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State Representative Tony Rivero is a Republican representing one of the two seats in the Arizona House of Representatives in District 21.
After winning election to Peoria's Acacia District on the City Council by a landslide in 2010, he quickly earned a reputation as an advocate for Fiscal Responsibility and Open Government. Fiscal Responsibility will continue to be his top priority as a Representative of the Arizona Legislature. Rep. Rivero grew up in the part of the West Valley that is now part of District 21. He attended Peoria Elementary School, Peoria High School and Arizona State University where he earned a Bachelor's degree in Education and a Master's degree in Public Administration. In addition to his formal education, Rivero worked in the Peoria City Manager's office as well as other City Departments. Additionally he interned for former Senator Jon Kyl, and was a volunteer for Senator John McCain's 2008 presidential campaign. Rivero's extensive knowledge of the district, thanks to his time in public service, combined with his commitment to serve the voters of District 21, assists him in being an effective leader in the State Legislature. |
Bill Number | Sponsor Type | Short/NOW Title |
HB2179 | C | alkaline hydrolysis facilities; licensure |
HB2182 | C | youth entrepreneurship; pilot program; appropriation |
HB2349 | P | historical society; local chapters; fund |
HB2376 | P | mandatory minimum sentences; judicial discretion |
HB2433 | C | clinical laboratories; proficiency testing |
HB2469 | C | law enforcement officers; additional benefits. |
HB2484 | C | department of education; career information |
HB2485 | C | parked vehicles blocking sidewalk; prohibition |
HB2486 | C | immunizations; requirements; exemption |
HB2501 | C | commerce authority; adult workforce education. |
HB2527 | C | initiative, referendum signatures; electronic submittal |
HB2532 | C | prior authorization; uniform request form |
HB2533 | C | marijuana; fine; discretionary |
HB2535 | C | AHCCCS; preventive dental care |
HB2536 | C | telemedicine; health care providers |
HB2537 | C | cat declawing; prohibition; exceptions |
HB2543 | C | firearm transfers; domestic violence offenses. |
HB2598 | C | sanctuary jurisdiction; liability; civil action |
HB2600 | C | adoption; original birth certificate; release |
HB2602 | P | Arizona high school graduates; tuition |
HB2603 | P | Arizona-Israel commission; establishment |
HB2604 | P | consular identification cards; permitted use |
HB2605 | P | disposition of public roadways |
HB2606 | P | transportation infrastructure study committee |
HB2607 | P | state contractors; bidders; lobbying prohibition |
HB2608 | P | overdose; disease prevention; programs |
HB2641 | C | elderly assistance fund; state treasurer |
HB2682 | C | schools; instruction; Holocaust; genocides |
HB2683 | C | anti-semitism; crime reporting; aggravating factor |
HB2690 | C | state agencies; veterans status; inquiry |
HB2706 | C | interscholastic athletics; biological sex |
HB2759 | C | sentencing; mandatory minimum; exception |
HB2761 | C | property value determination; modifications; verification |
HB2764 | C | mental health omnibus. |
HB2779 | C | state equalization assistance; rate; appropriation |
HB2780 | C | appropriations; hunger services; food banks |
HB2808 | C | prisoners; release credits |
HB2817 | C | airport fees prohibited; ride sharing |
HB2835 | P | international trade office; study committee |
HB2836 | P | land surveyors; minimum standards |
HB2875 | C | regulation; short-term rentals |
HB2876 | C | farm wineries; production |
HB2878 | C | public resources; prohibited; deportation proceedings |
HB2879 | C | DOC; substance abuse programs; appropriations |
HCM2009 | C | floodwater harvesting; study; urging Congress |
HCR2020 | C | lieutenant governor; joint candidacy |
HCR2030 | P | refugees in Arizona; support |
HCR2033 | C | second amendment; supporting |
HCR2048 | C | in-state tuition; universities; community colleges |
HM2002 | C | military sexual trauma; servicemembers |
SB1438 | C | fantasy sports competitions; definition |
SB1663 | C | state permitting council (NOW: state permitting dashboard) |