
House Member

Personal Information:
Home City: Peoria
Occupation and Training: Science Program Coordinator, Grand Canyon University; Cytogenetic Technologist
Member Since: 2021

Representative Pingerelli has lived in Arizona for 16 years and raised two daughters with her husband Peter of 32 years. She received her Bachelor of Science, Biological Sciences at Wayne State University in Detroit Michigan. She continued her training at Henry Ford Hospital as a cytogenetics technologist and currently holds an American Society for Clinical Pathology Cytogenetics Certification, CG(ASCP)CM for Laboratory Personnel. Early in her career she was also licensed in the state of Michigan as an insurance and financial advisor.

Representative Pingerelli has also worked in the Molecular Medicine Laboratory at St. Joseph's Hospital performing infectious disease and cancer testing using advanced technology platforms including quantitative polymerase chain reaction.

Beverly has served on the Peoria Unified Governing Board since 2015. During her tenure, she was President in 2017, and Clerk of the Board in 2015, 2018 and 2019. Key focuses for Beverly as a board member include improving academic performance and supporting career technical education opportunities for students.

In addition to advancing her legislative educational agenda, Representative Pingerelli will work to promote economic prosperity and business growth for the state of Arizona, and she is honored serve her constituents in legislative District 21 and all citizens of Arizona.

Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2079Ccounties; precinct size; maximum
HB2080Chand count; electronic tabulation verification
HB2236Cvoter registration; request required
HB2237Csame day voter registration; prohibition
HB2238Cballot drop boxes; prohibition
HB2239Celectronic ballot adjudication; prohibition
HB2240Celections; voting centers prohibited
HB2241Cearly ballot drop off; identification
HB2242Cvoter registrations; validation requirement
HB2243Cvoter registration; state residency; cancellation
HB2315Cschools; materials; posting required
HB2316Cmisconduct involving weapons; public places
HB2354Ctuition; family; post-traumatic stress; suicide
HB2356Cemployers; businesses; COVID-19 vaccine record
HB2357Celection board clerks; party affiliation
HB2358Csexual assault survivor rights
HB2413Cjurors; peremptory challenges
HB2414Cmisconduct involving weapons; school grounds
HB2439P*school library books; parental review
(NOW: school library; review; policy)
HB2449Ccare facilities; clergy visitation
HB2469Cearly ballots; polling place; tabulation
HB2472Cbusinesses; firearms; unlawful acts
HB2473Cfirearms; contracts; prohibited practices
HB2474Crefusing treatment; right; requirements
HB2475Cemployers; COVID-19 vaccine mandate; prohibition
HB2478Cillegally paid public monies; recovery
HB2496Cstudent activity fees; conscience exemption
HB2497Cincome tax; rates; reduction
HB2498CCOVID-19; vaccination requirements; prohibition
HB2506Cappropriation; immigration enforcement; reimbursement; fund
HB2507Creligious services; essential services
HB2596Celections; revisions; mail-in; identification; tabulation
HB2597Cschools; pledge; quiet reflection
HB2609Cambulance services; service areas
(NOW: ambulance services; certificates of necessity)
HB2610CG&F; permits; tags; transfers
(NOW: project unit size; affordable housing)
HB2611Cvaccinations; masks; requirements; enforcement prohibition
HB2613CADOT dynamic message signs
HB2614Cschools; communications; public receipt option
HB2615Cyouth music and art special plates
HB2616Cmask mandates; minors; parental consent
HB2617Cvoter registration; cancellations; causes
HB2621Cconsent decree; prohibited
(NOW: settlement agreement; consent decree; prohibited)
HB2636Cappropriation; retention; certified peace officers
HB2656Ccertain affiliations; banks; prohibition
HB2657Cforced labor; manufactured goods
HB2696Cmandatory sentences; children; trafficking; smuggling
HB2712P*public meetings executive sessions
HB2713P*schools; governing board members; employment
HB2743Celections; identification; revisions; mail-in; tabulation
HB2744Cearly ballot pick-up; mail return
HB2753P*executive sessions; public meetings
HB2777Celections; auditor general; attorney general
HB2778Celectronic registration information center; prohibition
HB2780Cvoter lists; images; voting records
(NOW: voting; images; records; contests; audits)
HB2786Cvoter registrations; ballot requests; source
(NOW: voting; registration; drop boxes; prohibition)
HB2853CArizona empowerment scholarship accounts; appropriation
HCR2001Cracial discrimination; public education
HCR2025Cgovernment-issued voter identification
(NOW: voter identification; voting)