Bill Number: S.B. 1434

            Shooter Floor Amendment

            Reference to: printed bill

            Amendment drafted by: Leg Council





1.   The Shooter amendment replaces the procedure for procuring IT projects in the bill with the following:


2.   Requires ADOA to establish a policy for:

a)    A hardware refresh evaluation cycle, which must direct budget units to consider purchasing and using commercial cloud computing services.

b)   A platform evaluation cycle that requires each budget unit to evaluate and progressively migrate the budget unit to a third-party platform service provider.

c)    A software evaluation cycle.


3.   Beginning January 1, 2017, requires each budget unit to report to ADOA regarding its plan for migrating its IT structure to an off-site data center and report to ADOA and JLBC on its progress in transferring data and any factors delaying or inhibiting the expansion of cloud usage.


4.   Requires a budget unit to submit each IT infrastructure plan to JLBC for approval before awarding any contract.  JLBC may meet in executive session to consider the plan, which shall include the project investment justification, the name of each bidder and the amounts and conditions of the bids, and the name and bid amount of the successful bidder.


Fifty-second Legislature                                                  Shooter

Second Regular Session                                                  S.B. 1434




(Reference to printed bill)


Page 1, line 3, strike "section" insert "sections"; after "41-3509" insert "and 41‑3510"

Lines 4 and 5, strike "information technology projects" insert "transfer of information technology infrastructure; report"

Strike lines 9 through 26, insert:

"B.  The department shall adopt a policy that establishes all of the following:

1.  A hardware refresh EVALUATION cycle for budget units that requires each budget unit to evaluate and PROGRESSIVELY migrate the budget unit's information technology INFRASTRUCTURE to an off‑site data center that is hosted and managed by a third party.  The policy must direct budget units to consider purchasing and using commercial cloud computing services before making any new information technology or telecommunications investment.

2.  a platform evaluation cycle for budget units that requires each budget unit to evaluate and PROGRESSIVELY migrate the budget unit's qualified platform to a third‑party platform service provider that manages and hosts the platform.  The policy must direct budget units to consider purchasing and using COMMERCIAL cloud platform services before making any new platform investment.

3.  A software evaluation cycle for budget units that requires each budget unit to evaluate and progressively migrate the budget unit's qualified software to a third‑party software service provider that manages and hosts the software.  The policy must direct budget units to consider purchasing and using commercial cloud software services before making any new software investment.

C.  On or before January 1, 2017, each budget unit shall report to the department regarding the budget unit's plan for migrating the budget unit's information technology INFRASTRUCTURE from an on‑premises to an off‑site data center that is hosted and managed by a third party.

D.  Beginning January 1, 2017, each budget unit shall report to the department, the chief information officer and the chairperson of the joint legislative budget committee on or before January 1 and July 1 of each year on the budget unit's progress in transferring data pursuant to subsection B of this section and any factors delaying or inhibiting the expansion of cloud computing usage.

START_STATUTE41-3510.  Information technology infrastructure plan; joint legislative budget committee approval

A budget unit shall submit each information technology infrastructure plan to the joint legislative budget committee for approval before awarding any contract for information technology INFRASTRUCTURe.  The joint legislative budget committee may meet in executive session to consider the plan.  The plan shall include all of the following:

1.  A project investment justification or request for proposal.

2.  The name of each bidder that was requested to bid, and each bidder that submitted a bid for the project and the amounts and conditions of the bids.

3.  The name and bid amount of the proposed SUCCESSFUL bidder." END_STATUTE

Amend title to conform







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