HB 2310: game and fish; licenses; fees

PRIME SPONSOR: Representative Bowers, LD 25

BILL STATUS: Energy, Environment & Natural Resources


AZGFD – Arizona Game & Fish Department
Commission – Arizona Game & Fish Commission
COR – Committee of Reference
JLAC – Joint Legislative Audit Committee
Amendments – BOLD and Stricken (Committee)


☐ Prop 105 (45 votes)	     ☐ Prop 108 (40 votes)      ☐ Emergency (40 votes)	☐ Fiscal NoteRelating to AZGFD licenses and fees.



1.       Extends the Commission's authority to establish the fees for licenses, permits, tags, stamps and applications in rule beyond July 1, 2019. (Sec. 3)

2.       Repeals the cap on the total amount of license, permit, tag and stamp fees AZGFD may collect each FY. (Sec. 4)

3.       Repeals the cap on total watercraft fees AZGFD may collect each FY. (Sec. 1)

4.       Removes the requirement that JLAC assign a COR review of the Commission's annual report on license classifications and fees every five years. (Sec. 3)

5.       Permits JLAC to assign a COR review of the Commission's annual report on license classifications and fees. (Sec. 3)

6.       Authorizes a license dealer to determine, collect and retain a reasonable fee in addition to the fee charged to issue the license or permit. (Sec. 5)


7.       Authorizes the Commission to reduce license fees and issue complimentary licenses. (Sec. 3)

8.       Replaces the complimentary license for 100% disabled veterans with a reduced license fee for a veteran who receives compensation for a service-connected disability. (Sec. 3, 4)

9.       Replaces the requirement that each license be signed in ink on the face of the license with a requirement that it be signed in a manner provided by rule. (Sec. 2)


10.   Makes technical and conforming changes. (Sec. 2-5)

Current Law


AZGFD may establish license, permit, tag and stamp fees for the taking or handling of wildlife. The total fees AZGFD may collect is limited to 150% of the Game and Fish Fund Appropriation for FY 2013 (A.R.S. § 17-333.01).

The Commission is required to prescribe rules for license classifications that are valid for taking or handling of wildlife, fees for licenses, permits, tags and stamps and application fees through July 1, 2019. The Commission may temporarily reduce or waive fees prescribed by rule, on the recommendation of the Director. The Commission is required to submit an annual report on license classifications, fees for licenses, permits, tags and stamps and any other fees prescribed by rule to the Legislature. JLAC is required to assign a COR hearing and review of the annual report by July 1, 2019, and every fifth year thereafter (A.R.S. § 17-333).

Compensation for Arizona, California, Nevada and Utah-Colorado River Special-Use Permits is established through an agreement between the respective states and the Commission. License dealers who contract with the Commission to electronically sell licenses may impose additional fees as provided in the contract. All other license dealers retain 5% of the selling price of each license or permit (A.R.S. § 17-338).

AZGFD may establish fees for registration of motorized watercraft (A.R.S. § 5-321), watercraft certificates of numbers and decals necessary for sale (A.R.S. § 5-322), and nonresident boating safety infrastructure fees (A.R.S. § 5-327). The total watercraft fees AZGFD may collect is limited to 150% of the Watercraft Licensing Fund appropriation for FY 2013 (A.R.S. § 5-328).


The Commission may temporarily reduce or waive fees prescribed by rule on the recommendation of the Director. (A.R.S. § 17-333). The Commission may issue a youth license for a reduced fee to an Arizona resident who is a member of the Boy Scouts of America and attained the rank of Eagle Scout or a member of the Girl Scouts of America and received the Gold Award (A.R.S. § 17-336).

The Commission may issue a complimentary license to: 1) a veteran of the US Armed Forces who is receiving compensation from the US government for permanent service-connected disabilities rated as 100% disabling, and who has been a resident of Arizona for at least one year before the application; and 2) a pioneer who is at least 70 years old and has lived in Arizona for 25 or more consecutive years immediately before the application. The complimentary license for a pioneer is a lifetime license (A.R.S. § 17-336).

A licensee must sign the face of the license in ink before it is valid, except as provided in rule (A.R.S. § 17-332).

Additional Information

The FY 2013 appropriation to the Game and Fish Fund was $33,277,100 (JLBC).

The FY 2013 appropriation to the Watercraft Licensing Fund was $4,504,200 (JLBC).




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Fifty-third Legislature                  HB 2310

Second Regular Session                               Version 1: Energy, Environment & Natural Resources


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