
House Member

No Personal Biography Available

Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2022Chealth emergencies; treatment; vaccinations; repeal
HB2023Celectronic ballot images; public record
HB2056Cfifth management period; extension
HB2079Ccounties; precinct size; maximum
HB2080Chand count; electronic tabulation verification
HB2102Csurvival of action; deceased sheriff
(NOW: DNA collection; felony arrests; expungement)
HB2126Chazardous waste program fees
HB2235Csupervisors; large counties; salaries
HB2236Cvoter registration; request required
HB2237Csame day voter registration; prohibition
HB2238Cballot drop boxes; prohibition
HB2239Celectronic ballot adjudication; prohibition
HB2240Celections; voting centers prohibited
HB2241Cearly ballot drop off; identification
HB2242Cvoter registrations; validation requirement
HB2243Cvoter registration; state residency; cancellation
HB2286Cschools; surveys; express parental consent
HB2314Cpublic schools; restrooms; reasonable accommodations
HB2315Cschools; materials; posting required
HB2316Cmisconduct involving weapons; public places
HB2354Ctuition; family; post-traumatic stress; suicide
HB2355Csecond degree murder; sentencing
HB2356Cemployers; businesses; COVID-19 vaccine record
HB2357Celection board clerks; party affiliation
HB2358Csexual assault survivor rights
HB2370Cschools; materials; activities; posting; review.
HB2413Cjurors; peremptory challenges
HB2414Cmisconduct involving weapons; school grounds
HB2439Cschool library books; parental review
(NOW: school library; review; policy)
HB2449Ccare facilities; clergy visitation
HB2469Cearly ballots; polling place; tabulation
HB2472Cbusinesses; firearms; unlawful acts
HB2473Cfirearms; contracts; prohibited practices
HB2474Crefusing treatment; right; requirements
HB2475Cemployers; COVID-19 vaccine mandate; prohibition
HB2476Cpresidential electors; congressional districts; at-large
HB2478Cillegally paid public monies; recovery
HB2480Cvehicle serial numbers; removal; restoration
HB2496Cstudent activity fees; conscience exemption
HB2497Cincome tax; rates; reduction
HB2498CCOVID-19; vaccination requirements; prohibition
HB2596Celections; revisions; mail-in; identification; tabulation
HB2597Cschools; pledge; quiet reflection
HB2608Pgender transition; prohibition
HB2609Pambulance services; service areas
(NOW: ambulance services; certificates of necessity)
HB2610PG&F; permits; tags; transfers
(NOW: project unit size; affordable housing)
HB2611Pvaccinations; masks; requirements; enforcement prohibition
HB2612Poccupational regulation
HB2613CADOT dynamic message signs
HB2614Cschools; communications; public receipt option
HB2615Cyouth music and art special plates
HB2616Cmask mandates; minors; parental consent
HB2617Cvoter registration; cancellations; causes
HB2629Cproperty tax liens; expiration dates
HB2632Ccivics test; passing score
HB2633Chospitalizations; family visitation
HB2636Cappropriation; retention; certified peace officers
HB2637Cdivestment; K-12; abortion; explicit material
(NOW: government investments; products; fiduciaries; plans)
HB2640Ccandidate nomination signature requirements
HB2653Cappropriation; mining, mineral museum
HB2656Ccertain affiliations; banks; prohibition
HB2657Cforced labor; manufactured goods
HB2696Cmandatory sentences; children; trafficking; smuggling
HB2700Ccondominiums; planned communities; amendments
HB2707Cpublic schools; moment of silence
HB2712Cpublic meetings executive sessions
HB2713Cschools; governing board members; employment
HB2743Celections; identification; revisions; mail-in; tabulation
HB2744Cearly ballot pick-up; mail return
HB2777Celections; auditor general; attorney general
HB2778Celectronic registration information center; prohibition
HB2780Cvoter lists; images; voting records
(NOW: voting; images; records; contests; audits)
HB2786Cvoter registrations; ballot requests; source
(NOW: voting; registration; drop boxes; prohibition)
HB2853CArizona empowerment scholarship accounts; appropriation
HCR2003CCOVID-19 mandates; prohibition
HCR2025Cgovernment-issued voter identification
(NOW: voter identification; voting)
HCR2028Cminimum law enforcement expenditure amount
HCR2033Cdecertifying Arizona's 2020 electors
HCR2040COlivia Cajero Bedford; death resolution
HCR2042Cdeath resolution; Jimmie Muñoz, Sr.
HM2002PCentral Arizona Project; debt forgiveness
SB1164Cabortion; gestational age; limit
SB1165Cinterscholastic; intramural athletics; biological sex
SB1211Cschools; materials; activities; posting; review
(NOW: materials; activities; review; posting; schools)
SB1357Celection equipment; certification; results
SB1358Chand counts; precincts; procedures manual
SB1359Celection workers; unique passwords
SB1360Celection observers; access
SB1474Cvoting; election day only; holiday
SB1475Cvoter registration; citizenship; falsification; penalties
(NOW: election complaints; attorney general)
SB1476Cpublic meetings; in-person attendance
(NOW: ballot numbering; custody)
SB1477Cvoter registration; felonies; clerk; database
SB1478Celections; county supervisors; ballot; markers
SB1479Cprecinct size; voters; vote centers
SB1603Celections; auditor general
SB1604CDCS; misconduct; temporary custody; removal
SB1605Cfinancial incentives; diagnosis; death; prohibition
SCR1032Cplenary legislative authority; elections