No Personal Biography Available
Bill Number | Sponsor Type | Short/NOW Title |
HB2072 | C | group B weight; kindergarten; appropriation |
HB2073 | C | school funding; inflation adjustment |
HB2074 | C | literacy endorsement; noncertificated teachers; requirement |
HB2075 | C | schools; corporal punishment; prohibition. |
HB2076 | C | presidential preference election; independent voters |
HB2077 | C | candidates; school; local; electronic signatures |
HB2078 | C | initiative; referendum; signatures; electronic submittal |
HB2089 | C | essential drugs; price increase; limits |
HB2090 | C | wage disclosure; employee rights |
HB2091 | C | employers; employee salary history; prohibitions |
HB2092 | C | ballot measure amendments |
HB2094 | C | early ballot collection; limitations; repeal |
HB2096 | C | appropriation; financial aid trust fund |
HB2097 | C | repeal; imprisonment; abortion; advertising |
HB2140 | C | indigenous representative; statutory commissions; boards |
HB2143 | C | ACJC; victim compensation fund; allocation |
HB2147 | C | state agencies; veterans status; inquiry |
HB2148 | C | post-traumatic stress injury day |
HB2186 | C | railroads; train length; prohibition |
HB2187 | C | autonomous vehicles; ADOT director's duties |
HB2263 | C | transportation funding task force |
HB2308 | C | protective hairstyles; discrimination prohibited |
HB2335 | C | expenditure limitation; school districts; repeal. |
HB2403 | C | appropriation; ADE; electric school buses |
HB2457 | C | eviction prevention; study committee |
HB2458 | C | homeless youth; families; funding sources |
HB2459 | C | appropriation; WQARF |
HB2460 | C | wells; permits; spacing rules. |
HB2461 | C | drinking water standards; pollutants. |
HB2462 | C | greenhouse gas programs; repeal prohibition. |
HB2463 | C | well drilling; groundwater basins. |
HB2464 | C | income tax credits; repeal |
HB2465 | C | subsequent irrigation non-expansion areas; procedures. |
HB2466 | C | adequate water supply; statewide requirements. |
HB2467 | C | reporting; groundwater pumping; measuring |
HB2527 | C | sexual assault survivors; rights |
HB2628 | C | monitoring program; fish contaminants |
HB2630 | C | employment; conditions; labor organizations; discrimination |
HB2631 | C | repeal; right to work; liability |
HB2638 | C | curriculum; Asian American Pacific Islanders |
HB2639 | C | Asian American; Pacific Islander month |
HB2648 | C | state employees; paid family leave |
HB2651 | C | appropriation; Cesar Chavez Boulevard. |
HB2654 | C | parents bill of rights; definition |
HB2655 | C | felony murder; repeal |
HB2667 | C | grants; school counselors; social workers |
HB2669 | C | appropriation; railway safety inspectors |
HB2670 | C | railroads; annual safety inspections |
HB2702 | C | broadband; internet protocol services; commission |
HB2734 | P | release credits; prisoners |
HB2735 | P | sexual assault study committee. |
HB2736 | P | drug offenses; classification |
HB2737 | P | public safety; violence prevention; committee |
HB2738 | P | health care workers; employment rights |
HB2754 | C | permanent early voting list |
HB2760 | C | historic preservation tax credit |
HB2761 | C | water efficient plumbing fixtures |
HB2762 | C | terminally ill individuals; end-of-life options. |
HB2763 | C | STO scholarships; student transfers |
HB2764 | C | STO scholarships; beneficiary recommendations. |
HB2765 | C | STOs; administrative cost allocation |
HB2766 | C | STO cap; general fund percentage |
HB2767 | C | family and medical leave; coverage |
HB2768 | C | early voting; weekend hours |
HB2769 | C | abortion regulation; benefits |
HB2771 | C | election procedures; registrations; campaign finance |
HB2775 | C | tax expenditures; review; sunset |
HB2793 | C | rent increase; limitation; substantial remodel |
HB2794 | C | landlord; tenant; fee disclosure; waiver |
HB2796 | C | health professions; fingerprint clearance cards |
HB2797 | C | SNAP; eligible benefits. |
HB2804 | C | development subsidies; recapture; rescission |
HB2805 | C | extension; low-income housing tax credit |
HB2806 | C | appropriation; housing trust fund |
HB2813 | C | vehicle finance transaction; clear title |
HB2816 | C | appropriation; basic state aid; increase |
HB2817 | C | professional development personnel; teachers; appropriation |
HB2818 | C | CTE; articulated credit; statewide agreement |
HCM2007 | C | postal service; urging independence; prefunding |
HCR2002 | C | death penalty; prohibition |
HCR2012 | C | school districts; expenditure limit; authorization. |
HCR2026 | C | right to work; repeal |
HCR2030 | C | death resolution; Grant Woods |
HCR2035 | C | constitutional right to vote |
HCR2037 | C | campaign finance; source disclosure |
HCR2040 | C | Olivia Cajero Bedford; death resolution |
HCR2042 | C | death resolution; Jimmie Muñoz, Sr. |
HR2002 | C | Fisher house; service members; supporting |
SB1189 | C | school counselors; grants |
SB1215 | C | missing and murdered indigenous peoples. |
SB1218 | C | sexual assault study committee |
SB1219 | C | aggravated assault; violation; court order |
SB1222 | C | exempt property; tax credit; proceeds |
SB1224 | C | criminal law; purpose |
SB1225 | C | criminal justice information; reporting; collection |
SB1227 | C | court witness; arrest; prohibited |
SB1280 | C | Arizona bicycling special plates |
SB1281 | C | auxiliary containers; regulation; prohibition; repeal |
SB1282 | C | energy efficient standards; products |
SB1283 | C | drinking water standards; pollutants |
SB1284 | C | affording housing; appropriation |
SB1294 | C | STO scholarships; low-income requirements |
SB1295 | C | appropriation; early childhood; waitlist |
SB1301 | C | juvenile delinquency; minimum age |
SB1302 | C | criminal street gang database; appeal |
SB1303 | C | juveniles; custodial interrogation; attorney; recordings |
SB1304 | C | juvenile court jurisdiction; age |
SB1305 | C | juvenile court jurisdiction; classification; age |
SB1306 | C | juvenile court disposition; commitment findings |
SB1384 | C | peace officer certification; disqualifying acts |
SB1388 | C | justification; deadly force; law enforcement |
SB1416 | C | employees; school conferences; leave |
SB1417 | C | call center relocation; notice; penalty |
SB1418 | C | employers; compensation history; prohibitions |
SB1419 | C | telecommuting; alternative schedules; state employees |
SB1420 | C | repeal; right to work |
SB1421 | C | employment; employee work scheduling |
SB1422 | C | employment practices; consumer reports; limitation |
SB1423 | C | employee rights; wage disclosure |
SB1424 | C | military and surveillance equipment; approval |
SB1425 | C | interstate compact; economic best practices |
SB1426 | C | state law; local violation; repeal |
SB1427 | C | public facilities; environmental policies |
SB1428 | C | office of new Americans |
SB1429 | C | environmental permitting; burdened communities; requirements |
SB1430 | C | horizontal hydraulic fracturing; prohibition |
SB1434 | C | Arizona climate resiliency planning group |
SB1435 | C | appropriation; water infrastructure finance authority |
SB1440 | C | schools; prohibited courses; repeal |
SB1449 | C | historical prior felony conviction; definition |
SB1472 | C | property crimes; classification; sentencing |
SB1501 | C | elder parole; prisoner release |
SB1502 | C | prisoners; monthly supervision fees |
SB1507 | C | criminal conviction record; disclosure; limitations |
SB1511 | C | conversion therapy; prohibition; minors |
SB1512 | C | antidiscrimination; housing; employment; public accommodations |
SB1513 | C | criminal responsibility; gender; sexual orientation |
SB1518 | C | Arizona online instruction; reporting |
SB1529 | C | child care; waiting list; appropriation |
SB1531 | C | housing trust fund; unclaimed property (NOW: housing trust fund; appropriation) |
SB1532 | C | school personnel; reporting; drug offenses |
SB1533 | C | noncertificated school employees; due process |
SB1534 | C | schools; corporal punishment; prohibition |
SB1535 | C | appropriation; adult protective services |
SB1536 | C | appropriation; home; community based services (NOW: appropriation; community-based services) |
SB1537 | C | hearing evaluations; preschools |
SB1540 | C | textbooks; representation; disabilities; sexual orientation |
SB1544 | C | Arizona criminal justice commission; membership |
SB1644 | C | family and medical leave; benefits |
SB1645 | C | unemployment insurance; benefits; requirements |
SB1646 | C | abortion; authorized providers; waiting period |
SB1647 | C | unemployment insurance; notification; benefits |
SB1648 | C | sentencing; mandatory minimum; exception |
SCR1034 | C | environment; constitutional amendment |
SCR1035 | C | right to work; repeal |
SCR1039 | C | ratification; equal rights amendment |