
House Member

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Member Since: 2019

Jennifer Longdon is one of two elected members of the Arizona House of Representatives serving LD 24 which covers Central Phoenix and South Scottsdale.

She is a Phoenix-based speaker, writer, and activist. Jennifer worked for three years as the content coordinator, chief writer and editor of LivAbility magazine, an Arizona-based quarterly lifestyle magazine.

Longdon previously served as Chair for the Phoenix Mayor's Neighborhood Advisory Council, the State Independent Living Council of Arizona, Arizonans for Gun Safety, and Public Impact Advisory Panel to the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation. She has been profiled in AZ magazine, the Phoenix New Times, the Washington Post, Salon, Mother Jones and Rolling Stone.

Longdon is a TEDx and Ignite presenter. She is the recipient of the MASK UNITY award (2013), City of Phoenix Impact Volunteer Award (2013) The MLK Celebration I Have a Dream Award (2014) and the National Association of Social Workers, AZ Chapter Citizen of the Year (2014).

Paralyzed in a random shooting in 2004, Jennifer is an outspoken advocate for people with disabilities and strengthening laws to curb gun violence.


Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2099Cvoting rights; restoration; felonies.
HB2100Cappropriation; 2020 census; outreach
HB2101Cminors; consent; housing; shelter services
HB2102Crailroad crew requirements
HB2103Cappropriation; DOR; auditors and collectors
HB2104CTANF; sanctions
HB2106Cschools; prohibited courses; repeal..
HB2142Cdriver license fees; homeless exemption
HB2160Cunlawful securing; firearm; minors.
HB2161Corder of protection; firearm possession.
HB2162Cschools; immunizations; personal exemption; elimination
HB2203Cappropriation; school facilities; building renewal
HB2204Pemployers; employee salary history; prohibitions
HB2205Pwage disclosure; employee rights
HB2206Psexual assault victims; study committee
HB2207Cproperty crimes; classification; sentencing
HB2208Cearly ballots; affidavit; collection
HB2209Cearly ballot collection; limitations; repeal
HB2210Ccampaign finance; covered transfers; disclosure
HB2211Cvoting centers; board of supervisors
HB2212Cballot measure circulators; challenges
HB2213Crepetitive offenders; strike prior felony
HB2214Cmotor vehicle title loans; prohibition
HB2215Cautomatic voter registration; licenses; IDs
HB2216Cvoter registration same day
HB2224Cprocurement; Arizona bidders; preference
HB2226Cfamily leave
HB2227Cemployment; employee work scheduling
HB2228Cschools; prohibited courses; repeal
HB2247Cprohibited weapon; bump-fire device; accessory.
HB2248Cfirearm sales; transfers; background checks.
HB2249Cmental health; injunction; firearm possession
HB2289Cgender; driver licenses; nonoperating identification
HB2290Cdeath certificates; gender
HB2291Cappropriation; Santa Cruz community college
HB2332Cabortion; religious employers; contraception; repeal
HB2333Ccampaign finance; corporate recipients; registration
HB2334Cindependent expenditures; corporations; funding disclosure
HB2337Cfamily planning; grant distribution; repeal
HB2338Cappropriation; financial aid trust fund
HB2339Cappropriation; affordable housing
HB2340Ccampaign finance; repeal; reenactment
HB2342Cinsurance premium tax reductions; freeze
HB2343Ccontraception; cost sharing prohibition
HB2344Ccriminal responsibility; gender identity; expression
HB2350Cappropriations; children's health insurance program
HB2381Ccrime reporting; gender identity; expression
HB2388Ccharter schools; financial records
HB2389Cauditor general; charter schools
HB2391Cstate employment; applicants; wage history
HB2426Cstate employees; paid family leave
HB2455Cstate aviation fund; purpose
HB2456Cappropriation; state aviation fund
HB2532Ccritical health information; emergency responders
HB2554Ccannabis; definition
HB2555Ccivil penalty; marijuana
HB2558Pstatewide ADA coordinator; appropriation
HB2562Cschool counselors; grants.
HB2564CALTCS; trusts
HB2566Cpeace officer training; requirements
HB2567Cprobation; monthly fee determination
HB2568Cprecinct committeemen; redesignation
HB2570Cstudy committee; murdered indigenous women.
HB2571Cdetained juveniles; advisements; notifications
HB2575Pfirearms dealers; firearm transfers; requirements
HB2577Cstate law; local violation; repeal.
HB2578Cschools; sex education
HB2583Cinternal revenue code; conformity
HB2597Cschool safety; plans; task force
HB2610Cappropriation; US route 191
HB2611Cappropriation; Navajo nation; bridge replacement
HB2612Cappropriations; tribal senior citizens programs
HB2619Cschool district overexpenditures; crisis teams
HB2624CDCS; investigation; schools; children; disabilities
HB2625Cappropriation; military; discharge; tribal ceremonies
HB2626Cappropriation; laboratory; Navajo technical university
HB2627CDWR; tribal consultation
HB2628Cstate agencies; tribal consultation
HB2629Celection law revisions
HB2630Cfreshwater ecosystems; ecological water; survey.
HB2631Cvehicle emissions; California standards
HB2646Cdepartment of agriculture; application review
(NOW: commerce authority; application review)
HB2648Cappropriation; school support personnel; salaries
HB2651Ccharter school governance; meetings; records
HB2658Csexual orientation; conversion therapy; prohibition
HB2663CDiné college; appropriation.
HB2664Cballoon requirements; release prohibition
HB2665Phealth care institutions; education; abuse
HB2666Pmandatory reporting; vulnerable adults; penalties
HB2672Cvacation rentals; short-term rentals; regulation
HB2694Cfuneral escorts; funeral board licensure
HB2696Cfetal resuscitation; repeal
HB2700Cchild care assistance; rates
HB2709CCTEDs; nonprofits; private postsecondary institutions
HB2710Ccounty recorder; nonpartisan election
HB2711Cmedical malpractice; obstetrics; burden; proof
HB2712Cinsurance; preexisting conditions; coverage
HB2714Cappropriations; universities; resident tuition.
HB2720Cmedical marijuana dispensaries; registration transfer
HB2726Ccorporate income tax credit; moratorium
HB2727Ccommerce authority; qualified investors; report
HB2728Cshort-term rentals; regulation
HB2740Pdomestic violence offenses; firearm transfers.
HB2760Clegislators; mileage rate; distance.
HCM2001Cdeported veterans; medical treatment
HCR2007Cpublic programs; citizens; repeal
HCR2012Cfirearm sales; transfers; background checks
HCR2015Cconduct of elections; voters' rights
HCR2021Cright to vote
HCR2028CERA deadline; elimination; urging Congress
HCR2030Cratification of equal rights amendment. . .
HCR2032Cholocaust education; support; schools
HCR2033Cclimate change; supporting management.
HCR2035COfficer Clayton Townsend; death resolution
HCR2036Ctax expenditures; rates; supermajority vote
HCR2037Ccampaign finance; disclosure; source
HCR2038Cincome tax; education
HJR2003CHualapai veterans highway.
HJR2004CNative American veterans highways.
HR2003Cwhite supremacists; neo-Nazis; condemning
SB1099Cpatriotic youth groups; school access
SB1195Cpublic facilities; environmental policies
SB1196Cenergy measuring; containers; prohibition; repeal
SB1197Cprohibition; hydraulic fracturing
SB1219Cdomestic violence offenses; firearm transfers
SB1324Crepeal; right to work
SB1446Coffice of new Americans
SB1461Cindependent activities; neglect; prohibition
SB1462CADOT; special plate database; report
SB1463Crepeal; God we trust plates
SB1505Cvoter registration; same day.
SCM1003CGrand Canyon; uranium mining; opposing
SCM1004Cclimate change
SCR1012Cright to work; repeal
SCR1022Ccannabis; regulation; taxation
SCR1027CStan Furman; death resolution
SM1001CGlass-Steagall act; urging Congress