HB 2108: ASDB; teacher salaries; personnel fingerprinting |
PRIME SPONSOR: Representative Boyer, LD 20 BILL STATUS: Chaptered |
Relating to ASDB teacher salaries and
1. Asserts that ASDB teachers are eligible for the same salary increase, in the same manner, as other public schoolteachers in a FY that monies are appropriated to ADE for that purpose. (Sec. 1)
2. Eliminates the requirement that ASDB employees have the criminal history form notarized. (Sec. 2)
3. Removes the requirement that noncertificated employees and nonpaid personnel who have a valid FPCC submit fingerprints. (Sec. 2)
4. Defines teacher who is employed by ASDB. (Sec.1)
5. Contains a retroactive effective date of July 1, 2017. (Sec. 3)
6. Makes a technical change. (Sec. 2)
Current Law
Laws 2017, Chapter 305 appropriated $34 million to ADE for a 1.06% teacher salary increase in FY 2018 for teachers who taught in a public school during the SY 2017 and who continue to teach in a public school during the SY 2018.
Within 20 days of beginning work, noncertificated personnel employees and nonpaid personnel are required to submit fingerprints for obtaining state and federal criminal records checks. ASDB is also required to provide a criminal history form, to be completed by the employee and notarized (A.R.S. § 15-1330).
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Fifty-third Legislature HB 2108
Second Regular Session Version 5: Chaptered
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