REFERENCE TITLE: food handler training; courses; certification




State of Arizona

House of Representatives

Fifty-first Legislature

Second Regular Session




HB 2436


Introduced by

Representative Shope





Amending Title 11, chapter 2, article 4, Arizona Revised Statutes, by adding section 11-269.12; relating to public health.




Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1.  Title 11, chapter 2, article 4, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by adding section 11-269.12, to read:

START_STATUTE11-269.12.  Food handler training and certification

A.  If a county requires food handler training and certification for employment in the food service industry, The food handler certification Training course must be ACCREDITED by A national organization that develops training courses in basic safe food handling principles.  The Food handler certification training Course must address the following topics:

1.  The relationship between time and temperature with respect to foodborne illness, including the relationship between time and temperature and microorganisms during the various food handling preparation and serving states and the type, calibration and use of thermometers in monitoring food temperatures.

2.  The relationship between personal hygiene and food safety, including the ASSOCIATION of hand contact, personal habits and behaviors and the food handler's health with foodborne illness and the recognition of how policies, procedures and management contribute to improved food safety practices.

3.  Methods of preventing food contamination in all stages of food handling, including terms associated with contamination and potential hazards before, during and after delivery.

4.  Procedures of cleaning and sanitizing equipment and utensils.

5.  Problems and potential solutions associated with temperature control, preventing cross-contamination, housekeeping and maintenance.

6.  Any other topic that is deemed necessary by the county.

B.  A food handler certification Training course may be offered by any means available, including as an online course, computer course or live classroom course, and may be facilitated by a live trainer, remote trainer or a certified food service sanitation manager.  A course proctor is not required for administration of the course.

C.  The food handler certification Training course must be completed within the time period required by the county and certification must be renewed as required by county.

D.  On completion of an accredited food handler certification Training course, the county shall issue any certificate or identification card required by the county to A person who demonstrates successful completion of the course.

E.  A County-issued food handler certificate or identification card is valid in any county that requires a food handler certificate or identification card until the person's CERTIFICATION or identification card expires.

F.  A county may not limit the amount of times a person may attempt to complete a food handler certification Training course.

G.  If an entity that provides food service has an in-house food service training program, completion of that training program is only valid for food service that is provided for that entity.

H.  Food handler certification training courses created and in place by the county or approved by the county and in place by a separate entity that can demonstrate county approval and compliance with county standards before the effective date of this section are considered to be accredited for the purposes of this section.  END_STATUTE