
House Member

Personal Information:
Home City: Tucson
Occupation: Community Relations
Member Since: 2019

Andrés Cano represents the 3rd legislative district in the Arizona House of Representatives.

Raised by a single mom, Andrés, 26, saw a path for advancement in Arizona’s public schools. He is a first-generation college graduate.

Andrés, a sixth generation Arizonan, began his public service at age 14, when he was offered a paid summer internship with Pima County.

By age 16, Andrés was appointed as the Chairman of Arizona Governor's Youth Commission by Governor Janet Napolitano.

He graduated from City High School in downtown Tucson in 2009.

Throughout college, Andrés interned in the district office of U.S Congressman Ed Pastor (D-AZ) and the Washington, D.C. office of U.S. Senator Mark Udall (D-CO.) He was elected President of the Young Democrats of Arizona in 2010.

In 2012, Andrés accepted a position as an aide to Pima County Supervisor Richard Elías in Tucson, Arizona. He became the youngest policy advisor in the County's history.

Six years later, in 2018, Andrés, a Democrat, was elected to Arizona House of Representatives.

Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2197Peviction prevention; study committee.
HB2198Pincome tax credits; repeal
HB2199Phydraulic fracturing; prohibitions
HB2200Pgreenhouse gas programs; repeal prohibition.
HB2201Pdrinking water standards; pollutants..
HB2202Pvehicle emissions; California standards.
HB2203Pwell drilling; groundwater basins..
HB2204Pwells; permits; spacing rules.
HB2205Pappropriation; WQARF
HB2206Psubsequent irrigation non-expansion areas; procedures.
HB2207Pappropriations; community colleges
HB2208Padequate water supply; statewide requirements.
HB2209Pgroundwater pumping; measuring; reporting.
HB2261Cprisoners; health; training; visitation; rules
HB2337Cwage disclosure; employee rights
HB2338Cemployers; employee salary history; prohibitions
HB2340Cstudent loan servicers; licensure
HB2341Cincome tax; credits; subtractions
HB2342Crecalls; city elections; signatures required
HB2343Cvoting centers; board of supervisors
HB2344Cearly voting; weekend hours
HB2345Cearly ballot collection; limitations; repeal.
HB2480Phomeless youth; families; funding sources
HB2516Cappropriation; laboratory; Navajo technical university
HB2517Cappropriation; office of Indian education
HB2518Cappropriation; Navajo veterans housing
HB2519Cappropriation; military; discharge; tribal ceremonies
HB2520Chydraulic fracturing; prohibitions.
HB2557Cschools; drug violations; reporting options.
HB2558Csentencing; historical prior felony convictions
HB2563CAHCCCS; redetermination; documentation
HB2564Cchildren's health insurance; waiting period
HB2608CAHCCCS work requirement; repeal
HB2609Crepeal; imprisonment; abortion; solicitation
HB2610Ccrime reporting; gender identity
HB2611Cmotor vehicle title loans
HB2613Cballot measure amendments
HB2646Cfirearm transfers; domestic violence offenses.
HB2647Cschools; sex education instruction.
HB2660Cunemployment insurance; performance audit
HB2661Cappropriation; schools; trees
HB2662Cunemployment insurance; dependent allowance
HB2663Cunemployment insurance; dangerous conditions
HB2664Cgovernment vehicles; electric; appropriation
HB2665Cauditor general; charter schools
HB2666CArizona online instruction; cost study
HB2684Pworking conditions; heat illness; prevention
HB2699CAZPOST; mandatory reporting; peace officers
HB2706Cappropriation; veterans' services; benefits counselors
HB2713Crelease credits; prisoners
HB2746Cworkers' rights; public health emergency
HB2747Cbroadband; fiber optic services; committee
HB2748Crailroads; train length; prohibition
HB2750Cautomatic voter registration; same day.
HB2751Csearch warrants; audible notice; requirements.
HB2752Csexual harassment; nondisclosure agreements; prohibition
HB2756Cemployers; paid family leave.
HB2761Cessential drugs; price increases; limits
HB2762Cstatewide assessment; 2020-2021 school year
HB2769Ctransportation funding task force
HB2775Cprisoners; earned release; credits
HB2776Cexecutive clemency board; medical parole.
HB2777Ccorrectional health services; prohibited contracts
HB2787Coccupational regulation; good character; definition
HB2788Cpaid sick leave; COVID-19
HB2805Cunemployment insurance; benefits; tax base
HB2842Chealth care workers; employment rights
HB2857Cemployee protections; public health-related pandemic
HB2858Cfamily and medical leave; paid.
HB2867Cemployers; COVID-19 exposure; notification
HB2868Cabortion; religious employers; contraception; repeal
HB2870Cmedication abortion; telemedicine; ultrasound
HB2871CTPT; additional rate; online lodging
HB2883Pempowering charitable organizations special plates
HCR2012Cfirearm sales; transfers; background checks
HCR2027Ccampaign finance; source disclosure
HCR2039Cdeath penalty; prohibition
HCR2041CBarbara Lubin; death resolution
HM2001Cmilitary sexual assault; service members
HR2006CMark Finchem; expulsion
HR2007CCOVID-19 memorial day
HR2009CAlbert Hale; death resolution
HR2013CSue Ellen Allen; death resolution
SB1231Cimmigration; law enforcement; repeal
SB1232Cimmigrant legal fund
SB1233Cimmigration enforcement; limits; state policy
SB1394Cconference; children and youth; committee
SB1395C2021 summer school; ADE; appropriation
SB1471CALTCS; trusts
SB1514Cappropriation; emergency shelter beds; seniors
(NOW: emergency shelter beds; seniors)
SB1767Cblood testing; perfluorinated chemicals; appropriation
SB1768Cprohibition; glyphosate; residential use
SB1769Cschools; group B weight; eligibility.
SB1770Cschools; graduation requirements; adjustment
SB1771Cadult immunizations; reporting system.
SB1773CIndian child welfare; custody proceedings
SB1774Cpublic schools; 2020-2021; 2021-2022; funding
SB1782CAHCCCS; pregnant women; dental care..
SCR1015Cpublic programs; citizens; repeal.
SCR1016Cimmigrant heritage month
SCR1017Cracism; public health crisis
SCR1046CArizona's outdoors; recreation; supporting