
House Member

Personal Information:
Home City: Yuma
Member Since: 2015

State Representative Charlene Fernandez is the Democratic Caucus Leader of the Arizona House of Representatives from the 4th Legislative District serving on the Committee on Appropriations. She was first elected to the state House in 2014 and represents Southwestern Arizona, specifically, the majority of Yuma County, western Pima County, southwestern Maricopa County and southwestern Pinal County. Charlene also serves on the Arizona Food and Agriculture Policy Advisory Committee advocating for food security.

Early Life and Education

Fernandez was born in Yuma, Arizona to the late Antonia "Tony" Ramos and Carmen Ramos. She attended Yuma High School where she graduated, and went on to attend Arizona Western College before transferring to Northern Arizona University earning a Bachelor of Science degree in Education.


Fernandez worked for Congressman Ed Pastor for twelve years, coordinating constituent services for the western portion of then Congressional District 2. While working for Congressman Pastor, Charlene spearheaded an effort that culminated in bringing a Veteran's Administration clinic to Yuma County for the first time in history; previously the Phoenix Veterans facility was the closest place for them to receive these services. Her experience led to her becoming a consultant for a software company that produced a Constituent Management System for the U.S. House of Representatives.

Charlene later served Governor Janet Napolitano as a liaison for the Arizona Department of Environment Quality in Yuma County. In this capacity she worked with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, as well as its counterpart in the Republic of Mexico, to ensure that the air and water in Southwestern Arizona remained safe while ensuring that businesses faced minimal impact.

Political Career

Fernandez was elected to the Yuma Union High School District Governing Board, serving as both President and Vice President.p>In 2008, Fernandez was elected by the Arizona Democratic State Committee to be First Vice Chair of the Arizona Democratic Party, she served in this capacity until 2009. In May 2014 Fernandez announced her candidacy for state house. She started her first term in January or 2015. Fernandez has been re-elected to represent District 4 in 2016 and 2018.

House of Representatives

Fernandez was elected Democratic Leader going into the 2018 legislative session. In 2016, Fernandez was elected Democratic Whip. In 2014, Fernandez was appointed to the coveted Committee on Appropriations. She also serves on the newly created Subcommittee on Public Safety, Infrastructure, and Resources.


Fernandez is known as a leader on education policy within the state, the Arizona Republic published a guest editorial by her in September 2015 entitled, "How I'd reform private school tax credits." In it Fernandez details the problems with Arizona education funding in general and private school tuition tax credits in particular.

In 2016 Fernandez was name Legislator of Year by the Arizona Parent Teacher Association. Fernandez has also been an ardent foe to the private prison system in the state supported by Governor Doug Ducey. She has challenged the governor's staff from her seat on the Appropriations Committee to justify the need to provide more prison beds.

Personal Life

Fernandez is a highly active member of her community. She serves or has served on the Yuma Community Foundation, Board of the United Way of Yuma County, and Yuma Leadership. Fernandez and her husband Sergio have three adult children, Brian, Carlye, and Lisa.

Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2035Cappropriation; veterans' services; benefits counselors.
HB2045Ccorrectional health services; prohibited contracts
HB2066CTANF; lifetime limit; sanctions
HB2067Csex education; comprehensive; medically accurate
HB2068Chealth care providers; religious beliefs
HB2094Cteachers academy; counselors; social workers
HB2120Cschools; graduation ceremonies; cultural regalia
HB2192Cappropriation; domestic violence; sexual assault
HB2194Cappropriation; Kayenta judicial complex
HB2195Cappropriations; Native American veterans; renovations
HB2196Cappropriation; Navajo nation; safety plan
HB2197Cappropriation; Cove chapter; economic development
HB2198Cappropriation; Ganado School Loop Road
HB2199Cappropriations; tribal college remedial education
HB2200Cappropriation; state aviation fund
HB2201Cappropriation; state parks heritage fund
HB2202Cappropriation; Navajo nation; bridge replacement
HB2203Cappropriation; tribal reunification ceremonies
HB2204Cappropriation; Vernon fire district
HB2205CIndian tribes; TPT
HB2206Cschools; dress codes; graduation ceremonies
HB2207Cappropriation; route H60
HB2208CArizona teachers academy; recruitment; appropriation
HB2209Cschools; instruction; Native American experience
HB2210Choliday; indigenous peoples' day
HB2211CIndian education; grant program; appropriation
HB2277Cschools; sex education instruction.
HB2306Celections; counting center; electronic adjudication.
HB2321Csevere threat order of protection
HB2322Cfirearm sales; transfers; background checks
HB2323Cpatient information; gun safety; appropriation
HB2324Cprohibited weapon; bump-fire device; accessory.
HB2325Cfirearm sales; permit verification; requirements
HB2333Cprivate prison security officers; certification
HB2334Cprivate prison contractors; public records
HB2335Cemployment; conditions; labor organizations; discrimination
HB2336Covertime pay
HB2337Crepeal; right to work
HB2340Cautonomous vehicles; ADOT director's duties
HB2350Ccounties; committed youth contributions; repeal
HB2372Cschools; dyslexia; screening; training
HB2392CAZPOST; membership
HB2393Cappropriation; Chinle veterans nursing home
HB2394Cstate aviation fund; purpose
HB2395Cappropriations; capital projects; Navajo Nation
HB2396Cappropriation; Cornfields low-water crossing
HB2423CAHCCCS; dental care; pregnant women
HB2424CAHCCCS; pregnant women; eligibility
HB2426Cmedical services; purchase; study committee
HB2427Cmedical services; purchase; premiums
HB2487Pappropriation; election equipment
HB2488Padministrative costs; limit; STOs..
HB2489PCTEDs; nonprofits; postsecondary institutions; agreements.
HB2490Pappropriation; street and highway purposes
HB2491Pappropriation; Arizona teachers academy
HB2492Pappropriation; office of tourism
HB2502Cindependent expenditures; corporations; funding disclosure
HB2503Ccampaign finance; corporate recipients; registration
HB2504Cappropriations; affordable housing
HB2505Cstudent loans servicers; licensure
HB2506Ccredit security freezes; timing
HB2507Cinsurance premium tax reductions; freeze
HB2508Crecalls; city elections; signatures required
HB2509Cstate employees; political activities
HB2510Ccontraception; cost sharing prohibition
HB2511Cappropriation; financial aid trust fund
HB2513Cfinancial institutions; examinations; military lending
HB2539Cstatewide ADA coordinator; appropriation
HB2541Chealth care institutions; education; abuse
HB2542Cmandatory reporting; vulnerable adults; penalties
HB2544Cfirearm; ammunition storage; civil penalty
HB2545Cfirearm dealers; firearm transfers; requirements
HB2546Cfirearm sales; transfers; background checks
HB2547Cwage disclosure; employee rights
HB2548Cemployers; employee salary history; prohibitions
HB2569CDCS; investigation; schools; children; disabilities
HB2570Carchaeology advisory commission; continuation
HB2577Cappropriations; tribal senior citizens programs
HB2578Cappropriations; state employee salary increases
HB2579Cinformed consent; pelvic examinations..
HB2582Cend-of-life decisions; terminally ill patients
HB2583Chousing trust fund; unclaimed property
HB2584Cstate law; local violation; repeal
HB2585Cappropriations; medical workforce development
HB2586Cappropriation; healthy families program
HB2587Cappropriation; community health grants
HB2588Cchild care assistance; tiered reimbursement
HB2596Cchildren's health insurance program; eligibility
HB2682Cschools; instruction; Holocaust; genocides
HB2683Canti-semitism; crime reporting; aggravating factor
HB2688Ccall center relocation
HB2693Cabortion; waiting period; authorized providers
HB2694Crepeal; imprisonment; abortion; solicitation.
HB2734Cpower plants; contractors; workforce requirements
HB2753Cearned release; good time credits.
HB2754Ccorrections oversight committee; duties; ombudsman
HB2755Cschools; drug violations; reporting options
HB2756Csentencing; historical prior felony convictions
HB2757Cincome tax; credits; subtractions
HB2766Cgreenhouse gas programs; repeal prohibition
HB2770Cwater rights; general adjudications; funding
HB2780Cappropriations; hunger services; food banks
HB2781Cappropriations; dyslexia screening and education
HB2782CCTEDs; 9th grade; workforce needs
HB2783Ceducator health insurance; study committee
HB2788Cinsurance; preexisting conditions; essential benefits
HB2801Cautomatic voter registration; same day
HB2814Crural economic development; project certification
HB2838Cmedical marijuana; physicians; definition
HB2839CTANF; cash assistance amount
HB2840Cmedical marijuana; registry identification cards
HB2847Cschool counselors; social workers; grants
HB2859Cmonitoring program; fish contaminants
HB2860CAfrican American history; curriculum; appropriation
HB2861Canatomical gifts; presumption; opt-out
HB2862Cstudy committee; missing African-American females
HB2863Cprisoners; nonoperating identification license
HB2864Cretirement systems; investments; private prisons
HB2865Cdiscrimination; prohibited; protective hairstyles
HB2866Cappropriation; Arizona arts trust fund
HB2867Cbirth certificates; amendment; gender identity
HB2868Clocal planning; residential housing; repeal
HB2869Ccharter schools; holders; governing bodies
HB2870Ccommerce authority; qualified investors; report
HB2878Cpublic resources; prohibited; deportation proceedings
HB2883Cschools; feminine hygiene products; appropriation
HB2884Cappropriations; universities; resident tuition
HB2886Clandlord; tenant; fee disclosure
HB2887Cmental health; parity; advisory committee
HB2888CADEQ; tribal consultations; appropriation
HB2899Cfuel; electric cars; hybrids; taxes
HCM2002CNogales wastewater fairness; urging Congress
HCM2005Cpostal service; urging independence; prefunding
HCM2007CNavajo generating station; PROMISE Act.
HCM2008Cports of entry; seven-day entry
HCM2009Cfloodwater harvesting; study; urging Congress
HCR2002Cratification; equal rights amendment..
HCR2007Ctax expenditures; rates; supermajority vote
HCR2018Cfirearm sales; transfers; background checks
HCR2019Cright to work; repeal
HCR2029Ccampaign finance; source disclosure
HCR2047Peducation funding
HCR2048Cin-state tuition; universities; community colleges
HM2002Cmilitary sexual trauma; servicemembers
HR2006Phonoring Bushmasters
SB1071Cimmigration; law enforcement; repeal
SB1135Celections; counting center; electronic adjudication
SB1160Cfirefighters; cancers; presumption; workers' compensation
(NOW: firefighters; cancers; irrebuttable presumption; applicability)
SB1273Cimmigrant; alien; terminology
SB1310Cappropriation; adult protective services
SB1312Cschools; corporal punishment; prohibition
SB1313Ctextbooks; representation; disabilities; sexual orientation
SB1314Chearing evaluations; preschools
SB1315Ckinship foster care stipend
SB1316Cschool personnel; reporting; drug offenses
SB1317Celderly assistance fund; appropriation
SB1635Csubsequent irrigation non-expansion areas; procedures
SCR1015Cworld hearing day
SCR1030Cwear red day 2020