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Home City: Occupation: Legislator Member Since: 2018 |
Representative Walt Blackman is the Republican who won the 2018 Midterm General Elections for State Representative for the sixth legislative district. With his election win, Walt is the first Black American Republican in the history of Arizona elected to the Arizona House of Representatives. Walt is a constitutionalist conservative who served in the United States Army for twenty-one years. Walt is a dedicated and experienced senior leader, combat veteran, with two decades of operational and combat real-world leadership experience in the US military. Throughout Walt's military career, he has served his country with distinction and honor. Walt earned several military awards while serving his country, to include the Bronze Star Medal, for combat actions in Iraq, and the Meritorious Service Medal for 21 years of continues honorable active duty service. After his retirement in 2016, Walt founded and is currently President and CEO of W.B Inclusion & Diversity Consulting Victim Advocacy Firm. W.B Inclusion is a sexual assault counseling service provider for victims of sexual assault and sexual harassment. Walt continues to serve his community by volunteering his time to educate young adults and students at local public and private schools on the prevention of sexual harassment and assault in his district and across the state. Additionally, Walt assists his fellow veterans by volunteering at local food banks; veteran stands down days and veteran small business success seminars. His keen awareness of veteran's issues has given him an inside track of what right looks like when serving Arizona’s veterans. Walt is a fervent advocate of the 2nd Amendment, health care issues, education funding and a commonsense approach to state governing. As an Arizona State Representative Walt wants to return school choice to parents in our schools and is for teacher pay raises, bonuses, and performance-based incentives. Walt believes in rural development programs that generate jobs, supports ranchers, creates revenue and produces new small business opportunities. Walt is endorsed by the Phoenix Chamber of Commerce, Arizona Fire Fighters Association, the Arizona Fraternal Order of Police, the Phoenix Police Association, The National Rifle Association, the Arizona Right to life Association, The Payson Tea Party, the Navaho Country Republican club and the National American Africa Republican Committee of Phoenix, Walt is recognized in the 18 for 2018 National State-wide races to watch for in the 2018 midterm general elections for up and coming political stars. He currently serves on and is Vice-Chairmen for the State and International Affairs Committee, Vice-Chair Judiciary and is a current member serving on the Government Relations, and regulatory committees. Additionally, Walt was selected as Statemen’s of the year by the National American Africa Republican Committee, Walt is a graduate of Almeda University, and received advanced certification in Program Management from Georgetown University. |
Bill Number | Sponsor Type | Short/NOW Title |
HB2029 | P | vaccinations; evidence of immunity; prohibitions |
HB2033 | P | juvenile offenders; monetary sanctions; repeal |
HB2034 | C | CTEDs; associate degrees |
HB2039 | C | live, remote instruction; dual enrollment |
HB2041 | C | ballot fraud countermeasures; paper; ink |
HB2042 | P | biomass; forestry and fire management |
HB2043 | C | employer liability; COVID-19 vaccine requirement |
HB2056 | C | fifth management period; extension |
HB2058 | P | Mormon migration monument; governmental mall |
HB2059 | P | early voting; boxes; observers; electioneering |
HB2060 | P | supplemental nutrition assistance program; eligibility |
HB2061 | P | sex education; parental consent; schools |
HB2062 | P | military; purple heart; VLT exemptions |
HB2063 | P | PSPRS; CORP; reemployment; time period |
HB2064 | P | DHS; school immunizations; exclusions. |
HB2065 | P | school immunizations; nonattendance; outbreak |
HB2066 | P | separate legal entities; joint powers |
HB2067 | P | county improvement districts; recreation; governance |
HB2068 | P | prisoner searches; requirements |
HB2069 | P | vacation rentals; short-term rentals; repeal. |
HB2087 | C | memorial; American Revolution; patriots' plaque |
HB2102 | C | survival of action; deceased sheriff (NOW: DNA collection; felony arrests; expungement) |
HB2107 | C | emergency powers; business closure; repeal. |
HB2108 | C | taxi drivers; sex offenders prohibited |
HB2109 | C | election celebration day |
HB2110 | P | appropriation; firefighter training programs |
HB2111 | P | appropriation; healthy families program |
HB2139 | C | missing and murdered indigenous peoples |
HB2140 | C | indigenous representative; statutory commissions; boards |
HB2142 | C | missing and unidentified persons; reports |
HB2143 | C | ACJC; victim compensation fund; allocation |
HB2145 | C | governmental entities; ransomware payment; prohibition |
HB2146 | C | data security breach; notification |
HB2147 | C | state agencies; veterans status; inquiry |
HB2148 | C | post-traumatic stress injury day |
HB2149 | C | homeowners' associations; military flags |
HB2160 | C | wrongful arrest; record clearance |
HB2166 | C | TPT; use tax; exemption; firearms |
HB2183 | C | fire insurance; flooding; wildfires (NOW: wildfires; flooding; fire insurance) |
HB2184 | C | appropriation; State Route 24; connector |
HB2191 | C | school immunizations; DHS; exclusions |
HB2221 | P | supreme court; drug testing; appropriation |
HB2222 | P | independent corrections oversight committee |
HB2223 | P | emergency; military affairs; national guard |
HB2229 | C | prisoners; medical records; family access |
HB2236 | C | voter registration; request required |
HB2237 | C | same day voter registration; prohibition |
HB2238 | C | ballot drop boxes; prohibition |
HB2239 | C | electronic ballot adjudication; prohibition |
HB2241 | C | early ballot drop off; identification |
HB2242 | C | voter registrations; validation requirement |
HB2243 | C | voter registration; state residency; cancellation |
HB2270 | C | officials; political action committee prohibition |
HB2298 | P | technical correction; emergency interception |
HB2299 | P | change of venue; technical correction |
HB2309 | C | detained juveniles; advisements; notifications |
HB2310 | C | DCS; investigation; schools; children; disabilities |
HB2370 | C | schools; materials; activities; posting; review. |
HB2371 | C | state agencies; cash payment; acceptance (NOW: enforcement prohibition; vaccinations; requirements) |
HB2396 | C | appropriations; greater Arizona transportation projects |
HB2400 | C | TPT; exemption; agricultural equipment |
HB2413 | C | jurors; peremptory challenges |
HB2414 | C | misconduct involving weapons; school grounds |
HB2447 | C | firearms; universities; community colleges; campus |
HB2448 | C | firearms safety; training; schools |
HB2449 | C | care facilities; clergy visitation |
HB2452 | C | antidiscrimination; employment; vaccination status |
HB2453 | C | governmental entities; mask requirement; prohibition |
HB2454 | C | statutory conformity; property tax exemptions |
HB2472 | C | businesses; firearms; unlawful acts |
HB2473 | C | firearms; contracts; prohibited practices |
HB2474 | C | refusing treatment; right; requirements |
HB2475 | C | employers; COVID-19 vaccine mandate; prohibition |
HB2478 | C | illegally paid public monies; recovery |
HB2480 | C | vehicle serial numbers; removal; restoration |
HB2482 | C | municipality; general plan; adoption; amendment |
HB2483 | C | abortion; fetal heartbeat; civil action.. |
HB2485 | C | eviction dismissal; sealed records |
HB2492 | C | voter registration; verification; citizenship |
HB2493 | C | election integrity fund |
HB2494 | C | voter registration events; posting |
HB2495 | C | schools; sexually explicit materials; prohibition |
HB2496 | C | student activity fees; conscience exemption |
HB2497 | C | income tax; rates; reduction |
HB2498 | C | COVID-19; vaccination requirements; prohibition |
HB2506 | C | appropriation; immigration enforcement; reimbursement; fund |
HB2507 | C | religious services; essential services |
HB2540 | C | drug offenses; probation; undesignated felony |
HB2541 | C | deputy sheriff; detention officer; salary |
HB2542 | C | appropriations; school safety; interoperability |
HB2570 | P | department of juvenile corrections; continuation |
HB2571 | P | early voting; limitations; hand count |
HB2572 | P | DNA collection; testing; felony arrests |
HB2573 | P | alternative prosecution; diversion; fund; appropriation |
HB2574 | P | landlord tenant; termination; technical correction |
HB2575 | P | serious; violent; aggravated felony; definition |
HB2576 | P | appropriation; Flagstaff; downtown connection center |
HB2577 | P | voter identification; ballots; delivery; process |
HB2578 | P | emergency executive powers; legislative oversight |
HB2592 | C | juror compensation; superior court; appropriation. |
HB2596 | C | elections; revisions; mail-in; identification; tabulation |
HB2597 | C | schools; pledge; quiet reflection |
HB2601 | C | kratom products; definitions |
HB2602 | C | polling places; emergency voting centers |
HB2604 | C | commission; review of laws (NOW: judge; superior court; emergency orders) |
HB2605 | C | duty to report; requirements; interviews |
HB2608 | C | gender transition; prohibition |
HB2610 | C | G&F; permits; tags; transfers (NOW: project unit size; affordable housing) |
HB2611 | C | vaccinations; masks; requirements; enforcement prohibition |
HB2613 | C | ADOT dynamic message signs |
HB2614 | C | schools; communications; public receipt option |
HB2615 | C | youth music and art special plates |
HB2616 | C | mask mandates; minors; parental consent |
HB2617 | C | voter registration; cancellations; causes |
HB2621 | C | consent decree; prohibited (NOW: settlement agreement; consent decree; prohibited) |
HB2622 | P | eligibility; AHCCCS |
HB2623 | P | antidiscrimination; vaccination status; immunity passports |
HB2624 | P | technical correction; state facilities (NOW: law enforcement expenditure; minimum amount) |
HB2632 | C | civics test; passing score |
HB2633 | C | hospitalizations; family visitation |
HB2635 | C | health care workers; assault; prevention (NOW: breast implant surgery; informed consent) |
HB2636 | C | appropriation; retention; certified peace officers |
HB2637 | C | divestment; K-12; abortion; explicit material (NOW: government investments; products; fiduciaries; plans) |
HB2639 | C | Asian American; Pacific Islander month |
HB2643 | C | signatures; superior; justice court; constable |
HB2644 | C | nomination petitions; signatures; city office |
HB2645 | C | false filings; UCC; penalty |
HB2651 | C | appropriation; Cesar Chavez Boulevard. |
HB2656 | C | certain affiliations; banks; prohibition |
HB2657 | C | forced labor; manufactured goods |
HB2696 | C | mandatory sentences; children; trafficking; smuggling |
HB2703 | C | auditor general; audits; county elections (NOW: secure online signature collection) |
HB2709 | P | victim's right to privacy; exception |
HB2743 | C | elections; identification; revisions; mail-in; tabulation |
HB2745 | P | tuition scholarships; spouses of veterans |
HB2746 | P | tobacco use; minimum age; sale |
HB2780 | C | voter lists; images; voting records (NOW: voting; images; records; contests; audits) |
HB2786 | C | voter registrations; ballot requests; source (NOW: voting; registration; drop boxes; prohibition) |
HB2789 | C | Arizona trail; fund; purpose |
HB2801 | C | write-in candidates; filing date |
HB2803 | C | empowerment scholarship accounts; universal eligibility |
HB2838 | P | restoration of civil rights; requirements |
HB2853 | C | Arizona empowerment scholarship accounts; appropriation |
HB2854 | C | K-12; school finance; weights |
HCR2003 | C | COVID-19 mandates; prohibition |
HCR2005 | C | article V convention; term limits. |
HCR2011 | C | U.S. Senate candidates; legislature |
HCR2017 | C | constitutional property tax exemptions; consolidation |
HCR2018 | C | judges; merit selection; population |
HCR2025 | C | government-issued voter identification (NOW: voter identification; voting) |
HCR2028 | P | minimum law enforcement expenditure amount |
HCR2040 | C | Olivia Cajero Bedford; death resolution |
HR2001 | P | unborn African-American babies |
HR2002 | C | Fisher house; service members; supporting |
HR2004 | P | border wall; construction materials; repurpose |
SB1051 | C | homeschool instruction |
SB1052 | C | medical procedures; prohibitions |
SB1053 | C | religious exemption; vaccine; violation; classification |
SB1137 | C | change of judge; grounds; decision (NOW: settlement agreement; consent decree; prohibition) |
SB1708 | C | motion picture production; tax credits |