Committee | Position | Minutes | Agendas |
Government | Member | Click here | Click here |
Military Affairs & Public Safety | Member | Click here | Click here |
Committee | Position |
House Ethics Committee | Member |
House Government Committee of Reference | Member |
House Military Affairs & Public Safety Committee of Reference | Member |
Urban Air Mobility Study Committee | Member |
Personal Information: | |
Home City: Occupation: Member Since: 2019 |
Representative Jennifer Longdon is a Phoenix-based speaker, writer, and activist currently serving in the Arizona House of Representatives for Legislative District 5. Paralyzed in a random shooting in 2004, Longdon focuses her legislative portfolio on advocacy for people with disabilities and strengthening laws to curb gun violence. Longdon previously served as Chair of multiple boards and commissions including the Phoenix Mayor's Neighborhood Advisory Council, Phoenix Mayors Commission on Disability Issues, the Statewide Independent Living Council of Arizona, Arizonans for Gun Safety, and Public Impact Advisory Panel to the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation. She has been profiled in AZ magazine, the Phoenix New Times, the Washington Post, Salon, Mother Jones and Rolling Stone. |
Bill Number | Sponsor Type | Short/NOW Title |
HB2061 | C | food; municipal tax; exemption. |
HB2070 | C | emergency response plans; community engagement |
HB2072 | C | voter registration; same day |
HB2073 | C | automatic voter registration |
HB2147 | C | school funding; inflation adjustment |
HB2148 | C | school districts; expenditure limitation |
HB2149 | C | exchange programs; student count |
HB2150 | C | humanitarian service organization special plates |
HB2151 | C | literacy endorsement; noncertificated teachers; requirement |
HB2152 | C | initiative; referendum; signatures; electronic submittal |
HB2159 | C | professional development personnel; teachers; appropriation |
HB2160 | C | school mental health professionals; academy |
HB2171 | P | Don Bolles memorial. |
HB2172 | P | massage therapy; communication proficiency; repeal |
HB2173 | P | nursing homes; advisory council |
HB2174 | P | supported decision-making; supporter obligations |
HB2175 | P | AHCCCS; complex rehabilitation technology |
HB2176 | P | AHCCCS; outpatient services |
HB2177 | P | sentencing; concealed weapons permits; surrender |
HB2178 | P | patient information; gun safety; appropriation |
HB2179 | P | firearm transfers; domestic violence; offenses |
HB2180 | P | firearm purchases; waiting period; offense |
HB2181 | P | firearm dealers; firearms transfers; requirements |
HB2182 | P | firearm sales; transfers; background checks |
HB2183 | P | firearm sales; permit verification; requirements |
HB2184 | P | severe threat order of protection |
HB2185 | P | TPT; exemption; firearm storage devices |
HB2186 | P | discrimination; prohibited; protective hairstyles |
HB2187 | P | day of racial healing; observed |
HB2188 | P | beekeepers special plates; deadline extension (NOW: special plates; deadline extension) |
HB2189 | P | textbooks; adverse representation; prohibition |
HB2190 | P | health professions; fingerprint cards; websites |
HB2191 | P | state law; local violation; repeal. |
HB2192 | P | firearms; ammunition; storage; civil penalty |
HB2193 | P | underage persons; possession; ownership; firearms |
HB2211 | C | supplemental nutrition assistance program; eligibility |
HB2222 | C | driver license fees; homeless exemption |
HB2238 | C | appropriation; school breakfasts and lunches |
HB2239 | C | financial aid; private scholarships; requirements |
HB2241 | C | electric vehicles; charging; pilot program |
HB2249 | P | nursing care institutions; medical directors |
HB2250 | P | minimum staff ratios; nursing homes |
HB2349 | C | instructional school garden program |
HB2351 | C | conversion therapy; prohibition; minors |
HB2355 | C | appropriation; constables; body armor |
HB2360 | C | Arizona community impact statement |
HB2392 | P | statewide ADA coordinator; appropriation |
HB2393 | P | marijuana; testing |
HB2398 | C | bailable offenses; requirements; release |
HB2399 | C | juveniles; civil rights restoration |
HB2400 | C | area agencies on aging; appropriation |
HB2401 | C | TPT; diapers; feminine hygiene; exemption |
HB2484 | C | failure to return vehicle; repeal. (NOW: failure to return vehicle) |
HB2486 | C | clinical research; psilocybin; grants; appropriation |
HB2527 | C | transportation tax; Maricopa county; election |
HB2568 | C | homelessness rights; criminal liability |
HB2604 | C | licenses; not proof of citizenship. |
HB2605 | C | international trade; authority; transportation. |
HB2637 | C | TPT; online lodging marketplace; reporting |
HB2638 | C | online lodging marketplaces |
HB2652 | C | SNAP; eligible benefits |
HB2654 | C | appropriation; older individuals; blind |
HB2657 | C | appropriation; housing assistance; elderly. |
HB2659 | C | building permits; conditions; qualifications |
HB2660 | C | grants; appropriation; family planning services |
HB2661 | C | classroom spending profile; charter schools |
HB2662 | C | ESAs; assessments; qualified schools; audits. |
HB2664 | P | justification; requirements |
HB2665 | P | railroad grade crossing; on-track equipment |
HB2666 | P | Alzheimer's disease state plan; appropriation. |
HB2668 | C | appropriation; Arizona arts trust fund |
HB2670 | C | state agencies; veterans status; inquiry |
HB2672 | C | appropriation; heritage fund |
HB2673 | C | tenant early termination; servicemembers |
HB2695 | C | funeral directors and embalmers; continuation |
HB2713 | C | sexual assault survivors; rights. |
HB2714 | C | income tax credit; released prisoners |
HB2716 | C | appropriation; mental health services; minors |
HB2717 | C | communicable disease information; 911 dispatchers (NOW: trauma counseling; 911 dispatchers) |
HB2733 | C | adult protective services program; appropriation |
HB2734 | C | homelessness; rights; eviction; housing; appropriation. |
HB2735 | C | TPT; services; tuition surcharge |
HB2765 | C | appropriation; DEQ; water sources; treatment |
HB2771 | C | appropriation; Arizona promise program |
HB2774 | C | transportation network services; insurance requirements |
HB2775 | C | workers' rights; public health emergency |
HB2776 | C | landlords; tenant's marijuana use |
HB2781 | C | school facilities; replacement; renovation; funding |
HB2798 | P | interscholastic sports; student eligibility; transfers |
HB2805 | C | appropriation; victim compensation and assistance |
HCR2010 | C | expenditure limitation; school districts |
HCR2011 | C | vacation rentals; short-term rentals |
HCR2030 | C | ratification; equal rights amendment.. |
HCR2034 | C | supporting statehood; Washington D.C. |
HCR2035 | C | death penalty; prohibition |
HCR2037 | C | Assyrian New Year; recognizing |
HCR2042 | C | English language education; requirements |
HCR2045 | C | Jack Jackson, Sr.; death resolution |
HCR2046 | C | Peterson Zah; death resolution |
HCR2048 | C | Joe Hart; death resolution |
HCR2049 | P | Ann Nichols; death resolution |
HCR2051 | C | Ben Shelly; death resolution |
SB1032 | C | developmental disabilities; spina bifida. |
SB1039 | C | Don Bolles memorial |