PREFILED    JAN 06 2017

REFERENCE TITLE: DHS; health care institutions; licensure





State of Arizona

House of Representatives

Fifty-third Legislature

First Regular Session




HB 2041


Introduced by

Representative Carter





Amending sections 36‑405, 36‑421, 36‑422, 36‑424, 36‑425 and 36‑449.02, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to health care institution licensure.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1.  Section 36-405, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE36-405.  Powers and duties of the director

A.  The director shall adopt rules to establish minimum standards and requirements for the construction, modification and licensure of health care institutions necessary to assure ensure the public health, safety and welfare.  The standards and requirements shall relate to the construction, equipment, sanitation, staffing for medical, nursing and personal care services, and record keeping recordkeeping pertaining to the administration of medical, nursing, behavioral health and personal care services, in accordance with generally accepted practices of health care.  The director shall use the current standards adopted by the joint commission on accreditation of hospitals and the commission on accreditation of the American osteopathic association or those adopted by any recognized accreditation organization approved by the department as guidelines in prescribing minimum standards and requirements under this section.

B.  The director, by rule, may:

1.  Classify and subclassify health care institutions according to character, size, range of services provided, medical or dental specialty offered, duration of care and standard of patient care required for the purposes of licensure.  Classes of health care institutions may include hospitals, infirmaries, outpatient treatment centers, health screening services centers and residential care facilities.  Whenever the director reasonably deems distinctions in rules and standards to be appropriate among different classes or subclasses of health care institutions, the director may make such distinctions.

2.  Prescribe standards for determining a health care institution's substantial compliance with licensure requirements.

3.  Prescribe the criteria for the licensure inspection process.

4.  Prescribe standards for the selection of health care related care-related demonstration projects.

5.  Establish and collect nonrefundable application and licensing fees for health care institutions for license applications, initial licenses, renewal licenses, including a grace period and a fee for the late payment of licensing fees and fees for architectural drawing plans and specifications reviews.

6.  Establish a process for the department to notify a licensee of the licensee's licensing fee due date.

7.  Establish a process for a licensee to request a different licensing fee due date, including any limits on the number of requests by the licensee.

C.  The director, by rule, shall adopt licensing provisions that facilitate the colocation and integration of outpatient treatment centers that provide medical, nursing and health‑related services with behavioral health services consistent with article 3.1 of this chapter.

D.  Ninety percent of the fees collected pursuant to this section shall be deposited, pursuant to sections 35‑146 and 35‑147, in the health services licensing fund established by section 36‑414 and ten percent of the fees collected pursuant to this section shall be deposited, pursuant to sections 35‑146 and 35‑147, in the state general fund.

E.  Subsection B, paragraph 5 of this section does not apply to a health care institution operated by a state agency pursuant to state or federal law or to adult foster care residential settings. END_STATUTE

Sec. 2.  Section 36-421, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE36-421.  Construction or modification of a health care institution

A.  An initial A license application for a health care institution shall include architectural plans and specifications or the department's approval of the architectural plans and specifications.  These plans and specifications shall meet the minimum standards for licensure within the class or subclass of health care institution for which it is intended.  The application shall include the name and address of each owner and lessee of any agricultural land that is regulated pursuant to section 3‑365.

B.  Construction or modification of a licensed health care institution shall meet the minimum standards for licensure within the class or subclass of health care institution for which it is intended.

C.  An applicant shall comply with all state statutes and rules and local codes and ordinances required for the health care institution's construction.

D.  A health care institution or its facility shall not be licensed if it is located on property that is less than four hundred feet from agricultural land that is regulated pursuant to section 3‑365, except that the owner of the agricultural land may agree to comply with the buffer zone requirements of section 3‑365.  If the owner agrees in writing to comply with the buffer zone requirements and records the agreement in the office of the county recorder as a restrictive covenant running with the title to the land, the health care institution or facility may be licensed and located within the affected buffer zone.  The agreement may include any stipulations regarding the health care institution or facility, including conditions for future expansion of the health care institution or facility and changes in the operational status of the health care institution or facility that will result in a breach of the agreement. This subsection does not apply to the issuance or renewal of a license for a health care institution located in the same location for which a health care institution license was previously issued.

E.  Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, a health care institution that was licensed as a level 1 psychiatric acute behavioral health facility‑inpatient facility as of January 1, 2012 and that is not certified under title XIX of the social security act shall be licensed as a hospital and is not required to comply with the physical plant standards for a general hospital, rural general hospital or special hospital prescribed by the department.

F.  For the purposes of this section, health care institution does not include a home health agency, a mental health service agency or a hospice service agency. END_STATUTE

Sec. 3.  Section 36-422, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE36-422.  Application for license; notification of proposed change in status; joint licenses; definitions

A.  A person who wishes to apply for an initial a license or to renew a license to operate a health care institution pursuant to this chapter shall file with submit to the department all of the following:

1.  An application on a written or electronic form that is prescribed, prepared and furnished by the department.  The application shall contain the following that contains all of the following:

1.  (a)  The name and location of the health care institution.

2.  (b)  Whether it the health care institution is to be operated as a proprietary or nonproprietary institution.

3.  (c)  The name of the governing authority.  The applicant shall be the governing authority having the operative ownership of, or the governmental agency charged with the administration of, the health care institution sought to be licensed.  If the applicant is a partnership that is not a limited partnership, the partners shall make the application apply jointly, and the partners are jointly the governing authority for purposes of this article.

4.  (d)  The name and business or residential address of each controlling person and an affirmation that none of the controlling persons has been denied a license or certificate by a health profession regulatory board pursuant to title 32 or by a state agency pursuant to chapter 6, article 7 or chapter 17 of this title or a license to operate a health care institution in this state or another state or has had a license or certificate issued by a health profession regulatory board pursuant to title 32 or issued by a state agency pursuant to chapter 6, article 7 or chapter 17 of this title or a license to operate a health care institution revoked.  If a controlling person has been denied a license or certificate by a health profession regulatory board pursuant to title 32 or by a state agency pursuant to chapter 6, article 7 or chapter 17 of this title or a license to operate a health care institution in this state or another state or has had a health care professional license or a license to operate a health care institution revoked, the controlling person shall include in the application a comprehensive description of the circumstances for the denial or the revocation.

5.  (e)  The class or subclass of health care institution to be established or operated.

6.  (f)  The types and extent of the health care services to be provided, including emergency services, community health services and services to indigent patients.

7.  (g)  The name and qualifications of the chief administrative officer implementing direction in that specific health care institution.

8.  (h)  Other pertinent information required by the department for the proper administration of this chapter and department rules.

2.  The architectural plans and specifications or the department's approval of the architectural plans and specifications required by section 36‑421, subsection A.

3.  The applicable application fee.

B.  An application filed pursuant to this section shall contain the written or electronic signature of:

1.  If the applicant is an individual, the owner of the health care institution.

2.  If the applicant is a partnership, limited liability company or corporation, two of the officers of the corporation or managing members of the partnership or limited liability company or the sole member of the limited liability company if it has only one member.

3.  If the applicant is a governmental unit, the head of the governmental unit.

C.  An application for licensure or relicensure shall be filed at least sixty but not more than one hundred twenty days before the anticipated date of operation or the expiration date of the current license.  An application for a substantial compliance survey submitted pursuant to section 36‑425, subsection G shall be filed at least thirty days before the date on which the substantial compliance survey is requested.

D.  If a current licensee intends to terminate the operation of a licensed health care institution or if a change of ownership is planned either during or at the expiration of the term of the license, the current licensee shall notify the director in writing at least thirty days before the termination of operation or change in ownership is to take place.  The current licensee is responsible for preventing any interruption of services required to sustain the life, health and safety of the patients or residents.  A new owner shall not begin operating the health care institution until the director issues a license to the new owner.

E.  A licensed health care institution for which operations have not been terminated for more than thirty days may be relicensed pursuant to the codes and standards for architectural plans and specifications that were applicable under its most recent license.

F.  If a person operates a hospital in a county with a population of more than five hundred thousand persons in a setting that includes satellite facilities of the hospital that are located separately from the main hospital building, the department at the request of the applicant or licensee shall issue a single group license to the hospital and its designated satellite facilities located within one‑half mile of the main hospital building if all of the facilities meet or exceed department licensure requirements for the designated facilities.  At the request of the applicant or licensee, the department shall also issue a single group license that includes the hospital and not more than ten of its designated satellite facilities that are located farther than one‑half mile from the main hospital building if all of these facilities meet or exceed applicable department licensure requirements.  Each facility included under a single group license is subject to the department's licensure requirements that are applicable to that category of facility.  Subject to compliance with applicable licensure or accreditation requirements, the department shall reissue individual licenses for the facility of a hospital located in separate buildings from the main hospital building when requested by the hospital.  This subsection does not apply to nursing care institutions and residential care institutions.  The department is not limited in conducting inspections of an accredited health care institution to ensure that the institution meets department licensure requirements.  If a person operates a hospital in a county with a population of five hundred thousand persons or less in a setting that includes satellite facilities of the hospital that are located separately from the main hospital building, the department at the request of the applicant or licensee shall issue a single group license to the hospital and its designated satellite facilities located within thirty-five miles of the main hospital building if all of the facilities meet or exceed department licensure requirements for the designated facilities.  At the request of the applicant or licensee, the department shall also issue a single group license that includes the hospital and not more than ten of its designated satellite facilities that are located farther than thirty‑five miles from the main hospital building if all of these facilities meet or exceed applicable department licensure requirements.

G.  If a county with a population of more than one million persons or a special health care district in a county with a population of more than one million persons operates an accredited hospital that includes the hospital's accredited facilities that are located separately from the main hospital building and the accrediting body's standards as applied to all facilities meet or exceed the department's licensure requirements, the department shall issue a single license to the hospital and its facilities if requested to do so by the hospital.  If a hospital complies with applicable licensure or accreditation requirements, the department shall reissue individual licenses for each hospital facility that is located in a separate building from the main hospital building if requested to do so by the hospital.  This subsection does not limit the department's duty to inspect a health care institution to determine its compliance with department licensure standards.  This subsection does not apply to nursing care institutions and residential care institutions.

H.  An applicant or licensee must notify the department within thirty days after any change regarding a controlling person and provide the information and affirmation required pursuant to subsection A, paragraph 1, subdivision (d) of this section.

I.  This section does not limit the application of federal laws and regulations to an applicant or licensee that is certified as a medicare or an Arizona health care cost containment system provider under federal law.

J.  Except for an outpatient treatment center providing dialysis services or abortion procedures, a person wishing to begin operating an outpatient treatment center before an initial a licensing inspection is completed shall submit all of the following:

1.  The initial license application required pursuant to this section.

2.  All applicable application and license fees.

3.  A written request for a temporary license that includes:

(a)  The anticipated date of operation.

(b)  An attestation signed by the applicant that the applicant and the facility comply with and will continue to comply with the applicable licensing statutes and rules.

K.  Within seven days of after the department's receipt of the items required in subsection J of this section, but not before the anticipated operation date submitted in pursuant to subsection C of this section, the department shall issue a temporary license that includes:

1.  The name of the facility.

2.  The name of the licensee.

3.  The facility's class or subclass.

4.  The temporary license's effective date.

5.  The location of the licensed premises.

L.  A facility may begin operating on the effective date of the temporary license.

M.  The director may cease the issuance of temporary licenses at any time if the director believes that public health and safety is endangered.

N.  For the purposes of this section:

1.  "Accredited" means accredited by a nationally recognized accreditation organization.

2.  "Satellite facility" means an outpatient facility at which the hospital provides outpatient medical services. END_STATUTE

Sec. 4.  Section 36-424, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE36-424.  Inspections; suspension or revocation of license; report to board of examiners of nursing care institution administrators

A.  Every applicant for initial licensure or relicensure as a health care institution shall submit to the director a properly completed application for a license accompanied by the necessary fee.

B.  A.  Subject to the limitation prescribed by subsection B of this section, the director shall inspect the premises of the health care institution and investigate the character and other qualifications of the applicant to ascertain whether the applicant and the health care institution are in substantial compliance with the requirements of this chapter and the rules established pursuant to this chapter.  The director may prescribe rules regarding department background investigations into an applicant's character and qualifications.

C.  B.  The director shall accept proof that a health care institution is an accredited hospital or is an accredited health care institution in lieu of all compliance inspections required by this chapter if the director receives a copy of the institution's accreditation report for the licensure period.  If the health care institution's accreditation report is not valid for the entire licensure period, the department may conduct a compliance inspection of the health care institution during the time period the department does not have a valid accreditation report for the health care institution.

D.  C.  On a determination by the director that there is reasonable cause to believe a health care institution is not adhering to the licensing requirements of this chapter, the director and any duly designated employee or agent of the director, including county health representatives and county or municipal fire inspectors, consistent with standard medical practices, may enter on and into the premises of any health care institution that is licensed or required to be licensed pursuant to this chapter at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining the state of compliance with this chapter, the rules adopted pursuant to this chapter and local fire ordinances or rules.  Any application for licensure under this chapter constitutes permission for and complete acquiescence in any entry or inspection of the premises during the pendency of the application and, if licensed, during the term of the license.  If an inspection reveals that the health care institution is not adhering to the licensing requirements established pursuant to this chapter, the director may take action authorized by this chapter.  Any health care institution, including an accredited hospital, whose license has been suspended or revoked in accordance with this section is subject to inspection on application for relicensure or reinstatement of license.

E.  D.  The director shall immediately report to the board of examiners of nursing care institution administrators information identifying that a nursing care institution administrator's conduct may be grounds for disciplinary action pursuant to section 36‑446.07. END_STATUTE

Sec. 5.  Section 36-425, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE36-425.  Inspections; issuance of license; posting requirements; provisional license; denial of license

A.  On receipt of a properly completed application for initial licensure a health care institution license, the director shall conduct an inspection of the health care institution as prescribed by this chapter.  If an application for an initial a license is submitted due to a planned change of ownership, the director shall determine the need for an inspection of the health care institution.  Based on the results of the inspection and after the submission of the applicable licensing fee, the director shall either deny the license or issue a regular or provisional license.  A license issued by the department shall be conspicuously posted in a conspicuous location in the reception area of that institution.  Unless the health care institution is an accredited hospital at the time of licensure, an initial license is valid for one year after the date the initial license is issued.  If the health care institution is an accredited hospital at the time of licensure, the licensure term is three years from the expiration date of the hospital's current license, or in the case of an initial license based on a change of ownership, the licensure term is three years beginning on the effective date of the hospital's current accreditation.

B.  The director shall issue an initial a license if the director determines that an applicant and the health care institution for which the license is sought substantially comply with the requirements of this chapter and rules adopted pursuant to this chapter and the applicant agrees to carry out a plan acceptable to the director to eliminate any deficiencies.  The director shall not require a health care institution that was designated as a critical access hospital to make any modifications required by this chapter or rules adopted pursuant to this chapter in order to obtain an amended license with the same licensed capacity the health care institution had before it was designated as a critical access hospital if all of the following are true:

1.  The health care institution has subsequently terminated its critical access hospital designation.

2.  The licensed capacity of the health care institution does not exceed its licensed capacity prior to before its designation as a critical access hospital.

3.  The health care institution remains in compliance with the applicable codes and standards that were in effect at the time the facility was originally licensed with the higher licensed capacity.

C.  On receipt of an application for a renewal of a health care institution's license that complies with the requirements of this chapter and rules adopted pursuant to this chapter, the department shall issue a renewal license to the health care institution.  An accredited hospital's renewal license is valid for three years after the expiration date of the accredited hospital's current license.  All other health care institution renewal licenses are valid for one year after the expiration date of the health care institution's current license.

C.  A health care institution license does not expire and remains valid unless:

1.  The department subsequently revokes or suspends the license.

2.  The license is considered void because the licensee did not pay the licensing fee before the licensing fee due date.

D.  Except as provided in section 36-424, subsection B and subsection E of this section, the department shall conduct a compliance inspection of a health care institution to determine compliance with this chapter and rules adopted pursuant to this chapter at least once during each license period annually.

E.  After the initial license period ends and after If the department determines a facility to be deficiency free on a compliance survey, the department shall not conduct a compliance survey of that facility for twenty‑four months from after the date of the deficiency free survey.  This subsection does not prohibit the department from enforcing licensing requirements as authorized by section 36-424.

F.  A hospital licensed as a rural general hospital may provide intensive care services.

G.  The director shall issue a provisional license for a period of not more than one year if an inspection or investigation of a currently licensed health care institution or a health care institution for which an applicant is seeking initial licensure a license reveals that the institution is not in substantial compliance with department licensure requirements and the director believes that the immediate interests of the patients and the general public are best served if the institution is given an opportunity to correct deficiencies.  The applicant or licensee shall agree to carry out a plan to eliminate deficiencies that is acceptable to the director.  The director shall not issue consecutive provisional licenses to a single health care institution.  The director shall not issue a license to the current licensee or a successor applicant before the expiration of the provisional license unless the health care institution submits an application for a substantial compliance survey and is found to be in substantial compliance.  The director may issue a license only if the director determines that the institution is in substantial compliance with the licensure requirements of the department and this chapter.  This subsection does not prevent the director from taking action to protect the safety of patients pursuant to section 36‑427.

H.  Subject to the confidentiality requirements of articles 4 and 5 of this chapter, title 12, chapter 13, article 7.1 and section 12‑2235, the licensee shall keep current department inspection reports at the health care institution.  Unless federal law requires otherwise, the licensee shall conspicuously post in a conspicuous location a notice that identifies the location at that institution where the inspection reports are available for review.

I.  A health care institution shall immediately notify the department in writing when there is a change of the chief administrative officer specified in section 36‑422, subsection A, paragraph 1, subdivision (g).

J.  When the department issues an original license or an original provisional license to a health care institution, it shall notify the owners and lessees of any agricultural land within one‑fourth mile of the health care institution.  The health care institution shall provide the department with the names and addresses of owners or lessees of agricultural land within one‑fourth mile of the proposed health care institution.

K.  In addition to the grounds for denial of licensure prescribed pursuant to subsection A of this section, the director may deny a license because an applicant or anyone in a business relationship with the applicant, including stockholders and controlling persons, has had a license to operate a health care institution denied, revoked or suspended or a license or certificate issued by a health profession regulatory board pursuant to title 32 or issued by a state agency pursuant to chapter 6, article 7 or chapter 17 of this title denied, revoked or suspended or has a licensing history of recent serious violations occurring in this state or in another state that posed a direct risk to the life, health or safety of patients or residents.

L.  In addition to the requirements of this chapter, the director may prescribe by rule other licensure requirements and may prescribe procedures for conducting investigations into an applicant's character and qualifications. END_STATUTE

Sec. 6.  Section 36-449.02, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE36-449.02.  Abortion clinics; licensure requirements; rules; inspections; standing to intervene; legal counsel

A.  Beginning on April 1, 2000, an abortion clinic shall meet the same licensure requirements as prescribed in article 2 of this chapter for health care institutions.  On initial At the time of licensure and any subsequent renewal, an abortion clinic shall submit to the director all documentation required by this article, including verification that the clinic's physicians who are required to be available have admitting privileges at a health care institution as required by section 36‑449.03, subsection C, paragraph 3.

B.  An abortion clinic that holds an unclassified health care facility license issued before August 6, 1999 may retain that classification until April 1, 2000 subject to compliance with all laws that relate to unclassified health care facilities.

B.  On or before the anniversary of the issue date of an abortion clinic's license, the abortion clinic shall submit to the director all documentation required by this article, including verification that the clinic's physicians who are required to be available have admitting privileges at a health care institution as required by section 36-449.03, subsection C, paragraph 3.

C.  Beginning on April 1, 2000, abortion clinics shall comply with department requirements for abortion clinics and department rules that govern abortion clinics.

D.  If the director determines that there is reasonable cause to believe an abortion clinic is not adhering to the licensing requirements of this article or any other law or rule concerning abortion, the director and any duly designated employee or agent of the director, including county health representatives and county or municipal fire inspectors, consistent with standard medical practices, may enter on and into the premises of the abortion clinic that is licensed or required to be licensed pursuant to this article during regular business hours of the abortion clinic to determine compliance with this article, rules adopted pursuant to this article, local fire ordinances or rules and any other law or rule relating to abortion.

E.  An application for licensure pursuant to this article constitutes permission for, and complete acquiescence in, an entry or inspection of the premises during the pendency of the application and, if licensed, during the term of the license while the abortion clinic is licensed.

F.  If an inspection conducted pursuant to this section reveals that an abortion clinic is not adhering to the licensing requirements prescribed pursuant to this article or any other law or rule concerning abortion, the director may take action authorized by this article.

G.  An abortion clinic whose license has been suspended or revoked pursuant to this article or section 36‑424 is subject to inspection on application for relicensure or reinstatement of the license.

H.  In any proceeding in which the constitutionality, legality or application of this section is challenged, the attorney general or any county or city attorney who wishes to defend the law has the right to intervene as a party and is deemed to have proper standing in the matter. The only objection that may be raised to a motion to intervene as of right pursuant to this subsection is that the proposed intervenor does not have a good faith intention to defend the law.  Any party or proposed intervenor may raise this objection.  Notwithstanding section 41‑192, the department may employ legal counsel and make an expenditure or incur an indebtedness for legal services for the purposes of defending this section. END_STATUTE