
House Member

No Personal Biography Available

Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2192Csex education; comprehensive; medically accurate
HB2193Cstate law; local violations; repeal.
HB2194Cnational popular vote; interstate agreement
HB2195Chousing trust fund; unclaimed property
HB2196Chealth care providers; religious beliefs
HB2205Cchildren's health insurance program; eligibility.
HB2207Conline home sharing; repeal
HB2208Covarian cancer awareness special plates
HB2209Cinsurance; preexisting conditions; essential benefits
HB2210Cconsumer credit; military; federal law
HB2214Cphysical body adornment; establishments; certification
HB2215CAHCCCS; DES; program data
HB2216Cauto title loans; title; interest
HB2217Coversight committee; residential care; children
HB2218Cmedical services; purchase; study committee
HB2335Cexpenditure limitation; school districts; repeal.
HB2403Cappropriation; ADE; electric school buses
HB2529Cbreast cancer gene; screening; coverage
HB2530Cteachers academy; mental health professionals
HB2628Cmonitoring program; fish contaminants
HB2640Ccandidate nomination signature requirements
HB2641Ccandidate nomination petitions; signatures; county
HB2645Cfalse filings; UCC; penalty
HB2649Cconcurrent jurisdiction; Yuma proving ground
HB2651P*appropriation; Cesar Chavez Boulevard.
HB2654Cparents bill of rights; definition
HB2667Cgrants; school counselors; social workers
HB2697Cmisdemeanor expungement; requirements; procedure
HB2715CTPT; Native American tribes; revenues
HB2716Ctribal economic development; study committee
HB2718Cminimum parking requirements; prohibition
HB2767Cfamily and medical leave; coverage
HB2768Cearly voting; weekend hours
HB2769Cabortion regulation; benefits
HB2770Cvoting centers; board of supervisors
HB2771Celection procedures; registrations; campaign finance
HB2793Crent increase; limitation; substantial remodel
HB2794Clandlord; tenant; fee disclosure; waiver
HB2795Cwireless facilities; residential neighborhoods; approval
HB2796Chealth professions; fingerprint clearance cards
HB2797CSNAP; eligible benefits.
HB2800Cconcurrent coursework; average daily membership
HB2804Cdevelopment subsidies; recapture; rescission
HB2805Cextension; low-income housing tax credit
HB2806Cappropriation; housing trust fund
HB2812Crainwater harvesting program
HB2813Cvehicle finance transaction; clear title
HB2816Cappropriation; basic state aid; increase
HB2817Cprofessional development personnel; teachers; appropriation
HB2818CCTE; articulated credit; statewide agreement
HCM2003CIndian boarding schools; urging investigation.
HCM2005CERA deadline; elimination; urging Congress
HCR2006Cshort-term rentals; vacation rentals
HCR2012Cschool districts; expenditure limit; authorization.
HCR2021Cratification; equal rights amendment.
HCR2030Cdeath resolution; Grant Woods
HCR2035Cconstitutional right to vote
HCR2040COlivia Cajero Bedford; death resolution
HCR2042Cdeath resolution; Jimmie Muñoz, Sr.
HCR2043P*Bob McLendon; death resolution
SB1192Cappropriation; Interstate 10; vehicle lanes