36-2005. Substance abuse services fund; purpose; administration

A. The substance abuse services fund is established. The fund shall consist of monies collected pursuant to section 12-116.02 and distributed pursuant to section 36-2219.01.

B. Subject to legislative appropriation, the Arizona health care cost containment system administration shall administer the fund and may expend monies in the fund for administration of the fund and for alcohol and other drug screening, education or treatment for persons who have been ordered by the court to attend pursuant to sections 5-395.01, 8-343, 28-1381, 28-1382 and 28-1383 and who do not have sufficient financial ability to pay. Monies deposited pursuant to section 36-2219.01, subsection B, paragraph 4 are subject to legislative appropriation and shall be accounted for separately for use in administering section 36-141.

C. Monies in the substance abuse services fund are exempt from the provisions of section 35-190 relating to lapsing appropriations.