
House Member

No Personal Biography Available

Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2056Cfederal land; management department; committee
HB2057Cforeign agents; registration and regulation
HB2095Cagricultural property classification; water reduction
(NOW: taxation; agricultural property; partial payment)
HB2097Cpersonal property; reporting; exemption
HB2098Cdelinquent property taxes; payment plans
HB2187Cappropriation; K-12 rollover
HB2265Cdefensive driving schools; course curriculum
(NOW: defensive driving schools; course requirements)
HB2266Cprisoners; transition program; eligibility
HB2346Cretirement systems; investment fees; disclosures
HB2361Csentencing; repetitive offenders
(NOW: tourism; sporting event; promotion; marketing)
HB2521P*carrying of firearms; constables
HB2547Cpublic lands; management department; committee
(NOW: racing commission; simulcasting; wagering facilities)
HB2556Cagricultural property; uses; rural activities
HB2569Coccupational licensing; reciprocity
HB2572Cstate lease-purchase agreements; payoff.
HB2590Cappropriation; water districts; infrastructure; DCP
HB2635Cprohibition; photo radar
HB2638Cmunicipal tax; exemption; food
HB2639Ctimeshares; disclosures
HB2672Cvacation rentals; short-term rentals; regulation
HB2675P*unambiguous contract provision; validity
HB2693Cmisconduct involving weapons; school grounds
HB2703Cfiling deadlines; taxable year 2018.
HB2757Ctax provisions; omnibus.
HB2758Cempowerment scholarships; qualified school
HB2759Cappropriations; direct services; referrals
HB2760Clegislators; mileage rate; distance.
HCR2022CArticle V convention; term limits
HCR2035COfficer Clayton Townsend; death resolution
HR2001CGrand Canyon park; 100th anniversary.
SB1099Cpatriotic youth groups; school access
SB1482Cstate agencies; fee increase; limit