
House Member

No Personal Biography Available

Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2014P*GRRC; petition to request review
(NOW: public works contracts; prohibited requirements)
HB2071P*appropriation; repaving; State Route 95
HB2072P*appropriation; State Route 95; repaving
HB2077P*state lake improvement fund; appropriations
HB2110P*civil penalties; traffic; mitigation; restitution
(NOW: civil penalties; mitigation; restitution)
HB2111P*2nd amendment; unenforceable federal laws
HB2129Crodeo special plates
HB2140P*license plate designs
HB2173Ccommercial driver licenses; renewal time
HB2180Conline content; publishers; liability; fee
HB2240P*motor vehicle insurance; nonrenewal
HB2262P*legacy plates; plate reissuance; reflectivity
HB2263P*appropriations; Lake Havasu City; bridge
HB2309Cviolent; disorderly assembly; public order
HB2310Cmunicipalities; counties; law enforcement budgets
(NOW: executive orders; review; attorney general)
HB2359Celection equipment; access; locks
HB2360Cdriver license voter registrations; committee
(NOW: committee; driver license voter registrations)
HB2401P*juvenile dependency; state aid; appropriation
HB2433Cstate agencies; cash payment; acceptance
HB2434Cteacher salary information; revenue streams
HB2456CColorado River fourth priority water
HB2461CDPS; body cameras; appropriations
HB2462Ccivilian review board members; training
HB2479P*technical correction; department of gaming
HB2485Cviolent or disorderly assembly; penalties
(NOW: urban air mobility study committee)
HB2523Cfour-year degrees; community colleges
HB2530P*liquor producers; equipment donations
HB2551Cmisconduct involving weapons; public places
HB2569Celections; private funding; prohibition
HB2616P*election data; legislative review authority
HB2620Chealth care workers; assault; prevention
HB2622Cnonretaliation policies; health care institutions
HB2648Creligious services; essential services
HB2650Cabortion prohibition; licensure repealed
HB2651P*kratom products; enforcement; financial institutions.
HB2688P*distilled spirits; direct shipment license
HB2698Cmotor vehicle dealer enforcement fund
HB2703Ctechnology-based school readiness pilot program
HB2705Cschools; dress codes; graduation ceremonies
HB2706Cappropriation; veterans' services; benefits counselors
HB2713Crelease credits; prisoners
HB2737Ccorporation commission actions; investigation
HB2758Cemissions inspection; collectible vehicles; dealers
HB2769Ctransportation funding task force
HB2770Cmask mandates; business exception
HB2787Coccupational regulation; good character; definition
HB2792Cearly ballots; request required
HB2793Cvoter registration; request required
HB2794Celection deadlines; modifications prohibited
HB2796Cproperty classification; gasoline manufacturing equipment.
HB2804Cpublic meetings; executive sessions
HB2808Cappropriation; rural broadband grants
HB2810Ccivil asset forfeiture; conviction; procedures
HB2811Csame day registration; prohibition
HB2812Cpatient consent; specimen disposal; use
HB2827Cbusinesses; firearms; unlawful acts
HB2836Cappropriations; rural community colleges
HB2838Cincome tax; partnerships; S corporations
HB2840Cmisconduct involving weapons; school grounds
HB2875Cvoter registration; maintenance; early voting
HB2889P*sexual offenses; children; sentencing
(NOW: sentencing; sexual offenses; children)
HB2904Crestricted license; DUI; suspension
HB2905Cearly ballots; request required
HCM2004Cfloodwater harvesting; study; urging Congress
HCR2002Csupreme court; maintain nine members
HCR2013Cpublic health; executive orders; reauthorization
HCR2016Cinitiatives; supermajority vote requirement
HCR2021Celectoral college; supporting
HCR2023Celections; state authority; infringement; opposition
HCR2032Cgovernment orders; protection; withdrawal; prohibition
HCR2035CWashington, D.C.; statehood; opposition
HM2001Cmilitary sexual assault; service members
HR2017CTommie Rae Martin; death resolution
SB1172Cveterans' home facility; Mohave County
SB1377Ccivil liability; public health pandemic
SB1642Cdigital application distribution platforms; prohibitions
SCR1003Cexecutive orders; emergencies; reauthorization; termination