
House Member

No Personal Biography Available

Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2073Cstate equalization property tax repeal..
HB2142Ccounty water authority; Colorado river
HB2157Pwildlife; aquatic invasive species
HB2250Cpublic trust lands; use permit
HB2265Cchild care facilities; licensure; exemptions
(NOW: exemptions; licensure; child care facilities)
HB2283P*certified nursing assistants; pilot program
HB2284P*charter schools; enrollment preference
HB2286Ctax credit; charitable organizations
HB2287Ctax credits; withholding tax reduction
HB2288Cpremium tax credit; STO contribution
HB2290Chealth spa contracts; military members
HB2314Cproperty valuation; telecommunications companies
HB2315Ccriminal sentencing
HB2316Csentencing; second degree murder
(NOW: sentencing; drugs; second degree murder)
HB2336Ccommunity facilities districts; renewable energy
(NOW: county renewable energy incentive districts)
HB2337Cenergy standards; buildings; contracting
(NOW: energy efficient buildings)
HB2338Cenergy; fuels; idling
HB2340Cconsumer reporting agencies; account information
HB2345Chospice service agencies; screening requirements
HB2347Cincapacitated or vulnerable adults; sentencing
HB2348Cdangerous crimes against children; sentencing
HB2349Cagricultural composting definition
HB2350Cwildfire protection; fuel; private property
HB2358Cdevelopmentally disabled pupils; schools
HB2400Ppartial-birth abortions; definition
HB2429CArizona masonic fraternity special plates
HB2432Cschool board membership; family members
HB2441Cliquor licenses; public recreation area
HB2448Cnational guard; morale, welfare fund
HB2449Cmandatory fingerprinting; central state repository
(NOW: fingerprinting; arrest; procedures)
HB2450Chonorary diplomas; war veterans
HB2451Cused catalytic converters; sales prohibited
HB2453Claw enforcement merit system; membership
HB2457Cuniversity athletic facilities district
HB2459P*schools; superintendents; certification
HB2460P*mental health services; court costs
HB2463Cschool districts; accounting responsibility; threshold
HB2466Cschool districts; maximum tax rate
HB2475Cunlawful employee termination; family responsibilities
HB2476Cpsychologists; prescription authority
HB2514Camateur radio; structures; accommodation
HB2515Cschool district overexpenditures; correction; reduction
HB2521Cuniversity tuition; fund sweeps; prohibition
HB2539Coff-highway vehicles; minors; restrictions
HB2608Csmall installment loan act
HB2615Cgovernment transparency; political subdivisions
HB2627Cvoter identification; military identification
(NOW: voter identification; valid forms)
HB2628Cparents' rights; education; health; discipline
HB2629Clicense plate obstruction; wheelchair holders
(NOW: license plates; disabled)
HB2632Cunemployment insurance; benefits
HCM2005Cpurple heart; Vietnam veterans
HCM2009Copposing federal firearms legislation
HCR2015Cleased educational property; property tax
HCR2016Cretirement age; justices and judges
HCR2017Cproperty tax valuation limits
HCR2024Csovereignty; tenth amendment.
HCR2027Ccounty expenditure limitation; population estimate
HCR2036Csupporting the citizens of Iran
HR2001CDavid Hurt; death resolution
SB1138Cpartial-birth abortions; definition.
SB1142Cpublic expenditure transparency database
SB1242Cweapons; peace officers; posse; reserves
SB1243Cjustification; defensive display of firearm
SB1344Celections; photo identification; address
SB1400Cdental assistants; community oral health
SCR1020Csenate confirmation; justices and judges
SCR1026Csecret ballot; fundamental right