for the prior year or years under subsection B of this section:

(a)  The loss shall be carried over under this chapter to the same extent and in the same manner as provided under section 43‑1123, and under prior law.

(b)  No A carryover beyond the taxable year may not be taken into account.

2.  A capital loss for the prior taxable year or years, for purposes of computing the decrease in tax for the prior taxable year or years under subsection B of this section:

(a)  The loss shall be:

(i)  Carried over under this chapter to the same extent and in the same manner as was provided under prior law for taxable years beginning on or before December 31, 1987.

(ii)  Carried back and carried over to the same extent and in the same manner as provided under section 1212 of the internal revenue code for taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 1987.

(b)  No A carryover beyond the taxable year may not be taken into account.

F.  In computing Arizona taxable income for taxable years subsequent to the current taxable year, the net operating loss or capital loss determined in subsection E of this section shall be taken into account to the same extent and in the same manner as a net operating loss or capital loss sustained for prior taxable years. END_STATUTE

Sec. 48.  Section 43-1161, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE43-1161.  Credit for new employment

A.  For taxable years beginning from and after June 30, 2011, a credit is allowed against the taxes imposed by this title for net increases in full‑time employees residing in this state and hired in qualified employment positions in this state as computed and certified by the Arizona commerce authority pursuant to section 41‑1525.

B.  Subject to subsection F of this section, the amount of the credit is equal to:

1.  Three thousand dollars for each full‑time employee hired in a qualified employment position in the first year or partial year of employment.  Employees hired in the last ninety days of the taxable year are excluded for that taxable year and are considered to be new employees in the following taxable year.

2.  Three thousand dollars for each full-time employee in a qualified employment position for the full taxable year in the second year of continuous employment.

3.  Three thousand dollars for each full-time employee in a qualified employment position for the full taxable year in the third year of continuous employment.

C.  The capital investment and the new qualified employment positions requirements of section 41‑1525, subsection B must be accomplished within twelve months after the start of the required capital investment.  No A credit may not be claimed until both requirements are met.  A business that meets the requirements of section 41‑1525, subsection B for a location is eligible to claim first year credits for three years beginning with the taxable year in which those requirements are completed.  Employees hired at the location before the beginning of the taxable year but during the twelve-month period allowed in this subsection are considered to be new employees for the taxable year in which all of those requirements are completed.  The employees that are considered to be new employees for the taxable year under this subsection shall not be included in the average number of full-time employees during the immediately preceding taxable year until the taxable year in which all of the requirements of section 41‑1525, subsection B are completed.  An employee working at a temporary work site worksite in this state while the designated location is under construction is considered to be working at the designated location if all of the following occur:

1.  The employee is hired after the start of the required investment at the designated location.

2.  The employee is hired to work at the designated location after it is completed.

3.  The payroll for the employees destined for the designated location is segregated from other employees.

4.  The employee is moved to the designated location within thirty days after its completion.

D.  To qualify for a credit under this section, the taxpayer and the employment positions must meet the requirements prescribed by section 41‑1525.

E.  A credit is allowed for employment in the second and third year only for qualified employment positions for which a credit was claimed and allowed in the first year.

F.  The net increase in the number of qualified employment positions is the lesser of the total number of filled qualified employment positions created at the designated location or locations during the taxable year or the difference between the average number of full‑time employees in this state in the current taxable year and the average number of full‑time employees in this state during the immediately preceding taxable year.  The net increase in the number of qualified employment positions computed under this subsection may not exceed the difference between the average number of full‑time employees in this state in the current taxable year and the average number of full-time employees in this state during the immediately preceding taxable year.

G.  A taxpayer that claims a credit under section 43‑1164.01 or 43‑1167 shall not claim a credit under this section with respect to the same employment positions.

H.  G.  If the allowable tax credit exceeds the income taxes otherwise due on the claimant's income, or if there are no state income taxes due on the claimant's income, the amount of the claim not used as an offset against the income taxes may be carried forward as a tax credit against subsequent years' income tax liability for a period not exceeding five taxable years.

I.  H.  Co-owners of a business, including corporate partners in a partnership, may each claim only the pro rata share of the credit allowed under this section based on the ownership interest.  The total of the credits allowed all such owners of the business may not exceed the amount that would have been allowed for a sole owner of the business.

J.  I.  If the business is sold or changes ownership through reorganization, stock purchase or merger, the new taxpayer may claim first year credits only for the qualified employment positions that it created and filled with an eligible employee after the purchase or reorganization was complete.  If a person purchases a taxpayer that had qualified for first or second year credits or changes ownership through reorganization, stock purchase or merger, the new taxpayer may claim the second or third year credits if it meets other eligibility requirements of this section.  Credits for which a taxpayer qualified before the changes described in this subsection are terminated and lost at the time the changes are implemented.

K.  J.  A failure to timely report and certify to the Arizona commerce authority the information prescribed by section 41‑1525, subsection E, and in the manner prescribed by section 41‑1525, subsection F disqualifies the taxpayer from the credit under this section.  The department shall require written evidence of the timely report to the Arizona commerce authority.

L.  K.  A tax credit under this section is subject to recovery for a violation described in section 41‑1525, subsection H.

M.  L.  For the purposes of subsection B, paragraphs 2 and 3 of this section, if a full‑time employee in the qualified employment position leaves during the taxable year, the employee may be replaced with another new full‑time employee in the same employment position and the new employee will be treated as being in their the employee's second or third full year of continuous employment for the purposes of the credit under this section if:

1.  The total time the position was vacant from the date the employment position was originally filled to the end of the current tax year totals ninety days or less.

2.  The new employee meets all of the same requirements as the original employee was required to meet.END_STATUTE

Sec. 49.  Section 43-1162, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE43-1162.  Credit for employment by a healthy forest enterprise

A.  For taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2004 through December 31, 2024, a credit is allowed against the taxes imposed by this title for net increases in qualified employment positions by a qualified business that is certified by the Arizona commerce authority as a healthy forest enterprise pursuant to section 41‑1516.

B.  Subject to subsection E of this section, the amount of the credit is equal to:

1.  One‑fourth of the taxable wages paid to an employee in a qualified employment position, not to exceed five hundred dollars per qualified employment position, in the first year or partial year of employment.

2.  One‑third of the taxable wages paid to an employee in a qualified employment position, not to exceed one thousand dollars per qualified employment position, in the second year of continuous employment.

3.  One‑half of the taxable wages paid to an employee in a qualified employment position, not to exceed one thousand five hundred dollars per qualified employment position, in the third year of continuous employment.

C.  To qualify for a credit under this section:

1.  The business must employ at least one new full-time employee in a qualified employment position in the first taxable year in which the credit is claimed.

2.  Each employee with respect to whom a credit is claimed must reside in this state on the date of hire.

3.  A qualified employment position must meet all of the following requirements:

(a)  The position must be full-time employment for a minimum of one thousand five hundred fifty hours per year, unless a shorter period of employment is due to forest closures or weather conditions beyond the taxpayer's control.

(b)  The job duties must primarily involve or directly support harvesting, transporting or processing qualifying forest products removed from qualifying projects as defined in section 41‑1516 into a product having commercial value.

(c)  The employer must pay compensation at least equal to the wage offer by county as computed annually by the department of economic security research administration division.

(d)  The employee must have been employed for at least ninety days during the first taxable year.  An employee who is hired during the last ninety days of the taxable year shall be considered a new employee during the next taxable year.  A qualified employment position that is filled during the last ninety days of the taxable year is considered to be a new qualified employment position for the next taxable year.

(e)  The employee has not been previously employed by the taxpayer within twelve months before the current date of hire.

4.  The employer shall provide health insurance coverage for employees as follows:

(a)  The employer shall pay:

(i)  At least twenty‑five per cent percent of the premium or membership cost of the insurance program in the third year the taxpayer claims a credit under this section.  If the taxpayer is self‑insured, the taxpayer must pay at least twenty‑five per cent percent of a predetermined fixed cost per employee for an insurance program that is payable whether or not the employee has filed claims.

(ii)  At least forty per cent percent of the premium or membership cost in the fourth year the taxpayer claims a credit under this section.  If the taxpayer is self-insured, the taxpayer must pay at least forty per cent percent of a predetermined fixed cost per employee for an insurance program that is payable whether or not the employee has filed claims.

(iii)  At least fifty per cent percent of the premium or membership cost of the insurance program in the fifth and each subsequent year the taxpayer claims a credit under this section.  If the taxpayer is self‑insured, the taxpayer must pay at least fifty per cent percent of a predetermined fixed cost per employee for an insurance program that is payable whether or not the employee has filed claims.

(b)  An employer shall not reduce the amount of health insurance coverage provided to employees before certification by the Arizona commerce authority.

D.  A credit is allowed for employment in the second and third year only for qualified employment positions for which a credit was allowed and claimed by the taxpayer on the original first and second year tax returns.

E.  The net increase in the number of qualified employment positions is the lesser of the total number of filled qualified employment positions created during the taxable year or the difference between the average number of full‑time employees in the current taxable year and the average number of full‑time employees during the immediately preceding taxable year.  The net increase in the number of qualified employment positions computed under this subsection may not exceed two hundred qualified employment positions per taxpayer each year.

F.  A taxpayer who claims a credit under section 43‑1161 or 43‑1167 may not claim a credit under this section with respect to the same employees.

G.  If the allowable tax credit exceeds the income taxes otherwise due on the claimant's income, or if there are no state income taxes due on the claimant's income, the amount of the claim not used as an offset against income taxes may be carried forward as a tax credit against subsequent years' income tax liability for the period not to exceed five taxable years, provided the business maintains its certification under section 41‑1516.

H.  Co‑owners of a business, including partners in a partnership, may each claim only the pro rata share of the credit allowed under this section based on the ownership interest.  The total of the credits allowed all such owners of the business may not exceed the amount that would have been allowed for a sole owner of the business.

I.  If a qualified business changes ownership through reorganization, stock purchase or merger, the new taxpayer may claim first year credits only for one or more qualified employment positions that it created and filled with an eligible employee after the purchase or reorganization was complete. If a person purchases a business that had qualified for first or second year credits or changes ownership through reorganization, stock purchase or merger, the new taxpayer may claim the second or third year credits if it meets the other eligibility requirements of this section.  Credits for which a taxpayer qualified before the changes described in this subsection are terminated and lost at the time the changes are implemented.

J.  If, within five taxable years after first receiving a credit pursuant to this section, the certification of qualification of a business is terminated or revoked under section 41‑1516 other than for reasons beyond the control of the business as determined by the Arizona commerce authority, the credits allowed the business pursuant to this section are subject to recapture pursuant to this subsection.  This subsection applies only in the case of the termination or revocation of a certification of qualification.  This subsection does not apply if, in any taxable year, a taxpayer otherwise does not qualify for or fails to claim the credit under this section.  The recapture of credits under this subsection is computed by increasing the amount of taxes imposed in the year following the year in which the qualification of the business was terminated or revoked by an amount determined by multiplying the full amount of all credits previously allowed under this section by a percentage determined as follows:

1.  If the initial credit under this section was allowed for the taxable year immediately preceding the taxable year in which the certification of qualification of a business is terminated or revoked, one hundred per cent percent.

2.  If the initial credit under this section was allowed two taxable years before the taxable year in which the certification of qualification of a business is terminated or revoked, eighty per cent percent.

3.  If the initial credit under this section was allowed three taxable years before the taxable year in which the certification of qualification of a business is terminated or revoked, sixty per cent percent.

4.  If the initial credit under this section was allowed four taxable years before the taxable year in which the certification of qualification of a business is terminated or revoked, forty per cent percent.

5.  If the initial credit under this section was allowed five taxable years before the taxable year in which the certification of qualification of a business is terminated or revoked, twenty per cent percent. END_STATUTE

Sec. 50.  Section 43-1164.04, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE43-1164.04.  Credit for qualified facilities

A.  For taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2012 through December 31, 2022, a credit is allowed against the taxes imposed by this title for qualifying investment and employment in expanding or locating a qualified facility in this state.  To qualify for the credit, after June 30, 2012 the taxpayer must invest in a new qualified facility or expand an existing qualified facility in this state and produce new full‑time employment positions where the job duties are performed at the location of the qualifying investment.  The taxpayer must meet the employee compensation and employee health benefit requirements prescribed by section 41‑1512.

B.  The amount of the credit is computed as follows:

1.  Ten percent of the lesser of:

(a)  The total qualifying investment in the qualified facility.

(b)  Two hundred thousand dollars for each net new full-time employment position at the qualified facility.

2.  The amount of the credit shall not exceed the postapproval amount determined by the Arizona commerce authority under section 41‑1512, subsection P.

3.  Subject to subsections G and J of this section:

(a)  The credit amount computed under paragraph 1 of this subsection is apportioned, and the taxpayer shall claim the credit in five equal annual installments in each of five consecutive taxable years.

(b)  The taxpayer may claim all five annual installments of a credit that was preapproved before January 1, 2023 by the Arizona commerce authority notwithstanding any intervening repeal or other termination of the credit.

C.  To claim the credit the taxpayer must:

1.  Conduct a business that qualifies under section 41‑1512.

2.  Receive preapproval and postapproval from the Arizona commerce authority pursuant to section 41‑1512.

3.  Submit to the department a copy of a current and valid certification of qualification issued to the taxpayer by the Arizona commerce authority.

D.  To be counted for the purposes of the credit, an employee must have been employed at the qualified facility for at least ninety days during the taxable year in a permanent full‑time employment position of at least one thousand seven hundred fifty hours per year.  An employee who is hired during the last ninety days of the taxable year shall be considered a new employee during the next taxable year.  To be counted for the purposes of the credit during the first taxable year of employment, the employee must not have been previously employed by the taxpayer within twelve months before the current date of hire.  The terms of employment must comply in all cases with the requirements of section 41‑1512 and be certified by the Arizona commerce authority.

E.  Co‑owners of a business, including corporate partners in a partnership and members of a limited liability company, may each claim only the pro rata share of the credit allowed under this section based on the ownership interest.  The total of the credits allowed all owners of the business may not exceed the amount that would have been allowed for a sole owner of the business.

F.  If the allowable tax credit for a taxable year exceeds the income taxes otherwise due on the claimant's income, or if there are no state income taxes due on the claimant's income, the amount of the claim not used as an offset against income taxes shall be paid to the taxpayer in the same manner as a refund under section 42‑1118.  Refunds made pursuant to this subsection are subject to setoff under section 42‑1122.  If the department determines that a refund is incorrect or invalid, the excess refund may be treated as a tax deficiency pursuant to section 42‑1108.

G.  Except as provided by subsection H of this section, if, within five taxable years after first receiving a credit pursuant to this section, the certification of qualification of a business is terminated or revoked under section 41‑1512, other than for reasons beyond the control of the business as determined by the Arizona commerce authority, the taxpayer is disqualified from credits under this section in subsequent taxable years. On a determination that the taxpayer has committed fraud or relocated outside of this state within five taxable years after first receiving a credit pursuant to this section, the credits allowed the taxpayer in all taxable years pursuant to this section are subject to recapture pursuant to this subsection.  This subsection applies only in the case of the termination or revocation of a certification of qualification under section 41‑1512.  This subsection does not apply if, in any taxable year, a taxpayer otherwise does not qualify for or fails to claim the credit under this section.  The recapture of credits is computed by increasing the amount of taxes imposed in the year following the year of termination or revocation by the full amount of all credits previously allowed under this section.

H.  A taxpayer who claims a credit under section 43‑1161, 43‑1164.01 or 43‑1167 may not claim a credit under this section with respect to the same full‑time employment positions.

I.  The department of revenue shall adopt rules and prescribe forms and procedures as necessary for the purposes of this section.  The department of revenue and the Arizona commerce authority shall collaborate in adopting rules as necessary to avoid duplication and contradictory requirements while accomplishing the intent and purposes of this section.

J.  Each taxable year after the postapproval of the credit under section 41‑1512, subsection P, when the taxpayer files the taxpayer's income tax return, the taxpayer shall:

1.  Notify the department, on a form prescribed by the department, of any full‑time employment position for which a credit was claimed under this section and that was vacant for more than one hundred fifty days from the date the full‑time employment position was originally filled to the end of that taxable year.  The period that a full‑time employment position was vacant may not include the period before the full‑time employment position was filled for the first time.

2.  Reduce the portion of the credit claimed for the taxable year pursuant to subsection B, paragraph 3 of this section by four thousand dollars for each full‑time employment position reported pursuant to paragraph 1 of this subsection. END_STATUTE

Sec. 51.  Section 43-1168, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE43-1168.  Credit for increased research activity

A.  A credit is allowed against the taxes imposed by this title in an amount determined pursuant to section 41 of the internal revenue code, except that:

1.  The amount of the credit is computed as follows:

(a)  Add:

(i)  The excess, if any, of the qualified research expenses for the taxable year over the base amount as defined in section 41(c) of the internal revenue code.

(ii)  The basic research payments determined under section 41(e)(1)(A) of the internal revenue code.

(b)  If the sum computed under subdivision (a) of this paragraph is two million five hundred thousand dollars or less:

(i)  For taxable years through December 31, 2017, the credit is equal to twenty percent of that amount.

(ii)  For taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2017 through beginning before December 31, 2021, the credit is equal to twenty‑four percent of that amount.

(iii) (ii)  For taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2021, the credit is equal to twenty percent of that amount.

(c)  If the sum computed under subdivision (a) of this paragraph is over two million five hundred thousand dollars:

(i)  For taxable years through December 31, 2017, the credit is equal to five hundred thousand dollars plus eleven percent of any amount exceeding two million five hundred thousand dollars.

(ii)  For taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2017, through beginning before December 31, 2021, the credit is equal to six hundred thousand dollars plus fifteen percent of any amount exceeding two million five hundred thousand dollars.

(iii)  (ii)  For taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2021, the credit is equal to five hundred thousand dollars plus eleven percent of any amount exceeding two million five hundred thousand dollars.

(d)  For taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2011, an additional credit amount is allowed if the taxpayer made basic research payments during the taxable year to a university under the jurisdiction of the Arizona board of regents.  The additional credit amount is equal to ten percent of the excess, if any, of the basic research payments over the qualified organization base period amount for the taxable year.  The department shall not allow credit amounts under this subdivision and section 43‑1074.01, subsection A, paragraph 1, subdivision (c) that exceed, in the aggregate, a combined total of ten million dollars in any calendar year.  Subject to that limit, on application by the taxpayer, the department shall certify credit amounts under this subdivision and section 43‑1074.01, subsection A, paragraph 1, subdivision (c) based on priority placement established by the date that the taxpayer filed the application.  For taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2014, any basic research payments used to determine the additional credit under this subdivision must first receive certification from the Arizona commerce authority pursuant to section 41‑1507.01.  The additional credit amount under this subdivision shall not exceed the amount allowed based on actual basic research payments or the department's certification, whichever is less.  If an application, if certified in full, would exceed the ten million dollar limit, the department shall certify only an amount within that limit.  After the limit is attained, the department shall deny any subsequent applications regardless of whether other certified amounts are not actually claimed as a credit or other taxpayers fail to qualify to actually claim certified amounts.  Notwithstanding subsections B and D of this section, any amount of the additional credit under this subdivision that exceeds the taxes otherwise due under this title is not refundable, but may be carried forward to the next five consecutive taxable years.  For the purposes of this subdivision, "basic research payments" and "qualified organization base period amount" have the same meanings prescribed by section 41(e) of the internal revenue code.

2.  Qualified research includes only research conducted in this state, including research conducted at a university in this state and paid for by the taxpayer.

3.  If two or more taxpayers, including corporate partners in a partnership, share in the eligible expenses, each taxpayer is eligible to receive a proportionate share of the credit.

4.  The credit under this section applies only to expenses incurred from and after December 31, 1993.

5.  The termination provisions of section 41 of the internal revenue code do not apply.

B.  Except as provided by subsection D of this section, if the allowable credit under this section exceeds the taxes otherwise due under this title on the claimant's income, or if there are no taxes due under this title, the amount of the credit not used to offset taxes may be carried forward to the next fifteen consecutive taxable years.  The amount of credit carryforward from taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2000 through December 31, 2002 that may be used under this subsection in any taxable year may not exceed the taxpayer's tax liability under this title or five hundred thousand dollars, whichever is less, minus the credit under this section for the current taxable year's qualified research expenses.  The amount of credit carryforward from taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2002 that may be used under this subsection in any taxable year may not exceed the taxpayer's tax liability under this title minus the credit under this section for the current taxable year's qualified research expenses.  A taxpayer that carries forward any amount of credit under this subsection may not thereafter claim a refund of any amount of the credit under subsection D of this section.

C.  If a taxpayer has qualified research expenses that are carried forward from taxable years beginning before January 1, 2001, the amount of the expenses carried forward shall be converted to a credit carryforward by multiplying the amount of the qualified expenses carried forward by twenty percent.  A credit carryforward determined under this subsection may be carried forward to not more than fifteen years from the year in which the expenses were incurred.  The amount of credit carryforward from taxable years beginning before January 1, 2001 that may be used under this subsection in any taxable year may not exceed the taxpayer's tax liability under this title or five hundred thousand dollars, whichever is less, minus the credit under this section for the current taxable year's qualified research expenses.  The total amount of credit carryforward from taxable years beginning before January 1, 2003 that may be used in any taxable year under subsection B and this subsection may not exceed the taxpayer's tax liability under this title or five hundred thousand dollars, whichever is less, minus the credit under this section for the current taxable year's qualified research expenses.

D.  For taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2009, if a taxpayer that claims a credit under this section employs fewer than one hundred fifty persons in the taxpayer's trade or business and if the allowable credit under this section exceeds the taxes otherwise due under this title on the claimant's income, or if there are no taxes due under this title, in lieu of carrying the excess amount of credit forward to subsequent taxable years under subsection B of this section, the taxpayer may elect to receive a refund as follows:

1.  The taxpayer must apply to the Arizona commerce authority for qualification for the refund pursuant to section 41‑1507 and submit a copy of the authority's certificate of qualification to the department of revenue with the taxpayer's income tax return.

2.  The amount of the refund is limited to seventy-five percent of the amount by which the allowable credit under this section exceeds the taxpayer's tax liability under this title for the taxable year.  The remainder of the excess amount of the credit is waived.

3.  The refund shall be paid in the manner prescribed by section 42‑1118.

4.  The refund is subject to setoff under section 42‑1122.

5.  If the department determines that a credit refunded pursuant to this subsection is incorrect or invalid, the excess credit issued may be treated as a tax deficiency pursuant to section 42‑1108.

E.  A taxpayer that claims a credit for increased research and development activity under this section shall not claim a credit under section 43‑1164.02 for the same expenses. END_STATUTE

Sec. 52.  Section 43-1603, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE43-1603.  Operational requirements for school tuition organizations; notice; qualified schools

A.  A certified school tuition organization must be established to receive contributions from taxpayers for the purposes of income tax credits under sections 43‑1089 and 43‑1089.03 and to pay educational scholarships or tuition grants to allow students to attend any qualified school of their parents' choice.

B.  To be eligible for certification and retain certification, the school tuition organization:

1.  Must allocate at least ninety percent of its annual revenue from contributions made for the purposes of sections 43‑1089 and 43‑1089.03 for educational scholarships or tuition grants.

2.  Shall not limit the availability of educational scholarships or tuition grants to only students of one school.

3.  May allow donors to recommend student beneficiaries, but shall not award, designate or reserve scholarships solely on the basis of donor recommendations.

4.  Shall not allow donors to designate student beneficiaries as a condition of any contribution to the organization, or facilitate, encourage or knowingly permit the exchange of beneficiary student designations in violation of section 43‑1089, subsection F, section 43‑1089.03, subsection F and 43‑1089.04, subsection E.

5.  Shall include on the organization's website, if one exists, the percentage and total dollar amount of educational scholarships and tuition grants awarded during the previous fiscal year to:

(a)  Students whose family income meets the economic eligibility requirements established under the national school lunch and child nutrition acts (42 United States Code sections 1751 through 1785) for free or reduced‑price lunches.

(b)  Students whose family income exceeds the threshold prescribed by subdivision (a) of this paragraph but does not exceed one hundred eighty-five percent of the economic eligibility requirements established under the national school lunch and child nutrition acts (42 United States Code sections 1751 through 1785) for free or reduced‑price lunches.

6.  Must not award educational scholarships or tuition grants to students who are simultaneously enrolled in a district school or charter school and a qualified school.

C.  A school tuition organization shall include the following notice in any printed materials soliciting donations, in applications for scholarships and on its website, if one exists:


A school tuition organization cannot award, restrict or reserve scholarships solely on the basis of a donor's recommendation.

A taxpayer may not claim a tax credit if the taxpayer agrees to swap donations with another taxpayer to benefit either taxpayer's own dependent.

D.  In evaluating applications and awarding, designating or reserving scholarships, a school tuition organization:

1.  Shall not award, designate or reserve a scholarship solely on the recommendation of any person contributing money to the organization, but may consider the recommendation among other factors.

2.  Shall consider the financial need of applicants.

E.  A taxpayer's contribution to a school tuition organization that exceeds the amount of the credit allowed by section 43‑1089 but does not exceed the amount of the credit allowed by section 43‑1089.03 is considered a contribution pursuant to section 43‑1089.03.  A school tuition organization must use at least ninety percent of contributions made pursuant to section 43‑1089.03 for educational scholarships or tuition grants for students to whom any of the following applies:

1.  Attended a governmental primary or secondary school as full‑time student students as defined in section 15‑901 or attended a preschool program that offers services to students with disabilities at a governmental school for at least ninety days of the prior fiscal year and transferred from a governmental school to a qualified school.

2.  Enrolls Enroll in a qualified school in a kindergarten program or a preschool program that offers services to students with disabilities.

3.  Is Are the dependent of a member of the armed forces of the United States who is stationed in this state pursuant to military orders.

4.  Received an educational scholarship or tuition grant under paragraph 1, 2 or 3 of this subsection or under chapter 15 of this title if the student continues to attend a qualified school in a subsequent year.

F.  In awarding educational scholarships or tuition grants from contributions made pursuant to section 43‑1089.03, a school tuition organization shall give priority to students and siblings of students on a waiting list for scholarships if the school tuition organization maintains a waiting list.

G.  If an individual educational scholarship or tuition grant exceeds the school's tuition, the amount in excess shall be returned to the school tuition organization that made the award or grant.  The school tuition organization may allocate the returned monies as a multiyear award for that student and report the award pursuant to section 43‑1604, paragraph 5, subdivision (b) or may allocate the returned monies for educational scholarships or tuition grants for other students. END_STATUTE

Sec. 53.  Conditional enactment

Section 42‑2003, Arizona Revised Statutes, as amended by Laws 2017, chapter 96, section 1, chapter 139, section 4, chapter 258, section 43 and chapter 340, section 2 and this act, is effective only if Laws 2017, chapter 139, the subject of referendum petition R-02-2018, is approved by a vote of the people at the next general election or fails to be referred to the voters at the next general election.