Fifty-third Legislature                                                 Education

Second Regular Session                                                  H.B. 2520




(Reference to House engrossed bill)


Page 3, line 3, strike "evidence-based" insert "assessments,"

Page 12, line 6, strike "evidence-based"; strike "purposes programs and practices" insert "purposes based on the plan submitted pursuant to subsection b of this section"

Page 13, line 7, strike "the"

Strike lines 8 and 9

Line 10, strike "Institutions under the jurisdiction of the arizona board of regents."

Line 11, strike "evidence-based"

Line 12, strike "literacy"

Line 13, strike "instructional"

Page 14, line 2, strike "showing the most" insert "that demonstrate"

Line 4, after the period insert "the school districts and charter schools selected shall represent school districts and charter schools in demographic composition, including rural and urban, size and student characteristics."

Line 7, strike "grant"

Line 9, strike "grant"

Line 15, after the period strike remainder of line

Strike line 16

Line 18, after "shall" strike remainder of line

Line 19, strike "eligible schools to"; strike "grants on a three-year cycle" insert "funds"

Line 20, strike "on a per pupil basis" insert "on a per pupil basis"

Line 21, after "that" strike remainder of line

Page 14, strike lines 22 through 24, insert "receive funds pursuant to this section shall include data on expenditures and results in the school's reading program plan submitted pursuant to section 15-211."

Lines 25 and 27, strike "grant"

Line 29, strike "Grant"; strike "supplement and not"

Line 30, strike "supplant activities" insert "expand, enhance and support the components"

Line 34, strike "grant"

Line 36, strike "grants" insert "funds"

Line 40, strike "grant-funded"

Page 15, line 6, strike the first "evidence-based"; strike the second "evidence-based" insert "kindergarten readiness assessments,"

Page 16, line 4, strike "and has"

Strike line 5, insert "and has had fewer than two years of English language instruction"

Page 20, line 40, after "expression" strike remainder of line

Line 41, strike "handwriting"

Page 21, line 17, strike "deriving constructing" insert "deriving"

Line 21, strike "decode unfamiliar identify" insert "decode unfamiliar"; after "words" insert a period, strike remainder of line

Strike line 22

Amend title to conform







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