11-867. State preemption; utilities; restrictions; prohibition; limitation; definition

A. The regulation of a utility provider's authority to operate and serve customers is a matter of statewide concern.  A person's or entity's ability to use the services of a utility provider that is capable and authorized to provide utility service is not subject to further regulation by a county pursuant to this section.

B. Any code, ordinance, land use restriction or general or specific plan provision or part of a code, ordinance, land use regulation or general or specific plan provision adopted by a county may not prohibit or have the effect of restricting a person's or entity's ability to use the services of a utility provider that is capable and authorized to provide utility service at a person's or entity's property.

C. A county may not impose a fine, penalty, or other requirement that has the effect of restricting a utility provider's authority to operate or serve customers.

D. This section does not affect any authority of a county to manage the public highways within the county's boundaries or to exercise the county's police powers to review and approve an application before issuing a permit to perform work in the public highways or to enforce associated permit conditions.

E. This section does not affect any authority of a county to manage or operate a county-owned utility.

F. For the purposes of this section, "utility service" means water, wastewater, natural gas, including propane gas, or electric service provided to an end user.