Assigned to ED                                                                                                                               AS ENACTED






Fifty-Third Legislature, First Regular Session





school district governing boards; qualifications




Establishes additional prohibitions and a disclosure requirement for relatives eligible to serve on school district governing boards.




Governing boards of school districts are comprised of three members unless it is a union high school district or if there is an election to increase the membership from three to five (A.R.S. §§ 15-421 and 15-425).


In order to be eligible to be a member or candidate of a school district governing board, an individual is required to be a registered voter of this state and a resident of the school district for at least one year. An individual may not serve or run for a seat on a five-member governing board if the individual is any of the following: 1) an employee of the school district in which they are running for; 2) a spouse of an employee for the school district in which they are running for; 3) an existing member of a governing board for a different school district; or 4) running as an immediate family member that has had the same household of residency within four years prior to an existing member on the board. Household of residence is defined as the place of abode during applicable time periods or the residence address used by an individual for voter registration or property tax purposes. Immediate family is defined as individuals who are married to each other and any children of those individuals (A.R.S.  § 15-421). There are no prohibitions on relatives serving on three-member boards.


There is no anticipated fiscal impact to the state General Fund associated with this legislation.




1.      Prohibits any third-party contractor and their spouse from serving or running for a seat on a governing board for the school district they provide classified or certified services to. 


2.      Prohibits no more than two individuals, related to the third degree, from simultaneously running or simultaneously serving on a five-member board for school districts with a student count of 250 or more students, located in Pima or Maricopa county.


3.      Requires school board candidates to disclose on the county school superintendent's website any relationships that exist between the candidates and current board members or other candidates for the board.


4.      Permits current school district governing board members to continue to serve until the end of their terms.


5.      Makes technical and conforming changes.


6.      Becomes effective on the general effective date.


Amendments Adopted by the Committee


1.      Restores prohibitions for five-member governing boards for immediate family.


2.      Creates a prohibition for five-member governing boards for school districts located in a county of 500,000 or more.


3.      Specifies the services a third-party contractor provides to a school district are classified or certified.


Amendments Adopted by Committee of the Whole


1.      Adds a disclosure requirement for relatives eligible to serve on school district governing boards.


2.      Exempts small school districts from the prohibition on five-member boards in Maricopa and Pima county.


House Action                                                                 Senate Action


ED                   2/13/17     DP     10-1-0-0                      ED               3/23/17     DPA     7-0-0

3rd Read          2/21/17               43-15-2                        3rd Read       4/24/17                  48-7-4       


Signed by the Governor 4/26/17

Chaptered 202


Prepared by Senate Research

May 4, 2017
