
House Member

Personal Information:
Home City: Tucson
Occupation: Real Estate
Member Since: 2015

Mark Finchem was born in Detroit Michigan and grew up for the most part in southwestern Michigan, a town known in stage and song as Kalamazoo.  Upon graduation from high school there he joined the Kalamazoo Fire Department as a Firefighter/Paramedic.  In 1984, after graduating with High Honors with a degree in Criminal Justice, and 2nd in his class from the SW Regional Police Academy, he entered the combined service Public Safety Program. 

Mr. Finchem served 21 years as a Public Safety Officer providing emergency medical, fire suppression and law enforcement services.  During much of his career in the Public Safety Department, Mr. Finchem was also a rancher living in the small hamlet of Delton Michigan.  Upon retirement he moved to Tucson Arizona.

Once in Tucson Mr. Finchem was hired by Intuit Inc., the makers of QuickBooks small business accounting software, where he received a world class business operations education and received his Six Sigma process improvement certification.  After 7 years of work focused on balance between improving the consumer experience, and the company bottom line Mr. Finchem left to start his own business.

Now a REALTOR in Northwest Tucson, Mr. Finchem has built a highly rated, very successful residential real estate sales practice, receiving high marks from organizations including Angie’s List and from many discriminating clients.

Elected to represent the 11th Legislative District in the 52nd Arizona Legislature Mr. Finchem, a freshman, has introduced a line of constitutionally sound bills including a gold and silver bullion “legal tender”, state level protection of public rights-of-way, repeal and replacement of Common Core and a state treasurers payment consolidation bill to streamline consumer interactions, reduce cost and improve efficiency.

Mr. Finchem can be best described as a man dedicated to serving God first, then the rights of man; a Constitutionalist who’s favorite USSC opinion language comes from Norton -v- Shelby County 118 us 425 442, 25 MAR 1886, "An unconstitutional act is not law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it had never been passed."

Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2001P*law enforcement; prosecution; grants; acceptance
HB2002P*educators; ethics; professional responsibility
HB2003P*university employees; tenure; retirement eligibility
HB2009Cnavigable stream adjudication commission; extension
HB2021P*ballot measures; online signature submittal
HB2022P*empowerment scholarships; financial oversight; treasurer
HB2041P*hospital assaults; testing; reporting; sanctions
HB2056P*federal land; management department; committee
HB2057P*foreign agents; registration and regulation
HB2095Cagricultural property classification; water reduction
(NOW: taxation; agricultural property; partial payment)
HB2097Cpersonal property; reporting; exemption
HB2098Cdelinquent property taxes; payment plans
HB2320Chighway safety fee; reduction
HB2375Cshort-term limited duration insurance; notice
HB2376Crequirements; association health plans
HB2423Cspace flight activities; release agreement
HB2424Cundesignated felony; misdemeanor designation
HB2425Cschool tax credit; contributions
HB2500P*budget stabilization fund; investment; specie
HB2520P*property tax; fallowed property; classification
HB2521Ccarrying of firearms; constables
HB2547P*public lands; management department; committee
(NOW: racing commission; simulcasting; wagering facilities)
HB2549CVLT; alternative fuel classification; repeal
HB2556P*agricultural property; uses; rural activities
HB2557P*public lands; federal government; study
(NOW: public land department; establishment; study)
HB2565Cappropriation; interoperable communication system
HB2569Coccupational licensing; reciprocity
HB2572Cstate lease-purchase agreements; payoff.
HB2590Cappropriation; water districts; infrastructure; DCP
HB2596P*public land management; sovereign immunity
HB2602P*multiple sentences for imprisonment
HB2619Cschool district overexpenditures; crisis teams
HB2635Cprohibition; photo radar
HB2638Cmunicipal tax; exemption; food
HB2639Ctimeshares; disclosures
HB2672Cvacation rentals; short-term rentals; regulation
HB2693Cmisconduct involving weapons; school grounds
HB2697CADE; school safety report
HB2702CTPT; marketplace facilitators; nexus
HB2703Cfiling deadlines; taxable year 2018.
HB2733Cappropriation; town of Mammoth
HB2757Ctax provisions; omnibus.
HB2758Cempowerment scholarships; qualified school
HB2759Cappropriations; direct services; referrals
HCR2001P*Article V convention; electors; citizenship
(NOW: Navajo Generating Station)
HCR2022CArticle V convention; term limits
HCR2032Cholocaust education; support; schools
HCR2035COfficer Clayton Townsend; death resolution
SB1099Cpatriotic youth groups; school access
SB1158Csports betting; tribes; liquor establishments
SB1167CIsrael boycott divestments
SB1482Cstate agencies; fee increase; limit