
House Member

No Personal Biography Available

Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2021Cdrug offenses; homicide; sentencing
HB2034CCTEDs; associate degrees
HB2055CHarquahala non-expansion area; groundwater transportation
HB2056Cfifth management period; extension
HB2057Cwater supply development fund; revisions
HB2101Celectric energy; reliability; public policy
HB2112Cclassroom instruction; race; ethnicity; sex
HB2226Cfireworks; use; overnight hours; prohibition.
HB2327P*drought mitigation revolving fund; appropriation
HB2449Ccare facilities; clergy visitation
HB2582P*DPS; critical incident bureau; establishment
HB2637Cdivestment; K-12; abortion; explicit material
(NOW: government investments; products; fiduciaries; plans)
HB2650P*critical incident bureau; establishment; DPS
HB2651Cappropriation; Cesar Chavez Boulevard.
HB2696Cmandatory sentences; children; trafficking; smuggling
HB2707Cpublic schools; moment of silence
HB2725CArizona water authority.
HB2726Cseverance tax; distribution; cities; towns
HB2780Cvoter lists; images; voting records
(NOW: voting; images; records; contests; audits)
HB2789CArizona trail; fund; purpose
HB2802P*housing; employment; public accommodations; antidiscrimination
HB2815P*communication service information; technical correction
HB2826P*technical correction; safe deposit; tenancy
HB2827P*technical correction; power authority; water
HB2828P*department of marijuana regulation
HB2839PZ*candidate nominations; signatures; redistricting.
HB2840PZ*precinct committeemen; 2022 election cycle
HB2853CArizona empowerment scholarship accounts; appropriation
HB2854CK-12; school finance; weights
HB2873Cwater infrastructure financing; supply; augmentation.
HCM2003CIndian boarding schools; urging investigation.
HCM2008CRomania; visa waiver program
HCR2030Cdeath resolution; Grant Woods
HCR2039PZ*school district expenditures; authorization.
HCR2040COlivia Cajero Bedford; death resolution
HCR2042Cdeath resolution; Jimmie Muñoz, Sr.
HCR2043CBob McLendon; death resolution
HCR2044P*Allister Adel; death resolution
HR2009CMatthew Miller; death resolution
HR2015CHerschella Horton; death resolution
SB1708Cmotion picture production; tax credits