REFERENCE TITLE: ASRS; optional retirement benefits; overpayment




State of Arizona


Fifty-third Legislature

First Regular Session




SB 1052


Introduced by

Senator Kavanagh





Amending section 38‑760, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to the Arizona state retirement system.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1.  Section 38-760, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE38-760.  Optional forms of retirement benefits

A.  On retirement, members may elect an optional form of retirement benefit as provided in this section.

B.  The optional retirement benefits available under this section include the following:

1.  Joint and survivor annuity in a reduced amount payable to the retiring member during life, with the provisions that after the member's death all, two‑thirds or one‑half of the retirement income, as the member elects, shall be continued during the lifetime of the contingent annuitant designated by the retiring member subject to the restrictions prescribed in section 38‑764.  The amount of retirement income shall be the actuarial equivalent of the retirement income to which the member would be entitled under normal or early retirement.  The election in a manner prescribed by the board shall name the contingent annuitant.  The election may be revoked at any time before the member's effective date of retirement.  At any time after benefits have commenced, the member may name a different contingent annuitant or rescind the election by written notice to the board as follows:

(a)  If a different contingent annuitant is named, the annuity of the member under the same joint and survivor annuity option previously elected shall be adjusted to the actuarial equivalent of the original annuity, based on the age of the new contingent annuitant.  The adjustment shall include all postretirement increases in retirement income that are authorized by law after the member's date of retirement.  Payment of this adjusted annuity shall continue under the provisions of the option previously elected by the member.

(b)  If the member rescinds the election, the member shall thereafter receive a straight life annuity equal to what the member would otherwise be entitled to receive if the member had not elected the joint and survivor annuity option, including all postretirement increases in retirement income that are authorized by law after the date of retirement.  The increased payment shall continue during the remainder of the member's lifetime.

(c)  If a member whose original date of retirement is before July 1, 2008 rescinds the joint and survivor annuity option previously elected and receives the straight life annuity pursuant to subdivision (b) of this paragraph, the member may again elect the same joint and survivor annuity option previously elected subject to the same restrictions prescribed in subdivision (a) of this paragraph.

(d)  A member whose original date of retirement is on or after July 1, 2008 may exercise a one-time election to rescind the joint and survivor annuity option elected by the member if the contingent annuitant dies or ceases to be a contingent annuitant pursuant to the terms of a qualified domestic relations order.

(e)  If the member's contingent annuitant is the member's current spouse, the member shall obtain the consent of the contingent annuitant pursuant to section 38‑776 before the member names a new contingent annuitant or before the member rescinds the election, except that consent is not required if the rescission is pursuant to subdivision (d) of this paragraph.

2.  A period certain and life annuity actuarially reduced with payments for five, ten or fifteen years that are not dependent on the continued lifetime of the member but whose payments continue for the member's lifetime beyond the five, ten or fifteen year period.  At the time of electing this option the member shall name a period certain beneficiary or beneficiaries who are entitled to receive the payments for any portion of the period certain beyond the lifetime of the member.  The member may name a different beneficiary at any time.  If no beneficiary survives the member, any remaining payments are the property of the member's estate.  A member who retires after August 9, 2001 and before July 1, 2008 may rescind the election of a period certain and life annuity.  If the member rescinds the election of a period certain and life annuity, the member shall thereafter receive a straight life annuity equal to what the member would otherwise be entitled to receive if the member had not elected the period certain and life annuity option, including all postretirement increases in retirement income that are authorized by law after the date of retirement.  The increased payment shall continue during the remainder of the member's lifetime.  If the member reverts to a straight life annuity pursuant to this paragraph, the member may again elect a period certain and life annuity subject to the same provisions of the period certain and life annuity previously elected by the member.  If the member's contingent annuitant is the member's current spouse, the member shall obtain the consent of the contingent annuitant pursuant to section 38‑776 before the member rescinds the election of a period certain and life annuity or again elects a period certain and life annuity.  A member whose original date of retirement is on or after July 1, 2008 may exercise a one‑time election to rescind the period certain and life annuity option elected by the member if the beneficiary dies or ceases to be a beneficiary pursuant to the terms of a qualified domestic relations order or at the expiration of the member's period certain term.

3.  Beginning on July 1, 2002, a lump sum payment equal to not more than thirty‑six months of the member's retirement benefits based on the actuarial equivalent of the retirement income to which the member would be entitled under normal or early retirement.  The member's benefit shall be actuarially reduced to provide for the lump sum payment.  The lump sum payment shall be made at the time of retirement.  If a member has received an overpayment pursuant to section 38‑765 or 38‑797.08, ASRS may not authorize the distribution through a partial lump sum rollover but may authorize a direct partial lump sum distribution directly to the member.  Any benefit increase granted to a member who elects a lump sum payment pursuant to this paragraph is subject to the following conditions:

(a)  If the benefit increase is a percentage increase of the member's retirement benefit, the increase shall be based on the actuarially reduced retirement benefit of the member.

(b)  If the benefit increase is pursuant to section 38‑767, the amount of the member's benefit increase shall be calculated without regard to the lump sum payment pursuant to this paragraph.

4.  Other forms of actuarially reduced optional benefits prescribed by the board.

C.  A member who is married at the time of retirement shall elect a monthly benefit in the form of a joint and survivor annuity pursuant to subsection B, paragraph 1 of this section, and the member's current spouse shall be the contingent annuitant unless the member's current spouse consents to a waiver of this requirement pursuant to section 38‑776 or the election would violate another law, an existing contract or a court order.  If the married member does not elect a type of joint and survivor annuity for the member's current spouse and the member's current spouse has not waived the requirements of this subsection, ASRS shall cancel the member's retirement.  The member may reapply for retirement at any time in a manner established by ASRS. END_STATUTE