Committee | Position | Minutes | Agendas |
Natural Resources, Energy & Water | Chairman | Click here | Click here |
Land, Agriculture & Rural Affairs | Member | Click here | Click here |
Committee | Position |
Personal Information: | |
Home City: Occupation: Member Since: |
State Representative Gail Griffin represents Legislative District 19 in the Arizona House of Representatives. District 19 includes portions of 4 counties; Cochise, Graham, Greenlee, and Pima. Gail Griffin is currently serving as a member of the House of Representatives and serves as the Chairman of the Natural Resources, Energy and Water Committee, Vice Chairman of the Federal Relations Committee, and as a member of the Military and Veterans Affairs, Health and Human Services, and the Governor's Water Augmentation, Innovation and Conservation Council committees. She has also served on the Water Banking Authority, the Water Protection Fund, and many other committees of interest. Gail Griffin served in the Arizona State Senate and has been involved in issues at the local, state, and federal level for many years. She believes in a smaller, smarter government, less taxes, personal responsibility, protection of property rights, and in the free enterprise system. Representative Griffin will continue to fight to get education dollars into the classroom for students and teachers, for Veteran's issues, for transparency in government, and will continue to challenge federal overreach, and support States Rights and our Constitution. Gail has received many awards for her service which includes “Senator of the Year” from the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), “Legislator of the Year” from Arizona Rural Health Association and from the Arizona Mining Association. Gail's activities and memberships include: Arizona Farm Bureau, Arizona Cattle Growers Association, Natural Resource Conservation Districts (NRCD), Arizona/New Mexico Coalition of Counties, Realtor's Association (Local, State, and National), Arizona Historical Society, and Sierra Vista Elks Lodge (2065). She has also been volunteering annually for the past 15 years with Girl's State. Gail is a Real Estate Broker (40 + years) at Sierra Vista Realty and lives in Cochise County. |
Bill Number | Sponsor Type | Short/NOW Title |
HB2081 | P | income tax; subtraction; tipped wages |
HB2082 | P | TPT; exemption; wastewater; pipes |
HB2083 | P | game and fish commission; membership |
HB2084 | P | domestic water improvement districts; hauling |
HB2085 | P | groundwater; transporting requirements; technical correction |
HB2086 | P | water improvements program; water hauling |
HB2087 | P | appropriation; groundwater recharge facilities; maintenance |
HB2088 | P | subsequent AMA; director; removal |
HB2089 | P | subsequent AMA; voters; removal |
HB2090 | P | acting in concert; evidence; exceptions |
HB2091 | P | land division; applicant submissions; review |
HB2092 | P | land divisions; disclosure affidavit; recording |
HB2093 | P | subdivided lands; violations; civil penalties |
HB2094 | P | real estate; definition of contiguous |
HB2103 | P | appropriation; Colorado River Compact; defense |
HB2104 | P | minerals; land inventory; technical correction |
HB2105 | P | technical correction; petroleum product storage |
HB2106 | P | technical correction; supplemental environmental project |
HB2201 | P | technical correction; electricity; power authority |
HB2202 | P | subsequent AMA; previously nonirrigated land |
HB2203 | P | historical water use; subsequent AMA |
HB2204 | P | assured water supply; commingling |
HB2269 | P | appropriation; state mine inspector; safety |
HB2270 | P | groundwater model; stormwater recharge; AMAs |
HB2271 | P | supply and demand; assessment; groundwater |
HB2272 | P | municipal separate storm sewer system |
HB2273 | P | lottery; on-farm irrigation efficiency fund |
HB2274 | P | technical correction; assured water supply |
HB2276 | C | legislative ratification; rulemaking; regulatory costs |
HB2297 | P | designation; assured water supply; offset |
HB2298 | P | technical correction; management goals; AMAs |
HB2299 | P | assured water supply; certificate; model |
HB2378 | C | juvenile restoration; rights; guns; civil |
HB2473 | C | early ballot collection; limitations; repeal |
HB2521 | C | elections; foreign money |
HB2549 | C | appropriation; subsequent AMA; assistance grants |
HB2551 | C | grandfathered right; Willcox AMA; extension |
HB2552 | C | dogs; hunting; rules; prohibition |
HB2567 | P | replenishment obligation; one hundred-year period |
HB2568 | P | conservation requirements; industrial water use |
HB2569 | P | certificate; residential lease community; water |
HB2570 | P | temporary non-expansion area |
HB2571 | P | stormwater infrastructure; groundwater recharge; credit |
HB2572 | P | technical correction; groundwater rights; AMAs |
HB2573 | P | technical correction; plants; containers; non-irrigation |
HB2574 | P | small land subdivision; requirements |
HB2575 | P | appropriation; Arizona geological survey |
HB2576 | P | notice; violation; deficiency correction |
HB2577 | P | native plants; fire prevention; exemption |
HB2588 | P | wildlife; taking; landowner permits; rules |
HB2635 | C | TPT; exemption; firearm storage devices |
HB2638 | P | on-farm irrigation efficiency program; continuation |
HB2639 | P | TPT; exemption; qualifying equipment; extension |
HB2670 | C | health education; fetal development instruction |
HB2679 | P | power; public utilities; UCC; securities |
HB2680 | C | sentencing enhancements; vulnerable; incapacitated; adult. |
HB2681 | C | abortion-inducing drugs; requirements |
HB2691 | P | groundwater replenishment districts; annual dues |
HB2694 | P | appropriation; Fry fire district |
HB2725 | C | pledge of allegiance; parental notification |
HB2733 | C | unmanned aircraft; qualified immunity |
HB2739 | C | food products; cultivated cells; labeling |
HB2741 | C | liquor sampling; reporting; requirements. |
HB2742 | C | court-ordered evaluations |
HB2750 | P | fire trucks; diesel fuel; exemption |
HB2766 | C | municipal tax; exemption; food |
HB2779 | C | juveniles; temporary custody; parental notification |
HB2800 | C | fire insurance; policy cancellation; prohibition |
HB2832 | C | appropriations; Graham community college; housing |
HB2833 | C | legislative district committee; county committee |
HB2855 | C | terrorist organizations; drug cartels |
HB2895 | C | task order contracts; website; posting |
HCM2003 | P | stormwater; groundwater; recharge; urging support |
HCM2004 | P | military bases; exemption from ESA |
HCM2009 | C | San Carlos irrigation project; divestiture |
HCM2012 | P | antiquities act; exception |
HCM2013 | P | equal access; justice; act; repeal |
HCM2016 | C | Palo Verde; urging support |
HCR2013 | C | early ballots; deadlines; foreign money |
HCR2016 | P | reinstatement; WIFA monies |
HCR2017 | P | for-sale housing; development; groundwater replenishment |
HCR2022 | C | nuclear energy; Palo Verde; support |
HCR2039 | P | assured water supply; legislative intent |
HCR2042 | C | preferential treatment; discrimination; prohibited acts |
HCR2044 | P | minerals; metals; supporting domestic supply |
HCR2045 | P | law enforcement; first responders; honoring |
HCR2046 | P | Colorado River; cause of decline |
HCR2049 | C | sovereign authority |
HCR2051 | C | Yuma agriculture; water rights; supporting |
HCR2055 | C | drug cartels; terrorist organizations |
SB1102 | C | pharmacy benefits; prescribing; exemption |
SB1108 | C | international medical licensees; provisional licensure |
SB1109 | C | designated countries; land ownership; prohibition |
SB1128 | C | air quality; causation; state boundaries |
SB1282 | C | aggravated unlawful flight; law enforcement |
SB1332 | C | driver licenses; reciprocity; foreign military |
SB1334 | C | voting locations; emergency designation; electioneering. |
SB1444 | C | helium exploration; aquifer protection permit |
SB1686 | C | election duties; county recorders |