
House Member

Personal Information:
Home City: Tucson
Occupation: Writer/Editor
Member Since: 2017

Prior to being elected to the Arizona house in November 2016, Pamela Powers Hannley, MPH had a long career in public health, health promotion, behavioral research, and communications. Most recently, she was the managing editor for the American Journal of Medicine, one of the world’s most influential internal medicine journals. Although she stepped down as managing editor to run for the Arizona House, she continues to work part time at the Journal as social media/technology editor and occasional author. Powers Hannley was formerly the program director of the Arizona Smokers’ Helpline at The University of Arizona and a consultant for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). She has received 15 awards in communication or photography during her career.

In her spare time, Powers Hannley is a progressive activist and blogger. She regularly writes about politics, economics, feminism, healthcare, drug policy, and immigration for Blog for Arizona, the Tucson Progressive, and the Huffington Post. A life-long member of the Democratic Party, Powers Hannley is Vice Chair of the Public Banking Institute, co-director of Arizonans for a New Economy and former co-chair of the Arizona Democratic Progressive Caucus. She has been a precinct committeeperson and volunteer for many years. In 2012, she covered the Democratic National Convention (DNC) for the Huffington Post. In addition, she has authored or co-authored several prevention-related booklets and many articles in academic journals focusing on communications or medicine.

In the Arizona House, Powers Hannley is the ranking Democrat on the Health Committee and serves on the Banking and Insurance Committee.

Powers Hannley holds a master’s in public health from The University of Arizona and a BA in journalism from The Ohio State University. She is an Amherst, Ohio native but has lived in Tucson, Arizona for 36 years. She and her husband Jim have four grown children and two grandchildren.

Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2191Crepeal; right to work
HB2192Ccall center relocation
HB2193Crailroads; annual safety inspections
HB2194Cmisclassification; tax fraud; task force
HB2195Cemployment; conditions; labor organizations; discrimination
HB2196Covertime pay
HB2244P*housing trust fund; unclaimed property
HB2245P*taxation; repeal; selected exemptions
HB2250P*healthcare providers; religious beliefs
HB2251P*sex education; comprehensive; medically accurate
HB2252P*TANF; cash assistance amount
HB2253P*TANF; lifetime limit; sanctions
HB2254P*end-of-life decisions; terminally ill patients
HB2255P*commerce authority; qualified investors; report
HB2256P*medical marijuana; physicians; definition
HB2269Cinsurance; preexisting conditions; essential benefits
HB2270Cmedical services; purchase; study committee
HB2271CAHCCCS; pregnant women; eligibility
HB2272Cconsumer credit; military; federal law
HB2273Celigibility; children's health insurance program
HB2274Cmedicare supplement; disability; renal disease
HB2275CAHCCCS; dental care; pregnant women
HB2276Clicensure; transvaginal ultrasounds
HB2277Cinsurance; study; reinsurance programs; appropriation
HB2303Cmarijuana; laboratories; proficiency testing
HB2337Cwage disclosure; employee rights
HB2338Cemployers; employee salary history; prohibitions
HB2340Cstudent loan servicers; licensure
HB2341Cincome tax; credits; subtractions
HB2342Crecalls; city elections; signatures required
HB2343Cvoting centers; board of supervisors
HB2344Cearly voting; weekend hours
HB2345Cearly ballot collection; limitations; repeal.
HB2470Cbuffalo soldiers memorial; extension
HB2474Cpost-traumatic stress injury day
HB2475CADOT website; motor vehicle violations
HB2476Cautonomous vehicles; ADOT director's duties
HB2571P*child care assistance; tiered reimbursement
HB2572P*state law; local violations; repeal
HB2573P*landlord; tenant; fee disclosure; waiver
HB2574P*appropriation; healthy families program
HB2675P*appropriations; medical workforce development
HB2676P*appropriation; community health grants
HB2706Cappropriation; veterans' services; benefits counselors
HB2729Cspecial education; group B weights
HB2730Cpublic schools; 2020-2021; 2021-2022; funding.
HB2746Cworkers' rights; public health emergency
HB2747Cbroadband; fiber optic services; committee
HB2748Crailroads; train length; prohibition
HB2750Cautomatic voter registration; same day.
HB2751Csearch warrants; audible notice; requirements.
HB2752Csexual harassment; nondisclosure agreements; prohibition
HB2756Cemployers; paid family leave.
HB2762Cstatewide assessment; 2020-2021 school year
HB2769Ctransportation funding task force
HB2780P*national popular vote; interstate agreement
HB2781P*political signs; size requirements
HB2782P*clean elections; county candidates
HB2783P*campaign finance; contribution limits
HB2787Coccupational regulation; good character; definition
HB2788Cpaid sick leave; COVID-19
HB2805Cunemployment insurance; benefits; tax base
HB2812Cpatient consent; specimen disposal; use
HB2824Cadult education; grant program; appropriations
HB2843Cchemical agents; prohibited uses; police
HB2854Cfireworks; permissible sale days; use
HB2857Cemployee protections; public health-related pandemic
HB2858Cfamily and medical leave; paid.
HB2865Cpersonal data; processing; security standards
HB2867P*employers; COVID-19 exposure; notification
HB2868Cabortion; religious employers; contraception; repeal
HB2870Cmedication abortion; telemedicine; ultrasound
HB2871CTPT; additional rate; online lodging
HB2872P*cellular tower study committee
HB2884Crevisions; unemployment insurance
HB2886Cwatercraft safety; insurance requirements
HB2890Cprescription drugs; upper payment limit..
HCM2002Cpostal service, urging independence; prefunding
HCM2006P*ERA deadline; elimination; urging Congress
HCR2007Cright to work; repeal
HCR2010P*ratification; equal rights amendment.
HCR2012Cfirearm sales; transfers; background checks
HCR2022CFisher house; service members; supporting
HCR2039Cdeath penalty; prohibition
HCR2041CBarbara Lubin; death resolution
HM2001Cmilitary sexual assault; service members
HR2006CMark Finchem; expulsion
SB1188Cresults-based funding; repeal; special education
SB1189Cspecial education; group B weights.
SB1190Cprice gouging; abnormal market disruptions
SCR1013Cequal rights; equal protection