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Home City: Phoenix |
Representative Lela Alston is a native Arizonan and a proud product of our state's public education system, from kindergarten to graduate school. She has been a steadfast advocate for public schools, improving the welfare of children
and families, and the equity of civil rights for all Arizonans throughout her career as a teacher and lawmaker.
Bill Number | Sponsor Type | Short/NOW Title |
HB2049 | C | campaign finance; corporate recipients; registration |
HB2050 | C | independent expenditures; corporations; funding disclosure |
HB2051 | C | presidential preference election; independent voters |
HB2052 | C | automatic voter registration; licenses; IDs |
HB2093 | C | private prison security officers; certification |
HB2094 | C | private prison study committee |
HB2095 | C | private prison contractors; public records |
HB2100 | C | medical marijuana; identification cards; expiration |
HB2101 | C | medical assistance requests; evidence; mitigation |
HB2102 | C | end-of-life decisions; terminally ill |
HB2103 | C | health care providers; religious beliefs |
HB2104 | C | clean elections; county candidates |
HB2137 | C | DOR; auditors and collectors; appropriation |
HB2139 | C | experienced teacher retention pilot program |
HB2140 | C | mental health; injunction; firearm possession |
HB2213 | C | appropriation; lead screening; child care |
HB2214 | C | WQARF; appropriation |
HB2215 | C | veterinary medical examining board; continuation |
HB2218 | C | contraception; cost sharing prohibition |
HB2220 | C | motor vehicle title loans; prohibition |
HB2221 | C | family planning; grant distribution; repeal |
HB2222 | C | feminine hygiene products; requirements; appropriation |
HB2224 | C | employers; employee salary history; prohibitions |
HB2225 | C | insurance premium tax reductions; freeze |
HB2227 | C | abortion; religious employers; contraception; repeal. |
HB2231 | C | TANF; child only cases |
HB2232 | C | TANF; sanctions |
HB2233 | C | appropriation; 2020 census; outreach |
HB2287 | P | child care waiting list; appropriation. |
HB2288 | P | noncertificated school employees; due process |
HB2289 | P | housing trust fund; unclaimed property |
HB2292 | C | freeze; STO aggregate credit cap |
HB2293 | C | STOs; administrative cost allocation |
HB2294 | C | STO credit cap; growth trigger |
HB2295 | C | STO cap; general fund percentage |
HB2296 | C | STO scholarships; means testing |
HB2297 | C | STO scholarships; beneficiary recommendations. |
HB2298 | C | STO scholarships; student transfers |
HB2299 | C | domestic violence offenders; firearms; seizure. |
HB2349 | C | auxiliary containers; regulation prohibition; repeal |
HB2352 | C | appropriation; lead screening; charter schools |
HB2358 | C | charter school board members; conflicts |
HB2359 | C | appropriations; primary care loan repayment |
HB2360 | C | juvenile delinquency; minimum age |
HB2361 | C | schools; prohibited courses; repeal |
HB2362 | C | law enforcement ordered vehicle tows |
HB2363 | C | results-based funding; schools; repeal |
HB2364 | C | charter schools; procurement requirements |
HB2365 | C | charter school governance; meetings; records |
HB2418 | C | campaign finance; covered transfers; disclosure |
HB2419 | C | memorial; buffalo soldiers |
HB2420 | C | veterans' services; benefits counselors; appropriation |
HB2421 | C | national guard; employment rights |
HB2425 | C | TPT; digital goods; additional tax |
HB2436 | C | overtime pay. |
HB2437 | C | employment omnibus |
HB2438 | C | drug addiction treatment; county programs |
HB2441 | C | children's health insurance program; modifications |
HB2442 | C | physical body adornment; establishments; certification |
HB2443 | C | medical services purchase; premiums |
HB2448 | C | appropriation; drug research and development |
HB2451 | C | diaper changing stations; public restrooms |
HB2452 | C | schools; corporal punishment; prohibition |
HB2453 | C | mitigation monies; school bus fleets |
HB2462 | C | employment; housing; public accommodations; antidiscrimination. |
HB2463 | P | state finance review; task force |
HB2465 | C | family leave |
HB2466 | C | escort vehicles; markings; lights |
HB2467 | C | employment; employee work scheduling |
HB2468 | C | state personnel system; covered. |
HB2475 | C | appropriation; Arizona national guard; tuition |
HB2482 | C | foster care tuition waiver |
HB2487 | C | ADOT licenses; authorized presence repeal |
HB2488 | C | coordinated homeless youth services; appropriation |
HB2491 | C | county recorder; nonpartisan election |
HB2492 | C | driver licenses; gender selection |
HB2493 | C | call center relocation; notice; penalty |
HB2494 | C | appropriation; Maricopa community colleges; STEM |
HB2499 | C | public stadiums; terms; logos; prohibition |
HB2508 | C | medical marijuana; opioid use disorder |
HB2509 | C | Lees Ferry bell; governmental mall. |
HB2517 | C | misclassification; tax fraud; task force |
HB2541 | C | health insurance; contraceptives |
HB2559 | C | appropriations; community colleges; Pima; Maricopa |
HB2560 | C | taxation; repeal; selected exemptions |
HB2565 | P | public school tax credit; expansion |
HB2566 | P | appropriation; adult protective services |
HB2567 | P | textbooks; representation; disabilities; sexual orientation |
HB2570 | C | domestic violence; households; treatment programs |
HB2572 | C | initiative, referendum signatures; electronic submittal |
HB2573 | C | corporate minimum income tax |
HB2574 | C | schools; results-based funding; repeal |
HB2581 | C | ecological water; program; fund. |
HB2582 | C | death certificates; gender |
HB2584 | C | critical health information; emergency responders |
HB2592 | C | schools; suicide; self-harm; prevention |
HB2593 | C | appropriation; suicide prevention |
HB2597 | C | marijuana violation; classification |
HB2617 | C | water quality assurance; federal jurisdiction |
HB2634 | C | retirement systems; investment fees; disclosures |
HB2637 | C | wage disclosure; employee rights |
HB2639 | C | investment management services; excise tax |
HB2640 | C | sexual assault victims; study committee |
HB2641 | C | public works; prohibited agreements; repeal |
HB2642 | C | state employees; political activities |
HCM2003 | C | deported veterans; medical treatment |
HCM2006 | C | ERA deadline; elimination; urging Congress |
HCR2011 | C | ratification; equal rights amendment |
HCR2013 | C | public programs; citizens; repeal |
HCR2020 | C | campaign finance; disclosure; source |
HCR2026 | C | care enough month |
HCR2030 | C | veterans; missing remains |
HCR2038 | C | maternal mental health |
HCR2040 | C | military service; honoring Bruce Williams |
HCR2041 | C | honoring Native American veterans |
HR2001 | C | Robert Rene Robles; death resolution |
SB1089 | C | purple heart day |
SB1390 | C | TPT; additional rate; education. |
SB1420 | C | medical marijuana; inspection; testing; appropriation |
SB1445 | C | AHCCCS; dental care; pregnant women |
SB1456 | C | schools; bullying policy; definition |
SB1457 | C | corporal punishment; schools |
SB1458 | C | spouses; married couples; terminology |
SB1460 | C | sexual assault; survivor rights |
SB1462 | C | state personnel system; covered |
SB1483 | C | Indian nations; tribes; legislative day |
SB1484 | C | AHCCCS; dental services; native Americans. |
SB1485 | C | AHCCCS; annual waiver; applicability |
SB1486 | C | office of Indian education; assistance |
SB1487 | C | environmental quality; water; appropriation |
SB1488 | C | appropriation; Hopi route 60 construction |
SB1489 | C | tribal warrior special plates |
SB1517 | C | state dinosaur; Sonorasaurus |
SCM1013 | C | Native American veterans highway |
SCM1014 | C | Navajo; Hopi; code talker highways |
SCM1015 | C | Native American women veterans highway |