36-591. Group homes; behavioral-supported group homes; licensing; notification requirements; exception; annual inspection

A. Group homes and behavioral-supported group homes, except for those described in subsection D of this section, shall be licensed for health and safety by the department of health services pursuant to section 36-132.

B. The division shall notify the department of health services of:

1. Service providers that enter into contracts with the division for group homes, behavioral-supported group homes or intermediate care facilities for individuals with intellectual disabilities.

2. Any violation of health and safety standards observed during monitoring visits.

C. The department of health services shall immediately notify the division:

1. When the license of a group home, behavioral-supported group home, nursing-supported group home or intermediate care facility for individuals with intellectual disabilities has been denied, suspended or revoked.

2. Of any other licensing action taken on a group home, behavioral-supported group home, nursing-supported group home or intermediate care facility for individuals with intellectual disabilities by the department of health services.

3. Of substantiated complaints regarding health and safety.

D. The division shall ensure that state-operated residential settings that are owned or leased facilities operated by the division meet the same standards as group homes unless they are required to be:

1. Licensed and certified as intermediate care facilities for individuals with intellectual disabilities pursuant to 42 Code of Federal Regulations part 483, subpart I. An intermediate care facility for individuals with intellectual disabilities that is operated by the division or a private entity is required to be licensed pursuant to chapter 4 of this title and certified pursuant to 42 Code of Federal Regulations part 483, subpart I.

2. Licensed as a nursing-supported group home as required by chapter 4 of this title.

E. The department shall take any action it deems necessary to carry out the duties imposed by this section, including denying the application for licensure and suspending or revoking the group home's or behavioral-supported group home's license.