
House Member

No Personal Biography Available

Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2009Cnavigable stream adjudication commission; extension
HB2074P*treatment and education facilities; exemption
HB2075Celectronic prescribing; exceptions; deadlines
HB2245Cmandatory minimum sentences; judicial discretion
HB2311Cincorrect arrest; record clearance
(NOW: record clearance; incorrect arrest)
HB2320Chighway safety fee; reduction
HB2321Cpublic service scholarship fund
HB2353P*CTEDs; school districts; governing boards
HB2354P*schools; financial literacy; mathematics credit
HB2361Csentencing; repetitive offenders
(NOW: tourism; sporting event; promotion; marketing)
HB2362Cexpungement; arrest; conviction; sentencing records
HB2399Ctax expenditures; review; sunset
HB2400Csentencing; mandatory minimum; exception
HB2403Csentencing; mitigation; monetary obligations; fines
HB2475P*water use; criminal penalty; wells
HB2476P*surface water forfeiture; repeal
HB2477P*adjudication statutes; unconstitutional provisions; repeal
HB2478P*biological characteristics; biometric identifiers
HB2479P*technical correction; bulk food; applicability
HB2480P*setting aside judgment; felony offense
HB2481P*groundwater permits; technical correction
HB2482P*trade or commerce; technical correction
HB2483P*technical correction; supplemental environmental project
HB2540P*Pinal groundwater infrastructure fund; appropriation.
HB2541P*system conservation fund; appropriation.
HB2542P*groundwater savings facilities; storage credits
HB2543P*water bank; storage credits; exchanges
HB2544P*effluent; recharge; credits
HB2545P*Amendments; Colorado River drought contingency
HB2570Cstudy committee; murdered indigenous women.
HB2571Cdetained juveniles; advisements; notifications
HB2613P*sex offender registration; termination
HB2626Cappropriation; laboratory; Navajo technical university
HB2627CDWR; tribal consultation
HB2629Celection law revisions
HB2646Cdepartment of agriculture; application review
(NOW: commerce authority; application review)
HB2665Chealth care institutions; education; abuse
HB2666Cmandatory reporting; vulnerable adults; penalties
HB2672Cvacation rentals; short-term rentals; regulation
HB2704Cunderground storage tanks; process
HB2709CCTEDs; nonprofits; private postsecondary institutions
HB2747PZ*general appropriations act; 2019-2020.
HB2748PZ*capital outlay; appropriations; 2019-2020.
HB2749CK-12 education; budget reconciliation; 2019-2020.
HB2750Chigher education; budget reconciliation; 2019-2020.
HB2751Cbudget procedures; budget reconciliation; 2019-2020.
HB2752PZ*criminal justice; budget reconciliation; 2019-2020.
HB2753PZ*environment; appropriation; 2019-2020.
HB2754Chealth; budget reconciliation; 2019-2020.
HB2755Chuman services; budget reconciliation; 2019-2020.
HB2756PZ*revenue; budget reconciliation; 2019-2020.
HB2757Ctax provisions; omnibus.
HB2758Cempowerment scholarships; qualified school
HB2759Cappropriations; direct services; referrals
HCR2032Cholocaust education; support; schools
HCR2035COfficer Clayton Townsend; death resolution
HCR2041Cdeath resolution; Ed Pastor
HJR2002P*Colorado river drought contingency plan..
SB1099Cpatriotic youth groups; school access
SB1165Cprohibition; texting while driving
(NOW: texting while driving; prohibition)
SB1482Cstate agencies; fee increase; limit