
House Member

No Personal Biography Available

Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2191Crepeal; right to work
HB2192Ccall center relocation
HB2193Crailroads; annual safety inspections
HB2194Cmisclassification; tax fraud; task force
HB2195Cemployment; conditions; labor organizations; discrimination
HB2196Covertime pay
HB2244Chousing trust fund; unclaimed property
HB2250Chealthcare providers; religious beliefs
HB2251Csex education; comprehensive; medically accurate
HB2252CTANF; cash assistance amount
HB2253CTANF; lifetime limit; sanctions
HB2256Cmedical marijuana; physicians; definition
HB2337Cwage disclosure; employee rights
HB2338Cemployers; employee salary history; prohibitions
HB2340Cstudent loan servicers; licensure
HB2341Cincome tax; credits; subtractions
HB2343Cvoting centers; board of supervisors
HB2344Cearly voting; weekend hours
HB2345Cearly ballot collection; limitations; repeal.
HB2470Cbuffalo soldiers memorial; extension
HB2471Cstate agencies; veterans status; inquiry
HB2474Cpost-traumatic stress injury day
HB2476Cautonomous vehicles; ADOT director's duties
HB2557Cschools; drug violations; reporting options.
HB2558Csentencing; historical prior felony convictions
HB2563CAHCCCS; redetermination; documentation
HB2564Cchildren's health insurance; waiting period
HB2571Cchild care assistance; tiered reimbursement
HB2572Cstate law; local violations; repeal
HB2574Cappropriation; healthy families program
HB2608PAHCCCS work requirement; repeal
HB2609Crepeal; imprisonment; abortion; solicitation
HB2610Ccrime reporting; gender identity
HB2611Cmotor vehicle title loans
HB2613Cballot measure amendments
HB2621Cprior authorization; uniform request forms
HB2622Cnonretaliation policies; health care institutions
HB2627Chealth facilities; resuscitation; emergency care
HB2646Cfirearm transfers; domestic violence offenses.
HB2647Cschools; sex education instruction.
HB2675Cappropriations; medical workforce development
HB2676Cappropriation; community health grants
HB2706Cappropriation; veterans' services; benefits counselors
HB2734Ccandidates; school, local; electronic signatures
HB2735Cinitiative; referendum; signatures; electronic submittal
HB2744Cantidiscrimination; housing; employment; public accommodations.
HB2750Cautomatic voter registration; same day.
HB2751Csearch warrants; audible notice; requirements.
HB2752Csexual harassment; nondisclosure agreements; prohibition
HB2761Cessential drugs; price increases; limits
HB2762Cstatewide assessment; 2020-2021 school year
HB2775Cprisoners; earned release; credits
HB2777Ccorrectional health services; prohibited contracts
HB2788Cpaid sick leave; COVID-19
HB2842Phealth care workers; employment rights
HB2843Pchemical agents; prohibited uses; police
HB2847Cnursing homes; advisory council
HB2848Cminimum staff ratios; nursing homes
HB2849Csexual assault survivors; rights.
HB2854Cfireworks; permissible sale days; use
HB2857Cemployee protections; public health-related pandemic
HB2858Cfamily and medical leave; paid.
HB2868Cabortion; religious employers; contraception; repeal
HB2870Cmedication abortion; telemedicine; ultrasound
HB2871CTPT; additional rate; online lodging
HCM2002Cpostal service, urging independence; prefunding
HCR2007Cright to work; repeal
HCR2010Cratification; equal rights amendment.
HCR2022CFisher house; service members; supporting
HCR2027Pcampaign finance; source disclosure
HCR2039Cdeath penalty; prohibition
HCR2041CBarbara Lubin; death resolution
HM2001Cmilitary sexual assault; service members
HR2006CMark Finchem; expulsion
HR2007CCOVID-19 memorial day
HR2009CAlbert Hale; death resolution
HR2013CSue Ellen Allen; death resolution
SB1196Caffordable housing; property valuation
SB1197Cpolystyrene foam food packaging; prohibition
SB1198Cstudent loans; ombudsman-citizens aide
SB1199Chealth care providers; pregnancy; ultrasounds
SB1200CG&F; appointment recommendation board; repeal
SB1201Cprohibition; pesticides
SB1202Ctoll roads; conversion; prohibition
SB1203Cpresidential candidates; electors; tax returns
SB1204Ccorporate income tax; minimum
SB1205Cjustification; deadly physical force; exceptions
SB1206Chealth care insurance; hearing aids
SB1207Cabortion; parental consent; counseling exception
SB1208Cabortion; parental consent; exception
SB1209Cmedical conditions; medical marijuana.
SB1210Cschools; compulsory attendance age; increase
SB1211Cemployees; school conferences; leave
SB1212Cschools meals; water
SB1213Cpostsecondary institutions; sexual consent policies
SB1315Cnoncertificated school employees; due process
SB1316Chearing evaluations; preschools
SB1317Ctextbooks; representation; disabilities; sexual orientation
SB1318Cschools; corporal punishment; prohibition
SB1320Chealth insurance; surprise out-of-network bills
SB1321Cappropriation; adult protective services
SB1394Cconference; children and youth; committee
SB1395C2021 summer school; ADE; appropriation
SB1425Cantidiscrimination; housing; employment; public accommodations
SB1426Cconversion therapy; prohibition; minors
SB1486Cdrug paraphernalia; definition; testing equipment
SB1514Cappropriation; emergency shelter beds; seniors
(NOW: emergency shelter beds; seniors)
SB1551Cdriver license suspensions; restrictions
SB1555Chistoric names board; establishment
SB1557Cstate parks; heritage fund; lottery
SB1565CNative American tribes; TPT revenues
SB1566CTPT revenues; Native American tribes
SB1573Conline lodging; regulation; property classification
SB1574Cemployment practices; consumer reports; limitation
SB1575Cdevelopment subsidies; recapture; recission
SB1576Cemployers; compensation history; prohibitions
SB1577Cemployee rights; wage disclosure
SB1578Clarge electronics; recycling
SB1579Cappropriations; tribal college remedial education
SB1580Crepeal; right to work.
SB1581Cincome tax; addition net worth
SB1582Cinmate telephone system service contracts
SB1583Cmilitary and surveillance equipment; approval
SB1584Cadult incarceration contractors; public records
SB1585Cmisconduct involving weapons; firearm storage
SB1586Ccriminal justice records; reporting; publishing
SB1587Ccriminal justice commission; legislative recommendations
SB1588Cprisoners; visitations; health care ombudsman
SB1655Celectricity; gas; disconnection prohibited
SB1656Cwells; permits; spacing rules
SB1657Clocal planning; residential housing; prohibitions
SB1688Chorizontal hydraulic fracturing; prohibition
SB1689Ccampaign finance; public service corporations
SB1691Crent increases; emergency calls; restrictions
SB1693Cpublic facilities; environmental policies
SB1694Cerroneous conviction; damages; tuition assistance
SB1695Cdeath penalty repeal..
SB1696Cdeath penalty; serious mental illness
SB1699Cemployment; employee work scheduling
SB1700Ctelecommuting; alternative schedules; state employees
SB1701Cinterstate compact; economic best practices
SB1703Ccall center relocation; notice; penalty
SB1704Ccivics education; professional development; appropriation
SB1705CADE; digital and media instruction
SB1706Cschool instruction; history education programs
SB1707Cschools; immunization rate; website posting
SB1709Celections; polling places; standards
SB1710Cracial impact; analysis; legislative council
SB1711Coffice of new Americans
SB1712Cimmigrant; alien; terminology
SB1740Cauditor general; charter schools; appropriation
SB1768Cprohibition; glyphosate; residential use
SB1771Cadult immunizations; reporting system.
SB1802CDiné; indigenous code talkers; holiday
(NOW: holiday; code talkers day)
SB1812Cindigenous peoples; civil rights holidays
SCR1023Cworld hearing day
SCR1037Cright to work; repeal.
SCR1038Cvoting age; sixteen years
SCR1041Cenvironment; constitutional amendment
SCR1043Cincreased revenues; supermajority requirement; repeal
SM1002CGlass-Steagall Act; urging Congress