State Seal2 copy            Bill Number: S.B. 1441

            Lesko Floor Amendment

            Reference to: FINANCE Committee amendment

            Amendment drafted by: Leg Council




  1. Specifies that a health care, laboratory or durable medical equipment service (service) provided in a network facility by a non-contracted provider must meet one of the following requirements in order to qualify as a surprise out-of-network bill:

a)    the bill was for a service that was provided in the case of an emergency;

b)   the bill was not for a service that was provided in the case of an emergency and the provider did not provide the enrollee within a reasonable amount of time before the enrollee received the service a written disclosure containing the following information:

i)   notice that a provider is not contracted with the enrollee's insurance network;

ii)  the estimated total cost to be billed by the provider; and

iii)      notice that if the enrollee or their authorized representative signs the disclosure, the enrollee may have waived any rights to dispute resolution of the surprise out-of-network bill; or

c)    the bill was not for a service that was provided in the case of an emergency and the enrollee received the disclosure, but they or their authorized representative chose not to sign that disclosure.


  1. Specifies that an enrollee may not seek arbitration of a bill if they or their authorized representative signed the provider's written disclosure and the amount actually billed to the enrollee is less than or equal to the estimated total cost provided in the disclosure.


  1. Requires the enrollee to participate in an informal settlement teleconference (teleconference) after making the request for arbitration of a surprise out-of-network bill and gives the enrollee the option of participating in the arbitration. The provider and insurer must still participate in both the teleconference and the arbitration.


  1. Specifies that if either the insurer or provider fails to participate in the teleconference, then the other party may notify the Department of Insurance to immediately initiate arbitration with the nonparticipating party being required to pay the total cost of arbitration.


  1. Requires the enrollee, before the arbitration occurs, to agree in writing to pay the health care provider:

a)            the total amount of the enrollee's cost sharing that is due for the services that are the subject of the surprise out-of-network bill; and

b)           any amount received from the enrollee's health insurer as payment for the out-of-network services that were provided by the health care provider.


  1. Changes the period of time in which the arbitration must be conducted from within 180 days to within 120 days.


  1. Prohibits the provider from issuing any additional balance bill to the enrollee relating to the service that was the subject of the teleconference or arbitration after the claim is resolved.


8.    Adds a delayed effective date of January 1, 2019.


  1. Makes technical changes.



Fifty-third Legislature                                                     Lesko

First Regular Session                                                   S.B. 1441




(Reference to FINANCE Committee amendment)


Page 2, line 8, after "provider" insert "or its billing company or authorized representative"

Lines 9 and 10, strike ", or its billing company,"

Line 21, after "enrollee's" insert "applicable"

Strike lines 27 through 31, insert:

"8.  "health care provider" means a person who is licensed, registered or certified as a health care professional under title 32 or a laboratory or durable medical equipment provider that furnishes services to a patient in a network facility and that separately bills the patient for the services."

Line 32, after the comma insert "group disability insurer,"

Page 3, line 5, after "service" insert ", a laboratory service"

Line 6, strike "if the"

Strike lines 7 through 11, insert "and that meets one of the requirements listed in section 20‑3113."

Line 17, strike "Health care providers" insert "Surprise out‑of‑network bill; requirements"; strike "; requirements"

Strike lines 18 through 31, insert:

"A bill for a health care service, a laboratory service or durable medical equipment that was provided in a network facility by a health care provider that is not a contracted provider must meet one of the following requirements to qualify as a surprise out‑of‑network bill:

1.  The bill was for a health care service, a laboratory service or durable medical equipment that was provided in the case of an emergency, including under circumstances described by section 20‑2803, subsection A.

2.  The bill was not for a health care service, a laboratory service or durable medical equipment that was provided in the case of an emergency and the health care provider did not provide to the enrollee within a reasonable amount of time before the enrollee received the services a written disclosure that contained the following information:

(a)  Notice that the health care provider is not a contracted provider.

(b)  The estimated total cost to be billed by the health care provider.

(c)  Notice that if the enrollee or the enrollee's authorized representative signs the disclosure, the enrollee may have waived any rights to dispute resolution under this article.

3.  The bill was not for a health care service, a laboratory service or durable medical equipment that was provided in the case of an emergency and the enrollee received the disclosure prescribed in paragraph 2 of this section, but the enrollee or the enrollee's authorized representative chose not to sign the disclosure."

Page 3, line 32, strike "Mandatory" insert "Settlement teleconference;"

Page 4, line 1, strike "application" insert "deduction"; after "requirements" insert "and the insurer's allowable reimbursement"; strike "including the"

Line 2, strike "amount unpaid by the health insurer,"

Line 5, after the comma insert "the enrollee shall participate in an informal settlement teleconference and may participate in the arbitration."; after "in" insert "the informal settlement teleconference and"

Between lines 6 and 7, insert:

"C.  An enrollee may not seek arbitration of a bill if the enrollee or the enrollee's authorized representative signed the disclosure prescribed in section 20‑3113, paragraph 2 and the amount actually billed to the enrollee is less than or equal to the estimated total cost provided in the disclosure."

Line 9, after "arbitration" insert "procedure"

Page 4, line 11, strike "may" insert "shall"

Line 13, after the period insert "Department staff may not serve as arbitrators."

Line 18, strike "appoint an arbitrator and shall"

Line 19, after the first "the" insert "request.

D.  In an effort to settle the surprise out-of-network bill before arbitration, the department shall arrange an informal settlement teleconference within thirty days after the department receives the request for arbitration.  If the dispute is not settled in the teleconference, the parties shall notify the department.

E. If either the health insurer or health care provider fails to participate in the teleconference, the other party may notify the department to immediately initiate arbitration and the nonparticipating party shall be required to pay the total cost of the arbitration.

F. On receipt of notice that the dispute has not settled or that a party has failed to participate in the teleconference, the Department shall appoint an arbitrator and shall notify the parties of the"

Reletter to conform

Strike lines 25 through 32, insert:

"G.  Before the arbitration, the enrollee shall agree in writing to pay the health care provider the total amount of the enrollee's cost sharing that is due for the services that are the subject of the surprise out‑of‑network bill and any amount received from the enrollee's health insurer as payment for the out‑of‑network services that were provided by the health care provider."

Reletter to conform

Lines 33 and 34, strike "that is not settled through the informal settlement conference"

Page 5, line 28, strike "eighty" insert "twenty"

Line 35, after "provider" insert "or its billing company or authorized representative"

Page 6, line 9, after "remit" insert "its portion of"

Line 10, strike "conference" insert "teleconference"

Line 14, after "requirements" insert ", and the health care provider may not issue, either directly or through its billing company, any additional balance bill to the enrollee related to the health care service, laboratory service or durable medical equipment that was the subject of the informal settlement teleconference or arbitration"

Line 15, after "agree" insert "or unless required by subsection E of this section"

Line 16, strike the period insert ", and the enrollee is not responsible for any portion of the cost of the arbitration."

Line 19, strike "adjustment" insert "adjudication"

Between lines 19 and 20, insert:

"Sec. 3.  Effective date

This act is effective from and after December 31, 2018."

Amend title to conform







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